Pregnancy and support for new parents

Ways in which the University Health Service can support people with their pregnancy and new baby.


Pregnancy testing

If you think you might be pregnant then you should take a pregnancy test. These can be bought from pharmacies, supermarkets or even discount stores. 

You do not need an appointment with a doctor or nurse to confirm the pregnancy. We can only perform pregnancy tests where there is a medical concern.

Staying healthy during a pregnancy

There are a number of ways to stay as healthy as possible for yourself and your baby during pregnancy. In the UK it is recommended that you take:

  • Folic acid - 400micrograms for the first 12 weeks
    (take 5mg if you have a history of epilepsy, diabetes, a history of neural tube defects in the family)
  • Vitamin D - 10 micrograms throughout the pregnancy

You can buy pregnancy supplements from pharmacies and supermarkets. If you are on a low income, you may be eligible for vouchers under the Healthy Start Scheme.

We strongly recommend that you don't smoke, don't drink alcohol, and maintain a healthy diet and exercise.

The NHS Your Pregnancy and Baby Guide has information about staying healthy in pregnancy:

NHS Your Pregnancy and Baby Guide

Midwife service

Midwives look after women during their pregnancy. 

Your midwife will see you regularly during your pregnancy and arrange all the necessary tests and scans. If you have long-term health conditions or complications during your pregnancy then your midwife will arrange a specialist (obstetrician) to be involved in your care.

Screening tests for you and your baby

For information about tests that are available both during pregnancy and after the baby is born, watch the video on the following link: 

The video has subtitles in English, as well as Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, French, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Somali, and Urdu. A British Sign Language version is also available. 

Unplanned pregnancy

If you are pregnant and do not wish to continue with the pregnancy, or just aren't sure, then please make an appointment with the doctor to discuss your options. 

NHS Guide on Terminations

Alternatively, you can now self-refer for a termination of pregnancy by calling the Termination of Pregnancy Service at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital on +44 114 226 8590.

NHS Healthy Start Scheme

What is NHS Healthy Start?

If a patient is pregnant or has children under the age of four, they can get payments every four weeks to spend on cow’s milk, fruit and vegetables, infant formula milk, and pulses.

The application process

The online application form also includes details on how to apply by phone or email, and can be found here.

Who can apply?

Patients will qualify for the Healthy Start scheme if they are at least 10 weeks pregnant or have at least one child that’s under 4. In addition, they must be receiving any of the following:

  • Child Tax Credit
  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Pension Credit (which includes the child addition)
  • Universal Credit (only if your family’s take-home pay is £408 or less per month from employment)

A patient will also be eligible for Healthy Start if:

  • They are under 18 and pregnant
  • They claim income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) and are over 10 weeks pregnant
  • They or their partner get Working Tax Credit run-on only

Support for new parents

The mother will need to make a double appointment with a female doctor six weeks after the birth. 

Your baby will need an appointment with a doctor eight weeks after the birth. At this appointment, the baby will have a medical assessment and receive their first immunisations. 

Register your baby with the University Health Service as soon as possible after the birth, and bring either your baby’s birth certificate or discharge summary. When your baby is registered with us, you can make an appointment to see a doctor before the eight week check-up. 

Register your baby with the UHSOnce you have completed your form, email it to

If you have any serious concerns about the health of your baby, ring 111 or take him/her to Sheffield Children’s Hospital, A+E  Department. 

Vitamin D 

If the mother is exclusively breastfeeding, it is really important that she takes a Vitamin D supplement. This is to help the baby develop strong bones. Vitamin D is also found in a small number of foods. Good food sources are oily fish (salmon, sardines and mackerel), eggs, fortified fat spreads, fortified breakfast cereals and formula milk. Most Vitamin D comes from sunlight.

UK Immunisation Schedule

2 months

We recommend giving Paracetamol to reduce fever that may be caused by the Meningitis B vaccine.

For more information, see here (PDF, 164KB)

  • Dose 1: Haemophilus influenzae (HIB), Diphtheria,  Tetanus, Whooping Cough, Polio, Hep B 
  • Dose 1: Rotavirus (oral medication) 
  • Dose 1: Meningitis B 

3 months

  • Dose 2: Haemophilus influenzae (HIB), Diphtheria,  Tetanus, Whooping Cough, Polio, Hep B 
  • Dose 2: Rotavirus (oral medication) 
  • Dose 1: Pneumonia 

4 months

  • Dose 3: Haemophilus influenzae (HIB), Diphtheria,  Tetanus, Whooping Cough, Polio 
  • Dose 2: Meningitis B 

12 months 

  • HIB/Meningitis C, Measles, Mumps, Rubella 
  • Dose 2: Pneumonia 
  • Dose 3: Meningitis B 

3 years 4 months 

  • Diphtheria, Tetanus, Polio, Measles, Mumps,  Rubella, Whooping Cough

Children aged between two and four are also given a flu vaccine yearly.

Baby Clinics & Health Visitors 

Contact the 0-19 Admin Team on +44 114 305 3224 to book an appointment with a Health Visitor.

Infant Feeding Support 

Infant Feeding Support is available as home visits and group support at Family Centres. They also offer baby massage classes.

  • Contact: +44 114 205 3471 

National Breastfeeding Support Helpline: 0300 100 0212 

Contacts for Infant Feeding Support: 

Amy: +44 734 206 5746 

Jo: +44 787 567 6563 

Shabnum: +44 781 509 2290 

Family Centres 

Sheffield has seven Family Centres and together with their outreach sites they cover all areas of the city and provide advice, support activities and services for families with children under five as well as maternity care and support for expectant parents. 

First Start Family Centre

Covers: Burngreave, Firvale and Wensley 

19 Spital St, Sheffield, S3 9LB 

Tel: +44 114 252 5220 

Primrose Centre 

Covers: Walkley, Netherthorpe, Upperthorpe and Crookes 

Creswick Street, Sheffield, S6 2TN 

Tel: +44 114 205 2723 

Sharrow Centre 

Covers: Broomhall, Netheredge and Sharrow Highfield Library, London Rd, S2 4NF 

Tel: +44 114 205 3471 

Useful websites 

For further contraception information Contraception after Having a Baby

NHS: Your contraception guide

For general parenting advice Baby & toddler

NHS: Tips for new parents

The University of Sheffield’s International Women’s Club - specifically to support female partners of students and staff:

ELTC: English language classes for partners

The Sheffield Directory is a resource for information about activities, organisations and services. The Children and Families section includes information about Family Centres and Childcare.

NHS Healthy Start can help you pay for milk, fruit and vegetables if you’re eligible.

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