Dr Paul Fry
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Research Fellow
Electron Beam Lithography Facility Manager
Head of Materials Characterisation, National Epitaxy Facility
- Qualifications
- MPhys (Physics), 1997, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sheffield.
- PhD (Semiconductor Physics), 2001, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sheffield.
- Research interests
- Fabrication of nanostructures with electron beam lithography
- Optical and electronic properties of semiconductor quantum dots
- Publications
Journal articles
- Machine learning using magnetic stochastic synapses. Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering, 3(2).
- Polarization tuning of an H1 organic–inorganic nano-cavity. Journal of Applied Physics, 129(20). View this article in WRRO
- Dynamically‐driven emergence in a nanomagnetic system. Advanced Functional Materials. View this article in WRRO
- Photonic integration of uniform GaAs nanowires in hexagonal and honeycomb lattice for broadband optical absorption. AIP Advances, 10(10), 105211-105211.
- Broadband, wide-angle antireflection in GaAs through surface nano-structuring for solar cell applications. Scientific Reports, 10(1). View this article in WRRO
- Toward Chirality‐Encoded Domain Wall Logic. Advanced Functional Materials, 29(10). View this article in WRRO
- Selective Excitation of Localized Spin-Wave Modes by Optically Pumped Surface Acoustic Waves. Physical Review Applied, 10(3). View this article in WRRO
- Hybrid gap plasmon GaAs nanolasers. Applied Physics Letters, 111(26). View this article in WRRO
- A GaAs-based self-aligned stripe distributed feedback laser. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 31(8), 085001-085001. View this article in WRRO
- Plasmonic gold nanodiscs fabricated into a photonic-crystal nanocavity. Nanotechnology, 27(22), 225203-225203. View this article in WRRO
- Suppression of stochastic pinning in magnetic nanowire devices using “virtual” domain walls. Journal of Applied Physics, 116(12), 123914-123914.
- Linear transport of domain walls confined to propagating 1-D potential wells. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 114(16).
- Homogeneous array of nanowire-embedded quantum light emitters.. Nano Lett, 13(3), 861-865.
- Electrical modulation of the optical properties of mid-infrared metamaterials. Applied Physics Letters, 101(25).
- A one-dimensional photonic-crystal nanocavity incorporating a fluorescent molecular dye. APPL PHYS LETT, 97(15).
- Distributed feedback laser employing buried GaAs/InGaP index-coupled grating. ELECTRON LETT, 46(15), 1076-U51.
- An optical nanocavity incorporating a fluorescent organic dye having a high quality factor.. ACS Nano, 4(6), 3039-3044.
- Transverse Field-Induced Nucleation Pad Switching Modes During Domain Wall Injection. IEEE T MAGN, 46(4), 963-967. View this article in WRRO
- Pinning induced by inter-domain wall interactions in planar magnetic nanowires. APPL PHYS LETT, 96(5).
- Switchable cell trapping using superparamagnetic beads. IEEE Magnetics Letters, 1.
- Direct imaging of domain-wall interactions in Ni80Fe20 planar nanowires. PHYS REV B, 81(2). View this article in WRRO
- In-Plane Optical Anisotropy of GaN Refractive Index in Visible Light Region. IEEE PHOTONIC TECH L, 21(14), 966-968.
- Low-Dimensional Waveguide Grating Fabrication in GaN with Use of SiCl4/Cl-2/Ar-Based Inductively Coupled Plasma Dry Etching. J ELECTRON MATER, 38(5), 635-639.
- Control of the switching behavior of ferromagnetic nanowires using magnetostatic interactions. J APPL PHYS, 105(8). View this article in WRRO
- Interactions of ultracold atoms with magnetic fields from domain walls in nanowires.. CLEO/Europe - EQEC 2009 - European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and the European Quantum Electronics Conference.
- Observation of field-induced domain wall propagation in magnetic nanowires by magnetic transmission x-ray microscopy. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 103(7).
- Over 40% transverse Kerr effect from Ni80Fe20. APPL PHYS LETT, 92(7).
- Control of polarization and mode mapping of small volume high Q micropillars. J APPL PHYS, 102(4). View this article in WRRO
- Whispering gallery resonances in semiconductor micropillars. APPL PHYS LETT, 91(7).
- Low temperature electrical characterisation of tungsten nano-wires fabricated by electron and ion beam induced chemical vapour deposition. THIN SOLID FILMS, 515(17), 6791-6797.
- Enhanced longitudinal magnetooptic Kerr effect contrast in nanomagnetic structures. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, 43(6), 2740-2742. View this article in WRRO
- Inversion recovery of single quantum-dot exciton based qubit. PHYS REV B, 75(19).
- Coherent response of a quantum dot exciton driven by a rectangular spectrum optical pulse. PHYS REV B, 75(11).
- Single photon sources based upon single quantum dots in semiconductor microcavity pillars. J MOD OPTIC, 54(2-3), 453-465.
- Nuclear spin switch in semiconductor quantum dots.. Phys Rev Lett, 98(2), 026806. View this article in WRRO
- High-quality-factor WG modes in semiconductor microcavity pillars with circular and elliptical cross section. Proceedings of 2007 9th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, ICTON 2007, 4, 170-172.
- Modes of the L3 defect cavity in InAs quantum dot photonic crystals. Conference on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science (QELS) - Technical Digest Series.
- Electron tunnelling limited coherence time of single quantum dot photodiode based qubit. Conference on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science (QELS) - Technical Digest Series.
- Effect of GaAs polycrystal on the size and areal density of InAs quantum dots in selective area molecular beam epitaxy. J CRYST GROWTH, 297(1), 38-43.
- The control of size and areal density of InAs self-assembled quantum dots in selective area molecular beam epitaxy on GaAs (001) surface. MICROELECTRONICS JOURNAL, 37(12), 1505-1510.
- Improving the light extraction efficiency of polymeric light emitting diodes using two-dimensional photonic crystals. ORG ELECTRON, 7(4), 222-228.
- High temperature performance of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on Si substrates. SOLID STATE ELECTRON, 50(3), 511-513.
- Control of polarized single quantum dot emission in high-quality-factor microcavity pillars. APPL PHYS LETT, 88(5).
- Control of nuclear spin in InGaAs quantum dots. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2006 Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, CLEO/QELS 2006.
- High Q values and polarised emission from microcavity pillars with elliptical cross-section. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2006 Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, CLEO/QELS 2006.
- Observation of ultrahigh quality factor in a semiconductor microcavity. APPL PHYS LETT, 86(19).
- Nanoscale conjugated-polymer light-emitting diodes.. Nano Lett, 5(1), 67-71.
- Inverted electron-hole alignment in InAs-GaAs self-assembled quantum dots.. Phys Rev Lett, 84(4), 733-736.
- Manipulating ultracold atoms with a reconfigurable nanomagnetic system
of domain walls. Nano Lett., 12, 4065.
- Design and Characterization of a Field-Switchable Nanomagnetic Atom
Mirror. J. Appl. Phys., 108, 043906.
Conference proceedings papers
- From stochasticity to functionality: harnessing magnetic domain walls for probabilistic and neuromorphic computing. Spintronics XIV, 1 August 2021 - 5 August 2021.
- Printed Plasmonic GaAs Nanolasers. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, 2016.
- Generating intense optical fields with hybrid-gap plasmon lasers. 2016 Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS), 8 August 2016 - 11 August 2016.
- III-V GaAs based plasmonic lasers (Presentation Recording). Active Photonic Materials VII
- Catalyst-free, III-V nanowire photovoltaics. AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1598 (pp 162-165)
- Inductively coupled plasma etching of GaN using SiCl4/Cl2/Ar for submicron-sized features fabrication. physica status solidi (c), Vol. 4(7) (pp 2634-2637)
- Coherent control of single quantum dot exciton embedded in a photodiode. JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS, Vol. 54(12) (pp 1717-1722)
- Polarisation control and emission enhancement of a quantum dot in ultra-high finesse microcavity pillars. PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES, Vol. 32(1-2) (pp 500-503)
- Size, areal density and emission energy control of InAs self assemble quantum dots grown on GaAs by selective area molecular beam epitaxy - art. no. 61290G. Quantum Dots, Particles, and Nanoclusters III, Vol. 6129 (pp G1290-G1290)
- Machine learning using magnetic stochastic synapses, arXiv.
- Reservoir Computing with Emergent Dynamics in a Magnetic Metamaterial, Research Square Platform LLC.
- Machine learning using magnetic stochastic synapses. Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering, 3(2).