How theory can address the challenges in AI - e.g. transparency, regulation, safety, control

Diamond building

Event details

17:00 - 20:00


As Artificial intelligence (AI) systems become more powerful and ubiquitous, how can we ensure that AI is trustworthy and understandable?  In this event we bring together members of the Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems (FoIKs) community and members of the AI community at the University of Sheffield to explore both opportunities and obstacles for theory and formal methods to address the challenges of AI, and potential ways forward.  The event will feature short talks and perspectives from our panel members, a panel discussion with audience Q & A, and a networking reception. 

This event is organised by Jonni Virtema, University of Sheffield (Co-lead of the Shef.AI Interest Group on Explainable AI) with support from the Centre for Machine Intelligence (CMI) and linked to the FoIKs 2024 conference, Sheffield, UK.

Location: Diamond, DIA - LT 2 , Diamond Basement, 32 Leavygreave Rd, Broomhall, Sheffield S3 7RD. Directions: via Google maps.

Date: Tuesday, 09-04-2024

Start: 17:00 Finish: 20:00 

To attend: please register here by Midnight, Monday 1st April.


Start: 17:00. 

17:15 Introduction to the session - Franz Baader (TU Dresden) , "It‘s about Truth, Stupid!”. 

Short talks/perspectives from:

Giuseppe De Giacomo (University of Oxford), Iñaki Esnaola (University of Sheffield); Matt Ellis (University of Sheffield). 

17:45 Panel Discussion with audience Q and A.

18:15- 20:00  Networking reception with drinks and savoury bites. 

Close: 20:00. 

Panel members:

Franz Baader - Professor at TU Dresden and Director of the Institute for Theoretical Computer Science at TU Dresden (Germany).

Giuseppe De Giacomo - Professor of Computer Science at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Oxford.

Iñaki Esnaola - Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor), Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering at the University of Sheffield, UK, and a Visiting Research Collaborator in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Princeton University, NJ, USA.

Matt Ellis -  Lecturer in Machine Learning, Department of Computer Science at the University of Sheffield, Lead of the Shef.AI Interest Group on Explainable AI.

Chair: Magdalena Ortiz - Associate Professor, TU Wien Informatics, Austria.

For more details and panel bios see the event website

This event is open to registered participants for FoIKs 2024 and staff and students of the University of Sheffield.   

To attend please register here by Midnight, Monday 1st April.

Places are limited, and if necessary will be allocated on a first come first serve basis, according to time of registration.  


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