The tracer kinetic model is for time‐resolved NMR spectra of HP 129Xe in the human brain to estimate the transfer rate of HP 129Xe from cerebral blood to gray matter that depends on a tracer transfer constant for a known mean transit time and cerebral blood volume for gray matter.
They believe this model will enable further studies to determine regional 129Xe tracer transfer constants with a focus of gaining insight into the pathophysiology of the blood brain barrier.
In addition, in light of the passive nature of the xenon tracer, it could serve as a cross‐reference for studies involving oxygen, water or glucose uptake, which are driven by metabolism and/or electrolytic balance.
Measuring 129Xe transfer across the blood-brain barrier using MR spectroscopy (Magnetic Resonance in Medicine) M R Rao, G Norquay, N J Stewart, J M Wild.