Professor W Mark Rainforth
BMet, PhD, FIMMM, CEng, FInstP, CPhys, FRMS, FREng
School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
POSCO Chair in Iron and Steel Technology

+44 114 222 5469
Full contact details
School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering
Sir Robert Hadfield Building
Mappin Street
S1 3JD
- Profile
I took a first class BMet degree from the Department of Metallurgy in Sheffield in 1984. Following a time with British Steel and TI Research I undertook a PhD in the School of Materials in Leeds in 1990, after which I moved as an academic to the Department of Materials in Sheffield. I was promoted to Senior Lecturer in 1995, Reader in 1998, a Personal Chair 2000 and was appointed POSCO Professor of Iron and Steel in 2019. I was President, Royal Microscopical Society, 2006-09 and Head of Department, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, 2011-15.
- Research interests
I am an international expert in the design of new resource efficient high strength metal alloys for applications in transport, energy, biomedical engineering and tribology. I focuses on the relationship between composition, processing, microstructure and properties of materials with direct engineering applications. I have published 400 journal papers in high impact journals (including Nature, Science, Science Advances, Acta Materialia, Scripta Materialia etc). I am the winner of the 2024 Bessemer Gold Medal, and winner of the IOM3 Rosenhain and Verulam Medals, past President of the Royal Microscopical Society and gave the 2023 Hatfield Memorial Lecture
Key research interests:
- Designing metal alloys for resource efficiency
- Designing materials for biomedical engineering
- Materials engineering tribological solutions
- Materials characterisation
- Publications
Journal articles
- Evaluation of localized corrosion resistance in wireless anodic protection of PANI-304SS galvanic couple in the presence of gabapentin inhibitor: Molecular dynamics, Monte Carlo and electrochemical noise measurements. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 423, 126952-126952.
- Correlation of micromechanical property and microstructure of tribo-layers. Wear, 205785-205785.
- Development of new ceramic nano-composites for the next generation prosthetic devices. Wear, 205782-205782.
- The effect of the increased strain per pass during the hot-rolling and its effect on the tensile properties of V-Mo and Cr-V-Mo microalloyed dual-phase steels. Journal of Materials Science, 1-22.
- Tribocorrosion behaviour of CoCrMo in simulated body fluid under anaerobic conditions. Wear, 556-557, 205523-205523.
- Investigation of Microstructure and Mechanical Property Evolution in a Novel Low-Cost Ni-Free Maraging Steel Based on Mn and C through Cold Rolling Followed by Aging. Journal of Materials Research and Technology.
- Track-Rex: A universal toolbox for tracking recrystallization nucleation and grain growth behaviors in polycrystalline materials. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 197, 149-159.
- Enhanced Anticorrosion, Antifouling, and Tribological Properties of PANI Composite Coating Reinforced by PVA, 2-Aminophenol, and Acrylic to Fabricate Sustainable Passive Film on 304 SS. ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 6(18), 11586-11603.
- Investigating the relevance of TiNbTaZr high entropy alloy for orthopaedic applications. Wear, 548-549, 205393-205393.
- Smart Doped Polyaniline Coating for Wireless Anodic Protection of AISI 304 Stainless Steel in a Corrosive Medium Containing Sulfate and Chloride Ions: Electrochemical and DFT Evaluations. Langmuir, 40(25), 13303-13318.
- An investigation on nitrogen uptake and microstructure of equimolar quaternary FeCoNiCr high entropy alloy after active-screen plasma nitriding. Materials Characterization, 208, 113593-113593.
- Influence of Cr and Cr+Nb on the interphase precipitation and mechanical properties of V–Mo microalloyed steels. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 893, 146140-146140.
- Poly(aniline/aminophenol)-wrapped graphene nanoplates loaded with gabapentin inhibitor as a filler in poly(aniline/vinylalcohol/aminophenol)/acrylic coating to endow corrosion/wear durability by triple protection mechanism. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry.
- Grain growth stagnation at 525 °C by nanoparticles in a solid-state additively manufactured Mg-4Y-3RE alloy. Journal of Magnesium and Alloys.
- Composition and phase structure dependence of magnetic properties for Co2FeCr0.5Alx (x=0.9, 1.2) multi principal component alloys. Acta Materialia, 256, 119113-119113.
- Active screen plasma nitriding of a Si-alloyed FeCrNi medium entropy alloy: high interstitial absorption and an anomalous Si-induced decomposition mechanism in nitrogen-expanded austenite. Applied Surface Science, 157137-157137.
- In situ TEM observations of the growth of bainitic ferrite in an Fe-0.3C-3Mn-1.5Si-0.15Mo steel. Acta Materialia, 252, 118924-118924.
- Investigation of the wear transition in CoCrMo alloys after heat treatment to produce an HCP structure. Wear, 518-519, 204649-204649.
- A novel approach for producing Mg-3Al-1Zn-0.2Mn alloy wire with a promising combination of strength and ductility using CoreFlowTM. Scripta Materialia, 227, 115301-115301.
- Triple and double twin interfaces in magnesium—the role of disconnections and facets. Scientific Reports, 13.
- Enhancing strength and ductility in a near medium Mn austenitic steel via multiple deformation mechanisms through nanoprecipitation. Acta Materialia, 243, 118538-118538.
- Characterisation of the wear and friction behaviour of laser deposited cobalt and iron-based hardfacing alloys for nuclear applications. Wear, 204829-204829.
- A new approach to etching low‐carbon microalloyed steels to reveal prior austenite grain boundaries and the dual‐phase microstructure. Journal of Microscopy. View this article in WRRO
- Martensitic twinning transformation mechanism in a metastable IVB element-based body-centered cubic high-entropy alloy with high strength and high work hardening rate. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 124, 217-231.
- An alternative formation mechanism of {332}BCC twinning in metastable body-centered-cubic high entropy alloy. Scripta Materialia, 217, 114770.
- Microstructure and load bearing capacity of TiN/NbN superlattice coatings deposited on medical grade CoCrMo alloy by HIPIMS. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 132, 105267-105267.
- The influence of cathodic potentials on the surface oxide layer status and tribocorrosion behaviour of Ti6Al4V and CoCrMo alloys in simulated body fluid. Biotribology, 30.
- Influence of tantalum composition on mechanical behavior and deformation mechanisms of TiZrHfTa
x high entropy alloys. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 903. - Ambient dry sliding friction and wear behaviour of laser surface textured (LST) Ti3SiC2 MAX phase composite against hardened steel and alumina. Wear, 490-491, 204184-204184.
- Insights into tribofilm formation on Ti-6V-4Al in a bioactive environment: Correlation between surface modification and micro-mechanical properties.. Acta Biomater.
- Magnetic characterisation of strain ageing in near eutectoid drawn pearlitic wire using an electromagnetic (EM) sensor. Engineering Failure Analysis, 131, 105909-105909.
- Microstructure evolution and tensile behaviour of a cold rolled 8 Wt Pct Mn medium manganese steel. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 53(2), 597-609. View this article in WRRO
- Hydrogen embrittlement mechanisms in advanced high strength steel. Acta Materialia, 223.
- Effect of potential and microstructure on the tribocorrosion behaviour of beta and near beta Ti alloys II. Journal of Bio- and Tribo-Corrosion, 7(4).
- Correlation between the formation of tribofilm and repassivation in biomedical titanium alloys during tribocorrosion. Tribology International, 163, 107147-107147.
- Effect of grain size and crystallographic structure on the corrosion and tribocorrosion behaviour of a CoCrMo biomedical grade alloy in simulated body fluid. Wear, 478-479. View this article in WRRO
- Effect of cryomilling time on microstructure evolution and hardness of cryomilled AZ31 powders. Materials Characterization, 178. View this article in WRRO
- Investigation into the magnetic properties of CoFeNiCryCux alloys. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. View this article in WRRO
- Sliding speed influence on the tribo-corrosion behaviour of Ti6Al4V alloy in simulated body fluid. Tribology International, 107023-107023.
- Hydrogen suppression of dislocation cell formation in micro and nano indentation of pure iron single crystals. Scripta Materialia, 194.
- Facile route to bulk ultrafine-grain steels for high strength and ductility. Nature, 590(7845), 262-267.
- Synthesis and high temperature corrosion behaviour of nearly monolithic Ti3AlC2 MAX phase in molten chloride salt. Corrosion Science.
- Twin nucleation and variant selection in Mg alloys: An integrated crystal plasticity modelling and experimental approach. International Journal of Plasticity, 135. View this article in WRRO
- Effect of potential and microstructure on the tribocorrosion behaviour of beta and near beta Ti alloys I. Biotribology, 24.
- Hydrogen embrittlement through the formation of low-energy dislocation nanostructures in nanoprecipitation-strengthened steels. Science Advances, 6(46).
- Improving the oscillating wear response of cold sprayed Ti-6Al-4V coatings through a heat treatment. Surface and Coatings Technology, 399. View this article in WRRO
- Influence of protein adsorption on tribocorrosion behaviour of CoCrMo biomedical-grade alloys. Tribology International, 150. View this article in WRRO
- A low-cost metastable beta Ti alloy with high elastic admissible strain and enhanced ductility for orthopaedic application. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 835. View this article in WRRO
- Effect of ageing on the microstructural evolution in a new design of maraging steels with carbon. Acta Materialia, 196, 101-121. View this article in WRRO
- Ramification of thermal expansion mismatch and phase transformation in TiC-particulate/SiC-matrix ceramic composite. Ceramics International, 46(12), 20488-20495.
- On the interstitial induced lattice inhomogeneities in nitrogen-expanded austenite. Scripta Materialia, 185, 146-151. View this article in WRRO
- The effect of heating rate on discontinuous grain boundary alpha formation in a metastable beta titanium alloy. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. View this article in WRRO
- Detailed in situ hot stage transmission electron microscope observations of the localized pinning of a mobile ferrite-austenite interface in a Fe-C-Mn alloy by a single oxidic particle. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. View this article in WRRO
- Hydrogen-assisted microcrack formation in bearing steels under rolling contact fatigue. International Journal of Fatigue, 134. View this article in WRRO
- Wear induced ripplocation during dry sliding wear of TiC-based composite. Wear, 444-445. View this article in WRRO
- Synthesis and microstructural evolution in ternary metalloceramic Ti3SiC2 consolidated via the Maxthal 312 powder route. Ceramics International. View this article in WRRO
- Slipcasting of MAX phase tubes for nuclear fuel cladding applications. Nuclear Materials and Energy, 22. View this article in WRRO
- The influence of protein concentration, temperature and cathodic polarization on the surface status of CoCrMo biomedical grade alloys. Applied Surface Science, 499. View this article in WRRO
- Microstructures and intrinsic lubricity of in situ Ti3SiC2–TiSi2–TiC MAX phase composite fabricated by reactive spark plasma sintering (SPS). Wear. View this article in WRRO
- Verification of the use of micro-CT scanning to assess the features of entire squat type defects. Wear. View this article in WRRO
- Direct TEM observation of α/γ interface migration during cyclic partial phase transformations at intercritical temperatures in an Fe-0.1C −0.5Mn alloy. Acta Materialia, 178, 68-78. View this article in WRRO
- Spark plasma sintering (SPS) synthesis and tribological behaviour of MAX phase composite of the family Tin+1SiCn (n = 2). Wear, 438-439, 203062-203062.
- Microstructural evolution and wear mechanism of Ti3AlC2 – Ti2AlC dual MAX phase composite consolidated by spark plasma sintering (SPS). Wear. View this article in WRRO
- The lubricating properties of spark plasma sintered (SPS) Ti3SiC2 MAX phase compound and composite. Tribology Transactions. View this article in WRRO
- In-situ Ti-6Al-4V/TiC composites synthesized by reactive spark plasma sintering : processing, microstructure, and dry sliding wear behaviour. Wear, 432-433. View this article in WRRO
- Role of Titanium, Carbon, Boron, and Zirconium in Carbide and Porosity Formation during Equiaxed Solidification of Nickel-Based Superalloys. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 28(7), 4171-4186.
- Influence of sintering environment on the spark plasma sintering of Maxthal 312 (nominally-Ti3SiC2) and the role of powder particle size on densification. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 801, 208-219.
- Laser sintering of electrophoretically deposited (EPD) Ti3SiC2 MAX phase coatings on titanium. Surface and Coatings Technology, 366, 199-203. View this article in WRRO
- Development of Ni-free Mn-stabilised maraging steels using Fe2SiTi precipitates. Acta Materialia. View this article in WRRO
- Basal slip mediated tension twin variant selection in magnesium WE43 alloy. Acta Materialia, 170, 1-14. View this article in WRRO
- Exploring the mechanism of “Rare Earth” texture evolution in a lean Mg–Zn–Ca alloy. Scientific Reports, 9. View this article in WRRO
- The formation mechanism of reverted austenite in Mn-based maraging steels. Journal of Materials Science, 54(8), 6624-6631. View this article in WRRO
- Dry sliding friction and wear behaviour of TiC-based ceramics and consequent effect of the evolution of grain buckling on wear mechanism. Wear, 422-423, 54-67.
- ω phase strengthened 1.2GPa metastable β titanium alloy with high ductility. Scripta Materialia, 162, 77-81.
- Effect of deformation twinning on crystallographic texture evolution in a Mg–6.6Zn–0.2Ca (ZX70) alloy during recrystallisation. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 774, 556-564. View this article in WRRO
- Effect of Tool Geometry and Heat Input on the Hardness, Grain Structure, and Crystallographic Texture of Thick-Section Friction Stir-Welded Aluminium. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 50(1), 271-284.
- The effect of molybdenum on interphase precipitation and microstructures in microalloyed steels containing titanium and vanadium. Acta Materialia, 161, 374-387. View this article in WRRO
- Enhancing ductility and strength of nanostructured Mg alloy by in-situ powder casting during spark plasma sintering. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 769, 71-77. View this article in WRRO
- Deformation mechanisms in a metastable beta titanium twinning induced plasticity alloy with high yield strength and high strain hardening rate. Acta Materialia, 152, 301-314. View this article in WRRO
- Segregation mediated heterogeneous structure in a metastable β titanium alloy with a superior combination of strength and ductility. Scientific Reports, 8. View this article in WRRO
- Environmental electron microscopy: materials in their real live in gas or liquid. Journal of Microscopy, 269(2), 115-116.
- The effect of thermomechanical controlled processing on recrystallisation and subsequent deformation-induced ferrite transformation textures in microalloyed steels. Journal of Materials Science, 53(9), 6922-6938. View this article in WRRO
- Wear Resistance of Stainless Steel Coatings on ZE41 Magnesium Alloy. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 27(8), 1615-1631.
- Molten salt synthesis of MAX phases in the Ti-Al-C system. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 38(14), 4585-4589. View this article in WRRO
- Individual effect of recrystallisation nucleation sites on texture weakening in a magnesium alloy: Part 2- shear bands. Acta Materialia. View this article in WRRO
- Direct observation of precipitation along twin boundaries and dissolution in a magnesium alloy annealing at high temperature. Scripta Materialia, 138, 39-43. View this article in WRRO
- Individual effect of recrystallisation nucleation sites on texture weakening in a magnesium alloy: Part 1- double twins. Acta Materialia, 135, 14-24. View this article in WRRO
- Correlation of the wear transition in CoCrMo alloys with the formation of a nanocrystalline surface layer and a proteinaceous surface film. Wear, 376-377, 223-231.
- Characterisation of the wear mechanisms in retrieved alumina-on-alumina total hip replacements. Wear, 376-377, 212-222.
- Tribological response and characterization of Mo–W doped DLC coating. Wear, 376-377, 1622-1629. View this article in WRRO
- Direct observation of individual hydrogen atoms at trapping sites in a ferritic steel.. Science, 355(6330), 1196-1199. View this article in WRRO
- Twin recrystallization mechanisms and exceptional contribution to texture evolution during annealing in a magnesium alloy. Acta Materialia, 126, 132-144. View this article in WRRO
- Characterisation of strain-induced precipitation behaviour in microalloyed steels during thermomechanical controlled processing. Materials Characterization, 124, 83-89. View this article in WRRO
- The effect of substrate clamping on the paraelectric to antiferroelectric phase transition in Nd-doped BiFeO
3 thin films. Thin Solid Films, 616, 767-772. View this article in WRRO - Powder bed generation in integrated modelling of additive layer manufacturing of orthopaedic implants. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 87(1-4), 519-530. View this article in WRRO
- Microstructural Evolution of Nb-V-Mo and V Containing TRIP assisted Steels during Thermomechanical Processing. Journal of Materials Science and Technology. View this article in WRRO
- Thermomechanical processing route to achieve ultrafine grains in low carbon microalloyed steels. Acta Materialia, 119, 43-54. View this article in WRRO
- Microstructural evolution of Mn-based maraging steels and their influences on mechanical properties. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 674, 286-298. View this article in WRRO
- Characterisation of L21-ordered Ni2TiAl precipitates in FeMn maraging steels. Materials Characterization, 118, 199-205. View this article in WRRO
- Optimization of magnetocaloric properties of arc-melted and spark plasma-sintered LaFe₁₁.₆Si₁.₄. Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 122(8). View this article in WRRO
- Predicting microstructure and strength of maraging steels: Elemental optimisation. Acta Materialia, 117, 270-285. View this article in WRRO
- On the use of cryomilling and spark plasma sintering to achieve high strength in a magnesium alloy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 688, 1141-1150. View this article in WRRO
- 3D analysis of thermal and stress evolution during laser cladding of bioactive glass coatings. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 59, 404-417.
- A comparison of crystallographic texture and grain structure development in aluminum generated by friction stir welding and high strain torsion. Materials & Design, 103, 259-267.
- Coherent Growth of α-Fe2O3 in Ti and Nd Co-doped BiFeO3 Thin Films. Materials Research Letters, 4(3), 168-173. View this article in WRRO
- Effect of Nb-Mo additions on precipitation behaviour in V microalloyed TRIP-assisted steels. Materials Science and Technology, 32(16), 1721-1729.
- Spinel–rock salt transformation in LiCoMnO4−δ. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 472(2185). View this article in WRRO
- Strain-mediated converse magnetoelectric coupling strength manipulation by a thin titanium layer. Applied Physics Letters, 108(1). View this article in WRRO
- Microstructural evolution during bainite transformation in a vanadium microalloyed TRIP-assisted steel. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 651, 822-830.
- Mechanical and electrochemical characterisation of new Ti–Mo–Nb–Zr alloys for biomedical applications. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 60, 68-77.
- Dissolution and precipitation behaviour in steels microalloyed with niobium during thermomechanical processing. Acta Materialia, 97, 392-403. View this article in WRRO
- Characterisation of the oxide film on the taper interface from retrieved large diameter metal on polymer modular total hip replacements. Tribology International, 89, 86-96.
- Giant electric field tunable magnetic properties in a Co50Fe50/lead magnesium niobate–lead titanate multiferroic heterostructure. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 48(30), 305005-305005. View this article in WRRO
- Domain Wall Motion Across Various Grain Boundaries in Ferroelectric Thin Films. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 98(6), 1848-1857. View this article in WRRO
- New compositional design for creating tough metallic glass composites with excellent work hardening. Acta Materialia, 86, 208-215. View this article in WRRO
- Abrasive wear of V–Nb–Ti alloyed high-chromium white irons. Wear, 332-333, 1006-1011.
- Sliding wear behavior of austempered ductile iron microalloyed with boron. Wear, 330-331, 23-31.
- Stabilisation of Fe2O3-rich Perovskite Nanophase in Epitaxial Rare-earth Doped BiFeO3 Films. Scientific Reports, 5(1). View this article in WRRO
- Numerical analysis of highly reactive interfaces in processing of nanocrystallised multilayered metallic materials by using duplex technique. Surface and Coatings Technology, 277, 170-180.
- Subsurface characterisation of wear on mechanically polished and electro-polished biomedical grade CoCrMo. Wear, 332-333, 650-661.
- Electric field-controlled magnetization in bilayered magnetic films for magnetoelectric memory. Journal of Applied Physics, 118(3), 034102-034102. View this article in WRRO
- The Impact of Strain Reversal on Microstructure Evolution and Orientation Relationships in Ti-6Al-4V with an Initial Alpha Colony Microstructure. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 45(13), 5997-6007.
- Influence of a Single Grain Boundary on Domain Wall Motion in Ferroelectrics. Advanced Functional Materials, 24(27), 4205-4205.
- Constitutive equations of flow stress of magnesium AZ31 under dynamically recrystallizing conditions. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 214(7), 1408-1417.
- Piezoelectrics: Influence of a Single Grain Boundary on Domain Wall Motion in Ferroelectrics (Adv. Funct. Mater. 10/2014). Advanced Functional Materials, 24(10), 1408-1408.
- Subsurface modifications in powder metallurgy aluminium alloy composites reinforced with intermetallic MoSi2 particles under dry sliding wear. WEAR, 309(1-2), 126-133.
- Wear and degradation on retrieved zirconia femoral heads.. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater, 31, 145-151.
- The Role of Silicon in the Solidification of High-Cr Cast Irons. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 44(2), 856-872.
- Influence of a Single Grain Boundary on Domain Wall Motion in Ferroelectrics. Advanced Functional Materials.
- Influence of near-surface deformed layers on filiform corrosion of AA3104 aluminium alloy. Surface and Interface Analysis.
- Oxide Structures Formed During the High Temperature Oxidation of Hot Mill Work Rolls. Oxidation of Metals, 1-13.
- Deceleration of hydrothermal degradation of 3Y-TZP by alumina and lanthana co-doping.. Acta Biomater, 9(4), 6226-6235.
- Stability in air of silver and silver oxide nanoparticle shells deposited over silica spheres without using coupling agents. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 12(10), 8158-8164.
- The effect of lubrication on the friction and wear of Biolox®delta.. Acta Biomater, 8(6), 2348-2359.
- Dynamic surface microstructural changes during tribological contact that determine the wear behaviour of hip prostheses: Metals and ceramics. Faraday Discussions, 156, 41-57.
- Controlling grain size in oxide ceramics for optimization of strength and wear resistance. Materials Science Forum, 715-716, 703-710.
- On the effect of strain reversal on static recrystallisation and strain-induced precipitation process kinetics in microalloyed steels. Materials Science Forum, 715-716, 655-660.
- Transmission electron microscopy analysis of worn alumina hip replacement prostheses. Acta Materialia, 60(5), 2061-2072.
- The effect of high temperature grain refinement on the isothermal ferrite grain growth kinetics in steel S460. Materials Science Forum, 715-716, 907-912.
- An investigation of the dynamic recrystallisation behaviour of magnesium AZ31 alloy at 450°C using plane strain compression testing as a tool. Materials Science Forum, 715-716, 164-169.
- Microstructure, crystallographic texture and mechanical properties of friction stir welded AA2017A. Materials Characterization, 64, 107-117.
- C/CrC nanocomposite coating deposited by magnetron sputtering at high ion irradiation conditions. J APPL PHYS, 110(7).
- Failure Modes of the Oxide Scale Formed on a Work Roll Grade High Speed Steel. OXID MET, 76(3-4), 149-160.
- Development of Microstructure and Crystallographic Texture during Stationary Shoulder Friction Stir Welding of Ti-6Al-4V. METALL MATER TRANS A, 42A(8), 2278-2289.
- High temperature oxidation of a work roll grade high speed steel. Oxidation of Metals, 76(5-6), 451-468.
- A mathematical approach to transformation toughening in bulk metallic glasses. Scripta Materialia, 65(6), 524-527. View this article in WRRO
- On the damage of a work roll grade high speed steel by thermal cycling. Engineering Failure Analysis, 18(6), 1576-1583.
- Wear of hydrogen free C/Cr PVD coating against Al2O3 at room temperature. Wear, 271(9-10), 2150-2156.
- The Use of Fe-30% Ni and Fe-30% Ni-Nb Alloys as Model Systems for Studying the Microstructural Evolution during the Hot Deformation of Austenite. MATER MANUF PROCESS, 26(1), 127-131.
- Dry sliding wear behaviour of powder metallurgy Al-Mg-Si alloy-MoSi
2 composites and the relationship with the microstructure. Wear, 270(9-10), 658-665. - Helium Ion Microscopy for the Characterization of Complex 3D Structures in a C/CrC Nanocomposite. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 16(S2), 602-603.
- Electron energy loss spectroscopy of nano-scale CrAlYN/CrN-CrAlY(O)N/Cr(O)N multilayer coatings deposited by unbalanced magnetron sputtering. THIN SOLID FILMS, 518(18), 5121-5127.
- Oxide scale modelling in hot rolling: assumptions, numerical techniques and examples of prediction. IRONMAK STEELMAK, 37(4), 276-282.
- Wear and friction of TiAlN/VN coatings against Al2O3 in air at room and elevated temperatures. ACTA MATER, 58(8), 2912-2925.
- The role of helium ion microscopy in the characterisation of complex three-dimensional nanostructures.. Ultramicroscopy, 110(9), 1178-1184.
- Influence of Strain Path on Microstructure Evolution of Low Carbon Steels. THERMEC 2009, PTS 1-4, 638-642, 3418-3423.
- The use of model systems based on Fe-30%Ni for studying the microstructural evolution during the hot deformation of austenite. THERMEC 2009, PTS 1-4, 638-642, 2694-2699.
- Materials for engineers. Materials Today, 12(7-8), 54-54.
- High temperature tribological performance of CrAlYN/CrN nanoscale multilayer coatings deposited on gamma-TiAl. WEAR, 267(5-8), 965-975.
- Effect of melt-spinning roll speed on the nanostructure and magnetic properties of stoichiometric and near stoichiometric Nd–Fe–B alloy ribbons. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 42(11), 115410-115410.
- Indentation properties of plasma sprayed Al2O3-13% TiO2 nanocoatings. ACTA MATER, 57(11), 3148-3156.
- Effect of Tribofilm Formation on the Dry Sliding Friction and Wear Properties of Magnetron Sputtered TiAlCrYN Coatings. TRIBOL LETT, 34(2), 113-124.
- Degradation of a C/CrC PVD coating after annealing in Ar + H-2 at 700 degrees C studied by Raman spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy. MATER HIGH TEMP, 26(2), 169-176.
- Factors affecting the development of oxide scales on austenitic stainless steels during hot rolling in Steckel Mills. METALL MATER TRANS A, 39A(10), 2486-2494.
- Mechanism of oxidation of austenitic stainless steels under conditions of hot rolling in Steckel Mills. METALL MATER TRANS A, 39A(10), 2477-2485.
- Quantifying crystallographic texture in the probe-dominated region of thick-section friction-stir-welded aluminium. SCRIPTA MATER, 59(5), 507-510.
- Properties of mechanically milled and spark plasma sintered Al-15 at.% MgB2 composite materials. COMPOS SCI TECHNOL, 68(3-4), 888-895.
- Strength of AISI 316L in torsion at high temperature. MAT SCI ENG A-STRUCT, 475(1-2), 257-267.
- An analysis of the texture and mean orientation of aluminium alloy AA5052 subjected to forward and reverse hot torsion and subsequent annealing. Ceramic Transactions, 201, 437-444.
- Oxidation behavior and mechanisms of TiAIN/VN coatings. METALL MATER TRANS A, 38A(10), 2464-2478.
- TEM characterisation of near surface deformation resulting from lubricated sliding wear of aluminium alloy and composites. WEAR, 263, 707-718.
- The role of the tribofilm and roll-like debris in the wear of nanoscale nitride PVD coatings. WEAR, 263, 1328-1334.
- Thermal stability of sputtered intermetallic Al-Au coatings. J VAC SCI TECHNOL A, 25(5), 1402-1406.
- Microstructure and mechanical properties of sputtered intermetallic Al-Au coatings. J APPL PHYS, 102(2).
- A quantitative analysis of the influence of carbides size distributions on wear behaviour of high-speed steel in dry rolling/sliding contact. ACTA MATER, 55(7), 2443-2454.
- On the structure and composition of nanoscale TiAIN/VN multilayers. PHILOS MAG, 87(6), 967-978.
- The influence of beam energy and oxidation on quantitative carbide analysis in the scanning electron microscope. J APPL PHYS, 100(11).
- Characterisation of microstructure and thermal stability of rapidly solidified Al-8 center dot 5Fe-1 center dot 3V-1 center dot 7Si alloy during prolonged exposure at 625 degrees C. MATER SCI TECH-LOND, 22(11), 1369-1379.
- TEM-EELS study of low-friction superlattice TiAlN/VN coating: the wear mechanisms. TRIBOL LETT, 24(2), 171-178.
- EBSD investigation of the microstructure and texture characteristics of hot deformed duplex stainless steel.. J Microsc, 222(Pt 2), 85-96.
- An analysis of microband orientation in a commercial purity aluminium alloy subjected to forward and reverse torsion using Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD).. J Microsc, 222(Pt 2), 97-104.
- EELS characterisation of bulk CaCu3Ti4O12 ceramics.. Micron, 37(5), 412-419.
- Formation and structure of a subsurface layer in hot rolled aluminium alloy AA3104 transfer bar. TRIBOL INT, 38(11-12), 1050-1058.
- An alternative method to separate and analyse the microtextures and microstructures of primary alpha grains and transformed beta grains in near-alpha titanium alloy Timetal 834. MATER CHARACT, 55(4-5), 388-394.
- TiAlN based, nanoscale multilayer coatings designed to adapt their tribological properties at elevated temperatures. THIN SOLID FILMS, 485(1-2), 160-168.
- Special issue: 15th international conference on wear of materials - San Diego, USA, 24-28 April 2005 - Foreword. WEAR, 259(1-6), 3-3.
- Microstructure evolution of AISI 316L in torsion at high temperature. ACTA MATER, 53(5), 1263-1275.
- EBSD study of the orientation dependence of substructure characteristics in a model Fe-30wt%Ni alloy subjected to hot deformation.. J Microsc, 217(Pt 2), 138-151.
- Focused ion beam studies of worn surfaces. Proceedings of the World Tribology Congress III - 2005, 7-8.
- Hot workability of spray-formed AISI M3 : 2 high-speed steel. MAT SCI ENG A-STRUCT, 386(1-2), 420-427.
- Hot workability of spray-formed AISI M3:2 high-speed steel. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 386(1-2), 420-427.
- Coarsening of particulate silicon in aluminium based matrices. MATER SCI TECH-LOND, 20(10), 1223-1225.
- Elemental distributions and substrate rotation in industrial TiAlN/VN superlattice hard PVD coatings. SURF COAT TECH, 183(2-3), 275-282.
- EBSD and TEM investigation of the hot deformation substructure characteristics of a type 316L austenitic stainless steel.. J Microsc, 213(3), 285-295.
- Electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) studies of an yttria stabilized TZP ceramic. J EUR CERAM SOC, 24(7), 2023-2029.
- The effect of heat treatment at 500-655 degrees C on the microstructure and properties of mechanically alloyed Al-Ti-O based material. MAT SCI ENG A-STRUCT, 351(1-2), 344-357.
- Influence of interfaces on magnetostrictive granular films. PHYS REV B, 65(17).
- Investigation of the phase constitution and structure of rapidly solidified hard magnetic Nd 18 Fe 76 B 6 ribbons by transmission electron microscopy. Philosophical Magazine A, 81(1), 11-24.
- Wear behavior of Al
2 O3 -SiC ceramic nanocomposites. Scripta Materialia, 42(6), 555-560. - Fatigue damage mechanisms associated with 'tear-drop' cracking in UDIMET 720R. Fatigue
Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 22(9), 821-829. - Fatigue of a nickel base superalloy with bimodal grain size. Materials Science and Technology, 12(12), 1007-1014.
- Examination of Alumina Ceramic Components from Total Hip Arthroplasties. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 207(3), 155-162.
- The effects of notch width on the SENB toughness for oxide ceramics. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 10(1), 21-31.
- Sintering and microstructural studies in the system ZrO2 � TiO2 � CeO2. Journal of Materials Science, 25(4), 2233-2244.
- Why does Nitriding of Grain‐Oriented Silicon Steel become Slower at Higher Temperature?. steel research international.
- Crystallographic Texture Investigation of Thick Section Friction Stir Welded AA6082 and AA5083 Using EBSD. Key Engineering Materials, 786, 44-51.
- Domain pinning near a single-grain boundary in tetragonal and rhombohedral lead zirconate titanate films. Physical Review B, 91(13).
- ChemInform Abstract: Dense Zirconia-SiC Platelet Composites Made by Pressureless Sintering and Hot Pressing.. ChemInform, 28(30), no-no.
- Characterisation of a high-power impulse magnetron sputtered C/Mo/W wear resistant coating by transmission electron microscopy. Surface and Coatings Technology. View this article in WRRO
- A Succinct Method to Recycle WE43 Mg Alloys—From Wasted Chips to Consolidated Billets, Magnesium Technology 2024 (pp. 151-153). Springer Nature Switzerland
- Tetragonal zirconia stabilization in the system ZrO2-TiO2-CeO2, Processing of Ceramic and Metal Matrix Composites (pp. 134-140). Elsevier
- Fabrication and properties of zirconia-ceria ceramics, Processing of Ceramic and Metal Matrix Composites (pp. 40-45). Elsevier
- The Grain Size Dependence of the Mechanical Properties in TZP Ceramics, Zirconia’88 (pp. 337-366). Springer Netherlands
- The Effects of Process-Route Variations on the Tensile Properties of Closed-Die Waspaloy Forgings, via Statistical Modeling Techniques, Superalloy 718 and Derivatives (pp. 362-370). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- (S)TEM/EELS characterisation of a multilayer C/Cr PVD coating, EMC 2008 14th European Microscopy Congress 1–5 September 2008, Aachen, Germany (pp. 587-588). Springer Berlin Heidelberg
- Multilayer TiAlN/CrN and Multicomponent TiAlCrN Coatings for Improved Wear Resistance, Interface Controlled Materials (pp. 100-105). Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA
- 10.4028/0-87849-353-0.145, del_Journal of Metastable and Nanocrystalline Materials: Winter e-volume 2005 Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
Conference proceedings papers
- Quantifying Crystallographic Texture Variation in a Titanium Billet. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 375 (pp 012019-012019)
- Application of cellular automata and Lattice Boltzmann methods for modelling of additive layer manufacturing. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, Vol. 28(1) (pp 31-46)
- Synthesis of magnetocaloric LaFe11.6Si1.4 alloy by spark plasma sintering. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 903 (pp 012041-012041) View this article in WRRO
- Thermal Stability of Cryomilled Mg Alloy Powder. Magnesium Technology 2017 (pp 225-233), 26 February 2017 - 2 March 2017. View this article in WRRO
- Cross sectional TEM analysis of duplex HIPIMS and DC magnetron sputtered Mo and W doped carbon coatings. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 644 (pp 012011-012011) View this article in WRRO
- Sub-surface characterisation of tribological contact zone of metal hip prostheses. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 644 (pp 012029-012029)
- New Recrystallisation Behaviour seen in Magnesium Alloy Elektron 675. RECRYSTALLIZATION AND GRAIN GROWTH IV, Vol. 715-716 (pp 171-+)
- A study of Biolox (R) delta subject to water lubricated reciprocating wear. TRIBOLOGY INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 43(10) (pp 1872-1881)
- Corrosion behaviour of mechanically polished AA7075-T6 aluminium alloy. SURFACE AND INTERFACE ANALYSIS, Vol. 42(4) (pp 185-188)
- The ubiquitous Beilby layer on aluminium surfaces. SURFACE AND INTERFACE ANALYSIS, Vol. 42(4) (pp 175-179)
- Evolution of near-surface deformed layers during hot rolling of AA3104 aluminium alloy. SURFACE AND INTERFACE ANALYSIS, Vol. 42(4) (pp 180-184)
- EELS and STEM analysis of metal nitride/substrate interfaces. ELECTRON MICROSCOPY AND ANALYSIS GROUP CONFERENCE 2009 (EMAG 2009), Vol. 241
- Tracing C changes in a C/CrC PVD coating using Raman spectroscopy and EELS. ELECTRON MICROSCOPY AND ANALYSIS GROUP CONFERENCE 2009 (EMAG 2009), Vol. 241
- EELS and ELNES studies of nano-scale nitride multilayers deposited by unbalanced magnetron sputtering. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 241
- Combined Discrete/Finite Element Multiscale Approach for Modelling of the Tool/Workpiece Interface During High Shear Processing: Hot Rolling and Friction Stir Welding Applications. THERMEC 2009, PTS 1-4, Vol. 638-642 (pp 2622-2627)
- A '3-body' abrasion wear study of bioceramics for total hip joint replacements. WEAR, Vol. 267(11) (pp 2122-2131)
- Wear behaviour of nanostructured alumina-titania coatings deposited by atmospheric plasma spray. WEAR, Vol. 267(5-8) (pp 1191-1197)
- Wear mechanisms experienced by a work roll grade high speed steel under different environmental conditions. WEAR, Vol. 267(1-4) (pp 441-448)
- Microabrasion-corrosion of cast CoCrMo alloy in simulated body fluids. TRIBOLOGY INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 42(1) (pp 99-110)
- A comparative study of mechanically mixed layers (MMLs) characteristics of commercial aluminium alloys sliding against alumina and steel sliders. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 201(1-3) (pp 662-668)
- Validation of neutron texture data on GEM at ISIS using electron backscattered diffraction. MEASUREMENT SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 19(3)
- The effect of microstructure and composition on the rolling contact fatigue behaviour of cast bainitic steels. WEAR, Vol. 263 (pp 756-765)
- The effect of titanium on the wear behaviour of a 16%Cr white cast iron under pure sliding. WEAR, Vol. 263 (pp 808-820)
- Investigation of fundamental wear mechanisms at the piston ring and cylinder wall interface in internal combustion engines. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART J-JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING TRIBOLOGY, Vol. 221(J3) (pp 333-343)
- The wear of wrought aluminium alloys under dry sliding conditions. TRIBOLOGY INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 40(2) (pp 160-169)
- Oxide scale behaviour on aluminium and steel under hot working conditions. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 177(1-3) (pp 36-40)
- EBSD investigation of the effect of strain path changes on the microstructure and texture of duplex stainless steel during hot deformation. EMAG-NANO 2005: Imaging, Analysis and Fabrication on the Nanoscale, Vol. 26 (pp 331-334)
- Characterisation of alumina nip-joint wear by FIB microscopy. EMAG-NANO 2005: Imaging, Analysis and Fabrication on the Nanoscale, Vol. 26 (pp 343-346)
- On the structure and oxidation mechanisms in nanoscale hard coatings. EMAG-NANO 2005: Imaging, Analysis and Fabrication on the Nanoscale, Vol. 26 (pp 89-94)
- Site specific SEX/MB/TEM for analysis of lubricated sliding wear of aluminium alloy composites. EMAG-NANO 2005: Imaging, Analysis and Fabrication on the Nanoscale, Vol. 26 (pp 327-330)
- Investigating worn surfaces of nanoscale TiAlN/VN multilayer coating using FIB and TEM. EMAG-NANO 2005: Imaging, Analysis and Fabrication on the Nanoscale, Vol. 26 (pp 95-98)
- Characterisation of grain boundaries in CaCu3Ti4O12 using HREM, EDS and EELS.. EMAG-NANO 2005: Imaging, Analysis and Fabrication on the Nanoscale, Vol. 26 (pp 65-68)
- Sliding wear behaviour of SiC-Al2O3 nanocomposites. WEAR, Vol. 259(1-6) (pp 553-561)
- Lubricated sliding wear behaviour of aluminium alloy composites. WEAR, Vol. 259(1-6) (pp 577-589)
- Dry sliding wear behaviour of some wrought, rapidly solidified powder metallurgy aluminium alloys. WEAR, Vol. 259(1-6) (pp 490-500)
- The effect of (Ti+Al):V ratio on the structure and oxidation behaviour of TiAlN/VN nano-scale multilayer coatings. Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol. 177-178 (pp 252-259)
- Oxidation behaviour of nanoscale TiAlN/VN multilayer coatings. SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 177 (pp 198-203)
- Wear behaviour of tool steels with added (WTi)C particles. WEAR, Vol. 255 (pp 517-526)
- The rolling sliding wear response of conventionally processed and spray formed high speed steel at ambient and elevated temperature. WEAR, Vol. 255 (pp 956-966)
- A study of internal oxidation in carburized steels by glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART B-ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY, Vol. 58(4) (pp 689-698)
- Simulation Of 3-D Micromagnetic Structures In A Thin Iron Platelet. 1997 IEEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG'97), 1 April 1997 - 4 April 1997.
- The chemistry of thin film deposits formed from hexamethyldisiloxane and hexamethyldisilazane plasmas. The Mechanics of Thin Film Coatings
- Advances on Modelling of the Tool/Workpiece Interface during High Shear Processing. Materials Science Forum, Vol. 654-656 (pp 1634-1637)
- Structural and interface studies of a nano-scale TiAlYN/CrN/alumina coating (pp 711-712)
- The origin and interpretation of fine scale magnetic contrast in magnetic force microscopy: A study using single crystal NdFeB and a range of mfm tips. 7th Joint MMM-Intermag Conference. Abstracts (Cat. No.98CH36275)
- Modelling Of MFM Images Of 180° And 90° Domain Walls In Iron Films. 1997 IEEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG'97)
- A novel multi-scale microstructure to address the strength/ductility trade off in high strength steel for fusion reactors, Research Square Platform LLC.
- In Situ Tem Observations of the Growth of Bainitic Ferrite in an Fe-0.3c-3Mn-1.5Si-0.15Mo Steel.
- Evaluation of localized corrosion resistance in wireless anodic protection of PANI-304SS galvanic couple in the presence of gabapentin inhibitor: Molecular dynamics, Monte Carlo and electrochemical noise measurements. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 423, 126952-126952.
- Research group
Dr Michal Krzyzanowski
Dr Joanna Sharp
Dr Amit Rana
Dr Peng Zeng
Dr Le Ma
Dr Akemi Nogiwa Valdez
Paul Nnamchi (Joint with Prof Todd)
E Lizz Cedillo Saucedo* (Joint with Prof Reaney)
Leili Shirkhan*
Jake Corteen (Joint with Prof Todd)
Daryoush Ahmadi*
Alfonce Chamisa* (Joint with Dr Palmiere)
Feng Qian*
Lampros Kurtis (Joint with Prof Todd)
Erfan Abasi*
Mark Todd*
Junheng Goa* (Joint with Prof Todd)
Dikai Guan* (Joint with Prof Todd)
Samira Bostanchi*
Weigang Yang* (Joint with Dr Morley)
Zahra Fard
Peng Gong* (Joint with Dr Palmiere)
Xin Pan*
Itzel Muller*
Haiyun Wang* (Joint with Prof Todd)
*= Principal Supervisor
- Teaching activities
MAT2320: Microstructure Design and Control-Metals
MAT373: Surface Degradation and Protection
MAT3334/6334: Manufacturing Aspects of Coatings
- Professional activities and memberships
- Fellow Royal Academy of Engineering (FREng)
- Fellow Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (FIMMM)
- Fellow Institute of Physics (FInstP)
- Fellow Royal Microscopical Society (FRMS)
- Chartered Engineer (CEng)
- Chartered Physicist (CPhys)