EA Workshop
(Room 1.01 - First Floor)

The EA Workshop is designed specifically for Engineering Application students to use in their module. This area is restricted under normal circumstances.
In timetabled sessions students will access a range of common industry workshop tools and equipment to manufacture components and complete the assembly of a product. Students will be issued with a lab book detailing each process they need to complete to manufacture the components required for their project. Technical staff will be on hand to assist them with the manufacturing processes and discuss the advantages and limitations of them. The projects have been designed to maximise the students' experience of a wide range of both manual and digital engineering processes.
The milling machines are primarily used by Engineering Application students as part of their module. However students can get access to these areas for co-curricular and personal projects on Wednesday afternoons and outside of teaching weeks but require students to complete additional training.
- Students will learn:
- How to use a range of workshop equipment safely to manufacture components from engineering drawings.
- Identify the advantages and drawbacks of common manufacturing methods
- Understand how the design process is affected by manufacturing considerations such as material, cost, time and geometric limitations.
- What equipment is in this lab?
- Large sheet metal working equipment
- Hydraulic press
- Small scale bandsaws
- Laser cutters
- Small scale routers
- 3D printers
- Bench drills
- Manual milling machine
- Links to Schools and other Departments:
- The EA Workshop teaches the fundamentals of using workshop equipment to students from Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering.
- School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- Students from co-curricular teams across the engineering faculty may need to use the equipment to manufacture their prototypes.
- Which staff are in this lab?
- Request Use of Equipment:
Prototyping and manufacturing equipment for co curricular and personal project use are available outside of teaching hours. Please find information about these opportunities by visiting our Diamond+ website.