Dr Ed Clarke

School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Senior Research Fellow

National Epitaxy Facility


Journal articles


Conference proceedings papers




  • Germanis S, Chen X, Dost R, Hallett DJ, Clarke E, Patil PK, Skolnick MS, Wilson LR, Siampour H & Fox AM (2025) Waveguide Excitation and Spin Pumping of Chirally Coupled Quantum Dots. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Martin NJ, Hallett D, Duda M, Hallacy L, Callus E, Brunswick L, Dost R, Clarke E, Patil PK, Kok P , Skolnick MS et al (2025) Purcell-Enhanced, Directional Light-Matter Interaction in a Waveguide-Coupled Nanocavity. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Hallacy L, Martin NJ, Mehrabad MJ, Hallett D, Chen X, Dost R, Foster A, Brunswick L, Fenzl A, Clarke E , Patil PK et al (2024) Nonlinear Quantum Optics at a Topological Interface Enabled by Defect Engineering, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Schofield RC, Fu M, Clarke E, Farrer I, Trapalis A, Dhar HS, Mukherjee R, Heffernan J, Mintert F, Nyman RA & Oulton RF (2023) Bose-Einstein Condensation of Light in a Semiconductor Quantum Well Microcavity, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Martin NJ, Mehrabad MJ, Chen X, Dost R, Nussbaum E, Hallett D, Hallacy L, Foster A, Clarke E, Patil PK , Hughes S et al (2023) Topological and conventional nano-photonic waveguides for chiral integrated quantum optics, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Siampour H, O'Rourke C, Brash AJ, Makhonin MN, Dost R, Hallett DJ, Clarke E, Patil PK, Skolnick MS & fox M (2022) Observation of large spontaneous emission rate enhancement of quantum dots in a broken-symmetry slow-light waveguide, Research Square Platform LLC. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Jackson DM, Haeusler U, Zaporski L, Bodey JH, Shofer N, Clarke E, Hugues M, Atatüre M, Gall CL & Gangloff DA (2021) Optimal purification of a spin ensemble by quantum-algorithmic feedback, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Gangloff DA, Zaporski L, Bodey JH, Bachorz C, Jackson DM, Éthier-Majcher G, Lang C, Clarke E, Hugues M, Gall CL & Atatüre M (2020) Witnessing quantum correlations in a nuclear ensemble via an electron spin qubit, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Whittaker CE, Dowling T, Nalitov AV, Yulin AV, Royall B, Clarke E, Skolnick MS, Shelykh IA & Krizhanovskii DN (2020) Optical analogue of Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction in photonic graphene, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Jackson DM, Gangloff DA, Bodey JH, Zaporski L, Bachorz C, Clarke E, Hugues M, Gall CL & Atatüre M (2020) Quantum sensing of a coherent single spin excitation in a nuclear ensemble, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Phillips CL, Brash AJ, McCutcheon DPS, Iles-Smith J, Clarke E, Royall B, Skolnick MS, Fox AM & Nazir A (2020) Photon Statistics of Filtered Resonance Fluorescence, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Mehrabad MJ, Foster AP, Dost R, Clarke E, Patil PK, Farrer I, Heffernan J, Skolnick MS & Wilson LR (2019) A Semiconductor Topological Photonic Ring Resonator, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Bodey JH, Stockill R, Denning EV, Gangloff DA, Ethier-Majcher G, Jackson DM, Clarke E, Hugues M, Gall CL & Atature M (2019) Optical spin locking of a solid-state qubit, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Brash AJ, Iles-Smith J, Phillips CL, McCutcheon DPS, O'Hara J, Clarke E, Royall B, Mørk J, Skolnick MS, Fox AM & Nazir A (2019) Light Scattering from Solid-State Quantum Emitters: Beyond the Atomic Picture, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Parker M, Harbord E, Chen L, Clarke E, Kennedy K, Rarity J & Oulton R (2019) Telecommunication wavelength confined Tamm plasmon structures containing InAs/GaAs quantum dot emitters at room temperature, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Gangloff D, Éthier-Majcher G, Lang C, Denning E, Bodey J, Jackson D, Clarke E, Hugues M, Gall CL & Atatüre M (2018) Quantum Interface of an Electron and a Nuclear Ensemble, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Whittaker CE, Cancellieri E, Walker PM, Royall B, Rodriguez LET, Clarke E, Whittaker DM, Schomerus H, Skolnick MS & Krizhanovskii DN (2018) Effect of photonic spin-orbit coupling on the topological edge modes of a Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chain, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Foster AP, Hallett D, Iorsh IV, Sheldon SJ, Godsland MR, Royall B, Clarke E, Shelykh IA, Fox AM, Skolnick MS , Itskevich IE et al (2018) Tunable photon statistics exploiting the Fano effect in a waveguide, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Sich M, Tapia-Rodriguez LE, Sigurdsson H, Walker PM, Clarke E, Shelykh IA, Royall B, Sedov ES, Kavokin AV, Skryabin DV , Skolnick MS et al (2018) Spin domains in one-dimensional conservative polariton solitons, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Hurst DL, Price DM, Bentham C, Makhonin MN, Royall B, Clarke E, Kok P, Wilson LR, Skolnick MS & Fox AM (2018) Non-Reciprocal Transmission and Reflection of a Chirally-Coupled Quantum Dot, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Sich M, Chana JK, Egorov OA, Sigurdsson H, Shelykh IA, Skryabin DV, Walker PM, Clarke E, Royall B, Skolnick MS & Krizhanovskii DN (2018) Transition from propagating polariton solitons to a standing wave condensate induced by interactions, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Huthmacher L, Stockill R, Clarke E, Hugues M, Gall CL & Atatüre M (2017) Coherence of a dynamically decoupled quantum-dot hole spin, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Hallett D, Foster AP, Hurst DL, Royall B, Kok P, Clarke E, Itskevich IE, Fox AM, Skolnick MS & Wilson LR (2017) Electrical control of nonlinear quantum optics in a nano-photonic waveguide, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Bishop ZK, Foster AP, Royall B, Bentham C, Clarke E, Skolnick MS & Wilson LR (2017) Electro-mechanical control of an on-chip optical beam splitter containing an embedded quantum emitter, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Éthier-Majcher G, Gangloff D, Stockill R, Clarke E, Hugues M, Gall CL & Atatüre M (2017) Improving a solid-state qubit through an engineered mesoscopic environment, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Liu F, Brash AJ, O'Hara J, Martins LMPP, Phillips CL, Coles RJ, Royall B, Clarke E, Bentham C, Prtljaga N , Itskevich IE et al (2017) High Purcell factor generation of coherent on-chip single photons, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Whittaker CE, Cancellieri E, Walker PM, Gulevich DR, Schomerus H, Vaitiekus D, Royall B, Whittaker DM, Clarke E, Iorsh IV , Shelykh IA et al (2017) Exciton Polaritons in a Two-Dimensional Lieb Lattice with Spin-Orbit Coupling, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Stockill R, Stanley MJ, Huthmacher L, Clarke E, Hugues M, Miller AJ, Matthiesen C, Gall CL & Atatüre M (2017) Phase-tuned entangled state generation between distant spin qubits, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Santana TS, Ma Y, Malein RNE, Bastiman F, Clarke E & Gerardot BD (2016) Generating indistinguishable photons from a quantum dot in a noisy environment, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Whittaker CE, Dzurnak B, Egorov OA, Buonaiuto G, Walker PM, Cancellieri E, Whittaker DM, Clarke E, Gavrilov SS, Skolnick MS & Krizhanovskii DN (2016) Polariton pattern formation and photon statistics of the associated emission, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Coles RJ, Price DM, Royall B, Clarke E, Skolnick MS, Fox AM & Makhonin MM (2016) Path-dependent initialization of a single quantum dot exciton spin in a nano-photonic waveguide, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Prtljaga N, Bentham C, O'Hara J, Royall B, Clarke E, Wilson LR, Skolnick MS & Fox AM (2016) On-chip interference of single photons from an embedded quantum dot and an external laser, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Sapienza L, Al-Khuzheyri R, Dada A, Griffiths A, Clarke E & Gerardot BD (2016) Magneto-optical spectroscopy of single charge-tunable InAs/GaAs quantum dots emitting at telecom wavelengths, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Stockill R, Gall CL, Matthiesen C, Huthmacher L, Clarke E, Hugues M & Atature M (2015) Intrinsic limit to electron spin coherence in InGaAs quantum dots featuring strain-induced nuclear dispersion, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Coles RJ, Price DM, Dixon JE, Royall B, Clarke E, Fox AM, Kok P, Skolnick MS & Makhonin MN (2015) Chirality of nanophotonic waveguide with embedded quantum emitter for unidirectional spin transfer, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Dufferwiel S, Li F, Cancellieri E, Giriunas L, Trichet AAP, Whittaker DM, Walker PM, Fras F, Clarke E, Smith JM , Skolnick MS et al (2015) Spin Textures of Polariton Condensates in a Tunable Microcavity with Strong Spin-Orbit Interaction, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Kremer PE, Dada AC, Kumar P, Ma Y, Kumar S, Clarke E & Gerardot BD (2014) A strain-tunable quantum dot embedded in a nanowire antenna, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Meyer HM, Stockill R, Steiner M, Gall CL, Matthiesen C, Clarke E, Ludwig A, Reichel J, Atatüre M & Köhl M (2014) Direct photonic coupling of a semiconductor quantum dot and a trapped ion, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Stanley MJ, Matthiesen C, Hansom J, Gall CL, Schulte CHH, Clarke E & Atatüre M (2014) Dynamics of a mesoscopic nuclear spin ensemble interacting with an optically driven electron spin, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Hansom J, Schulte CHH, Gall CL, Matthiesen C, Clarke E, Hugues M, Taylor JM & Atatüre M (2014) Environment-assisted quantum control of a solid-state spin via coherent dark states, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Cilibrizzi P, Askitopoulos A, Silva M, Clarke E, Zajac JM, Langbein W & Lagoudakis PG (2014) Polariton condensation in a planar microcavity with InGaAs quantum wells, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Matthiesen C, Stanley MJ, Hugues M, Clarke E & Atature M (2014) Full counting statistics of quantum dot resonance fluorescence, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Makhonin MN, Dixon JE, Coles RJ, Royall B, Clarke E, Skolnick MS & Fox AM (2014) On-chip resonantly-driven quantum emitter with enhanced coherence, arXiv. View this article in WRRO RIS download Bibtex download
  • Prtljaga N, Coles RJ, OHara J, Royall B, Clarke E, Fox AM & Skolnick MS (2014) Monolithic Integration of a Quantum Emitter with a Compact On-chip Beam-splitter, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Dufferwiel S, Fras F, Trichet A, Walker PM, Li F, Giriunas L, Makhonin MN, Wilson LR, Smith JM, Clarke E , Skolnick MS et al (2014) Strong exciton-photon coupling in open semiconductor microcavities, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Sapienza L, Malein RNE, Kuklewicz CE, Kremer PE, Srinivasan K, Griffiths A, Clarke E, Gong M, Warburton RJ & Gerardot BD (2013) Exciton fine-structure splitting of telecom wavelength single quantum dots: statistics and external strain tuning, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Matthiesen C, Geller M, Schulte CHH, Gall CL, Hansom J, Li Z, Hugues M, Clarke E & Atatüre M (2012) Phase-locked indistinguishable photons with synthesized waveforms from a solid-state source, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Usman M, Heck S, Clarke E, Spencer P, Ryu H, Murray R & Klimeck G (2010) Experimental and Theoretical Study of Polarization-dependent Optical Transitions from InAs Quantum Dots at Telecommunication-Wavelengths (1.3-1.5{mu}m), arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Plumridge J, Clarke E, Murray R & Phillips C (2007) Ultra-Strong Coupling Effects with Quantum Metamaterials, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download