

The Centre for Machine Intelligence (CMI) is a £3.64m strategic investment by the University of Sheffield that will cement our status as a world-leading institution for research and education in AI. The CMI will create a vibrant interdisciplinary research environment that recognises our unique strengths, such as those in the social sciences, manufacturing, autonomous systems, health, energy, digital humanities and digital twins. The Centre will work closely with stakeholders in industry, government, higher education and non-profit organisations to significantly raise our profile in interdisciplinary AI research and innovation.

It is currently appointing Fellows for three of its four interdisciplinary research themes. Successful applicants will work closely with the AI theme lead for their area of specialisation.

  • Human-Centric AI - This theme will address challenges in social interaction, using AI for good and conforming to legal and ethical norms.
  • AI-Enabled Research - This theme will transform research across all disciplines by providing new methods for understanding a wide range of data (images, sound, sequences, etc.), detecting key or rare events in massive data sets, extracting new insights in scientific and health data.
  • AI for Engineering and Manufacturing - This theme will enable efficient and robust manufacturing processes, novel design and production of chemicals and materials, and accessible AI-driven manufacturing systems.

AI Futures

Find out more about AI Futures Grants.

The following positions are currently open to advert:

AI and In/equality (Human-Centric AI Theme)

Abstract illustration

The Fellow will work in one or more area aligned to our AI research community’s strengths in Human-Centric AI, including but not limited to: AI and in/equality; Human-centric AI regulation; AI, the creative economy and responsible innovation; Non-English large language models, parity, inclusion and diversity.

Deadline: Thursday 8th August

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AI for Health (AI-Enabled Research Theme)

Abstract illustration

The Fellow will work in an area aligned with one or more of the areas where Sheffield has particular strengths and research activity in AI for Health, which include: in-silico modelling, digital twins, cancer, cardiovascular disease, medical imaging, health economics/decision science, neuroscience, infection/immunity, multimorbidity and frailty and public health.  

Deadline: Thursday 8th August

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AI for Sustainability and Resilience (Engineering and Manufacturing Theme / AI-Enabled Research Theme)

Abstract illustration

The Fellow will conduct research at the interface of AI and one or more of the environment, climate, resilience, and sustainability. Possible areas include: new functional materials that will emulate neuromorphic computers, which could reduce the carbon emissions associated with training and running large AI systems;  AI methods for accelerating net-zero progress in product formulation;  AI for proactive understanding and mitigation of environmental challenges and hazards through the analysis of massive data sets.

Deadline: Thursday 8th August

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Follow @sheffielduni and @UniOfSheffJobs on Twitter for more information about what makes the University of Sheffield a remarkable place to work.

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