PhD opportunities
Students come from all over the world to study for their PhD in one of our world-class research groups. Find out about current PhD opportunities, how to get in touch if you have your own idea for a project, and what funding opportunities are available to you.

98% of research and impact from the School of Biosciences is rated as world-leading or internationally excellent.
Research Excellence Framework, 2021
Some of the projects below come with specific funding (for example, from a research council or Centre for Doctoral Training) to cover your tuition fees and living expenses.
If a project does not come with specific funding, you may be able to apply for a scholarship. Once you have found a project you want to apply for, find out how to apply.
You can also apply for three months additional funding for sustainability themed PhD projects through the Grantham Centre.
If you have your own idea for a project, you can find a potential supervisor by visiting our research pages. Contact a member of academic staff to find out about PhD opportunities in their area.
Upcoming deadlines – for 2025/26 entry
A summary of the opportunities in the School of Biosciences can be found below. Please click through for further information and deadlines.
University of Sheffield scholarships - further information can be found here.
Research Council (UKRI) scholarships
BBSRC (Biotechnology & Biological Research Council):
YBDTP (Yorkshire Bioscience Doctoral Training Partnership)
NERC (Natural Environment Research Council):
ACCE + (Addressing the Challenges of Changing Environments) Doctoral Landscape Award (DLA)
ECOSOLUTIONS PhD training programme
MRC (Medical Research Council):
Discovery Medicine North (DiMeN) Doctoral Training Partnership
Supervisors may have funding for specific projects through the year. Please view the PhD projects directory for opportunities.
Current projects
If you would like any more information or have any questions, please contact us.
School of Biosciences