Jayne's Big Walk 2024

Jayne is a Postdoctoral Research Associate within the South Yorkshire Sustainability Centre. Jayne is taking on the Big Walk because she’s seen the devastating effect MND has on those diagnosed.

Jayne getting ready for the Big Walk 2024

Jayne lost her friend Mark to MND many years ago. Mark was in his early 30’s when he died, leaving behind his daughter and his wife. 

It was such a shock when Mark was diagnosed – I didn’t know anything about MND before that and it was devastating to see the toll it took on his body.

More recently a friend’s father has been diagnosed with MND. His decline has been quite quick and he is now in a wheelchair.  It’s horrible to see people decline and suffer. I can’t really imagine how it has been for my friend and her family who have been directly affected by MND.

MND is such a cruel condition. It is vital that there is research to ease the suffering that patients and their families experience."

Jayne Carrick

Seeing the effect MND has had on her family and friends has inspired Jayne to take on the Big Walk in 2024. Jayne has previously completed the Lyke Wake Walk in 2013 for MND in memory of her friend Mark. She’s also taken part in the Great North Run in 2019 to raise money for the hospice that cared for her Mum at the end of her life. 

I absolutely love walking and would love to get out into the Peak District more - the Big Walk is a fantastic excuse to do that! It’s for such a good cause, supporting MND research is something that feels very close to my heart.

I’m feeling nervous about taking on the challenge but also really excited and I’m most looking forward to being out in the Peaks.”

Sheffield researchers are working tirelessly to find a cure for this debilitating condition. Their ongoing research hopes to discover more effective treatments to improve the lives of patients living with the disease.

With your support, a much needed breakthrough in MND will come sooner, improving the lives of patients long into the future.

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About the appeal 

MND affects around 5,000 people in the UK every year. It kills six people in the UK every day, with a third of those diagnosed losing their lives within just a year. Tragically, people die from this devastating disease because there are currently no treatments that can stop it. But there's hope.

Your gift in support of motor neurone disease research will make a difference now. It will support our researchers at SITraN to develop treatments and advances that positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

SITraN has demonstrated that having clinicians and researchers working alongside each other, taking what they learn in the labs straight to patients, really works. But in part due to its great success, the facility is facing chronic pressures for space and is operating beyond capacity, delaying advancements. 

Now, a world-class sister facility will be built alongside SITraN that will double capacity, grow research and drug discovery programmes, and build on promising areas such as cell and gene therapy. 

We know that SITraN’s next chapter will be written in part thanks to our incredible supporter community. 

Will you help to write the next chapter for SITraN?

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