Dr Irini Katsirea
LLM (Leicester); PhD (Cambridge)
School of Journalism, Media and Communication
Reader in International Media Law

+44 114 222 2540
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School of Journalism, Media and Communication
The Wave
2 Whitham Road
S10 2AH
- Profile
Dr Irini Katsirea is Reader in International Media Law at the University of Sheffield. She joined the School of Journalism, Media and Communication in September 2015. Before her appointment at the University of Sheffield, Irini was Senior Lecturer in Law at Middlesex University, London. She has served as Visiting Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies and is a member of the Athens Bar. She holds a First Examination in Law from the Free University of Berlin, an LLM in European and International Trade Law from the University of Leicester and a PhD from Magdalene College, Cambridge.
Her current collaborative research projects include 'Unreliable science: Unravelling the impact of mainstream media misrepresentation', funded by the Gulbenkian Foundation European Media and Information Fund, and 'Fact-checked - Understanding the Factors Behind Direct Fact-Check Rejection', funded by SPRITE+ (EPSRC).
- Research interests
Irini's research interests are in the areas of international, European and comparative media law as well as EU law. She has published extensively in these areas. Her recent research projects include 'Press Regulation in an Era of Convergence', funded by the British Academy/Leverhulme Trust, and 'A comparison of editorial standards and complaints handling before and after IPSO', funded by IPSO.
Irini welcomes PhD applications in her areas of research.
- Publications
- Press Freedom and Regulation in a Digital Era. Oxford University PressOxford.
Journal articles
- ‘“Fake news”: Reconsidering the value of untruthful expression in the face of regulatory uncertainty’. The Journal of Media Law, 10(2), 159-188. View this article in WRRO
- View this article in WRRO
- Search Engines and Press Archives Between Memory and Oblivion. European Public Law, 24(Issue 1), 125-146.
- Digital terrestrial television licensing in Greece: Curiouser and curiouser. International Journal of Digital Television, 8(2), 201-219. View this article in WRRO
- View this article in WRRO
- Press regulation in an era of convergence: An introduction. Convergence. View this article in WRRO
- Electronic press: 'Press-like' or 'television-like'?. International Journal of Law and Information Technology, 23(2), 134-156. View this article in WRRO
- View this article in WRRO
- ‘Public Service Broadcasting in the Era of Austerity’, London, 11 July 2013. International Journal of Digital Television, 5(1), 103-106.
- Broadcasting in an Age of Commercialism. Journal of Media Law, 4(2), 155-158.
- Who is Afraid of Public Service Broadcasting? The Digital Future of an Age-Old Institution Under Threat. Yearbook of European Law, 31(1), 416-451.
- Lilian Edwards and Charlotte Waelde (eds), Law and the Internet. Journal of Media Law, 2(1), 139-143.
- Judicial Review of Party Broadcasts in Germany and the United Kingdom. Journal of Media Law, 1(2), 269-287.
- Book Review: Audiovisual Media Services without Frontiers Implementing the Rules, by IRIS Special. (Strasbourg: European Audiovisual Observatory, 2006). Common Market Law Review, 44(Issue 6), 1837-1839.
- Book Review: Culture: Cornerstone of the European Union Edifice?, Culture and European Union Law. Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 13(2), 239-258.
- Free movement of law students and lawyers in the EU: a comparison of English, German and Greek legislation. International Journal of the Legal Profession, 12(3), 367-406.
- The Transmission State Principle: The End of the Broadcasting Sovereignty of the Member States?. Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies, 6, 105-139.
- The Transmission State Principle: The End of the Broadcasting Sovereignty of the Member States?. Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies, 6, 105-139.
- The Notion of the Press Now and Then, Press Freedom and Regulation in a Digital Era (pp. 35-78). Oxford University PressOxford
- The Notion of Press Freedom Now and Then, Press Freedom and Regulation in a Digital Era (pp. 79-108). Oxford University PressOxford
- Table of Legislation (pp. xvii-xxii). Oxford University PressOxford
- Table of Cases (pp. ix-xvi). Oxford University PressOxford
- Search Engines, Online Archives, and the Right to Erasure (‘Right to be Forgotten’), Press Freedom and Regulation in a Digital Era (pp. 141-174). Oxford University PressOxford
- Regulating the Press for Accuracy and Objectivity, Press Freedom and Regulation in a Digital Era (pp. 111-140). Oxford University PressOxford
- Regulating Public Service Broadcasting’s Press-like Content, Press Freedom and Regulation in a Digital Era (pp. 229-254). Oxford University PressOxford
- Regulating Online Newspapers’ Video Content, Press Freedom and Regulation in a Digital Era (pp. 205-228). Oxford University PressOxford
- List of Abbreviations (pp. xxiii-xxiv). Oxford University PressOxford
- Introduction, Press Freedom and Regulation in a Digital Era (pp. 1-10). Oxford University PressOxford
- Holding Online News Websites Liable for User Comments, Press Freedom and Regulation in a Digital Era (pp. 175-204). Oxford University PressOxford
- Divergent Regulation, Convergent Media, Press Freedom and Regulation in a Digital Era (pp. 13-34). Oxford University PressOxford
- The Palgrave Handbook of European Media Policy Palgrave Macmillan UK
- The Television Without Frontiers Directive, The Palgrave Handbook of European Media Policy (pp. 297-311). Palgrave Macmillan UK
- Commercial Influences on Programme Content: The German and UK Approaches to Transposing EU Rules on Product Placement (pp. 159-188). Informa UK Limited
- European Media Policy for the Twenty-First Century Routledge
- The Television Without Frontiers Directive, The Palgrave Handbook of European Media Policy Palgrave Macmillan
- How Far are National Broadcasting Orders Converging as a Consequence of European Media Law and Policy? Edward Elgar Publishing
- Teaching activities
Irini has taught a variety of subjects including intellectual property and media law, EU law and international commercial arbitration. She is currently module leader for JNL6075 Media Freedom: European, UK and US Perspectives and oversees dissertation work by students on MA Global Journalism (JNL6133) and MA International Public and Political Communication (JNL6600).
- PhD supervision
Irini welcomes supervision enquiries for PhD study in her research areas of international, European and comparative media law, as well as EU law.
Current PhD students
- Wenqing Fu: ‘Exploring the Twitter debate surrounding the proposed US Twitter ban’