Dr Joan Ramon (Mon) Rodriguez-Amat
BA (UAB-Barcelona); MA, PhD (UAB-Barcelona)
School of Journalism, Media and Communication
Senior Lecturer in Journalism, Media and Communication

Full contact details
School of Journalism, Media and Communication
The Wave
2 Whitham Road
S10 2AH
- Profile
Mon joined the school in September 2024 as a Senior Lecturer in Journalism, Media and Communication. Previously, Mon had been Research and Innovation Lead for the Department of Culture and Media at Sheffield Hallam University (2015-2024); and before that he was postdoctoral assistant in the chair of Media Governance and Media Industries of the Institute of Communication Science at the University of Vienna (2011-2014). He was a 2023 Research Fellow in the Department of Communication at the University of Muenster (Germany). Mon has taught Media and Communication at higher education since 2001 and has guest researcher and teacher experience in more than a dozen universities including Germany, France, Austria, Spain, Catalonia, Argentina, and Malaysia.
Mon has a track record of publications in leading international journals including Communication Theory, New Media and Society, or the International Journal of Communication.
- Research interests
Mon insists that he researches people talking to each other; but actually his work spreads across the factors that shape the communicative spaces: this is, the integration of social interactions with mobile and digital social platforms, with the physical-geographic space.
He is intrigued by the misfits between data, geographies, and culture; that is why sometimes he researchers on the governance of culture and media policies (such as copyright and piracy, or censorship, or media ownership, platforms, or local cultural strategies); sometimes he researches on politics of technology, data infrastructures and algorithms, and geographic inequalities (working on concepts like public sphere, or communicative spaces, news deserts, mediatization, or surveillance); and sometimes he dares to explore hybrid communities (including piracy and fandom, commuters, porn communities, or social movements). Sometimes he works with the three fronts at once often by combining computational methods, quantitative, and radical qualitative approaches.
As a social scientist, Mon fights monsters of social injustice, social discrimination and social inequalities reproduced by technologies and by wrong decisions; and as a teacher he finds personal pleasure in learning, that is for him a form of changing the ways of thinking. Perhaps this explains why he studies technology, and why science is for him also a way of creativity more than a Techne, or why he is so terribly scared of monkeys with weapons.
- Publications
Journal articles
- Revolutions: an introduction to the #AoIR2023 special issue. Information, Communication & Society, 27(12), 2215-2221.
- Platforms, influencers and distributed narratives. OBRA DIGITAL-REVISTA DE COMUNICACION(25), 10-24.
- Ideologies in Geospatial Futurism: A Computational and Critical Discourse Inquiry Into the ArcGIS and ESRI-Blogs. MEDIA AND COMMUNICATION, 12.
- Gauging the Google gaze: A digital visual analysis of images of a semi-peripheral town. Culture Unbound, 16(1), 86-116.
- Thinking about media reform from depopulated areas: analysis of social perceptions about local journalism. Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social, 2024(82).
- A computational mapping of online news deserts on African news websites. Media and Communication, 11(3). View this article in WRRO
- Space Sex-Machines: trans-planetary ethics and the mediatization of things. MedienJournal, 47(1), 40-58.
- The Fluid and Disruptive Shape of Activism: Strategic Communication in #fridaysforfuture. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 17(4), 301-324.
- ‘No coronavirus can leave us without sex’: relations of complicity and solidarity on Pornhub. Porn Studies, 10(3), 233-251.
- Collaborative Design in Kinetic Performance: Safeguarding the Uilleann Pipes through Inertial Motion Capture. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 6(11).
- Hacia una gobernanza de los datos de las plataformas. Explorando los desajustes entre los datos y el sentido. Revista de la Asociación Española de Investigación de la Comunicación, 9(18), 45-74.
- Autoridades interpretativas: una perspectiva teórica sobre datificación y producción de sentido. Palabra Clave, 24(3), 1-27.
- Strip-teasing COVID-19 porn: A promising silhouette of a community, or the dark alley of a platformized industry?. First Monday, 26(10).
- Structures of the public sphere: Contested spaces as assembled interfaces. Media and Communication, 9(3), 16-27.
- A Latin American Approach to Mediatization: Specificities and Contributions to a Global Discussion About How the Media Shape Contemporary Societies. Communication Theory, 28(2), 131-154.
- Student protests. Three periods of university governance. TripleC, 15(2), 526-542.
- Defining authorship in user-generated content: Copyright struggles in The Game of Thrones. New Media & Society, 19(4), 542-559.
- Ocupar las plazas con tuits. Una propuesta para el análisis de la gobernanza de los espacios comunicativos. Obra digital(11), 2-19.
- Space and place matters: A tool for the analysis of geolocated and mapped protests. New Media & Society, 18(6), 1027-1046.
- Intellectual property law change and process: The case of spanish ley sinde as policy laundering. First Monday, 19(3).
- BOOK REVIEWS. International Journal of Media & Cultural Politics, 8(1), 127-135.
- #Germancinema in the Eye of Instagram: Showcasing a Method Combination, Global Germany in Transnational Dialogues (pp. 109-131). Springer International Publishing
- Sex Machines as Mediatized Sexualities: Ethical and Social Implications, Ethik in mediatisierten Welten (pp. 221-239). Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
- Regulating Media Convergence: Supranational and Global Paradigms, Media and Convergence Management (pp. 337-350). Springer Berlin Heidelberg
- Copyright and Privacy Governance: Policy Intersections and Challenges, Communication and Media Policy in the Era of the Internet (pp. 147-159). Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Conference proceedings papers
- Revolutions: an introduction to the #AoIR2023 special issue. Information, Communication & Society, 27(12), 2215-2221.
- Teaching activities
Mon is module leader for JNL233 Journalism and Political Communication and delivers lectures and seminars in a variety of other modules both in the IPPC MA and in the MA in Global Journalism.
- PhD supervision
Mon is particularly interested in supervising doctoral students interested in aspects crossing the following areas:
Media Governance and Industries (including ownership, public sphere, and power inequalities)
Data, surveillance, and digital technologies (including algorithms and data literacy)
Media Technologies and Infrastructures of Communication (including Artificial Intelligence, media materialities and geographic inequalities)
Cultural governance and datafication
Media Mobility and Geographies and Media.
Social Movements and Social Media
Computational Methodologies for Social and Communication Science.