Dr Ana Cristina Vasconcelos

BA (Lisboa, Portugal), PGDip (Lisboa, Portugal), PhD (Sheffield Hallam)

Information School

Senior Lecturer in Corporate Information Management

Ana Vasconcelos
Profile picture of Ana Vasconcelos
+44 114 222 2643

Full contact details

Dr Ana Cristina Vasconcelos
Information School
Room C230
The Wave
2 Whitham Road
S10 2AH

I joined the Information School in 2005 and am currently Senior Lecturer in Corporate Information Management, as well as head of the Knowledge and Information Management Research Group. I have previously lectured at Sheffield Hallam University and at Leeds Metropolitan University. Prior to that, I worked as research assistant at the National Research Institute for Industrial Technology and Engineering (INETI), in Portugal.

I hold a first degree in History, a Post-Graduate Diploma in Information Science from the University of Lisboa, Portugal, and a PhD from Sheffield Hallam University on “Defining discourses: the role of discourse in the organizational adaptation of information systems’.

University Responsibilities

  • Director of Research
  • Member of the Faculty of Social Sciences Research and Innovation Committee
Research interests

My research interests are centred on the interface between the management of information and knowledge and the implementation and adaptation of information systems. My research has developed a unique integration of process and structural models in knowledge management and has been funded by the European Community and the AHRC.

Specific interests are: organisational learning, knowledge sharing and boundary spanning practices; absorptive capacity and knowledge integration; communities of practice, virtual communities and identity; IS implementation and adaptation. I bring a perspective to these themes influenced by Arenas/Social Worlds Theory, Practice Theory and approaches such as Discourse Analysis and Grounded Theory.

I am interested in supervising PhDs in the following areas:

  • absorptive capacity, knowledge integration and innovation
  • adaptive capabilities and business resilience
  • knowledge sharing and boundary spanning practices
  • communities of practice, virtual communities and identity
  • information failure and organisational learning
  • information systems, particularly knowledge management systems and social enterprise software: implementation, adaptation and use

I am head of the Knowledge and Information Management Research Group.


Journal articles


Conference proceedings papers

  • Qi J, Mazumdar S & Vasconcelos AC (2023) Datafication in Smart Cities: Understanding How the Public Experience Urban Environments. Proceedings of the European Conference on Research Methods in Business and Management Studies, Vol. 2023-September (pp 260-263) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Hafedh H, Vasconcelos A & Jimenez A (2020) Tensions in inter-organisational knowledge transfer from a Quadruple Helix perspective: The FinTech ecosystem in Bahrain. IFKAD2020 Proceedings: Knowledge in Digital Age, 9 September 2020 - 11 September 2020. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Thumburmung T, Vasconcelos AC & Cox A (2016) Integrating Qualitative Data Collection Methods to Examine Knowledge Management Across Disciplinary Boundaries. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 15TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON RESEARCH METHODOLOGY FOR BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT STUDIES (ECRM2016) (pp 408-411) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Thumbumrung T, Vasconcelos AC & Cox A (2016) Knowledge management across boundaries in an interdisciplinary research project in Thailand. Proceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge Management, ECKM, Vol. 2016-January (pp 1090-1098) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Fontainha E, Martins JT & Vasconcelos AC (2015) Network analysis of a virtual community of learning of economics educators. INFORMATION RESEARCH-AN INTERNATIONAL ELECTRONIC JOURNAL, Vol. 20(1) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Fontainha E, Martins JT & Vasconcelos AC (2014) Exploring the Determinants of PAS, EDMS, and PACS Adoption in European Hospitals. Procedia Technology, Vol. 16 (pp 1502-1509) View this article in WRRO RIS download Bibtex download
  • Zhou L, Vasconcelos AC & Nunes MB (2010) Identifying knowledge sharing barriers in interprofessional healthcare collaboration of Traditional and Western Medicine in China. Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference Information Systems 2010 (pp 102-110) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Vasconcelos A & Zijlistra T (2010) The role of boundary brokering in the generation of common knowledge. Proceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge Management, ECKM, Vol. 2 (pp 1034-1041) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Vasconcelos AC, Bibikas D, Paraskakis I & Psychogios A (2009) Enterprise 2.0: the “new knowledge management” or just another buzzword?. OLKC 2009. Amsterdam, Netherlands, 23 April 2009 - 24 April 2009. View this article in WRRO RIS download Bibtex download
  • Bibikas D, Paraskakis I, Vasconcelos A & Psychogios A (2009) Integrating knowledge and innovation through practice-based thinking: Early findings from an SME case study. Proceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge Management, ECKM (pp 83-90) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Vasconcelos A, Bibikas D, Zijlstra T & Paraskakis I (2009) Implementing 'Grounded Action Research' in Information Systems Development: The OrganiK Approach. 8th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies (ECRM) (pp 367-376) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Bibikas D, Kourtesis D, Paraskakis I, Bernardi A, Sauermann L, Apostolou D, Mentzas G & Vasconcelos AC (2008) Organisational Knowledge Management Systems in the Era of Enterprise 2.0: The case of OrganiK.. BIS (Workshops), Vol. 333 (pp 45-53) View this article in WRRO RIS download Bibtex download
  • Vasconcelos A (2007) The use of Grounded Theory and of Arenas/Social Worlds Theory in Discourse Studies. 6th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies (ECRM) (pp 315-324) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Zhou LH, Vasconcelos AC & Nunes MB (2007) A Tool for Risk Mitigation in Public Sector IS/IT projects: An Evidence-based Information Systems Project Risk Checklist. Globalization Challenge and Management Transformation, Vols I - III (pp 580-589) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Vasconcelos AC (1996) Information Systems Development: An Organitional Culture Perspective.. Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) (pp 995-1002) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Clough P, Ellis D, Kenyon D, Vasconcelos A & Wakeling S () Bletchley Park: an untold story in Information Science. Trends in Information Science. Bletchley Park: an untold story in Information Science. RIS download Bibtex download
Research group

Current PhD students

  • Hooria Ali Hafedh: Knowledge transfer from the perspective of a “Quadruple Helix”: The banking sector in Bahrain
  • Bekim Kasumi: Network management for innovation performance of Research Track 1: Enterprise Innovation and Development
  • James Toner Understanding organisational learning and knowledge sharing in pursuit of organisational effectiveness: A multi-actor, international school perspective
  • Naveendra Weerakoon: Service Innovation in Knowledge Intensive Business Services. Approach of Managing Knowledge Across Boundaries

Completed PhD students

  • Shuyang Li:
  • Dimitris Bibikas: Towards a holistic model of the third generation of enterprise knowledge management systems.
  • Alice Schofield: Evaluating the intellectual assets of the scholarship and collections directorate at the British Library.
  • Titima Thumbumrung: Knowledge sharing across boundaries in interdisciplinary scientific and technological research projects in Thailand.
  • Cristian-Andrei Gherhes: Economic Resilience, Enterprise Growth and Entrepreneurial Activity.
  • Ying Wang: Exploring how nascent digital enterprises develop relational capabilities with local businesses in a mutually reinforcing perspective.
  • Alexander Schauer: A multi-cultural study on knowledge, individual, team, organisational and institutional factors affecting knowledge sharing willingness in the IT services industry.
  • Inaam Idrees: Clique and Elite: Inter-Organisational Knowledge Sharing across Five Star Hotels in the Saudi Arabian Religious Tourism and Hospitality Industry - a Grounded Theory Study.
  • Raid M. Al-Adaileh: Management styles and managers attitudes towards IT: a developing country case study.

Research Projects


European Commission Principal Investigator £115,296 17 November 2008 24 months


Higher Education Academy Investigator £2,858 2 January 2008 5 months

An Inquiry-Based Model for Research Methods Training

Centre for Inquiry Based Learning in the Arts and Social Sciences Investigator £9,395 1 September 2007 17 months

The project aimed to develop and evaluate an inquiry-based model for research methods training of undergraduate and postgraduate students.

A Model for Research Methods Training for New Research Students in Libraries and Information Studies

Arts and Humanities Research Council Investigator £9,801 1 January 2007

The project aimed to develop a framework for research training and a series of joint seminars for Library and Information Science doctoral students.

Teaching interests

My teaching activity falls into two main areas: i) information and knowledge management and ii) qualitative research methods, at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. In Information and knowledge management, I cover a variety of subjects, including organizational culture and organizational learning, communities of practice and boundary spanning practices, absorptive capacity, core competences and intellectual capital valuation.

In research methods, my teaching is focused primarily on qualitative approaches, including Grounded Theory, discourse analysis and situational analysis. Most of my sessions are grounded in practical case studies and examples of known organizations, such as NASA, Xerox, Skandia and a variety of consultancies. I enjoy bringing a variety of approaches, media and resources to my sessions, which are predominantly interactive.

Teaching activities

INF6041 - ICTs, Innovation and Change

INF6511 - Information and Knowledge Management DL

Professional activities and memberships

Editorial board membership

  • Member of the Editorial Board of Libri (2016 to present)
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations (2009 - 2013)

Committee and advisory group membership

  • Member of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Peer Review College, 2009 to 2013
  • Evaluator for the NHS National Institute for Health Research Service Delivery and Organisation Programme (NIHR SDO), 2009
  • Expert member of evaluation panels for European Commission Framework Programme Research funding panels, acting in various roles as evaluator, reviewer and panel rapporteur, since 1992

Journal and conference reviewing

  • Reviewer for Library Review, International Journal of Information Management, Journal of Knowledge Management, Knowledge Management Research & Practice, Current Sociology, Management Decision,European Management Reviews, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction.
  • Member of the Programme Committee and reviewer for the IFIP 8.2 (International Federation for Information Processing/ Information Systems in Organisations Working Group), 2016.
  • Member of the International Committee for I3 – Information: Interactions and Impact, Aberdeen Business School, June 2015.
  • Co-organiser and member of the Planning Committee for ISIC - Information Seeking in Context 2014, which was co-hosted by the University of Sheffield, together with Leeds University Business School and Aberystwyth University. I was Reviews Coordinator for this Conference.
  • Member of the Programme Committee and reviewer for the European Conference in Research Methods for Business (2008 to present).
  • Member of the Programme Committee and reviewer for the European Conference in Research Methods for Business (2019 - ).
  • Member of the International Planning Committee and reviewer of the European Conference in Information Systems (2008, 2002 to 2003).
  • Member of the Programme Committee for the HCI Conference (2004 and 2005).

Invited presentations

  • Vasconcelos, A.C. (2008)- Dilemmas in knowledge management. Keynote address to the 13th Annual Conference of the Special Libraries Association – Arabian Gulf Chapter, Manama, Bahrain, 3-5 April 2007
  • Vasconcelos, A.C. (2011) – Integrating knowledge exploration and knowledge exploitation strategies : the contribution of social enterprise software. Keynote address to the 17th Annual Conference of the Special Libraries Association – Arabian Gulf Chapter, Manama, Bahrain, 8-9 March 2011

Other roles

  • External Examiner at Loughborough Business School, Loughborough University , Information Management modules (2017- )
  • External Examiner at Robert Gordon University Aberdeen, Graduate Certificate in Petroleum Data Management (2016-)
  • External Examiner at Sheffield Hallam University, MRes in Enterprise Systems, Transformation and Innovation at Sheffield Hallam University (2017-2019)
  • External examiner at Northumbria University, School of Computing, Engineering and Information Sciences, Module Examination Board, Information Science subject area, Undergraduate Programmes, Business Information Systems (2009-2012).