Professor Martin Jackson
School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering
Professor of Advanced Metals Processing

Full contact details
School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering
Sir Robert Hadfield Building
Mappin Street
S1 3JD
- Profile
After obtaining an M.Eng (First) from The University of Sheffield, I initially followed an aerospace materials career working for Rolls-Royce before studying for a PhD at Imperial College London – "predicting microstructural evolution during forging of Ti alloys (EPSRC/QinetiQ)".
Between 2001 and 2005 I worked as a Research Associate and Lecturer at Imperial on a range of Conform, hot rolling and forging projects for the UK and US defence sectors. In 2005 I was awarded a Royal Academy of Engineering/EPSRC Research Fellowship with a remit “to develop solid-state processes to reduce the cost of titanium” and moved back to the department in 2008. I was appointed to Professor of Advanced Metals Processing in 2019. Director of Aerospace Engineering (2015-2019), Royce Research Area Lead for Advanced Metals Processing (2019-2024). Since 2015 I have represented the UK at the World Titanium Committee. (Chair of Ti-2023 in Edinburgh). I have been a member of the IOM3 Non-ferrous & Light Metals Committee for over 20 years. I have a HVM Catapult Researcher in Residence position at NMIS/AFRC (University of Strathclyde). I am the principal contact for the DSTL DMEx platform and Principal Scientist for their Land Working Group.
- Research interests
My Sheffield Titanium Research Alloy (STAR) research group focus on working 100% with industry (currently automotive, aerospace, sports goods and defence) to reduce cost in solid-state processes (forging -> machining), this includes creating digital fingerprints of microstructure through machining force response analysis. This includes working alongside machine tool manufacturers. We are pioneers in the recycling of aerospace machining swarf / powder: utilising Conform (continuous extrusion) to create wire/springs and field-assisted sintering technology (FAST/SPS) to produce near-net shapes with as-forged properties (FAST-forge). We also produce new higher performance titanium alloys for the aerospace sector. We have generated a number of patents with industry partners.
Key research interests:
- New disruptive in-process NDE technique: digital microstructures directly from machining force response.
- Machine tool insert degradation mechanisms during machining of titanium and nickel superalloys.
- Microstructure and Property prediction (digital twins) during solid-state processing (forging, rolling and extrusion).
- Recycling of aerospace waste streams (swarf and AM powder) using Conform [continuous extrusion] and field-assisted sintering technology [FAST].
- Creator of new opportunities for sustainable processing. From powder/swarf to product in two steps: FAST-forge, CIP-FAST, AddFAST, FAST-roll and FAST-form
- Publications
Journal articles
- On the surface integrity of machined aero-engine grade Ni-based superalloy billets produced by the field-assisted sintering technology (FAST) route. Procedia CIRP, 123, 310-315.
- Rapid acquisition of digital fingerprints of Ti-6Al-4V macrotexture from machining force measurement data. Materials Characterization, 207, 113550-113550.
- Channelling electric current during the field-assisted sintering technique (FAST) to control microstructural evolution in Ti-6Al-4V. Journal of Materials Science, 58(36), 14514-14532.
- AddFAST: A hybrid technique for tailoring microstructures in titanium-titanium composites. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 315, 117920-117920.
- Tool for automatic macrozone characterization from EBSD data sets of titanium alloys. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 56(3).
- An experimental and theoretical investigation on Ti-5553/WC–Co(6%) chemical interactions during machining and in diffusion couples. Wear, 516-517, 204604-204604.
- Insights in α-Al2O3 degradation in multilayer CVD coated carbide tools when turning IN718. Wear, 204786-204786.
- Machining performance and wear behaviour of polycrystalline diamond and coated carbide tools during milling of titanium alloy Ti-54M. Wear, 204791-204791.
- A parametric study of the microstructural evolution of an advanced Ni-based superalloy powder when consolidated using Field Assisted Sintering Technology, compared to a hot isostatic pressing benchmark. Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, 5, 100103-100103.
- Deformation modes investigation during ex-situ dwell fatigue testing in a bimodal near-α titanium alloy. International Journal of Fatigue, 163, 107098-107098.
- Digital fingerprints of microstructural variation in titanium alloy hip joint forgings via machining force feedback analysis. Materials Characterization, 192, 112198-112198.
- The influence of machining induced surface integrity and residual stress on the fatigue performance of Ti-6Al-4V following polycrystalline diamond and coated cemented carbide milling. International Journal of Fatigue, 107054.
- MulTi-FAST : a machinability assessment of functionally graded titanium billets produced from multiple alloy powders. Materials, 15(9), 3237-3237. View this article in WRRO
- On the mechanism of crater wear in a high strength metastable β titanium alloy. Wear, 484-485, 203998-203998.
- Mobilities of Ti and Fe in disordered TiFe-BCC assessed from new experimental data. Calphad, 74, 102300-102300.
- Deformation behaviour of a FAST diffusion bond processed from dissimilar titanium alloy powders. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 52, 3064-3082. View this article in WRRO
- A novel method for investigating drilling machinability of titanium alloys using velocity force maps. Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, 100043.
- The influence of finish machining depth and hot isostatic pressing on defect distribution and fatigue behaviour of selective electron beam melted Ti-6Al-4V. International Journal of Fatigue, 106169.
- The effect of forging texture and machining parameters on the fatigue performance of titanium alloy disc components. International Journal of Fatigue, 142, 105949-105949.
- Direct electrochemical production of pseudo-binary Ti–Fe alloys from mixtures of synthetic rutile and iron(III) oxide. Journal of Materials Science, 55(33), 15988-16001.
- Machinability maps – Towards a mechanistic understanding of the machining of TI-6AL-4V and TIMETAL 407. Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, 1, 100003-100003.
- Using machining force feedback to quantify grain size in beta titanium. Materialia, 13, 100856-100856.
- FAST-forge of titanium alloy swarf: A solid-state closed-loop recycling approach for aerospace machining waste. Metals, 10(2). View this article in WRRO
- Exploitation of field assisted sintering technology (FAST) for titanium alloys. MATEC Web of Conferences, 321, 02006-02006.
- The effect of Titanium Alloy Composition and Tool Coating on Drilling Machinability. MATEC Web of Conferences, 321, 13002-13002.
- A Novel Technique to Assess the Effect of Machining and Subsurface Microstructure on the Fatigue Performance of Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo. MATEC Web of Conferences, 321, 04012-04012.
- Recycling of titanium alloy swarf directly into wire using the ConformTM continuous extrusion process. MATEC Web of Conferences, 321, 03028-03028.
- FAST-forge of novel Ti-6Al-4V/Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo bonded, near net shape forgings from surplus AM powder. MATEC Web of Conferences, 321, 03010-03010.
- A Method for the Production of Titanium-Tantalum Binary Alloys Using the Metalysis-FFC Process. MATEC Web of Conferences, 321, 07012-07012.
- Synthetic rutile derived titanium alloy development utilising the Metalysis Process and field assisted sintering technology. MATEC Web of Conferences, 321, 07001-07001.
- FAST-DB: A novel solid-state approach for diffusion bonding dissimilar titanium alloy powders for next generation critical components. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 269, 200-207. View this article in WRRO
- The effect of machining and induced surface deformation on the fatigue performance of a high strength metastable β titanium alloy. International Journal of Fatigue, 124, 26-33. View this article in WRRO
- Processing metal powders via field assisted sintering technology (FAST): a critical review. Materials Science and Technology, 35(11), 1306-1328.
- Novel high strength titanium-titanium composites produced using field-assisted sintering technology (FAST). Scripta Materialia, 159, 51-57. View this article in WRRO
- The effect of titanium alloy chemistry on machining induced tool crater wear characteristics. Wear, 408-409, 200-207.
- Thermomechanical processing of a high strength metastable beta titanium alloy powder, consolidated using the low-cost FAST- forge process. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 254, 158-170.
- Measurements of residual stress and microstructural evolution in electron beam welded Ti-6Al-4V using multiple techniques. Materials Characterization, 132, 10-19.
- On a Testing Methodology for the Mechanical Property Assessment of a New Low-Cost Titanium Alloy Derived from Synthetic Rutile. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 48(11), 5228-5232. View this article in WRRO
- Continuous extrusion of a commercially pure titanium powder via the Conform process. Materials Science and Technology, 33(7), 899-903. View this article in WRRO
- FAST-forge − a new cost-effective hybrid processing route for consolidating titanium powder into near net shape forged components. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 243, 335-346. View this article in WRRO
- On the mechanism of tool crater wear during titanium alloy machining. Wear, 374-375, 15-20.
- Direct reduction of synthetic rutile using the FFC process to produce low-cost novel titanium alloys. Journal of Materials Science, 51(9), 4250-4261. View this article in WRRO
- Spark plasma sintering of commercial and development titanium alloy powders. Journal of Materials Science, 50(14), 4860-4878. View this article in WRRO
- Optimising design and performance of engineering components. Ironmaking and Steelmaking, 40(4), 243-251.
- The role of temperature and alloy chemistry on subsurface deformation mechanisms during shot peening of titanium alloys. Scripta Materialia, 66(12), 1065-1068.
- The effect of shot peening on the microstructure and properties of a near-alpha titanium alloy following high temperature exposure. Acta Materialia, 60(13-14), 5040-5048.
- Focused ion beam-SIMS oxygen assay of the surface of titanium alloys prepared by the shot peening process. Surface and Interface Analysis.
- Superplastic forming and diffusion bonding of titanium alloys, 227-246.
- On mechanism of flow softening in Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr. MATER SCI TECH-LOND, 27(6), 1025-1032.
- Advances in metal manufacturing technologies. Ironmaking and Steelmaking, 38(4), 241-249.
- Characterisation of Conform (TM) and conventionally extruded Al-4Mg-1Zr. Effect of extrusion route on superplasticity. J MATER SCI, 45(15), 4188-4195.
- Development of microstructure and properties during the multiple extrusion and consolidation of Al-4Mg-1Zr. MAT SCI ENG A-STRUCT, 527(15), 3358-3364.
- Microstructural damage during high-speed milling of titanium alloys. SCRIPTA MATER, 62(5), 250-253.
- Influence of subsequent cold work on the superplastic properties of a friction stir welded (FSW) aluminium alloy. MAT SCI ENG A-STRUCT, 527(4-5), 1022-1026.
- The development of superplastic magnesium alloy sheet. Key Engineering Materials, 433, 273-279.
- Characterization of the FFC Cambridge Process for NiTi Production Using In Situ X-Ray Synchrotron Diffraction. J ELECTROCHEM SOC, 157(4), E57-E63.
- NiTi Production via the FFC Cambridge Process: Refinement of Process Parameters. J ELECTROCHEM SOC, 157(3), E36-E43.
- Direct extrusion of titanium alloy powder. MATER TECHNOL, 24(3), 174-179.
- The Flow Behavior and Microstructural Evolution of Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr during Subtransus Isothermal Forging. METALL MATER TRANS A, 40A(8), 1944-1954.
- beta Phase decomposition in Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr. ACTA MATER, 57(13), 3830-3839.
- Compositional variability in gum metal. SCRIPTA MATER, 60(11), 1000-1003.
- Development of chevron-shaped alpha precipitates in Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr. SCRIPTA MATER, 60(7), 571-573.
- Effect of initial microstructure on plastic flow behaviour during isothermal forging of Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al. MAT SCI ENG A-STRUCT, 501(1-2), 248-254.
- On the mechanism of superelasticity in Gum metal. ACTA MATER, 57(4), 1188-1198.
- Light metals in the steel city. Materials Technology, 24(3), 136-138.
- The microstructural response of a peened near-alpha titanium alloy to thermal exposure. SCRIPTA MATER, 60(2), 108-111.
- Production of Ti-W Alloys from Mixed Oxide Precursors via the FFC Cambridge Process. J ELECTROCHEM SOC, 156(1), E1-E7.
- Determination of (C-11-C-12) in Ti-36Nb-2Ta-3Zr-0.3O (wt.%) (Gum metal). SCRIPTA MATER, 59(6), 669-672.
- Production of NiTi via the FFC Cambridge Process. ECS Meeting Abstracts, MA2008-02(49), 2990-2990.
- Thermomechanical processing of Ti-5A1-5Mo-5V-3Cr. MAT SCI ENG A-STRUCT, 490(1-2), 369-377.
- The evolution of microtexture and macrotexture during subtransus forging of Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al. MAT SCI ENG A-STRUCT, 488(1-2), 8-15.
- The manufacture of superplastic magnesium alloy sheet. MATERIALWISS WERKST, 39(4-5), 340-342.
- The production of Ti-Mo alloys from mixed oxide precursors via the FFC cambridge process. J ELECTROCHEM SOC, 155(6), E63-E69.
- Optimization of the FFC Cambridge process for NiTi production. ECS Transactions, 16(49), 211-219.
- Production of NiTi via the FFC Cambridge Process. J ELECTROCHEM SOC, 155(12), E171-E177.
- Micromechanics of Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al: In situ synchrotron characterisation and modelling. ACTA MATER, 55(20), 6861-6872.
- Dynamic recrystallisation and superplasticity in pure aluminium with zirconium addition. MAT SCI ENG A-STRUCT, 444(1-2), 291-297.
- Direct electrochemical production of Ti-10W alloys from mixed oxide preform precursors. J ALLOY COMPD, 419(1-2), 103-109.
- Materials perspective - A review of advances in processing and metallurgy of titanium alloys. MATER SCI TECH-LOND, 22(8), 881-887.
- The microstructural evolution of near beta alloy Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al during subtransus forging. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 36(10), 2871-2871.
- A comparative study of microstructure and texture evolution in low cost titanium alloy swarf and powder recycled via FAST and HIP. Materials Science and Technology.
- Microstructural examination and ballistic testing of field-assisted sintering technology produced Ti-TiB2 functionally graded material composite armour plates. Materials Science and Technology.
- Assessing the mechanical properties of out-of-specification additive manufacturing Ti-6Al-4V powder recycled through field-assisted sintering technology (FAST). Powder Metallurgy.
- A Machinability Assessment of the Novel Application of Field-Assisted Sintering Technology to Diffusion Bond (FAST-DB) and Functionally Grade Dissimilar Nickel-Based Superalloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A.
- CIP-FAST: assessing the production of complex geometry titanium components from powders by combining Cold Isostatic Pressing (CIP) and Field Assisted Sintering Technology (FAST). Powder Metallurgy, 1-11.
- Effect of processing route on ballistic performance of Ti-6Al-4V armour plate. Materials Science and Technology, 1-11.
- Residual Stress Distributions in Dissimilar Titanium Alloy Diffusion Bonds Produced From Powder Using Field-Assisted Sintering Technology (FAST-DB). Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A.
- Solid-state processing of surplus aluminium alloy powders through a combination of field-assisted sintering technology and hot rolling. Powder Metallurgy, 1-8.
- In-Process Fingerprints of Dissimilar Titanium Alloy Diffusion Bonded Layers from Hole Drilling Force Data. Metals, 12(8), 1353-1353.
- A low-cost machinability approach to accelerate titanium alloy development. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 095440542093786-095440542093786.
- Near Net Shape Manufacture of Titanium Alloy Components from Powder and Wire: A Review of State-of-the-Art Process Routes. Metals, 9(6), 689-689.
- FAST-forge of Diffusion Bonded Dissimilar Titanium Alloys: A Novel Hybrid Processing Approach for Next Generation Near-Net Shape Components. Metals, 9(6), 654-654.
- Determining a Flow Stress Model for High Temperature Deformation of Ti-6Al-4V. Materials Science Forum, 828-829, 441-446. View this article in WRRO
- Titanium alloy microstructure fingerprint plots from in-process machining. Materials Science and Engineering: A.
- Recycling of Titanium Alloy Powders and Swarf through Continuous Extrusion (ConformTM) into Affordable Wire for Additive Manufacturing. Metals, 10(6), 843-843.
- Superplastic forming and diffusion bonding of titanium alloys, Superplastic forming of advanced metallic materials: Methods and applications (pp. 227-246). Cambridge, UK: Woodhead Publishing Ltd..
- The Determination of Residual Stress in Extruded Ti-6Al-4V by Contour Method and Finite Element Analysis, Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Titanium (pp. 305-310). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Solid State Extraction and Consolidation of Titanium Alloys Direct from Synthetic Rutile, Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Titanium (pp. 71-76). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Influence of Aluminium Content on the Machinability and Subsurface Deformation Of Titanium Alloys, Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Titanium (pp. 923-928). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Crack Initiation and Propagation in Ti-6Al-4V Alpha-Case, Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Titanium (pp. 1515-1520). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Linking Machining Response of Titanium Billet to Upstream Thermomechanical Processing, Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Titanium (pp. 1649-1654). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- The Effect of Finish Milling on the Surface Integrity and Subsurface Microstructure in Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr, Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Titanium (pp. 299-304). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Continuous Extrusion of Titanium Particulates, Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Titanium (pp. 107-115). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Titanium Research Developments in the United Kingdom, Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Titanium (pp. 1-12). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Automotive Applications for Titanium (pp. 1-15). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
- The Application of a Novel Technique to Examine Sub-β Transus Isothermal Forging of Titanium Alloys, Lightweight Alloys for Aerospace Application (pp. 229-239). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Titanium and its alloys: processing, fabrication and mechanical properties In Blockley R & Shyy W (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering (pp. 2117-2132). Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Conference proceedings papers
- Surface roughness response to drilling of Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr using Ti-Al-N PVD coated and uncoated WC/Co tools. Procedia CIRP, Vol. 87 (pp 170-175). Mondragón, Spain, 1 June 2020 - 5 June 2020. View this article in WRRO
- Surface and sub-surface integrity of Ti-6Al-4V components produced by selective electron beam melting with post-build finish machining. Procedia CIRP, Vol. 87 (pp 309-314). Vitoria-Gasteiz, Basque Country, Spain, 1 June 2020 - 5 June 2020. View this article in WRRO
- Predicting Chemical Wear in Machining Titanium Alloys Via a Novel Low Cost Diffusion Couple Method. Procedia CIRP, Vol. 45 (pp 219-222)
- A Microstructural Assessment of the Thermal Gradient during Large-scale FAST/SPS Sintering for Tall Samples and Multi-Sample Serial Stacking of Ti-6Al-4V Plates. Euro PM2023 Proceedings
- Consolidation Of Titanium Swarf And Surplus AM Powder Via The Solid-state Processing Routes Of FAST And HIP. World PM2022 Proceedings
- Exploitation of Spark Plasma Sintering and One-Step Forging for Cost-Effective Processing of Titanium Alloy Powders (pp 123-128)
- Exploitation of Field-Assisted Sintering Technology (FAST) to Produce Pre-Forged Billets from Metastable Beta Titanium Alloy Powder. Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 716 (pp 800-816)
Theses / Dissertations
- On the surface integrity of machined aero-engine grade Ni-based superalloy billets produced by the field-assisted sintering technology (FAST) route. Procedia CIRP, 123, 310-315.
- Research group
- Teaching interests
Having worked in - and carried out metallurgy research with - the aerospace industry for 20 years, My expertise and teaching centres around the metallurgy of advanced light alloys and associated manufacturing for the aerospace and automotive sectors, with module structures that aim to provide engineering students with applied industrial experience of metals manufacturing.
I have written three book chapters on titanium alloys for both undergraduates and postgraduates studying the disciplines of aerospace, materials and automotive engineering.
- Teaching activities
AER61005 Industrial training Programme in Aerospace Materials (with Rolls-Royce)
MAT3333/333/AER330 Light Alloys
- Professional activities and memberships
IOM3 Non-ferrous & Light Alloys