Tutorials A-Z

An alphabetical list of online research skills and critical thinking resources.



Academic writing [schools, colleges and apprentices tutorial] [view as DOCX]

Accessing your recommended reading [video]

Active reading for understanding [tutorial]

AIP referencing guide [webpage]

Using AM Explorer [video]

APA 7th edition referencing guide [web page]

Using ASSIA [video]

Using Avery Index [video]


Blogging: from concept to communication [video]

Using British Education Index [video]

Using British Standards Online [video]

Using Business Source Premier [video]


Using CINAHL [video]

Creating and editing images [tutorial] [view as DOCX]

What is critical thinking? [video]

Evaluating information and critical thinking [tutorial] [view as DOCX]


Developing a search strategy [tutorial] [view as DOCX]

Developing your ideas with mind mapping [schools, colleges and apprentices video]

Discovering and understanding UK government information [tutorial] [view as DOCX]

Discovering and understanding legal materials [tutorial] [view as DOCX]

Discovering and using ebooks effectively [video series] [view as DOCX]

Discovering and using images, graphs, charts, and figures [tutorial] 

Discovering and using images, graphs, charts, and figures [schools, colleges and apprentices tutorial]

Discovering open access academic sources [schools, colleges and apprentices video]

Using Discover Our Archives [video]


Discovering and using ebooks effectively [video series] [view as DOCX]

Using Education Database [video]

Employability and information literacy [video]

Evaluating information and critical thinking [tutorial] [view as DOCX]


Using Gale Primary Sources [video]

Using Google Scholar [video]

Using Google Scholar [schools, colleges and apprentices video]

How to create a Google Site [video]

Discovering and understanding UK government information [tutorial] [view as DOCX]


Harvard referencing guide [web page]

Harvard referencing [schools, colleges and apprentices web page]

How to attribute images [web page]

How to create a Google Site [video]

How to read a journal article [tutorial]


Using IEEE Xplore [video]

IEEE referencing guide [web page]

Creating and editing images [tutorial] [view as DOCX]

Discovering and using images, graphs, charts, and figures [tutorial]

How to attribute images [web page]

Understanding and questioning images using the five step process [tutorial] [view as DOCX]

Introduction to infographics [tutorial] [view as DOCX]


Using JSTOR [video]


Know your information sources [schools, colleges and apprentices tutorial] [view as DOCX]


Using lecture recordings: a guide for students [PDF]

Discovering and understanding legal materials [tutorial] [view as DOCX]

Using Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA) [video]


Using Medline [video]

Developing your ideas with mind mapping [schools, colleges and apprentices video]

MHRA Author-Date referencing guide [web page]

MHRA footnotes referencing guide [web page]


Using Naxos Music Library [video]

Using Nexis [video]

Note taking [schools, colleges and apprentices tutorial] [view as DOCX]


Discovering open access academic sources [schools, colleges and apprentices video]

OSCOLA referencing guide [web page]


Plagiarism and referencing quiz [tutorial] [view as DOCX]

Plagiarism and referencing [schools, colleges and apprentices tutorial] [view as DOCX]

Understanding plagiarism [tutorial] [view as DOCX]

Presentations: planning, creating and delivering [tutorial] [view as DOCX]

Presentations: plan, create and deliver [schools, colleges and apprentices tutorial] [view as DOCX]

Producing a literature review [tutorial] [view as DOCX]

Using ProQuest One Literature [video]

Using PsycINFO [video]

Using PubMed [video]


Questioning and evaluating information worksheet [DOCX]


Accessing your recommended reading – formerly Using Resource Lists: a tutorial for students [video]

Referencing and plagiarism quiz [tutorial] [view as DOCX]

Referencing: the essentials [tutorial]

Using RILM Abstracts of Music Literature via EBSCO [video]

Why Reference? [video]


Using Scopus [video]

Search planning [schools, colleges and apprentices video]

Developing a search strategy [tutorial] [view as DOCX]

Using Sensus Access [video]

Using StarPlus [video]


The Fake News Game [tutorial] [view as DOCX]


Understanding and questioning images using the five step process [tutorial] [view as DOCX]

Understanding plagiarism [tutorial] [view as DOCX]

Using AM Explorer [video]

Using ASSIA [video]

Using Avery Index [video]

Using British Education Index [video]

Using British Standards Online [video]

Using Business Source Premier [video]

Using CINAHL [video]

Using Discover Our Archives [video]

Using Education Database [video]

Using Gale Primary Sources [video]

Using Google Scholar [video]

Using Google Scholar [schools, colleges and apprentices video]

Using IEEE Xplore [video]

Using JSTOR [video]

Using lecture recordings: a guide for students [PDF]

Using Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA) [video]

Using Medline [video]

Using Naxos Music Library [video]

Using Nexis [video]

Using ProQuest One Literature [video]

Using PsycINFO [video]

Using PubMed [video]

Using RILM Abstracts of Music Literature via EBSCO [video]

Using Scopus [video]

Using Sensus Access [video]

Using StarPlus [video]

Using Web of Science [video]


Vancouver referencing guide [web page]


Using Web of Science [video]

What is critical thinking? [video]

Where do I search for academic information for my course and research? [tutorial]

Why reference? [video]

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