China Day at Birkdale Prep School

The Sheffield Confucius Institute was proud to help facilitate the China Day event at the prestigious Birkdale Prep School in Sheffield.

Fan dance
Chinese fan dance

The institute has enjoyed a longstanding relationship with Birkdale Prep School, which benefits from the SCI’s Confucius Classroom project – an initiative which provides Chinese teachers and special education courses to schools across Sheffield. Representatives from the SCI visited Birkdale Prep School during its China day on Thursday, July 7th and they weren’t disappointed! After being greeted at the school by Birkdale’s Head of Languages, (who herself was wearing an elegant Chinese Qipao inspired blouse), the team had the pleasure of visiting different classrooms across the school which were all busily engaged in the activities of China Day.

Confucius Classroom at Birkdale School
The placard advertising Confucius Classrooms at Birkdale

From engaging classes in Chinese calligraphy and arts and crafts to vibrant Chinese folk-dance classes and interactive history and mythology classes, the Children were totally immersed in Chinese culture for the day. Birkdale even arranged for all the children to be treated to a delicious Chinese meal at the school!

Chinese Folk Dance Class
Chinese folk dance class

It wasn’t just the children that enjoyed China Day, Birkdale’s teachers also got stuck in, writing Chinese characters with the kids and brushing up on their knowledge of Chinese culture. Another report on the day’s successes reveals how Children who finished the handicraft and calligraphy classes could pick up a pen and write the character for "fish" directly. Imagine how delighted their parents were when they showed them at home!

Chinese calligraphy class 2
Work from Chinese calligraphy class

There were lots of lovely and hilarious questions the students asked the teachers, here are some of the highlights: "The calligraphy in the animation is so skilled, who are the calligraphers?" - " There are so many pandas in China. Why don't you use panda hair to make brushes?" - "Where did you buy the paper for calligraphy? Can you buy pens in the UK? What about ink and inkstones?" - "The pen holder is very interesting… is it expensive?

SCI Coordinator and Director with Birkdale's Head of Languages
SCI Coordinator and Interim Director with Birkdale's Head of Languages

All in all, the Birkdale Prep School China Day was a total success, and the SCI’s staff and teachers feel a great sense of satisfaction knowing that this next generation has enjoyed such a positive experience of Chinese culture.

Go to China with Birkdale School
Birkdale has many photo displays of previous school visits to China

We can’t wait to stage more activities with more schools and institutions in the future – if you and your school might be interested in China Day or any other kind of related activity, then please get in touch at! 

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