Sheila Webber
BA (Kent at Canterbury), Dip Lib (London Metropolitan University), FCLIP, FHEA
Information School
Senior Lecturer

+44 114 222 2641
Full contact details
Information School
Room C236
The Wave
2 Whitham Road
S10 2AH
- Profile
My key areas for research and teaching are information literacy (IL) and information behaviour (IB). My career started with post in the Health and Safety Executive, followed by 13 years at the UK’s national library, the British Library (BL). Starting with the BL’s pioneering online service, BLAISE, I proceeded to become manager of BLAISE Online Services, and my final job there was Head of the BL’s Business Information Service.
In 1992 I joined the Information Science department at Strathclyde University, Scotland, as a lecturer. Achievements included leading a funded project investigating small business’ use of information, and creating Business Information Sources on the Internet in 1994. In the late 1990s my focus shifted to information literacy, an interest which developed further after joining the Information School at Sheffield in 2000.
As well as teaching, researching and publishing in this field, I maintain the popular Information Literacy Weblog. In 2015 I was recipient of the Jason Farradane Award for services to Information Science and in 2017 I was awarded an Honorary Fellowship by CILIP: the Chartered Institute of Library and Information professionals.
University Responsibilities
- Head of the Libraries and Information Society Research Group.
- Director, Centre for Information Literacy Research.
- Coordinator of Library and Information Services Management programmes (MA/PG Diploma/PG Certificate)
- Module Coordinator: Information Literacy modules (INF6350; INF6553)
- Research interests
My primary research interest is investigating information literacy and information behaviour in context. Contexts include different disciplines, different countries and cultures, different lifestages, and in the context of both physical and virtual environments. Examples include information behaviour in virtual worlds and in computer gaming, and information literacy of older people.
To do this, I favour qualitative methods, particularly phenomenography, case study approach and autoethnography. I think it is important to connect research and teaching, by engaging students as researchers and bringing research into the physical or virtual classroom. I also think it is important to make a connection between research and practice, and this is part of the mission of the Centre for Information Literacy Research which I direct.
I have been an invited keynote at doctoral forums and have run practitioner workshops on research methods (for example at the European Conference on Information Literacy, 2018). I was a member of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Peer Review College 2010-2017. I have been external examiner for doctoral theses at Edinburgh University, Napier University, Aberystwyth University, Warwick University, Northumbria University, Loughborough University, Strathclyde University, the University of Middlesex, and Queensland University of Technology (Australia).
I am interested in supervising PhDs in any aspects of information literacy and information behaviour, and the use of technology (e.g. virtual worlds, computer gaming) in learning.
I am head of the Libraries and Information Society Research Group.
- Publications
Journal articles
- Information Science in Europe: Current Perspectives. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 60(1), 853-855.
- Mapping the state of information literacy education in primary schools : the case of Pakistan. Library & Information Science Research, 41(2), 123-131. View this article in WRRO
- A contextual framework for primary education: fostering information literacy in Pakistan. Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication, 68(3), 164-176.
- The relationship between students’ subject preferences and their information behaviour. Journal of Documentation, 74(4), 692-721. View this article in WRRO
- Embodying HIV and AIDS Information: Experiences of Serodiscordant Couples. Library Trends, 66(4), 442-465.
- Information literacy: conceptions, context and the formation of a discipline. Journal of Information, 11(1), 156-183. View this article in WRRO
- Myths about HIV and AIDS among serodiscordant couples in Malawi. Aslib Journal of Information Management, 69(3). View this article in WRRO
- Early Findings from a Study of Information Literacy Practices in Primary Schools of Pakistan, 282-290.
- Transforming Information Literacy for Higher Education in the 21st Century: A Lifelong Learning Approach, 15-30.
- Loss of faith in the origins of information literacy in e-environments: Proposal of a holistic approach. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 44(2), 97-107.
- Blended university teaching using virtual learning environments: conceptions and approaches. Instructional Science, 40(1), 141-157.
- Playing video games: learning and information literacy. Aslib Proceedings, 63(2-3), 241-255.
- What do the conceptions of geo/spatial information tell us about information literacy?. Journal of Documentation, 67(2), 334-354.
- Investigating modes of student inquiry in Second Life as part of a blended approach. International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments, 1(3), 55-70.
- Inquiry-based learning in the first-year information management curriculum. Italics, 7(1). View this article in WRRO
- An integrative model of "information visibility" and "information seeking" on the web. Program: Electronic Library and Information Systems, 42(4), 402-417.
- Employment information needs of Chinese young adults in Sheffield. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 39(4), 223-233.
- A phenomenographic study of English faculty's conceptions of information literacy. Journal of Documentation, 63(2), 204-228.
- As we may think: Information Literacy as a discipline for the information age. Research Strategies, 20(3), 108-121. View this article in WRRO
- View this article in WRRO
- Impact of the internet on delivery of reference services in English public libraries. Program: Electronic Library and Information Systems, 39(1), 25-38.
- The role of LIS faculty in the information literate university: taking over the academy?. New Library World, 105(1/2), 12-20.
- Information literacy in higher education: a review and case study. Studies in Higher Education, 28(3), 335-352.
- Educational informatics: An emerging research agenda. Journal of Information Science, 29(4), 298-310. View this article in WRRO
- Information science in 2003: a critique. Journal of Information Science, 29(4), 311-330. View this article in WRRO
- Marketing information and library services: are people learning about it?. Business Information Review, 18(4), 16-23.
- Conceptions of information literacy: new perspectives and implications. Journal of Information Science, 26(6), 381-397.
- Search engines and news services: developments on the Internet. Business Information Review, 15(4), 229-237.
- Meeting the marketing challenge: strategies for public libraries and leisure services - Kinnell, M and MacDougall, J. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 27(1), 53-54.
- Marketing concepts for libraries and information services - de Saez, Eileen Elliott. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 26(4), 232-233.
- Charging for library and information services in medical libraries: a review of the literature and a survey of current practice.. Health Libraries Review, 10(4), 202-223.
- Priced Business Information Services from the Public Sector: Will They Succeed?. IFLA Journal, 16(2), 220-230.
- The Age-Friendly Media and Information Literate (#AFMIL) City:. Journal of Information Literacy, 13(2), 276-276.
- European Developments in Intellectual Property. Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 26(4), 28-29.
- Information Science in Europe. Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 25(5), 27-29.
- Competencies for Information Professionals. Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 26(1), 28-29.
- Foreword, Doing Phenomenography (pp. xii-xiv). Policy Press
- View this article in WRRO
- Helping small business encounter information, I in the Sky: Visions of the Information Future (pp. 185-190).
- Marketing Library and Information Services: International Perspectives Walter de Gruyter – K. G. Saur
- Working towards the Information Literate University, Information Literacy (pp. 42-53). Elsevier
SERVICES IN THE UK, Marketing Library and Information Services: International Perspectives (pp. 237-246). Walter de Gruyter – K. G. Saur
- Teaching of marketing and quality management in schools of library and information science (LIS) in the UK: a review and report of findings, Education and Research for Marketing and Quality Management in Libraries / La formation et la recherche sur le marketing et la gestion de la qualité en bibliothèque DE GRUYTER SAUR
Conference proceedings papers
- Designing Artificial Serendipity (pp 28-45)
- View this article in WRRO
- Information Science in Europe: Current Perspectives. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 60(1), 853-855.
- Teaching activities
INF6024 - Researching Social Media
INF6350 - Information Literacy
INF6553 - Information Literacy DL