Dr Lewis Blackburn

School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering


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Dr Lewis Blackburn
School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering (nee Materials)
Sir Robert Hadfield Building
Mappin Street
S1 3JD

Bio: Dr Lewis Blackburn completed his PhD at the University of Sheffield in 2021 within the Immobilisation Science Laboratory (ISL) and was further awarded the EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellowship to develop advanced zirconolite and pyrochlore-structured ceramics for the immobilisation of separated actinides. Lewis was subsequently contracted by Nuclear Waste Services (NWS) to investigate the long-term evolution of candidate ceramic wasteforms for the immobilisation of separated Pu. His primary research interests involve synthesis, advanced characterisation, chemical durability and radiation stability of advanced ceramic and glass-ceramic materials for radioactive waste immobilisation. Lewis was promoted to Lecturer in Nuclear Materials in 2023.

Research interests
  • Ceramics, glass and glass-ceramic composites for radioactive waste immobilisation
  • Development of advanced titanate, zirconate and high-entropy oxide ceramic wasteform
  • materials for the immobilisation of radioactive wastes
  • Solid state chemistry of actinides (Pu, U, Th, Am) and related surrogates (Ce, Ln)
  • Advanced processing methods for waste consolidation and disposal
  • Application of X-ray spectroscopy in support of nuclear waste management
  • Radiation damage effects in candidate Pu wasteforms

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