Dr Xiangbing Zeng
School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering
Senior Lecturer in Polymers and Liquid Crystals

+44 114 222 5948
Full contact details
School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering
Sir Robert Hadfield Building
Mappin Street
S1 3JD
- Profile
Xiangbing Zeng was appointed as Lecturer in Polymers and Liquid Crystals in 2003. Formerly a research in the Polymer, Liquid Crystal and Supramolecular Structures Group, he obtained his PhD in 2001.
- Research interests
Dr Zengs' research areas can be divided into two broad directions: one on polymer physics, in particular the polymer crystallisation process; the other on self-assembly, which covers systems such as supra-molecules, liquid crystals, more recently LC covered nanoparticles.
On the polymer side, he is involved in an eight-institution international collaboration supported under NSF-EPSRC Pire scheme, for developing new materials from natural sources for applications in the sustainable energy industry. On the self-assembly side, a research project on “Liquid quasicrystals and their approximants”, supported by Leverhulme Trust, started in 2013.
Another important aspect of his research on self–organized systems is to develop new nanomaterials for tailored optical and electrical properties. For example, metamaterials by self-assembled gold nanoparticles have been fabricated, by covering them with liquid crystal-forming molecules.
Dr Zeng has ample experience with scattering methods (X-ray and neutron) for characterisation of nanoscale structures, which often involve the use of large scale facilities such as synchrotron radiation sources (e.g. Diamond, ESRF) and neutron sources (ISIS, ILL). Other microscopic (optical, SEM, TEM, AFM) and spectroscopic (FTIR, UV-Vis, Raman etc) methods are employed whenever necessary.
Research impact:
The discovery of the first quasicrystalline structure at nanoscale, which has opened a new field of research published recently in several articles in Science and Nature. The original paper (Nature, 2004, doi:10.1038/nature02368) has been cited over 200 times so far.
- Publications
Journal articles
- The Unusual Mesophases and Properties Exhibited by a Family of Glycosteroids. Chemistry – A European Journal, e202403678.
- Thermotropic “plumber’s nightmare” ‐ a tight liquid organic double framework. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. View this article in WRRO
- Orientational transitions of discotic columnar liquid crystals in cylindrical pores. Soft Matter. View this article in WRRO
- Supertwisted Chiral Gyroid Mesophase in Chiral Rod‐like Compounds. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, e202403156.
- Quantitative Model of Multiple Crystal Growth Rate Minima in Polymers with Regularly Spaced Substituent Groups. Macromolecules, 57(4), 1667-1676.
- 3D morphology of different crystal forms in β-nucleated and fiber-sheared polypropylene: α-teardrops, α-teeth, and β-fans. Macromolecules, 56(14), 5502-5511.
- A columnar liquid quasicrystal with a honeycomb structure that consists of triangular, square and trapezoidal cells. Nature Chemistry, 15(5), 625-632.
- Self-organization of rectangular bipyramidal helical columns by supramolecular orientational memory epitaxially nucleated from a Frank-Kasper σ phase. Giant, 9. View this article in WRRO
- A case of antiferrochirality in a liquid crystal phase of counter-rotating staircases. Nature Communications, 13(1). View this article in WRRO
- Bowls, vases and goblets—the microcrockery of polymer and nanocomposite morphology revealed by two-photon optical tomography. Nature Communications, 12(1). View this article in WRRO
- Gyroid-Nanostructured All-Solid Polymer Films Combining High H+ Conductivity with Low H
2 Permeability. Macromolecular Rapid Communications. - Quasi-continuous melting of model polymer monolayers prompts reinterpretation of polymer melting. Nature Communications, 12(1).
- Supramolecular Networks: Helical Networks of π‐Conjugated Rods – A Robust Design Concept for Bicontinuous Cubic Liquid Crystalline Phases with Achiral
and Chiral
23 Lattice (Adv. Funct. Mater. 45/2020). Advanced Functional Materials, 30(45), 2070298-2070298.
- Helical networks of π‐conjugated rods – a robust design concept for bicontinuous cubic liquid crystalline phases with Ia3d and chiral I23 lattice. Advanced Functional Materials. View this article in WRRO
- 双連続キュービック液晶の分子設計における軸不斉骨格の導入効果, pb17.
- Tailoring liquid crystal honeycombs by head-group choice in bird-like bent-core mesogens. Journal of Materials Chemistry C. View this article in WRRO
- Extraordinary Acceleration of Cogwheel Helical Self-Organization of Dendronized Perylene Bisimides by the Dendron Sequence Encoding Their Tertiary Structure. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 142(20), 9525-9536.
- Double gyroid nanostructure formation by aggregation‐induced atropisomerization and co‐assembly of ionic liquid‐crystalline amphiphiles. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. View this article in WRRO
- Chirality Induction through Nano‐Phase Separation: Alternating Network Gyroid Phase by Thermotropic Self‐Assembly of X‐Shaped Bolapolyphiles. Angewandte Chemie, 132(7), 2747-2751.
- Liquid Organic Frameworks: The Single-Network “Plumber’s Nightmare” Bicontinuous Cubic Liquid Crystal. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 142(7), 3296-3300.
- A self-assembled liquid crystal honeycomb of highly stretched (3-1-1)-hexagons. Chemical Communications, 2020(1), 62-65. View this article in WRRO
- Chirality induction through nano-phase separation: Alternating network gyroid (I4132) phase by thermotropic self-assembly of X-shaped bolapolyphiles. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. View this article in WRRO
- New type of columnar liquid crystal superlattice in double‐taper ionic minidendrons. Chemistry – A European Journal, 25(60), 13739-13747. View this article in WRRO
- Sequence-Defined Dendrons Dictate Supramolecular Cogwheel Assembly of Dendronized Perylene Bisimides. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 141(40), 15761-15766.
- Cover Feature: New Type of Columnar Liquid Crystal Superlattice in Double‐Taper Ionic Minidendrons (Chem. Eur. J. 60/2019). Chemistry – A European Journal, 25(60), 13651-13651. View this article in WRRO
- Gyroid structured aqua-sheets with sub-nanometer thickness enabling 3D fast proton relay conduction. Chemical Science, 10(25), 6245-6253. View this article in WRRO
- A Self‐Assembled Bicontinuous Cubic Phase with a Single‐Diamond Network. Angewandte Chemie, 131(22), 7453-7457.
- A self-assembled bicontinuous cubic phase with a single-diamond network. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 58(22), 7375-7379. View this article in WRRO
- An Ising transition of chessboard tilings in a honeycomb liquid crystal. Molecular Systems Design and Engineering, 4(2), 396-406. View this article in WRRO
- Soft self-assembled sub-5 nm scale chessboard and snub-square tilings with oligo(para-phenyleneethynylene) rods. Chemical Communications, 55(29), 4154-4157. View this article in WRRO
- Square and Hexagonal Columnar Liquid Crystals Confined in Square and Triangular Pores. Advanced Functional Materials, 29(3), 1806078-1806078.
- Dendronized Poly(2-oxazoline) Displays within only Five Monomer Repeat Units Liquid Quasicrystal, A15 and σ Frank–Kasper Phases. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 140(49), 16941-16947.
- Soft Rectangular Sub-5 nm Tiling Patterns by Liquid Crystalline Self-Assembly of T-Shaped Bolapolyphiles. Advanced Functional Materials, 28(46). View this article in WRRO
- Transition between tangential and co-axial liquid crystalline honeycombs in the self-assembly of Y-shaped bolapolyphiles. Chemical Communications, 54(87), 12306-12309. View this article in WRRO
- Molecular ejection transition in liquid crystal columns self-assembled from wedge-shaped minidendrons. Soft Matter. View this article in WRRO
- Dynamic calorimetry and XRD studies of the nematic and twist-bend nematic phase transitions in a series of dimers with increasing spacer length. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20(39), 25268-25274. View this article in WRRO
- Hierarchical Self-Organization of Chiral Columns from Chiral Supramolecular Spheres. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 140(41), 13478-13487.
- Lamellar Liquid Crystals of In-Plane Lying Rod-Like Mesogens with Designer Side-Chains: the Case of Sliding vs Locked Layers. Chemistry - A European Journal. View this article in WRRO
- The solution of the puzzle of smectic-Q: The phase structure and the origin of spontaneous chirality. Angewandte Chemie, 130(11), 2885-2890. View this article in WRRO
- Innenrücktitelbild: The Solution of the Puzzle of Smectic-Q: The Phase Structure and the Origin of Spontaneous Chirality (Angew. Chem. 11/2018). Angewandte Chemie, 130(11), 3029-3029.
- Inside Back Cover: The Solution of the Puzzle of Smectic-Q: The Phase Structure and the Origin of Spontaneous Chirality (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 11/2018). Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 57(11), 2977-2977. View this article in WRRO
- The Solution of the Puzzle of Smectic-Q: The Phase Structure and the Origin of Spontaneous Chirality. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 57(11), 2835-2840. View this article in WRRO
- Twist-bend nematic phase in biphenylethane-based copolyethers. Soft Matter, 14(16), 3003-3011. View this article in WRRO
- Trigonal columnar self-assembly of bent phasmid mesogens. Chemical Communications, 54(2), 156-159. View this article in WRRO
- Direct AFM observation of individual micelles, tile decorations and tiling rules of a dodecagonal liquid quasicrystal. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 29(41). View this article in WRRO
- Solvent diffusion in polymer-embedded hollow nanoparticles studied by in situ small angle X-ray scattering.. Phys Chem Chem Phys, 19(32), 21663-21671.
- Monte Carlo study of the ordering in a strongly frustrated liquid crystal. Physical Review E, 95(6). View this article in WRRO
- A Low-Symmetry Cubic Mesophase of Dendronized CdS Nanoparticles and Their Structure-Dependent Photoluminescence. Chem, 2(6), 860-876. View this article in WRRO
- Diverse configurations of columnar liquid crystals in cylindrical nano- and micropores.. Soft Matter, 22(13), 4122-4131. View this article in WRRO
- Molecular organization in the twist–bend nematic phase by resonant X-ray scattering at the Se K-edge and by SAXS, WAXS and GIXRD. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 19, 13449-13454. View this article in WRRO
- Tetrahedral Arrangements of Perylene Bisimide Columns via Supramolecular Orientational Memory. ACS Nano.
- Screening Libraries of Semifluorinated Arylene Bisimides to Discover and Predict Thermodynamically Controlled Helical Crystallization. ACS Combinatorial Science, 18(12), 723-739.
- Hierarchical Self-Organization of Perylene Bisimides into Supramolecular Spheres and Periodic Arrays Thereof. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138(44), 14798-14807.
- Body-centred cubic packing of spheres – the ultimate thermotropic assembly mode for highly divergent dendrons. Nanoscale Horizons, 2(1), 43-49. View this article in WRRO
- Formation of a Double Diamond Cubic Phase by Thermotropic Liquid Crystalline Self-Assembly of Bundled Bolaamphiphiles. Angewandte Chemie, 128(29), 8464-8467.
- Formation of a Double Diamond Cubic Phase by Thermotropic Liquid Crystalline Self-Assembly of Bundled Bolaamphiphiles.. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, 55(29), 8324-8327. View this article in WRRO
- Added Alkane Allows Thermal Thinning of Supramolecular Columns by Forming Superlattice—An X-ray and Neutron Study. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138(18), 5757-5760. View this article in WRRO
- A supramolecular helix that disregards chirality. Nature Chemistry, 8(1), 80-89. View this article in WRRO
- Ionic Switch Induced by a Rectangular–Hexagonal Phase Transition in Benzenammonium Columnar Liquid Crystals. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137(41), 13212-13215. View this article in WRRO
- Zeolite-like liquid crystals. Nature Communications, 6, 8637-8637. View this article in WRRO
- Helically Twisted Chiral Arrays of Gold Nanoparticles Coated with a Cholesterol Mesogen. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137(40), 12736-12739. View this article in WRRO
- Rheology of Thermotropic Liquid-Crystalline Dendron-Modified Gold Nanoparticles. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 617(1), 50-57.
- Increasing 3D Supramolecular Order by Decreasing Molecular Order. A Comparative Study of Helical Assemblies of Dendronized Nonchlorinated and Tetrachlorinated Perylene Bisimides. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137(15), 5210-5224. View this article in WRRO
- Columnar Liquid Crystals in Cylindrical Nanoconfinement. ACS Nano, 9(2), 1759-1766. View this article in WRRO
- Complex Columnar Hexagonal Polymorphism in Supramolecular Assemblies of a Semifluorinated Electron-Accepting Naphthalene Bisimide. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137(2), 807-819. View this article in WRRO
- Inside Back Cover: Dynamic Mirror-Symmetry Breaking in Bicontinuous Cubic Phases (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 48/2014). Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 53(48), 13293-13293.
- Dynamic Mirror-Symmetry Breaking in Bicontinuous Cubic Phases. Angewandte Chemie, 126(48), 13331-13336.
- Innenrücktitelbild: Dynamic Mirror-Symmetry Breaking in Bicontinuous Cubic Phases (Angew. Chem. 48/2014). Angewandte Chemie, 126(48), 13509-13509.
- Dynamic Mirror-Symmetry Breaking in Bicontinuous Cubic Phases. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 53(48), 13115-13120. View this article in WRRO
- Study of molecular order, mesogenic and fluorescent properties of 2,4-bis(4-dodecyloxybenzylidene)cyclohexanone. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 195, 69-72.
- Skeletal cubic, lamellar, and ribbon phases of bundled thermotropic bolapolyphiles. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 136(19), 6846-6849.
- Homochiral columns constructed by chiral self-sorting during supramolecular helical organization of hat-shaped molecules.. J Am Chem Soc, 136(19), 7169-7185. View this article in WRRO
- Honeycombs in honeycombs: complex liquid crystal alumina composite mesostructures.. ACS Nano, 8(5), 4500-4509.
- SAXS characterization of polymer-embedded hollow nanoparticles and of their shell porosity. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 46(6), 1654-1664.
- A self-organized anisotropic liquid-crystal plasmonic metamaterial. Advanced Materials, 25(14), 1999-2004.
- Transformation from kinetically into thermodynamically controlled self-organization of complex helical columns with 3D periodicity assembled from dendronized perylene bisimides.. J Am Chem Soc, 135(10), 4129-4148.
- Liquid crystal plasmonic metamaterials. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 8642.
- Characterizing size and porosity of hollow nanoparticles: SAXS, SANS, TEM, DLS, and adsorption isotherms compared.. Langmuir, 28(43), 15350-15361.
- Arrays of giant octagonal and square cylinders by liquid crystalline self-assembly of X-shaped polyphilic molecules.. Nat Commun, 3, 1104.
- One-Step Synthesis and Self-Assembly of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles into 3D Superlattices. ACS NANO, 6(5), 4382-4391.
- Complex tiling patterns in liquid crystals. Interface Focus, 2(5), 669-680.
- Self-organization of bent rod molecules into hexagonally ordered vesicular columns. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 134(33), 13871-13880.
- Supermolecular chiral mesogenic tripedes. Chemistry - A European Journal, 18(8), 2366-2373.
- Optical properties of mesogen-coated gold nanoparticles. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 8271.
- Control of anisotropic self-assembly of gold nanoparticles coated with mesogens. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22(22), 11101-11106.
- Two- and Three-Dimensional Liquid-Crystal Phases from Axial Bundles of Rodlike Polyphiles: Segmented Cylinders, Crossed Columns, and Ribbons between Sheets. Angewandte Chemie, 123(45), 10787-10790.
- Self-repairing complex helical columns generated via kinetically controlled self-assembly of dendronized perylene bisimides.. J Am Chem Soc, 133(45), 18479-18494.
- Two- and three-dimensional liquid-crystal phases from axial bundles of rodlike polyphiles: segmented cylinders, crossed columns, and ribbons between sheets.. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, 50(45), 10599-10602.
- Self-Assembly at Different Length Scales: Polyphilic Star-Branched Liquid Crystals and Miktoarm Star Copolymers. ADV FUNCT MATER, 21(7), 1296-1323.
- Axial-Bundle Phases - New Modes of 2D, 3D, and Helical Columnar Self-Assembly in Liquid Crystalline Phases of Bolaamphiphiles with Swallow Tail Lateral Chains. J AM CHEM SOC, 133(13), 4906-4916.
- Complex multicolor tilings and critical phenomena in tetraphilic liquid crystals.. Science, 331(6022), 1302-1306.
- Liquid quasicrystals. Israel Journal of Chemistry, 51(11-12), 1206-1215.
- Phospholipids with a stimuli-responsive thermotropic liquid-crystalline moiety. CHEM COMMUN, 47(24), 6885-6887.
- Self-assembly of dendronized perylene bisimides into complex helical columns. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 133(31), 12197-12219.
- Influence of flexible spacers on liquid-crystalline self-assembly of T-shaped bolaamphiphiles. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 133(20), 7872-7881.
- Deconstruction as a Strategy for the Design of Libraries of Self-Assembling Dendrons. Angewandte Chemie, 122(39), 7156-7159.
- Self-assembly of hybrid dendrons into doubly segregated supramolecular polyhedral columns and vesicles.. J Am Chem Soc, 132(32), 11288-11305.
- Planar Alignment of Columnar Discotic Liquid Crystals by Isotropic Phase Dewetting on Chemically Patterned Surfaces. ADV FUNCT MATER, 20(6), 914-920.
- GISAXS in the study of supramolecular and hybrid liquid crystals. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 247.
- Body-centered cubic phase in 3-arm star mesogens: a torsional tapping AFM and GISAXS study. SOFT MATTER, 6(21), 5390-5396.
- Structure and pyroelectric behaviour of a twin-tapered bent core mesogen. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 525, 212-218.
- Deconstruction as a strategy for the design of libraries of self-assembling dendrons. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 49(39), 7002-7005.
- Predicting the Structure of Supramolecular Dendrimers via the Analysis of Libraries of AB(3) and Constitutional Isomeric AB(2) Biphenylpropyl Ether Self-Assembling Dendrons. J AM CHEM SOC, 131(47), 17500-17521.
- Hollow Six-Stranded Helical Columns of a Helicene. Angewandte Chemie, 121(42), 7977-7980.
- Structure of liquid crystalline aerosol-OT and its alkylammonium salts.. Langmuir, 25(18), 11067-11072.
- Ordered Gold Nanoarrays: 3D Ordered Gold Strings by Coating Nanoparticles with Mesogens (Adv. Mater. 17/2009). Advanced Materials, 21(17), NA-NA.
- 3D Ordered Gold Strings by Coating Nanoparticles with Mesogens. ADV MATER, 21(17), 1746-+.
- Hollow six-stranded helical columns of a helicene.. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, 48(42), 7837-7840.
- 2D and 3D Ordered Columnar Liquid Crystal Phases by Bundles of Bolaamphiphiles with Swallow-Tail Side Chains. J AM CHEM SOC, 130(45), 14922-+.
- Liquid-Crystalline Kagome. Angewandte Chemie, 120(47), 9203-9206.
- Crystallography of 2D and 3D structures in liquid crystal amphiphiles and nanocomposites. Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations of Crystallography, 64(a1), C31-C32.
- The trapezoidal cylinder phase: a new mode of self-assembly in liquid-crystalline soft matter.. J Am Chem Soc, 130(30), 9666-9667.
- Liquid-Crystal Engineering with Anchor-Shaped Molecules: Honeycombs with Hexagonal and Trigonal Symmetries Formed by Polyphilic Bent-Core Molecules. Angewandte Chemie, 120(32), 6169-6172.
- Inside Cover: Liquid-Crystal Engineering with Anchor-Shaped Molecules: Honeycombs with Hexagonal and Trigonal Symmetries Formed by Polyphilic Bent-Core Molecules (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 32/2008). Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 47(32), 5862-5862.
- Innentitelbild: Liquid-Crystal Engineering with Anchor-Shaped Molecules: Honeycombs with Hexagonal and Trigonal Symmetries Formed by Polyphilic Bent-Core Molecules (Angew. Chem. 32/2008). Angewandte Chemie, 120(32), 5946-5946.
- Polygonal cylinder phases of 3-alkyl-2,5-diphenylthiophene-based bolaamphiphiles: Changing symmetry by retaining net topology. CHEM MATER, 20(14), 4729-4738.
- Small angle X-ray and neutron scattering in the study of polymers and supramolecular systems. AIP Conference Proceedings, 989, 68.
- Liquid-crystal engineering with anchor-shaped molecules: Honeycombs with hexagonal and trigonal symmetries formed by polyphilic bent-core molecules. ANGEW CHEM INT EDIT, 47(32), 6080-6083.
- Liquid-Crystalline Kagome. ANGEW CHEM INT EDIT, 47(47), 9063-9066.
- Testing the triple network structure of the cubic Im(3)over-bar-m (I) phase by isomorphous replacement and model refinement. J MATER CHEM, 18(25), 2953-2961.
- X-Shaped polyphilics: liquid crystal honeycombs with single-molecule walls. CHEM COMMUN(33), 3861-3863.
- The Giant-Hexagon Cylinder Network—A Liquid-Crystalline Organization Formed by a T-Shaped Quaternary Amphiphile. Angewandte Chemie, 119(42), 8118-8121.
- Complex Liquid-Crystalline Superstructure of a π-Conjugated Oligothiophene. Angewandte Chemie, 119(41), 8002-8005.
- The triangular cylinder phase: a new mode of self-assembly in liquid-crystalline soft matter.. J Am Chem Soc, 129(31), 9578-9579.
- Semicrystalline and superlattice structures in an asymmetrically methyl-branched long-chain alkane. MACROMOLECULES, 40(16), 5750-5758.
- Hexagonal close packing of nonionic surfactant micelles in water.. J Phys Chem B, 111(19), 5174-5179.
- Complex liquid-crystalline superstructure of a pi-conjugated oligothiophene. ANGEW CHEM INT EDIT, 46(41), 7856-7859.
- The Giant-Hexagon cylinder network - A liquid-crystalline organization formed by a T-shaped quaternary amphiphile. ANGEW CHEM INT EDIT, 46(42), 7972-7975.
- Inflation rules of square-triangle tilings: from approximants to dodecagonal liquid quasicrystals. PHILOS MAG, 86(6-8), 1093-1103.
- Carbohydrate rod conjugates: Ternary rod-coil molecules forming complex liquid crystal structures. J AM CHEM SOC, 127(47), 16578-16591.
- Real-time neutron scattering study of transient phases in polymer crystallization. MACROMOLECULES, 38(17), 7201-7204.
- Frank-Kasper, quasicrystalline and related phases in liquid crystals. SOFT MATTER, 1(2), 95-106.
- A triple-network tricontinuous cubic liquid crystal.. Nat Mater, 4(7), 562-567.
- Liquid quasicrystals. Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science, 9(6), 384-389.
- Organisation in two series of low-dimensional polymer electrolytes with high ambient lithium salt conductivity.. Faraday Discuss, 128, 363-378.
- Liquid Crystals with Complex Superstructures. Angewandte Chemie, 116(35), 4721-4725.
- A new type of square columnar liquid crystalline phases formed by facial amphiphilic triblock molecules. J AM CHEM SOC, 126(28), 8608-8609.
- Designing libraries of first generation AB(3) and AB(2) self-assembling dendrons via the primary structure generated from combinations of (AB)(y)-AB(3) and (AB)(y)-AB(2) building blocks. J AM CHEM SOC, 126(19), 6078-6094.
- Infrared active methyl group vibrations in tetratetracontane: A probe for chain end organization and crystal structure. J PHYS CHEM B, 108(10), 3130-3139.
- Supramolecular dendritic liquid quasicrystals.. Nature, 428(6979), 157-160. View this article in WRRO
- Liquid crystals with complex superstructures. ANGEW CHEM INT EDIT, 43(35), 4621-4625.
- Triple-layer superlattice in deuterium-labeled binary ultralong alkanes: A study by small-angle neutron and X-ray scattering. MACROMOLECULES, 36(13), 4686-4688.
- Crystal-amorphous polymer interface studied by neutron and x-ray scattering on labeled binary ultralong alkanes.. Phys Rev Lett, 90(15), 155508.
- Giant supramolecular liquid crystal lattice.. Science, 299(5610), 1208-1211.
- Chain tilt and surface disorder in lamellar crystals. A FTIR and SAXS study of labeled long alkanes. MACROMOLECULES, 35(20), 7730-7741.
- Learning polymer crystallization with the aid of linear, branched and cyclic model compounds.. Chem Rev, 101(12), 4157-4188.
- Semicrystalline lamellar phase in binary mixtures of very long chain n-alkanes. MACROMOLECULES, 34(20), 6945-6954.
- Novel layered superstructures in mixed ultralong n-alkanes.. Phys Rev Lett, 86(21), 4875-4878.
- Molecular Simulations of Quantized Lamellar Thickening in Polyethylenes with Regularly Spaced Brominated Groups. Macromolecules.
- Design of Functional Gyroid Minimal Surfaces Transporting Proton Based Solely on Surface Hopping Conduction Mechanism. Macromolecular Rapid Communications.
- Thermotropic “Plumber's Nightmare”—A Tight Liquid Organic Double Framework. Angewandte Chemie.
- Design of V-shaped ionic liquid crystals: atropisomerisation ability and formation of double-gyroid molecular assemblies. Chemical Communications.
- Supertwisted Chiral Gyroid Mesophase in Chiral Rod‐Like Compounds. Angewandte Chemie.
- Colossal dielectric permittivity and superparaelectricity in phenyl pyrimidine based liquid crystals. Journal of Materials Chemistry C.
- Continuous Spectrum of Morphologies and Phase Behavior across the Contact Zone from Poly(
l -lactide) to Poly(d -lactide): Stereocomplex, Homocrystal, and Between. Macromolecules. - Enantiomers Self-Sort into Separate Counter-Twisted Ribbons of the Fddd Liquid Crystal─Antiferrochirality and Parachirality. Journal of the American Chemical Society.
- Polymer and Soft Matter Research at Diamond Light Source. Synchrotron Radiation News, 1-9.
- Morphology of Shear-Induced Polymer Cylindrites Revealed by 3D Optical Imaging. Macromolecules.
- Observation of a frustrated nematic phase in amphiphilic, disc-like complexes of gold(III) containing hydrocarbon and semiperfluorocarbon terminal chains. Liquid Crystals, 1-12.
- Roughening Transition and Quasi-continuous Melting of Monolayers of Ultra-long Alkanes: Why Bulk Polymer Melting Is Strongly First-Order. Macromolecules.
- Self-organisation of rhombitruncated cuboctahedral hexagonal columns from an amphiphilic Janus dendrimer. Molecular Physics, e1902586-e1902586.
- Spontaneously chiral cubic liquid crystal: three interpenetrating networks with a twist. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 8(16), 5389-5398.
- Macroscopic chirality of twist-bend nematic phase in bent dimers confirmed by circular dichroism. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 8(3), 1041-1047.
- Correction: Gyroid structured aqua-sheets with sub-nanometer thickness enabling 3D fast proton relay conduction. Chemical Science, 11(35), 9713-9713.
- Switching of ionic conductivities in columnar liquid-crystalline anilinium salts: effects of alkyl chains, ammonium cations and counter anions on thermal properties and switching temperatures. Molecular Systems Design & Engineering, 4(2), 342-347.
- ChemInform Abstract: Learning Polymer Crystallization with the Aid of Linear, Branched and Cyclic Model Compounds. ChemInform, 33(15), no-no.
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- X-ray scattering, Series in Soft Condensed Matter (pp. 209-253). WORLD SCIENTIFIC
- Cubic and Other 3D Thermotropic Liquid Crystal Phases and Quasicrystals (pp. 1-74). Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA
Conference proceedings papers
- On perpendicular and tilted chains in lamellar crystals. Journal of Macromolecular Science - Physics, Vol. 42 B(3-4 SPEC.) (pp 915-927)
- Semicrystalline and superlattice structures in binary mixture of long chain n-alkanes C194H390 and C294H590. JOURNAL OF MACROMOLECULAR SCIENCE-PHYSICS, Vol. B41(4-6) (pp 1305-1320)
- Colossal Dielectric Permittivity and Superparaelectricity in phenyl pyrimidine based liquid crystals, arXiv.
- Molecular Simulations of Quantized Lamellar Thickening in Polyethylenes with Regularly Spaced Brominated Groups, arXiv.
- A Columnar Liquid Quasicrystal – Honeycomb with Triangular, Square and Trapezoidal Cells, Research Square.
- Molecular organization in the twist-bend nematic phase by resonant X-ray scattering at the Se K-edge and by SAXS, WAXS and GIXRD, arXiv.
- Bowls, Vases and Goblets – The Microcrockery of Polymer and Nanocomposite Morphology Revealed by Two-Photon Optical Tomography, Research Square Platform LLC.
- Liquid crystal phase of counter-rotating staircases – A case of antiferrochirality, Research Square Platform LLC.
- The Unusual Mesophases and Properties Exhibited by a Family of Glycosteroids. Chemistry – A European Journal, e202403678.