Join us for Professor David Hyatt's Inaugural lecture: Troubling the Hierarchy of Doctoral Supervision

In this inaugural lecture, I aim to trouble the traditional hierarchical relationship between doctoral candidates and ‘supervisors’ in terms of its power differential.

David looking relaxed and smiling

I will consider how we can rethink, disrupt and reconceptualize dominant conceptions of doctoral pedagogy, to build a more collaborative, collegial and ‘decentred’ approach to supervisory work. The lecture discusses the implications such decentring orientations have for decolonizing doctoral pedagogies. The lecture also traces the ways in which doctoral practices have emerged from the historic colonial project and the potential consequences this has, specifically on International, indigenous and refugee PGR’s, and considers some possibilities for mitigating these impacts.

Thursday 13 June 2024. Lecture to start at 5.30 pm, with a drinks reception at 6.30 pm.

Lecture Theatre 6, The Diamond, The University of Sheffield, 32 Leavygreave Road, Sheffield, S3 7RD.

If you would like to attend, please register here.