Creative Writing Publications by Current Students and Alumni

School of English, Creative Writing (or related) BA, MA, PhD current students and alumni publications and acknowledgements:
KIERAN DEVANEY (BA, 2005). Novel: Deaf at Spiral Park (Salt, 2013); short fiction: "Sitcom" published in Best British Short Stories 2019, ed. Nicholas Royle (Salt, 2020).
LUCY PAIGE-HAMILTON (BA, 2014), MA (2016), PhD, 2020): Lucy Hamilton, The Widening of Tolo Highway, (Penguin Random House SEA: Singapore, 2020).
KATHERINE KILALEA (PhD, 2017) One Eye’d Leigh (Carcanet, 2009); OK, Mr Field (Faber, 2019)
ZARIN VIRJI (MA, 2016): Gopal’s Gully (Penguin Random House India, 2021)
ASHLEY BULLEN-CUTTING: MA (2017), PHD (2022): Waterworks (Beir Bua, 2022); Winner of the Laurence Sterne Prize (2021)
Creative work:
- "Dagonism" (2020) in MIROnline.
- 'World-Arcade' in Route 57: Traces, Issue 16 (2020) edited by Laura Joyce and Vera Fibisan.
- "Red Forest" in Route 57: Traces, Issue 16 (2020) edited by Laura Joyce and Vera Fibisan.
- 'Cenotaph' in Route 57: Traces, Issue 16 (2020) edited by Laura Joyce and Vera Fibisan.
- 'Autumn's Vacuum' (2020) in Anti-Heroin Chic.
- "A House and a Witch" in Cauldron Anthology, Issue 11, ‘Witch: Morgan Le Fay, Baba Yaga & Hecate’, (2019).
- "The Unhooked Duckling" in Perhappened Mag, Issue 1, ‘Carnival’ (Nominated for Best of the Net 2020).
- "Dowserlore" in Cicatrice: Iso-Poetics (2020), edited by Samuel Kendall, Rebecca
- Sandeman, Ashley Bullen-Cutting and Loma Jones
- 'Hoggishness' (2020) in Mineral Lit Magazine, Issue 2.
- 'Paper Sleeves' in Peculiars Magazine, Issue 2, anatomy of a melancholia (2019).
- 'Garbage Gyre' in Route 57, Environs: Modern Natures, Issue 15 (2019) edited by Dan Eltringham and Vera Fibisan.
- 'Elephant Pond' (2019) in Elephant's Never.
- "Bags on the Estuary Front" (2019) in Barren Magazine, Issue 6, ’Distance in Lines’.
- 'Empyrean Swings' (2019) in Burning House Press.
- ‘The Ancient House’, (2019) in Twist in Time Magazine, Issue 1.
- ‘Ingress and Defray’ (2018) in Ghost City Press.
- ‘Self-Abnegate’ (2018) in Vamp Cat Magazine.
- “Breadcrumb #435” (2018) in Breadcrumbs.
- ‘City’s End’ (2018) in Mojave Heart Review.
- ‘Cuspid Carrion’ (2018) in Three Drops Poetry: Samhain 2018.
- ‘Cutis Calligraphy’ (2018) in Isacoustic*.
Editorial work:
- Co-Fiction Editor at Barren Magazine - March 2020-Present
- Editor and Co-Founder of Cicatrice - July 2017-Present
- Fiction Section Editor at Route 57 - November 2019-Present
- Contributing Fiction Editor July 2019-March 2020
MARK LINDSEY: (MA, 2020, DISTINCTION); NEXT TO NOTHING and THIS WAS MEANT TO BE A STORY (Beir Bua, 2021), Winner of the Laurence Sterne Prize 2021
Poetry collections
GRACE COHEN, (BA, 2017) Calling This Body Home, Burning Eye Books, 2019
LUCY HOLT (BA, 2016) Have a nice weekend I think you’re interesting, Smith / Doorstop, 2021
LINDA KEMP, PhD (2019) Lease Prise Redux. Cambridge: Materials, 2016, Stitch. Brighton: Contraband, 2020
JENNY KING (MA, Contemporary Poetry, 1999) Moving Day (Carcanet, 2021)
JONATHAN KINSMAN (BA, 2014), MA (2017): & (Indigo, 2018), Witness (Burning Eyes, 2020)
MARTIN MALONE (PhD, 2017) Larksong Static: Selected Poems (Hedgehog Press, December 2020); The Unreturning (Shoestring Press, November 2019), Cur (Shoestring Press, 2015), The Waiting Hillside – poetry collection (Templar Poetry, 2011), Shetland Lyrics (Hedgehog Press, 2019), Incidentals (The Black Light Engine Room Incidentals Series, 2018), ISSN: 2059-9935, with Fran Lock, Jane Burns & p.a. morbid; Mr. Willett’s Summertime (Poetry Salzburg Pamphlet Series, 2018), Prodigals (The Black Light Engine Room Incidentals Series, 2016), 19 Paternosters (Bluegate Books limited print, 2010), 17 Landscapes – poetry (Bluegate Books, 2010), forthcoming: Rescuing The Whole of the Moon, (recently commissioned book from Jawbone Press, to be completed by the end of 2023).
ALEX MARSH (BA, 2014, MA, 2015, PhD 2020) Say, Spirit , Girasol, 2020
HELEN MORT (PhD in English Language and Linguistics, 2014):
KARL RIORDAN (MA, 2013) 2017, The Tattooist’s Chair, Smokestack Books, further publications:
- 2019, ‘Scrap’ in The Book of Sheffield. Comma Press, 2017, 'Whiter Whites' short story in Ambit 227, 2017, Matter. Sheffield Hallam University, 2016, How Do You Sleep? Comma Press Anthology.
- 2016, Millstone Grit Anthology.
- 2015, Route 57 #12 The University of Sheffield, Sheffield.
- 2015, Under the Radar. Nine Arches Press, Birmingham
- 2015, Route 57 #11 The University of Sheffield, Sheffield
- 2014, The Irish Literary Review.
- 2014, Now Then. Sheffield.
- 2014, The Echo Room. Pighog Press, Brighton.
- 2014, Cast: The Poetry Business Book of New Contemporary Poets. Smith Doorstop, Sheffield.
- 2013, The North and second place in the Sheffield Prize, Smith Doorstop, Sheffield.
- 2012, The Sheffield Anthology: Poems from the City Imagined. Smith Doorstop, Sheffield.
- 2011, The Second Annual James Kirkup Memorial Poetry Competition Anthology, Red Squirrel Press, Northumberland.
- 2011, Drey Red Squirrel Press, Northumberland.
- 2011, Dreamcatcher, 25. Stairwell Books, Lincoln.
JACK MANN (BA, 2013) 90s SINGLES NIGHT; Block (The Writing Squad in association with Wrecking Ball, 2019)
ETHEL MAQEDA – MA English Literature/ Creative Writing (2011)
Short Stories
- ‘Mabweadziva’, forthcoming in, Short Fiction: The Visual Literary Journal (April 2021)
- ‘Peace be Still’ After Grenfell: Collaboration across Borders, Issue 105, 36.1 (Wasafiri: International Contemporary Writing - Spring, 2021)
- ‘The Lizard’, We are not Shadows (Folkways Press, 2020)
- ‘Home’, Death (Writers space Africa, November 2020)
- ‘Not Our Time Yet’, Isele Magazine (September 2020)
- ‘Malaika’, The Phare, 2020
- 'Gogo', Vol 3 (Palm-Sized Press, 2020)
- ‘Ubuntu’, Sunspot Literary Journal (2020)
- *Runner up- Single Word Contest
- ‘Some Kind of Love’, The Same Havoc (The Selkie, 2020)
- Mushrooms for my Mother & Other Stories - Longlisted -S1 Leeds Literary Prize 2020
- ‘Waiting’ Literally Stories: Short Story Fiction from Around the World (2019)
- ‘Running’, Issue 14 (Route 57, 2018)
- 'Jambanja', Chains: Unheard Voices (Margo Collective, 2018)
- ‘Sisters’ - Shortlisted - Myriad New Drafts Competition, 2018
- 'Mushrooms for my Mother', Route 57: University of Sheffield Creative Writing Journal, Issue 12 (2016)
- Wretched Strangers (Boiler House Press 2018)
- 'No Roads, Just Trails', Wretched Strangers, (Boiler House Press 2018)
- 'Some Friendships are Forever' Verse Matters (Valley Press Anthology, 2017)
- ‘It’s a Long Walk to Nelson Mandela Avenue’, Big Writing for a Small World (English Pen, 2012)
- ‘Grandmother Came Home Drunk’ Route 57: University of Sheffield Creative Writing Journal, Issue 6 (2010)
TIM PLANT (MA, 2013) Librettist “Only Child’, Libretto, performed by Juxtavoices - Launch Event Sheaf Poetry Festival May 2019 (and subsequent performances)
Books, academic
- Ted Hughes and Christianity, Cambridge University Press (2019)
Articles and chapters
- ‘The Wound that Bled Lupercal: Ted Hughes in Massachusetts’, The Ted Hughes Society Journal, vol 7 no. 1, 8-23 (2019)
- ‘Ted Hughes and the Biological Fall’, Religion and Literature, vol. 50. (2019)
- ‘Hughes and Religion’, in Ted Hughes in Context, ed. by Terry Gifford, Cambridge University Press, 177-186 (2018)
- ‘Putting the Primitive in Primitive Methodism’, The Ted Hughes Society Journal, vol. 5 no. 1, 12-17 (2016)
- ‘Intertextuality: Ted Hughes and the Transcendentalists’, in New Casebooks: Ted Hughes, ed. by Terry Gifford, Palgrave Macmillan. 40-53 (2014)
- ‘Stevens and Hughes: A Confluence of Rivers’, PN Review, 216, vol. 40 no. 4, 63-67 (2014)
- ‘Knowing the Bible Right Down to the Bone: Ted Hughes and Christianity’, in Ted Hughes: From Cambridge to Collected, ed. by Mark Wormald, Neil Roberts and Terry Gifford, Palgrave Macmillan, 64-80 (2013)
Reviews (selected)
- Ted Hughes: Environmentalist and Ecopoet by Yvonne Reddick reviewed for PN Review (2018)
- Ted Hughes: The Unauthorised Biography by Jonathan Bate reviewed for PN Review (2016)
- Ted Hughes’s South Yorkshire: Made in Mexborough by Steve Ely reviewed for The Ted Hughes Society Journal (2016)
- A Lucid Dreamer: The Life of Peter Redgrove by Neil Roberts and Collected Poems by Peter Redgrove reviewed for The North (2012)
Books, poetry
- The Simple Men, Two Ravens Press (2012)
- Parsimony, Two Ravens Press (2009)
Other poetry
- New Poetries VI – 10 poems with introduction featured in this anthology from Carcanet Press (2015)
- Poems published in a widely in journals and anthologies in the U.K. and North America, including Aesthtica, Alaska Quarterly Review, Ambit, Antiphon, Blueline, Cape Rock, The Clearing, Dark Mountain, EarthLines, Eborakon, Entanglements, The Forward Book of Poetry 2013, The Frogmore Papers, Fugue, Hayden’s Ferry Review, Illuminations, Interpreter’s House, Iota, Magma, Markings, Meat for Tea, Nimrod International, Northern New England Review, Obsessed with Pipework, Other Poetry, Pennine Platform, Permafrost, PN Review, Poetry Nottingham, Pulp Literature, Route 57, Seam, The SHOp, South Carolina Review, Under the Radar, The Warwick Review and Wretched Strangers.
Current PhD student publication record
JENNY DONNISON (MA: 2012, PHD, 2022)
- Invisible Wounds’ and ‘Reports from Chiquitano forest fire, Bolivia, 2019’, in Route 57: Traces, Issue 16 (2020) edited by Laura Joyce and Vera Fibisan
- ‘Soundings’ and ‘Acute ward’, in Cicatrice: Iso-Poetics (2020), edited by Samuel Kendall, Rebecca Sandeman, Ashley Bullen-Cutting and Loma Jones.
- ‘Scarecrows’ after Peter Mitchell, Scarecrow (2016); ‘Three Boys and a Pigeon’ after Daniel Meadows, Three Boys and a Pigeon (1974), and ‘Capital’ in Route 57, Envrions: Modern Natures, Issue 15 (2019) edited by Dan Eltringham and Vera Fibisan.
- ‘Workshop jargon’; ‘Wren’ and ‘Succession (after Beeching)’, in Route 57: Loco-Motion, Issue 14 (2018) edited by Dan Eltringham.
- ‘At the Natural History Museum’ and ‘Equinus’ in Route 57, Issue 14 (University of Sheffield, 2018) Online edition:
- ‘Moorland Reflection and Pink Sky’; ‘Circling Crows, Golden Field’ and ‘Blue Stream, Purple Hills’, after three paintings by Alison Tydesley, in Alison Tyldesley, Glancing Light (2018).
- ‘Cave dance’, in Riggwelter # 13, Sep 1 2018,
- ‘Jamón Ibérico de Bellota’ and ‘To be a heron’ in Route 57, Issue 13 (2017).
- ‘Anax imperator’; ‘Tick’, after Jakob von Uexküll, and ‘Toads’ in Route 57, Issue 12 (2016).
- ‘At ‘Floral World’’, in Zoomorphic, Issue 6.1, September 18, 2016.
- ‘The pollinators of Maoxian, Sìchuān Province, China’; ‘At Rouen, 1916, in memory of my grandfather’; ‘Halcyon’ and ‘Urban fox’ in Route 57, Issue 11 (2015)
- ‘Sarcophagus of the Spouses, Etruscan, sixth-century BC’; ‘The beekeepers’; ‘Pantheon’ and ‘Chinese diagnostic doll’ in Route 57, Issue 10 (2014)
- 'Memento Mori', in Bridgewatcher & Other Poems, The Psychiatry Research Trust Anthology, edited by Mandy Pannett (London: SPM Publications, 2013).
- 'Afterlife' and 'Anguilla anguilla', third prize and commended in the Sentinel Literary Quarterly Poetry Competition (September 2013), judged by Todd Swift.
- 'The House of Henry Clifton Sorby', published online:
- 'Body World', in Now Then, Issue 62, May, 2013.
- 'Grave' and 'Feeding and care of baby', in Route 57, Issue 9 (2013).
- 'Sequence', published by Deadbeats, December, 2012:
- 'Porter Brook', in The Sheffield Anthology: Poems from the City Imagined, edited by Ann Sansom, Peter Sansom, Adam Piette and Agnes Lehoczky (Sheffield: Smith/Doorstop, 2012).
- 'Taxidermy' and 'Teumessian Fox', featured in 'Four Steps Removed: Taxidermy', a video developed during a collaboration between poets and various artists as part of Angelina Ayers' Bank Street residency (2011-2012).
- These poems and one other, 'Reynard', were also published in a limited edition booklet, Poetry and Taxidermy.
- 'Lyme Regis' and 'Rena', Route 57, Issue 8 (2012).
- 'Apology', winner of the TRYangle Project poetry competition, November 2011.
- 'The Starlings', in Now Then, Issue 41, August, 2011.
- 'Starlings' and 'Aestivation' won first and third prizes in the Sentinel Literary Quarterly Poetry Competition (July 2011).
- 'Porthminster Beach', in Post Hoc, produced at Bank Street Arts during the 2011 Sheffield poetry Festival.
- 'Meadow' and 'Haeckel', Route 57, Issue 7 (2011).
- 'East Coast Line', in Now Then, Issue 35, February, 2011.
- 'Lathkill Dale', in Now Then, Issue 30, September 2010.
ANGELINA D’ROZA PhD (2018-ongoing) Envies the Bird (Longbarrow, 2016), Correspondences (2019, Longbarrow)
BENJAMIN DOREY MA (2015), (PhD 2016-ongoing): Seven Hills (Spirit Duplicator, 2017)
VERA FIBISAN (MA 2013, PHD 2021)
Creative Work
- PAN: Philosophy, Activism, Nature, 2021, Issue 15
- Voices for Change Anthology, Fantastic Books Publishing, 2020 , ISBN 978-1912053384
- Plumwood Mountain Journal, 2020, Issue 7(1)
- PAN: Philosophy, Activism, Nature, 2019, Issue 14
- Wretched Strangers: Borders Movement Homes Anthology, ed. by Agnes Lehoczky and J T Welsch,
- Boiler House Press, 2018, ISBN 978-1911343387
- Haverthorn H.V.T.N., 2016, 2(1)
- CAST: The Poetry Business Book of New Contemporary Poets, ed. by Simon Armitage, Joanna
- Gavins, Ann Samson, Peter Samson, Smith/ Doorstop Books, 2014, ISBN 978-1906613952
- The Sheffield Anthology, ed. by Ann Samson, Peter Samson, Adam Piette and Agnes Lehoczky,
- Smith/ Doorstop Books, 2012, ISBN 978-1906613617
- Now Then, Issue 81, 2014
- Antiphon Creative Writing Journal, Sheffield Hallam University, 2013
- Now Then, Issue 65, 2013
- Route 57, The University of Sheffield's Creative Writing Journal, Issues 8-16, 2012-2020
- Wordwards Pamphlet, The University of Sheffield, 2012
Editorial Work
- General Editor, Route 57 Creative Writing Journal, The University of Sheffield, 2018-2020
- Section Editor (Poetry), Route 57 Creative Writing Journal, The University of Sheffield, 2011-2017
- General Editor, ‘Carpe Diem’ magazine, National Banatean College, 2006-2008
Conferences and Events Organisation
- ASLE-UKI Postgraduate Conference, 'Out of the Blue', The University of Sheffield (online), September 2020
- ASLE-UKI Postgraduate Conference 'A Place on the Edge?', Kirkwall, Orkney (with support from the Institute for Nordic Studies), September 2018
- The School of English Postgraduate Colloquium 'Memory', The University of Sheffield, June 2018
- ASLE-UKI Conference 'Cross-Multi-Inter-Trans', Sheffield Hallam University, September 2017
- The School of English Postgraduate Colloquium 'Tensions', The University of Sheffield, June 2017
- 'Visions of Nature in a World of 10bn', The University of Sheffield, 24th of February 2017
- The School of English Postgraduate Colloquium 'Silence', The University of Sheffield, June 2016
ALISON MOORE (MA, 2021 with a distinction, PhD 2021-ongoing)
Poetry collection: m(p)atriarchive (Beir Bua Press, 2021):
- The Lost Letters (London, Ontario: Brick Books, 2013), 88 pages.
- The Pearl King and Other Poems (London, Ontario: Brick Books, 2004), 123 pages.
- “Black Plums.” Resistance: Righteous Rage in the Age of #MeToo, ed. Sue Goyette (Regina:Regina UP, 2021), 11-12.
- “The Grolar Bear’s Ballad.” Poetics for the More-than-Human World: An Anthology of Poetry & Commentary, eds. Mary Newell, Bernard Quetchenbach, and Sarah Nolan (New York: Spuyten Duyvil Press, 2020), 141-143.
- “Scattered.” Locations of Grief: An Emotional Geography, ed. Catherine Owen (Hamilton:Wolsak & Wynn, 2020), 151-160.
- “The Sea is Not Celibate.” Refugium: Poems for the Pacific, ed. Yvonne Blomer (Halfmoon Bay: Caitlin Press, 2017), 73.
- “Four poems.” The Echoing Years: An Anthology of Contemporary Poetry and Translation fromCanada and Ireland,eds. John Ennis, Randall Maggs, and Stephanie McKenzie (Waterford: Waterford Institute of Technology Press, 2008), 237-241.
- “Black-tail Deer.” Rocksalt: An Anthology of Contemporary BC Poetry, eds. Mona Fertig and Harold Renisch (Saltspring: Mother Tongue Publishing, 2008), 93-94.
- “Two Blue Elephants,” Long Journey: Contemporary Northwest Poets, ed. David Belspiel (Corvallis: Oregon State UP, 2006), 84-85.
- “Monk Love Blues.” Listening with the Ear of the Heart: Writers at St. Peter’s, eds. Dave Margoshes and Shelley Sopher, (Muenster, Saskatchewan: St. Peter’s Press, 2003), 142-143.
- “Reaching the Frontier.” On the Threshold: Writing Toward the Year 2000, ed. Joy Gugeler, (Vancouver: Beach Holme, 1999), 79.
- “The Stillbirth.” Vintage 95: League of Canadian Poets, ed. Linda Rogers (Kingston: Quarry Press Inc., 1996), 18-19.
Short Fiction and Reviews
- “The Hush Sisters by Gerard Colins.” Review. The Fiddlehead, forthcoming Summer 2021
- “Arrows Pointing North.” Review of Madame Victoria by Catherine Leroux, trans. Lazar Lederhendler. The Fiddlehead, Summer 2019
- “You are an I.” Review of Mother Superior: Stories by Saleema Nawaz.” The Fiddlehead, Spring 2010
- “Grounded, but not Down.” Review of The View from a Kite by Maureen Hull. The Fiddlehead, Winter 2009
- “Invisible Toothpaste.” Short fiction. Descant, No. 136, Spring 2007
- “Rattlesnake Plantain by Heidi Greco.” Review. Sub-Terrain, Summer 2004
- “The Interesting Monster.” Short fiction. Geist Magazine, No. 42, Fall 2001
- “Shooting for the Moon.” Feature Essay. Vancouver Sun, Saturday Review, April 1, 1995
Poetry in Periodicals
- Revenant e-journal: Obscene Surfacings and the Subterranean Gothic (forthcoming 2021).
- Dispatches from the Poetry Wars (online journal), Ecopoetics issue, May 2020
- Laldy! West of Scotland's Literary Journal, Issue 2, September 2018
- Numero Cinq Magazine (online journal), Vol. V, No. 2, February 2014
- Filling Station: A Showcase of Experimental Writing by Women, No. 57, Fall 2013
- Border Crossings: Special Venice Issue, Vol. 32 No. 2, May 2013
- The Malahat Review No. 181, Winter 2012
- The Fiddlehead: Essential West Coast Poetry & Fiction, No. 253, Fall 2012
- North American Maple: Chinese Literature Society of North America, No. 3, Fall 2007
- Yomimono (Japan), No. 12, November 2006
- The Fiddlehead Poetry Issue, No. 228, Summer 2006
- The Fiddlehead Poetry Issue, No. 220 Summer 2004
- Prairie Fire, Vol. 26 No. 2, Summer 2004
- Qwerty, No. 15, Spring 2004
- Pagitica, Vol. 2 No. 4, Winter 2004
- The Antigonish Review, No. 132, Fall 2003
- Contemporary Verse 2, Vol. 26 No. 1, Summer 2003
- The New Quarterly: Bad Men Who Love Jesus, No. 86, Spring 2003
- Grain, Vol. 30 No. 4, Spring 2003
- Event: The Douglas College Review, Vol. 31 No. 3, Winter 2002
- Canadian Literature, No. 175, Winter 2002
- The Antigonish Review, No. 131, Fall 2002
- The New Shetlander, No. 221, Hairst 2002
- The New Shetlander, No. 220, Simmer 2002
- The Dalhousie Review, No. 81.2, Summer 2002
- The Malahat Review, No. 137, Winter 2001
- The Fiddlehead Poetry Issue, No. 196, Summer 1998
- The New Quarterly, Vol. 16 No. 4, Winter 1997
- Prairie Fire, Vol. 18 No. 1, Spring 1997
- Wascana Review, Vol. 30 No. 2, Fall 1995
- Grain, Vol. 22 No. 3, Winter 1995
- Prism International, Vol. 33 No. 2, Winter 1995
Individual short stories in anthologies/online journals
- September 2021 - 'Nightjar' - The Crow & Cross Keys (online journal - Ed. Elou Carroll
- July 2021 - 'Making Monsters' - Test Signal, Bloomsbury Books, London. Ed. Nathan Connelly
- May 2021 - 'Hekla' - The York Journal ( Ed. Luke Downing
- December 2020 - 'Dust Bowl', Creative Writing Heals III, The Writing Tree, York. Ed. Helen Kenwright
- October 2020 - 'Black Dot to Little Flame', Ellipsis Zine, Eight. ( Ed. Steve Campbell
- August 2020 - 'Harry Black Marked Himself as Safe During Typhoon Kuat', Undivided Magazine (online literary magazine - Ed. Shahroze Rauf
- March 2019 - 'The Land of Unbecoming', Beyond the Walls, Valley Press, York.
- March 2019 - 'Toy Town', Creative Writing Heals II, The Writing Tree, York. Ed. Helen Kenwright
- March 2017 - 'The Sun and the Moon', Discorder Magazine, Vancouver.
Flash Fiction
January 2021 - 'Keep Me', The Aurora Journal (online journal - Ed. Sophie Chiang
- April 2021 - 'How Are you?', Bandit Fiction (online journal - ed. Greg Forrester
- March 2019 'What Remains', Waste Magazine, York St John University, York.
LOMA SYLVANA JONES (BA, 2014), (MA 2017) (PhD 2018 - Ongoing)
- ‘Monument in Grey’ and ‘Up River’ in Route 57: Traces, Issue 16 (2020)
- ‘upturn & trample’ in Route 57: Environs, Issue 15 (2019)
- ‘negra / blanc’ in Wretched Strangers, by Boiler House Press (2018)
- ‘One-wat ticket to mainland’ in Route 57: Locomotion, Issue 14 (2018)
- ‘Things I want to tell your daughter’ in Bonnie’s Crew: Writing and Art helping hearts of all sizes (2018)
- ‘Pretty Molly’ in Tailfins & Salskins by Three Drops Press (2016)
- ‘The Bones of Her’ in Slim Volume: See into the Dark by Pankhearst (2016)
- Co-editor of The Lit Collective Blog (2020 - Ongoing)
- Co-editor of Cicatrice (2018 - Ongoing)
- Editorial Reader for Three Drops Press (2017 - 2018)
Book launches (online)