Travel Health Service

If you’re travelling abroad, we can provide a free travel risk assessment and NHS-provided travel vaccines.



If you’re travelling abroad, one of our nurses can provide you with a free travel risk assessment, including advice on health issues, what vaccinations you need, and safety abroad.

We can also administer any travel vaccines that the NHS provides for free. 

We’re currently running a limited service and cannot provide vaccinations that aren’t free on the NHS.

Travel vaccines we can provide 

  • polio (given as a combined diphtheria/tetanus/polio jab)
  • typhoid
  • hepatitis A
  • cholera

Travel vaccines we can’t provide 

The following travel vaccinations aren’t free on the NHS, and we currently do not provide them: 

  • hepatitis B
  • Japanese encephalitis
  • meningitis
  • rabies
  • tick-borne encephalitis
  • tuberculosis (TB)
  • yellow fever

If your travel health risk assessment identifies that you’re recommended or required to have any of these vaccinations for your trip, your nurse will advise you to seek these at a Travel Health clinic.

If you’re visiting a malarious area 

If your travel itinerary indicates you are visiting a malarious area, your nurse will advise you of the precautions recommended. 

If this includes taking anti-malarial medications, you’ll need to get these from a pharmacy with a Malaria service. You won’t be issued with a prescription for this. 

Book into the travel clinic

  1. Download and complete the Travel Health Service Assessment Form

Travel Health Service Assessment Form (PDF, 1MB)

  1. Email us your completed form at least eight weeks prior to travelling, to this address: 

  1. Once you’ve sent us your form, contact us in person or via telephone to book your initial travel risk assessment appointment. 

Contact UHS

We can only book your appointment once we’ve received your completed Travel Health Service Assessment Form.