University Executive Board Sub-Groups
Terms of reference and memberships for sub-groups of the University Executive Board can be viewed from the links below.

UEB Complex Projects Oversight Sub-Group (Google doc)
UEB Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Sub-Group (Google doc)
- Disability Equality Delivery Group (Google doc)
- Gender Equality Delivery Group (Google doc)
- LGBT+ Equality Strategy Delivery Group (Google doc)
- Race Equality Delivery Group (Google doc)
- Religion, Belief and No Belief Equality Strategy Delivery Group (Google doc)
UEB Estates and Capital Sub-Group (Google doc)
- Capital Research Assets Group (Google doc)
- Education Space Strategy Group (Google doc - to follow)
UEB Health and Safety Sub-Group (Google doc)
- Joint Health and Safety Consultative Group (Google doc)
UEB Information Management and Security Sub-Group (Google doc)
UEB International Sub-Group (Google doc)
UEB IT Sub-Group (Google doc)
UEB Risk Review Sub-Group (Google doc)
UEB Student Recruitment and Population Sub-Group (Google doc)
UEB Sustainability Sub-Group (Google doc)