Dr Pamela Abbott
BSc (University of the West Indies), MMath (Waterloo, Canada), MPhil (Cambridge), PhD (Cambridge)
Information School
Senior Lecturer in Information Systems

+44 114 222 2669
Full contact details
Information School
Room C242
The Wave
2 Whitham Road
S10 2AH
- Profile
I started in academia as a computer scientist and mathematician, however, my academic career in Information Systems spans over some 11 years during which I have held various lecturing positions both in the UK (Brunel University London) and abroad (University College Dublin, Ireland).
I obtained my PhD in Management Studies from Cambridge University in 2004, having pioneered research in an area of global sourcing called “Nearshore Software Outsourcing”. This research interest stemmed from my former career as a Software Quality Analyst at a Barbados-based software outsourcing company specialising in providing services to US-based clients.
My more recent work in global sourcing looks at sources of collaboration and innovation through knowledge processes in software and services outsourcing. I carried out most of this research for this latter interest in China in collaboration with Chinese scholars.
I have attracted funding of up to £69,931 to pursue this research and won a prestigious AIS Senior Scholars best paper award for one of the ensuing publications.
My early work in nearshoring also spawned an interest in ICTs and their effects on developing countries since I, myself, am from the Caribbean islands and witnessed the transformation to work practices that took place during the “boom” years of digitization. Most scholars agree that the relationship between ICTs and development is contested; my work helps to uncover some of these contradictions and seek reasons for their continued existence.
I recently participated in two Horizon 2020 EU projects based in Africa which are trying to promote sustainable research and education networks (TANDEM) and science gateways (SciGaIA) to support African scientific communities of practice.
- Research interests
My current research interests can be summarised in the following areas:
Global sourcing
- location of outsourced work (as influenced by geography, culture, economic and non-economic factors related to location)
- knowledge processes, collaboration and innovation in global sourcing arrangements
- distributed collaborative work and the relationship with time, space and knowledge/cultural boundaries
- sustainable sourcing
ICTs and development
- sustainability of ICT interventions in developing countries
- sustainable e-infrastructure development in the African subcontinent
- the transformative potential of ICTs in various work situations e.g. hospital discharge processes
- e-health interventions and personalisation of healthcare as it relates to wellbeing enhancement
- passing interest in cybersocial issues such as privacy and security in online and integrated ICT-enabled interactions.
- Publications
- Books
- Journal articles
- Chapters
- Book reviews
- Conference proceedings papers
- Reports
- Posters
- Preprints
- Collaboration, Learning and Innovation Across Outsourced Services Value Networks Software Services Outsourcing in China. Springer International Publishing.
Journal articles
- Approaches for integrating evidence of the effectiveness of actions in conservation funding to inspire more effective practice. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 6(1).
- The impact of COVID-19 on the debate on open science: a qualitative analysis of published materials from the period of the pandemic. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11. View this article in WRRO
- The 4Rs: A collective reflexive methodology for realising critical self-transformation in ICT4D research practice. Information Systems Journal. View this article in WRRO
- The new wave of 'hybrid' work: An opportunity to revise assumptions and build theory. Information Systems Journal.
- ChatGPT and Assessment in Higher Education: A Magic Wand or a Disruptor?. Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 22(2), 00-00.
- State-steered smartmentality in Chinese smart urbanism. Urban Studies, 59(14), 2933-2950.
- Potential opportunities and risks of sharing agricultural research data in Tanzania. IASSIST Quarterly, 45(3-4). View this article in WRRO
- In-betweenness in ICT4D research: critically examining the role of the researcher. European Journal of Information Systems. View this article in WRRO
- Minding the design reality gap : an empirical evaluation of telecentre initiatives in rural Ghana. The International Journal of Information, Diversity, & Inclusion (IJIDI), 5(3), 64-97. View this article in WRRO
- Librarians’ perceptions of the challenges for researchers in Rwanda and the potential of open scholarship. Libri, 71(2), 93-107. View this article in WRRO
- Exploring the contribution of mobile money to well-being from a capability perspective. The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, 85(4). View this article in WRRO
- User requirements for national research and education networks for research in West and Central Africa. Information Development, 35(4), 575-591.
- The Influence of Intangible (‘Soft’) Constructs on the Outcome of Community ICT Initiatives in Ghana: A Gap Archetype Analysis. Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, 77(1), 1-22.
- Offshore Business Process Outsourcing for Developing Countries: A South African Perspective. Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, 74(1), 1-24.
- A Socio-Technical Analysis of ICT Investments in Developing Countries: A Capability Perspective. The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, 67(1), 1-29.
- A study on the state-of-the-art of e-Infrastructures uptake in Africa. Palgrave Communications, 1(1).
- ICT and empowerment to participate. Information Development, 30(4), 321-331.
- IT Cultural Enclaves and Social Change: The Interplay Between Indian Cultural values and Western Ways of Working in an Indian IT Organization. Information Technology for Development, 19(3), 193-214.
- Innovation through Collaborative Partnerships: Creating the MSN News for iPad App at VanceInfo Technologies. Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases, 3(1), 16-28.
- From boundary spanning to creolization: A study of Chinese software and services outsourcing vendors. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 22(2), 121-136.
- Everywhere and nowhere: nearshore software development in the context of globalisation. European Journal of Information Systems, 21(5), 529-551.
- The Influences of Employees’ Emotions and Cognition on IT Adoption. International Journal of Social and Organizational Dynamics in IT, 2(3), 1-16.
- Internal and contextual factors, knowledge processes and performance: From the Chinese provider’s perspective. Expert Systems with Applications, 39(4), 4464-4472.
- Contextual Factors, Knowledge Processes and Performance in Global Sourcing of IT Services. Journal of Global Information Management, 19(2), 1-26.
- Why 'nearshore' means that distance matters. Communications of the ACM, 50(10), 40-46.
- Nearshore locations in three principal global clusters and their respective attributes. Communications of the ACM, 50(10), 45-45.
- Software-export Strategies for Developing Countries: A Caribbean Perspective. The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, 20(1), 1-19.
- Developing Statements of Compliance for UK protected areas and 'other effective area-based conservation measures'. Parks, 30(1), 37-45.
- Engaging Students in an MIS Course through the Creation of E-Business: A Self-Determination Theory Analysis. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 36.
- A Social Justice Analysis of an African Open Science Initiative, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology (pp. 385-399). Springer Nature Switzerland
- Reflections on Post Hoc Theorization of ICT4D Action Research Projects, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology (pp. 338-349). Springer Nature Switzerland
- BIM as a Boundary Object in Construction Projects: A Knowledge-as-Practice Perspective, Responsible AI and Analytics for an Ethical and Inclusive Digitized Society (pp. 371-382). Springer International Publishing
- Perceptions of Rwanda’s Research Environment in the Context of Digitalization: Reflections on Deficit Discourses, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology (pp. 50-64). Springer International Publishing
- The Potential of Open Science for Research Visibility in the Global South: Rwandan Librarians’ Perspectives, Information and Communication Technologies for Development (pp. 41-53). Springer International Publishing
- The Main Factors Affecting E-voting Service Implementation: The Case of Palestine, Complexity in Information Systems Development (pp. 221-236). Springer International Publishing
- Offshoring: Cross-Cultural Strategies from the Offshore Provider’s Perspective, The New IT Outsourcing Landscape (pp. 206-221). Palgrave Macmillan UK
- Shared services centres: A case study on a dispersed services oriented organization In Kotlarsky J, Willcocks LP & Oshri I (Ed.), New Studies in Global IT and Business Service Outsourcing (pp. 175-200).
- Contextual Factors, Knowledge Processes and Performance in Global Sourcing of IT Services, Global Diffusion and Adoption of Technologies for Knowledge and Information Sharing (pp. 82-109). IGI Global
Book reviews
Conference proceedings papers
- Smart Farming in sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges and Opportunities. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Sensor Networks, 9 February 2021 - 10 February 2021.
- Themes and Difficulties in Distributed Agile Email Activity. Proceedings of the Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering
- Student modeling & simulation projects in healthcare: Experiences with Hillingdon Hospital. IEEE Press, Vol. 2015-January (pp 3650-3661)
- Case-based reasoning system for predicting the sustainability of a telecentre. 2015 10th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST), 14 December 2015 - 16 December 2015.
- Understanding Collaborative Practices in Distributed Agile Development: Research Proposal. 2013 IEEE 8th International Conference on Global Software Engineering Workshops, 26 August 2013 - 26 August 2013.
- Negotiating Common Ground in Distributed Agile Development: A Case Study Perspective. 2013 IEEE 8th International Conference on Global Software Engineering, 26 August 2013 - 29 August 2013.
- The Influences of Employees' Emotions and Cognition on IT Adoption: Some Perspectives from Iran. 2012 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 4 January 2012 - 7 January 2012.
- An empirical research of relation norms on IT outsourcing performance. Procedia Engineering, Vol. 24 (pp 214-218)
- Configurations of global software development. Proceedings of the 2006 international workshop on Global software development for the practitioner - GSD '06, 23 May 2006 - 23 May 2006.
- Global and Organizational Discourse about Information Technology
- In Defense of Content Analysis Methodology. SSRN Electronic Journal
- Research group
Current PhD Students
Jihad Al Wahshi: Data Analysis for Business Intelligence: A Critical Evaluation of the role of Business Intelligence and Data Analysis in Money Laundering and Fraud Detections in Oman Banking Industry
Lily Sepulveda Garcia: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Informal Caregivers use of Assistive Technologies to care for people with dementia at home
Elijah Chirwa: An Examination on the impact of digital disruptive innovations on central banks and formulating a strategy for the digital age
David Pinto: Self-Discipline System
- Teaching interests
I have teaching experience in subject areas such as business analysis and business/enterprise modelling, global sourcing, research methods, e-business and IS strategy. I have also coordinated industry certification in enterprise software and business analytics applications.
I believe in active learning approaches to module delivery, practical skills development, engagement with industry and peer learning.
- Teaching activities
INF401 - AI in Organisations
INF6110 - Information Systems Modelling
INF6400 - Information Systems and the Information Society
- Professional activities and memberships
- Senior Editor, Journal of Information Technology
- External Examiner, BSc Accounting and Information Management, Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics, Business School, Oxford Brookes University
- External Examiner, Business Information Systems, J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics, National University of Ireland, Galway
- Member of the Association for Information Systems (AIS)
- Member of the AIS Special Interest Group on Global Development (SIG GlobDev)
- Friend, IFIP Working Group 8.2 Information Systems and Organizations