Arantza’s Big Walk 2024

Arantza is the Senior Archivist at the National Fairground and Circus Archive at the Western Bank Library. She’s worked at the university for 12 years, but this is the first time she’s taken on the Big Walk.

Arantza looking forward to the Big Walk 2024

I have always wanted to do the Big Walk. The University’s fundraising campaigns are so inspiring. Taking part makes me feel like I’m contributing in a small way to amazing research that can change people’s lives. I feel like what I do matters and is part of the bigger picture to improve our society and that is something very special.

No one should have to go through this terrible pain in their life. The Big Walk gives me a unique opportunity to support the research to fight it. ”

Arantza Barrutia

Despite having no personal experience with MND, Arantza has seen how devastating and heartbreaking the condition is for those diagnosed and their loved ones. She feels passionate that research really will make a difference. 

Research is essential to improve our knowledge of disease and find cures. This doesn’t only benefit sufferers, but everyone. I feel privileged to be able to join such a worthwhile cause.”

Arantza has taken part in other University fundraising campaigns in the past. She raised money for the Sheffield Scanner and donated to Parkinson’s research in memory of her mum. She’s even taken part in the University Quiz and the Christmas crafts fayre. 

I feel really excited about the Big Walk and I’m training for it already. I want to finish the walk and I don’t want to let anyone down. I look forward to the challenge and to raising funds for such an amazing cause. 

Taking part in the event makes me feel very humble and proud. It makes me feel like part of the University community. Being able to unite forces towards a common cause is empowering and inspiring. 

I am very grateful to everyone who has donated to my fundraising campaign already, this is their achievement too!”

Support Arantza’s fundraising here

Arantza is taking on the Big Walk with a team of colleagues from the library. They will be running a series of events to raise funds in the library buildings. Please support their fundraising efforts if you come across their stalls and events. 

Sheffield researchers are working tirelessly to find a cure for this debilitating condition. Their ongoing research hopes to discover more effective treatments to improve the lives of patients living with the disease.

With your support, a much needed breakthrough in MND will come sooner, improving the lives of patients long into the future.

Will you support Sheffield researchers with a gift today?

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About the appeal 

MND affects around 5,000 people in the UK every year. It kills six people in the UK every day, with a third of those diagnosed losing their lives within just a year. Tragically, people die from this devastating disease because there are currently no treatments that can stop it. But there's hope.

Your gift in support of motor neurone disease research will make a difference now. It will support our researchers at SITraN to develop treatments and advances that positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

SITraN has demonstrated that having clinicians and researchers working alongside each other, taking what they learn in the labs straight to patients, really works. But in part due to its great success, the facility is facing chronic pressures for space and is operating beyond capacity, delaying advancements. 

Now, a world-class sister facility will be built alongside SITraN that will double capacity, grow research and drug discovery programmes, and build on promising areas such as cell and gene therapy. 

We know that SITraN’s next chapter will be written in part thanks to our incredible supporter community. 

Will you help to write the next chapter for SITraN?

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