Social prescribing

Social prescribing is a non-clinical, person-centred approach to health and wellbeing.



Social prescribing is a holistic, non-clinical and person-centred approach to people’s health and wellbeing. It involves being referred to a link worker who will work alongside you to connect you to relevant community groups, support and services. 

This involves meeting with a link worker for one-to-one appointments at your GP practice, University, community or via phone to help you work towards your goals.

Your link worker will work with you to:

  • Understand more about your feelings and current situation.
  • Help you identify and develop your individual support needs and goals.
  • Co-produce a personalised care and support plan based on ‘what matters to me’. This tailored support package will be your ‘social prescription’.
  • Access support, activities and work towards your individual goals.
  • Gain support and encouragement to start using services that can help you.
  • Regularly review and check on progress made at the start, middle and end of support.


  • Improved mental and physical health
  • Meet new people and feel connected to others
  • Learn a new skill or participate in a new activity
  • Increase self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Better quality of life
  • Get involved and connected to your community
  • Feeling more in control of managing your own health and wellbeing

Social prescribing can link you with many services in your community, including:

  • Healthy lifestyle and active lives
  • Arts, music, outdoors and creativity
  • Befriending, counselling and other support groups
  • Housing, benefits and financial support and advice
  • Employment, training and volunteering
  • Education and learning
  • Local groups and activities
  • Specialist services and support

Link workers 

Link workers can help with a range of issues including:

  • Social isolation
  • Loneliness
  • Emotional wellbeing
  • Healthy lifestyle choices
  • Getting out and about
  • Life-changing events such as moving out, starting University, bereavement
  • Long term health conditions
  • Loss of confidence/purpose
  • Accessing work, training and volunteering

Your Social Prescribing Link Worker is someone:

  • to talk to confidentially
  • who is practical and helpful and who will not judge you
  • who can support you to decide what you’d like to do to improve your health, wellbeing and independence
  • who supports you to find activities that will suit you and, if you want, who can go along with you to them to start with so that you don’t have to go on your own
  • who can give you support and encouragement along the way

The Listening Service

All of us find ourselves facing difficulties from time to time and in a busy, sometimes stressful life, it’s important that people know that they are being listened to. You may find it helpful to talk to someone independent, who has time to listen and is experienced in supporting people through life’s challenges.

The Listeners will listen to your story and reflect back what you say. They will ask you questions, encourage you to explore and process your thoughts and feelings, and summarise occasionally. They will not counsel or advise. If appropriate, they may suggest other forms of support that could help you.

Sessions are on a Friday and last up to 45 minutes.

Why use it?

If you are:

  • Experiencing anxiety or stress
  • Facing difficult choices - at home or at university
  • Wanting to identify what you think or feel about a situation
  • Feeling the pressure of life
  • Needing the strength to face an illness or difficult situation
  • Trying to cope with the loss or illness of a family member or friend
  • Concerned about any other issues

The Listening service could help you.

Providing a Listening Service

To make an appointment

Your doctor, nurse or other member of the team may suggest you might like to use the Listening Service and if so, your clinician will refer you.

See this page for more information on how to book an appointment.

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