Research Centre for Surface Engineering

The Research Centre in Surface Engineering specialises in all matters relating to the production, evaluation and characterisation of coatings and surface treatments for engineering applications.

Grain boundaries of a thin film


We work closely with partner laboratories within the department, which specialise in topic areas such as tissue engineering and magnetic thin films.

The group's main research emphasis is in the fields of plasma-based coating deposition and surface treatment process technologies. These include the development of new sputter-deposited metallic nanocomposite coatings with controlled mechanical properties, and plasma electrolytic processes for the surface hardening (and other functional treatments) of, primarily, lightweight alloys based on aluminium, magnesium and titanium. This work is funded by both the EPSRC and industrial sponsors.

The group also holds substantial EPSRC grants, for example to model and grow templated metal-oxide films at low temperature, with additional underpinning support secured through an EPSRC Platform Grant award. The team has participated in several EU 6th Framework proposals, and secured a Co-ordination Action grant (DESHNAF) to pursue the development of superhard nanocomposite coatings by plasma-based processing routes, in collaboration with labs across Europe.

The group has also received support from the Royal Society and the British Council to help establish links with research groups in former Soviet Union (Russia and Ukraine) and Taiwan, and other initiatives are extending the centre's links with academic and industrial laboratories in the USA. This, in turn, maintains our leading-edge position in key technologies and helps us to work with locally-based companies, for example through Knowledge Transfer Partnerships.

What is surface engineering?

The choice of a surface material with the appropriate thermal, optical, magnetic and electrical properties and sufficient resistance to wear, corrosion and degradation, is crucial to its functionality - an engineering component usually fails when its surface cannot adequately withstand the external forces or environment to which it is subjected.

Sometimes technological progress and manufacturing efficiency may be constrained solely by surface requirements - eg the efficiency and output of gas turbines or diesel engines are limited by the ability of key components to withstand high temperatures. However, it's often impractical, inefficient or uneconomical to manufacture components from a bulk material simply for their surface properties, and far better to use a cheaper, more easily formed underlying material with a suitable high performance film coating. The resulting product conserves scarce material resources, performs better than the original and may well be cheaper to produce.

New coatings and treatment processes may also create opportunities for new products which could not otherwise exist. For example, satellites could not function, nor could modern power plants operate safely, without the application of advanced surface engineering techniques.

The economic benefits of surface engineering are enormous. According to a report by RCSE staff, in 2005 the value of the UK coating market was approximately £21.3 billion, and those coatings critically affected products with a value greater than £143 billion (Source: "2005 Revisited; The UK Surface Engineering Industry to 2010", A Matthews, R Artley and P Holiday).

In brief, surface engineering is relevant to all types of products. It can increase performance, reduce costs and control surface properties independently of the substrate, offering enormous potential for:

  • improved functionality
  • the solution to previously insurmountable engineering problems
  • the possibility to create entirely new products
  • conservation of scarce material resources
  • reduction of power consumption and effluent output

Scientific research and industrial relevance
The need for concentrated research into surface engineering has never been greater. Practice is currently running ahead of basic scientific understanding in some fields, with the result that consistency and quality are suffering. Further exploitation of the technology depends on new pure and applied research to underpin developments.

Surface engineering embraces a wide range of techniques, but it is the Plasma & Ion-based Surface Engineering (PISE) techniques which are attracting the greatest international interest, and it is in this field that the RCSE has particular expertise. PISE techniques offer the most promising methods of improving surface quality to better control the structure and increase the reliability and reproducibility of coatings by precise process control. This is crucial, for example, in providing properties to withstand complex loading conditions in corrosive environments.

The PISE techniques have several important advantages:

  • large surfaces are easily treatable
  • PISE is based on dry technology, avoiding the use of harmful solutions
  • unlike traditional techniques, the processes are virtually pollution-free
  • such processes can be easily automated
  • properties such as corrosion and wear resistance, fatigue strength and biocompatibility, as well as the combination of these properties, are achievable and controllable.

Although PISE methods are potentially among the most useful surface engineering techniques, the RCSE is also researching into more traditional processes and other emerging technologies such as plasma electrolysis.

Examples of research areas currently covered are:

Fundamental studies of plasma and ion-based vacuum deposition systems. This work has basic science and applied technology dimensions and will lead to process optimisation and improved monitoring and control. A feature of the research is the investigation of process up-scaling, studying the problems inherent in moving from laboratory equipment to larger-scale systems.

The development of high temperature diffusion and corrosion-resistant coatings. This work also has important implications for fibre reinforced metal matrix composites, used or produced at elevated temperatures, where fibre coating is now a key issue. The development of thermal barrier coatings which will improve fuel efficiency and specific power output of gas turbines is a further aspect of this research.

Research on advanced electroless deposition. This involves more traditional technologies which will have an important and developing role, e.g. for the production of alloy coatings for use in the electronics industry. The work also includes the investigation of duplex coatings, combining electroless and reinforced electroless coatings with PVD, for example.

In addition, the RCSE is researching related topics such as advanced 'duplex' processes which involve the application of DC or RF plasma (usually of nitrogen) to produce load-supporting surface layers, which are then coated with hard PVD layers (such as new Ti-Al-Si-B-N compounds). These processes show particular promise when applied to low alloy steels, stainless steels, or the light alloys.

Other topics for research include the continued development of PVD equipment design, processes for the deposition of diamond and diamond-like coatings and computer expert systems to assist design engineers.

About RCSE

The Centre is housed within the top 5*A research rated Department of Engineering Materials with groups which operate across the full spectrum of surface-related research activity, including functional thin films and bio-response coatings.

Sheffield is also a centre of editorial responsibility for the international journal 'Surface and Coatings Technology' (published by Elsevier Science), which is dedicated to surface engineering and coatings tribology oriented papers in the surfaces field and includes notes and scientific research papers of the highest calibre.

One of the Centre's main priorities is to encourage the wider exploitation of surface engineering techniques. With this aim, the RCSE provides opportunities for postgraduate study in surface engineering, geared towards the needs of industry, with the aim of producing specialist surface engineers. In conjunction with Nottingham, Sheffield Hallam and Loughborough Universities the Centre participates in a part-time IGDS and one-year taught Masters degree in surface engineering and research MSc and PhD programmes provide graduate scientists and engineers with access to high-quality research projects and equipment.

Companies can work with the RCSE on collaborative research by:

  • supporting a long-term research contract, usually for between one and three years, whereby one or more dedicated staff will undertake targeted research. Such projects, which are often generic and precompetitive, may be fully funded by a single company or subsidised by the DTI or the EU - in the latter case usually in collaboration with a consortium of industrial partners. (The intellectual property rights on research contracts are negotiable). These schemes offer industry a highly cost-effective means of funding long-term research in specific areas.
  • supporting postgraduate research for a PhD or MSc degree. This work usually lasts up to three years and may involve the EPSRC (e.g. under the CASE studentship scheme).

The expertise and facilities of the Centre are also available to industry through a variety of mechanisms:

  • consultancy, lasting typically for a few weeks, on a costed daily basis, applying the RCSE's resources to a specific problem. The Centre can, for example, undertake proof of concept studies (perhaps with a view to submitting a proposal for a long-term R & D project) as well as testing and evaluation.
  • advice on coating and treatment selection, e.g. using an expert system which provides engineers with access to the expertise of many specialists.
  • short courses and seminars for practising engineers, to introduce basic surface engineering techniques or to provide periodical updates on the latest technology, which participants can attend on a regular basis.
RCSE Resources

The Research Centre in Surface Engineering is housed in a purpose-built laboratory which accommodates equipment and the core personnel of researchers plus support staff and research students.

Surface engineering embraces a broad spectrum of scientific disciplines (e.g. materials science, mechanical, electrical and chemical engineering, applied physics and design), and the RCSE has adopted a multidisciplinary approach which integrates work being undertaken in partner departments and laboratories in the UK and worldwide.

The RCSE can boast the most advanced technology in the field of surface engineering and is fully equipped to handle coating, testing, evaluation and analysis.

Coating: The RCSE houses a range of state of the art deposition equipment, including direct current (DC), radio frequency (RF) and DC-pulse, plasma-assisted physical vapour deposition (PVD) and chemical vapour deposition (CVD), facilities. Vaporisation techniques such as electron-beam guns, arc sources, magnetron-sputterers and resistive evaporators are all available, together with the latest derivatives, such as unbalanced magnetrons and steered arc evaporators. Various other ion-based techniques are also included, such as fast atom beam (FAB) sources for direct gas deposition. The Centre also has significant expertise in plasma electrolytic surface coating and treatment methods.

In support of the coating process development programme, the Centre houses a range of process monitoring equipment, such as optical emission spectrometers, electrostatic plasma probes and infra-red pyrometers.

Test and Evaluation: The RCSE employs the following standard equipment: scratch adhesion tester (VTT), pin on disc machine for sliding wear and friction evaluation (VAMAS Spec.), abrasive wheel (ASTM Spec.), micro-abrasion, reciprocating sliding, high-frequency impact testing and Dektak surface finish measurement.

A variety of purpose-built model wear testing rigs have also been built (e.g. for ball bearing contact simulation) and the Research Centre has other testing facilities, such as for corrosion and porosity assessment by potentiodynamic and impedance spectroscopy methods.

RCSE Research and Collaboration Highlights

The history of the Research Centre in Surface Engineering can be traced back to 1982, when the present RCSE Director established a Surface Engineering Laboratory at the University of Hull. At the time, it was one of only two groups in the UK designated with the Surface Engineering title. Subsequently the activity grew, and following extensive work within the University and in conjunction with colleagues at Sheffield Hallam and Northumbria Universities, the EPSRC provided substantial Rolling Grant support to the consortium. Since inception, the RCSE has attracted more than £6 million in grants and contracts, and has achieved many noteable research successes.

Examples of those successes and innovations are that the RCSE:

  • Pioneered the use of plasma-assistance in PVD of Zirconia Thermal Barrier Coatings
  • Developed low-pressure, enhanced-plasma diffusion treatments, for improved PVD coating load support
  • Pioneered ‘duplex’ (ie. combining PVD sequentially with other treatment processes) and ‘hybrid’ (ie. integrating two or more vacuum plasma processes) processing methods
  • Installed a unique (in the UK) Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation (PI3) facility, with hybrid Plasma-Immersion Ion Assisted Deposition (PIAD) capability
  • Promulgated the use of nanostructured (particularly nanocomposite) PVD ceramic films, eg. TiAlBN (- a TiAlN/TiB2 pseudo-binary nanocomposite)
  • Pioneered metallic nanocomposite (and ‘glassy’) PVD coatings for combined wear/corrosion resistance and for protection of low-modulus substrate materials
  • Initiated a mechanical properties approach to wear prevention (ie. understanding the relative importance of coating hardness and elastic modulus in mitigating wear)
  • Introduced novel pulsed-plasma CVD and PIAD coatings for polymeric substrates
  • Instigated innovative methods in Plasma Electrolytic Deposition process diagnostics
  • Developed innovative tribological test equipment (eg. for impact, galling and multi-pass scratch adhesion testing)
  • Introduced the use of Expert System methodologies for coating selection
RCSE Publications since 1990

Refereed Journal and Proceedings Papers

A S James and A Matthews, "Thermal stability of PYSZ thermal barrier coatings deposited by RF PAPVD". Presented at the International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings, ICMC 89, San Diego, USA, April 1989. Published in Surface and Coatings Technology, 41, 305, 1990. 

A Leyland, K S Fancey, A S James and A Matthews, "Enhanced plasma nitriding at low pressures: a comparison between DC and RF techniques". Presented at the International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings, ICMC 89, San Diego, USA, April 1989.

Published in Surface and Coatings Technology, 41, 295, 1990.
K S Fancey and A Matthews, "Process Effects in Ion Plating", Proceedings 11th International Vacuum Congress, Cologne, 1989. Published in Vacuum TAIP, 41, 7-9, 2196, 1990.

D Tither, A Dehbi, P Holiday, A Matthews, A G Fitzgerald, A E Henderson, B E Storey, T J Dines, P John and J I B Wilson, "The characterisation of ultra-hard carbon films produced from pre-processed carbon powder in a hybrid physical vapour deposition system". Published in Carbon, 28, 5, 641, 1990.

Book Chapters

A Matthews, “Surface Engineering”, in Kempe’s Engineers Year-Book. Ed. J Hal Stephens, Miller Freeman Technical (1998), ISBN 086382 3610. K Holmberg and A Matthews, “Tribological Properties of Metallic and Ceramic Coatings”. In: CRC Handbook on Modern Tribology (Ed. B.Bhushan), Chapter 3.5, CRC Press LLC, Florida, USA,. 2000. ISBN 0-8493-8403-6. A Matthews and A Leyland "Hard tribological coatings: Developments and applications" in: "Total tribology: Towards an integrated approach" (Chapter 5), IMechE 'Tribology in Practice' Series I Sherrington, W B Rowe & R J K Wood (eds.), PEP Ltd, Bury St Edmunds, UK (2002), pp 39-63. ISBN 1-86058-393-8. J.D.Booker, A.Matthews and K.G.Swift "Product design for process capability" in: "Total tribology: Towards an integrated approach" (Chapter 11) IMechE 'Tribology in Practice' Series I Sherrington, W B Rowe & R J K Wood (eds.), PEP Ltd, Bury St Edmunds, UK (2002), pp 129-145. ISBN 1-86058-393-8. K Holmberg and A Matthews, Tribology of Engineered Surfaces, In Wear - Materials, Mechanisms and Practice (Ed. G. Stahowiack), John Wiley and Sons Ltd, Chichester, UK, (2005). ISBN-13: 978-0-470-01628-2. A.Leyland & A.Matthews, Optimisation of nanostructured tribological coatings: in: "Hard Nanostructured Coatings" (Chapter 12) J.T.M.deHosson & A.Cavaleiro (eds.), Springer (2006). ISBN 0-387-25462-3.


A Matthews (with D S Rickerby) (Eds), “Advanced Surface Coatings; A Handbook of Surface Engineering”, Blackie, Glasgow, 1991.

A Matthews (with P Bachmann) (Eds), “Proceedings of the First European Conference on Diamond and Diamond-like Carbon Coatings”, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1991.

A Matthews, R J Artley, P Holiday and P Stevenson, "The UK Engineering Coatings Industry in 2005", Hull University, 1992.

ISBN 0859587436. A Matthews (with P Bachmann) (Eds), “Proceedings of the Second European Conference on Diamond, Diamond-like and Related Coatings”, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1992.

A Matthews (with A W Kleyn, S H Leck, J Puschenrieder and J Verhoeven) (Eds). “Vacuum Science, Technology, Metallurgy and Applied Plasma Science”, IVC12/ICSS8, North Holland, 1993.

A Matthews (with G E McGuire and H A Jehn) Eds. “Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films”, Elsevier Sequoia, Lausanne, 1993.

A Matthews (with K Holmberg). “Coatings Tribology: Properties, Techniques and Applications in Surface Engineering”, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1994.

A Matthews (with G E McGuire, I Petrov and H A Jehn) Eds. “Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films”, Elsevier Sequoia, Lausanne, 1995.

A Matthews (with S L Rohde, C Mitterer and J H Givens) Eds. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, Elsevier Sequoia, Lausanne, 1997.

A Matthews, R J Artley and P Holiday, “2005 Revisited: The UK Engineering Coatings Industry to 2010”, NASURF/DERA 1998, ISBN 095328 – 7203. A Matthews (with E Broszeit, D Cameron, A S Korhonen and K-T Rie) Eds. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Elsevier Science, Lausanne, 1999.

A Matthews (with J P Coad, W D Sproul, R J Reid and L Westerberg), Eds. Proceedings to the 14th International Vacuum Congress, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 1999.

A Matthews (with J H Givens, W Ensinger and S L Rohde) Eds. Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 1999.

A Matthews (with K Marchev, J Patscheider and Y Pauleau), Eds, Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2004

  • H Ronkainen, K Holmberg, K S Fancey, A Matthews, B Matthew and E Broszeit, "Comparative Tribological and Adhesion Studies of some Titanium-Based Ceramic Coatings", Proceedings International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings ICMC90, San Diego, USA, 1990. Published in Surface and Coatings Technology, 43/44, 888, 1990.
  • A S James and A Matthews, "Developments in RF Plasma Assisted PVD of PYSZ Thermal Barrier Coatings", Proceedings International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings ICMC90, San Diego, USA, 1990. Published in Surface and Coatings Technology, 43/44. 436, 1990.
  • M J Park, A Leyland and A Matthews, "Corrosion Performance of Layered PVD Coatings", Proceedings International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings ICMC90, San Diego, USA, 1990. Published in Surface and Coatings Technology, 43/44, 481, 1990.
  • A Dehbi-Alaoui, A S James and A Matthews "A Comparison of the Properties of Hard Carbon Films Produced by Direct Gas Deposition and by Plasma Assisted Evaporation", Proceedings International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings ICMC 90, San Diego, USA, 1990. Published in Surface and Coatings Technology, 43/44, 88, 1990.
  • P A Robinson and A Matthews, "Characteristics of a Dual Purpose Cathodic Arc/Magnetron Sputtering System", Proceedings International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings ICMC90, San Diego, USA, 1990. Published in Surface and Coatings Technology, 43/44, 288, 1990
  • A Dehbi-Alaoui, A Matthews and J Franks, "The Optical and Mechanical Properties of Carbon Films Grown Using a Fast Atom Beam Source" Proceedings Diamond Films 90, Crans Montana, Switzerland, 1990. Published in Surface and Coatings Technology, 47, 722, 1991.
  • A Dehbi-Alaoui, P Holiday and A Matthews, "Optical Properties of Carbon Films Deposited using a Hybrid Physical Vapour Deposition Technique". ibid p327.
  • P Holiday, A Dehbi-Alaoui and A Matthews, "Physical Properties of Carbon Films Produced Using a Hybrid Physical Vapour Deposition Technique" ibid p315.
  • K S Fancey, P A Robinson, A Leyland, A S James and A Matthews, "A Coating Thickness Uniformity Model for PVD Systems - Further Validity Tests", Proceedings 2nd International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, PSE '90, Garmisch Partenkirchen, Germany, 1990. Published in Materials Science and Engineering, A140 (1991) p576-582.
  • A S James, K S Fancey and A Matthews, "An Investigation into the Effects of Plasma Bombardment Anistropy in Low Frequency RF Glow Discharges". ibid p517-522.
  • H Ronkainen, I Nieminen, K Holmberg, A Leyland, K S Fancey, A Matthews, B Matthes and E Broszeit, "Evaluation of some New Titanium Based Ceramic Coatings in Tribological Model Wear and Metal Cutting Tests". ibid. p602-608.
  • H Ronkainen, A Leyland and A Matthews, "A Comparative Study of the Corrosion Performance of TiN and Ti(B,N) Coatings Produced by Plasma-Assisted EBPVD". ibid. p722-726.
  • A Matthews, K G Swift and P A Robinson, "Expert Systems in Surface Engineering", Proceedings Surface Engineering and Heat Treatment Conference, London, 1990. The Institute of Metals, London, 1990.
  • K S Fancey and A Matthews, "Evaporative Ion Plating: Process Mechanisms and Optimisation". Published in IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science Vol 18, No 6, 869, 1990.
  • A Matthews, K S Fancey, A S James and A Leyland, "Developments in Plasma Assisted Physical Vapour Deposition", Proceedings Surface Engineering Practice and Prospects, Adelaide, Australia, 1991. Published in Surface Engineering: Processes and Applications, K N Strafford, R St C Smart, I Sare, C Subramanian (Eds), Technomic Publishing Co Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 1995.
  • H Ronkainen, I Nieminen, K Holmberg, A Leyland, A Matthews, B Matthes and E Broszeit, "Evaluation of Some Titanium-based Ceramic Coatings on High Speed Steel Cutting Tools". Proceedings of the International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, ICMCTF '91, San Diego, USA, April 1991. Surface and Coatings Technology, 49, 468, 1992.
  • B Matthes, E Broszeit, J Aromaa, H Ronkainen, S-P Hannula, A Leyland and A Matthews, "Corrosion Performance of Some Titanium-Based Coatings", ibid, 49, 489, 1992.
  • P Holiday, A Dehbi-Alaoui and A Matthews, " A Comparison of Techniques for Producing Diamond-like Carbon Coatings". Proceedings of the 1st ASM Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering Conference, Amsterdam, 22-24 May 1991, ASM International (Europe), Brussels, 1991. Materials Science Forum, Vols: 102-104, p643-654.
  • A Leyland, P R Stevenson and A Matthews, "Tribological Performance of Plasma Treated and Coated Surfaces ", ibid. p615-622.
  • A S James and A Matthews, "Deposition of Stabilised Zirconia onto Metallic Substrates Using A DC Thermionic Triode Ion Plating Technique", ibid. p633-642.
  • P Robinson and A Matthews, "Further Developments of the Multi-Mode Ionised Vapour Source System", ibid. p581-590.
  • A Matthews, A Leyland, H Ronkainen, I Nieminen, K Holmberg, B Matthes and E Broszeit, "Standardisation of Test Procedures in Surface Engineering". Proceedings Eurotech Direct '91, Birmingham, 2-4 July 1991, IMechE, London, 1991.
  • A Matthews, "The Key to Success for Surface Engineering", Metals and Materials, March 1991, 150.
  • H L Du, J S Gray, P K Datta, B Lewis and A Matthews, "Oxidation Behaviour of Certain Co-Based Alloys Containing Refractory Metals". Proceedings Irish Materials Forum Conference IMF-7, Limerick, Ireland, September 1991.
  • J S Gray, H L Du, P K Datta, A Matthews and B Lewis, "High Temperature Degradation of NbN and ZrN Coated Nimonic and Inconel Superalloys in an Atmosphere of Low Oxygen and High Sulphur Potentials". Proceedings of Surf-Tec 91, 7-11 October, 1991 Paris, IITT International, Gournay sur Marce, 1991.
  • J S Gray, H L Du, P K Datta, A Matthews and B Lewis, "High Temperature Degradation Studies for Diffusion Barrier Coatings for use in Ti-Based Metal Matrix composites". ibid.
  • T J Dines, D Tither, A Dehbi-Alaoui and A Matthews, "Raman Spectra of Hard Carbon Fims and Hard Carbon Films Containing Secondary Elements". Carbon, 29, 2, 225, 1991.
  • A Leyland, K S Fancey and A Matthews, "Plasma Nitriding in a Low Pressure Triode Discharge to Provide Improvements in Adhesion and Load Support for Wear Resistant Coatings". Surface Engineering, 7, 207, 1991.
  • K S Fancey and A Matthews, "Determination of Electron Temperature in Ion Plating Discharges by Optical Emission Spectroscopy". Vacuum, 42, 1013, 1991.
  • K S Fancey, M Williams, A Leyland and A Matthews, "The Influence of Process System Characteristics on the Uniformity of Ion Plated Titanium Nitride Coatings". Vacuum, 42, (1992) p235-240.
  • H Ronkainen, I Nieminen, K Holmberg, A Leyland, A Matthews, B Matthes and E Broszeit, "Development and Evaluation of New Titanium-Based Ceramic Coatings for Use in Manufacturing Industry". Proceedings of MatTech 91, The 2nd European East-West Symposium on Materials and Processes, 26-30 May, Espoo, Finland, 1991, IMST, Finland, 1991.
  • J Smith, P Holiday, A Dehbi-Alaoui and A Matthews, "Characterisation of Diamond-Like Carbon Films by Fine Scale Indentation and Topography Measurements". Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Diamond, Diamond-like and Related Coatings, Nice, France, 2-6 September 1991. Diamond and Related Materials, 1, 355, 1992.
  • A Dehbi-Alaoui and A Matthews, "Process Parameters and Directional Effects on the Optical Properties of Carbon Films Grown by Plasma Assisted PVD", Diamond and Related Materials, 1, 355, 1992, p445.
  • A Matthews, A Leyland, K S Fancey, A S James, P A Robinson P Holiday, A Dehbi-Alaoui and P R Stevenson, "Developments in Plasma Assisted PVD Processing". Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Advances in Coatings and Surface Engineering for Corrosion and Wear, 11-15 May 1992, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Published in Surface Engineering, Vol III: Process Technology and Surface Analysis, P K Datta and J S Gray (Eds), Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, 1993, 99-110.
  • S J Bull and A Matthews, "Diamond for Wear and Corrosion Applications". Proceedings of the European Diamond Technology for the 90's Workshop, Brussels, December 1991. Published in Diamond and Related Materials, 1, (1992) p1049-1064.
  • P Stevenson, A Leyland, M Parkin and A Matthews, "The Effects of process parameters on plasma carbon diffusion of stainless steel at low pressures". Proceedings of the International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, San Diego, USA, April 1992. Surf. Coat. Technol. 63 (1994), 135-143.
  • C V Cooper, P Holiday and A Matthews, "The effect of TiN interlayers on the indentation behaviour of diamond-like -carbon films", Surf. Coat. Technol., 63 (1994), 129-134.
  • S Bennett, A Matthews, A J Perry, J Valli, S J Bull and W D Sproul, "Multipass scratch testing at sub critical loads". Paper presented at ICMCTF '92. Published in Tribologia, 13 (1994), 16-28.
  • A Dehbi-Alaoui, B Ollivier and A Matthews, "Evaluation of diamond-like carbon films on PET. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Vacuum Metallurgy, Antibes-Juan Les Pins, May 1992, Societe Francaise du Vide, Paris, 1992 p 221-226.
  • Y Bounouh, M L Theye, A Dehbi-Alaoui, A Matthews, J Cernogora, J L Fave, C Colliex, A Gheorghia and C Senesmaud, "Influence of pi-bonded clusters on the electronic properties of diamond-like carbon films. Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Diamond, Diamond-like and Related Coatings, Heidelberg, Germany, September 1992. Diamond and Related Materials, 2, (1993) p259-265.
  • K S Fancey, S J Young, A S James and A Matthews, "The microstructural and thickness uniformity of zirconia coatings produced by rf ion plating". Proceeding of the Twelfth International Vacuum Congress IVC-12, The Hague, The Netherlands, October 1992. Materials Science and Engineering, A163, (1993) p171-175.
  • B Ollivier and A Matthews, "Adhesion of diamond-like films on polymers: an assessment of the validity of the scratch test applied to flexible substrates". Proceedings of the International Symposium on Adhesion Measurement of Films and Coatings, Boston, USA, December 1992. Published in J. Adhesion Sci. & Technol., 8 (1994), 651-662.
  • A S James and A Matthews, "A practical model to enable the prediction of coating thickness variation across a flat surface". Proceedings of the 3rd Int. Conf. on Plasma Surface Engineering, Garmisch Partenkirchen, Germany, October 1992. Published in Surf. Coat. Technol., 59, 1993, 48-53.
  • A S James and A Matthews, "Calculation of ion energy distributions in low frequency rf glow discharges", ibid., Surf. Coat. Technol., 59, 1993, 86-90.
  • A Leyland, A Matthews, P R Stevenson, (with J S Cawley and B Lewis), "Metallurgical study of low temperature plasma carbon diffusion treatments for stainless steels", ibid., Surf. Coat. Technol., 60, 1993, 416-423.
  • K S Fancey and A Matthews, "Coating thickness fall-off with source to substrate distance in PVD processes", ibid., Surf. Coat. Technol., 59, 1993, 113-116.
  • A Leyland, M Bin-Sudin, A S James, M R Kalantary, P B Wells and A Matthews, (with J Housden and B Garside), "TiN and CrN PVD coatings on electroless nickel coated steel substrates", ibid., Surf. Coat. Technol., 60, 1993, 474-479.
  • J Robson, A S James, B Lewis and A Matthews, "The deposition of Yttria partially stabilised zirconia (PYSZ) onto aluminium alloy substrates using PVD techniques", ibid., Surf. Coat. Technol., 60, 1993, 536-540.
  • A Matthews, (with K Holmberg and S Franklin), "A methodology for coating selection". Proceedings of the 19th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, Leeds, September 1992, Thin Films in Tribology, D Dowson et al. (Eds), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1993, 429-439.
  • A Matthews (with K Holmberg and H Ronkainen), "Wear mechanisms of coated sliding surfaces", Proceedings of the 19th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, Leeds, September 1992, Thin Films in Tribology, D Dowson et al. (Eds), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1993, 399-407.
  • A Matthews (with K Holmberg), "Measurement of mechanical properties of thin films II: friction and wear" in Advanced Techniques for Surface Engineering, W Gissler and H Jehn, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992.
  • A Wilson, A Matthews (with J Housden, R Turner, B Garside), A comparison of the wear and fatigue properties of plasma assisted PVD TiN, CrN and duplex coatings on Ti-6Al-4V", Proceedings of the Int. Conf. on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, San Diego, USA, April 1993. Published in Surf. Coat. Technol., 61, 1993, 600-607.
  • A Leyland, D B Lewis, P R Stevenson and A Matthews, "Low temperature plasma diffusion treatment of stainless steels for improved wear resistance", ibid. Published in Surf. Coat. Technol., 61, 1993, 608-617.
  • A Matthews, K S Fancey, A S James and A Leyland, "Ionisation in plasma assisted PVD systems", ibid. Published in Surf. Coat. Technol., 61, 1993, 121-126.
  • P A Robinson, A Matthews and K G Swift. "A knowledge based computer system for surface coating and material selection", ibid. Published in Surf. Coat. Technol., 61, 1993, 662-668.
  • A S James and A Matthews, "A simple model for the prediction of coating thickness uniformity from limited measured data", ibid. Published in Surf. Coat. Technol., 61, 1993, 282-286.
  • A Matthews, K G Swift and P A Robinson, "Selecting engineering coatings: a computer-based approach", Finishing, Vol 17, No 10, 1993, 26-29.
  • A Matthews, D Palicki (with W Durholt, A J Perry and J Vetter), "The economics of running PVD equipment in-house", Finishing, Vol 17, No 10, 1993, 34-36.
  • D Palicki and A Matthews, "Developments in magnetron sputtering", Finishing, Vol 17, No 10, 1993, 36-38.
  • A Matthews and A Leyland, "Plasma processing for enhanced wear and corrosion performance". Proceedings of the 2nd ASM Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering Conference in Europe, Dortmund, Germany, June 1993.
  • K Holmberg and A Matthews, "On the tribology of coatings". Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Tribology - EUROTRIB '93, Budapest, Hungary, Aug/Sept 1993.
  • A Matthews (with S S Eskildsen), "Engineering applications for diamond-like carbon". Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Diamond, Diamond-like and Related Materials, Sept 20-24 1993, Albufeira, Portugal. Published in Diamond and Related Materials., 3 (1994), 902-911.
  • A Matthews, A Leyland and P Stevenson, "Widening the market for advanced PVD coatings". Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT 93), Dublin, 24-27 August 1993. Dublin City University, 1993, 2123-2129. Published in J. Mat. Processing Tech., 56 (1996), 760-766.
  • A Matthews (with W Durholt, J Vetter and A J Perry), "Industrial Hard Coatings". Proceedings of the 9th International Colloquium on Plasma Processes, June 6-10 1993, Juan Les Pins, France, Société Francaise du Vide, Paris, 1993, 417-419.
  • A Leyland and A Matthews. “Thick Ti/TiN Multilayered Coatings for Abrasive and Erosive Wear Resistance”, Surf. Coat. Technol., 70 (1994), 19-25.
  • A A Voevodin, C Rebholz and A Matthews, “Comparative Tribology Studies of Hard Ceramic and Composite Metal-DLC Coatings in Sliding Friction Conditions”. Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers, Chicago, USA, May 14-19 1995. Published in Tribology Transactions, The Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers, Vol. 38 (1995), 829-836.
  • A A Voevodin, P Stevenson, C Rebholz, J M Schneider and A Matthews, “Active Process Control of Reactive Sputter Deposition”, Vacuum, 46 (1995), 723-729.
  • A A Voevodin, J M Schneider, C Rebholz and A Matthews, “Multilayer Composite Ceramic-Metal-DLC Coatings for Sliding Wear Applications”, Tribology International, 26 (1996), 559-570.
  • A Dehbi-Alaoui and A Matthews, “Diamond-Like Carbon Films Grown in a New Configuration for Filament Enhanced Plasma Assisted CVD”, Vacuum, Vol. 46 (1995), 1305-1309.
  • A A Voevodin, R Bantle and A Matthews, “Dynamic Impact Wear of Ti Cx Ny and Ti-DLC Composite Coatings”, Wear; 185 (1995), 151-157.
  • A A Voevodin, J M Schneider, C Caperaa, P Stevenson and A Matthews, “Studies of Atom Beams Produced by a Saddle Field Source Used for Depositing Diamond-Like Carbon Films on Glass” Vacuum, 46 (1995), 299-303.
  • B Ollivier, S J Dowey, S J Young and A Matthews, "Adhesion Assessment of DLC films on PET using a simple tensile tester: comparison of different theories". J. Adhesion Sci. & Technol., 9 (1995), 769-784.
  • B Ollivier and A Matthews, "Relationship between Interlayer hardness and adhesion and Pin on Disc behaviour for FAB source DLC films". J. Adhesion Science and Technology, 9 (1995), 725-736.
  • A Matthews (with K Holmberg), “Coatings Tribology: A Concept, Critical Aspects and Future Directions”, International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, San Diego, USA, April 25-29, 1994. Published in Thin Solid Films, 253 (1994), 173-178.
  • A Matthews and A Leyland, “Hybrid Techniques in Surface Engineering”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Surface Engineering, Adelaide, 7-10 March 1994, University of South Australia. Published in Surf. Coat. Technol., 71 (1995), 88-92.
  • A Matthews and A Leyland, “Variability in Coatings and Test Results”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Surface Engineering, Adelaide, 7-10 March 1994, University of South Australia.
  • A A Voevodin, C Rebholz, J M Schneider, P S Stevenson and A Matthews, “Wear Resistance Composite Coatings Deposited by Unbalanced Closed Field Magnetron Sputtering”, International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, San Diego, USA, April 25-29, 1994. Published in Surf. Coat. Technol., 73 (1995), 185-197.
  • J M Schneider, A A Voevodin, C Rebholz, A Matthews, J H C Hogg, M Ives and D B Lewis, “X-ray Diffraction Studies of Magnetron Sputtered Titanium Carbo-nitride Coatings”. Presented at the 4th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Garmisch Partenkirchen, Germany, September 1994. Published in Surf. Coat. Technol., 74-75 (1995), 312-319.
  • S J Young, A S James and A Matthews, “An Investigation into the Thickness and Coating Structure Uniformity of Zirconia Films on Flat Substrates”. Presented at the 4th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Garmisch Partenkirchen, Germany, September 1994. Published in Surf. Coat. Technol., 74-75 (1995), 147-154.
  • S J Young, A S James and A Matthews, “Investigation on the Sputtering Effects on rf Plasma Processing”. Presented at the 4th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Garmisch Partenkirchen, Germany, September 1994. Published in Surf. Coat. Technol., 74-75 (1995), 206-211.
  • A S James, S J Young and A Matthews. “An Investigation into the Use of a Simple Model for Thickness Uniformity on Horizontal Surfaces to Describe Thickness Variations on Vertical Substrates”,. Presented at the 4th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Garmisch Partenkirchen, Germany, September 1994. Published in Surf. Coat. Technol., 74-75 (1995), 306-311.
  • C Nørgård and A Matthews (with S S Eskildsen). “The Influence of Nucleation Density and Oriented Growth on the Surface Roughness of Diamond Films”. Presented at the 4th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Garmisch Partenkirchen, Germany, September 1994. Published in Surf. Coat. Technol., 74-75 (1995), 358-361.
  • S J Dowey, K M Read, K S Fancey and A Matthews. “The Penetration into Blind Holes of Diamond-Like Carbon Films Produced by rf Plasma Assisted CVD”. Presented at the 4th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Garmisch Partenkirchen, Germany, September 1994. Published in Surf. Coat. Technol., 74-75 (1995), 710-716.
  • P Stevenson and A Matthews. “PVD Equipment Design- Concepts for Increased Throughput Production”. Presented at the 4th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Garmisch Partenkirchen, Germany, September 1994. Published in Surf. Coat. Technol., 74-75 (1995), 770-780.
  • R Bantle and A Matthews. “Development and Evaluation of an Impact Tester for Coating Assessment”. Presented at the 4th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Garmisch Partenkirchen, Germany, September 1994. Published in Surf. Coat. Technol., 74-75 (1995), 857-868.
  • S Bennett and A Matthews. “A Multi-Function Scratch Tester”. Presented at the 4th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Garmisch Partenkirchen, Germany, September 1994. Published in Surf. Coat. Technol., 74-75 (1995), 869-876.
  • J M Schneider, A A Voevodin, C Rebholz and A Matthews. “Microstructural Effects on Tribological Properties of Electron Enhanced Magnetron Sputtered Coatings”. Presented at the 41st National Symposium of the American Vacuum Society, Denver, USA, October, 1994. Published in J. Vac. Sci. Technol., A13 (1995), 2189-2193.
  • A Matthews, A Leyland, B Dorn, P Stevenson, M Bin-Sudin, C Rebholz, A A Voevodin and A Matthews, “Plasma-based Surface Engineering Processes for Wear and Corrosion Protection”, ibid. Published in J. Vac. Sci. Technol., A13 (1995), 1202-1207.
  • C Bowden and A Matthews, “A Study of the Corrosion Properties of PVD Zn-Ni Coatings”. Presented at the Int. Conf. on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, San Diego, USA, April 1995. Published in Surf. Coat. Technol., 76-77 (1995), 508-515.
  • C Liu, A Leyland and A Matthews, “Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy on Mild Steel and AISI 316 Substrates”. Presented at the Int. Conf. on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, San Diego, USA, April 1995. Published in Surf. Coat. Technol., 76-77 (1995), 615-622.
  • C Liu, A Leyland, S Lyon and A Matthews, “An AC Impedance Study on PVD CrN-Coated Mild Steel With Different Surface Roughnesses”. Presented at the Int. Conf. on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, San Diego, USA, April 1995. Published in Surf. Coat. Technol., 76-77 (1995), 623-631.
  • K S Fancey, A Leyland, D Egerton, D Torres and A Matthews, “The Influence of Process-gas Characteristics on the Properties of Plasma-nitrided Steel”. Presented at the Int. Conf. on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, San Diego, USA, April 1995. Published in Surf. Coat Technol., 76-77 (1995), 694-699.
  • W Heinke, A Leyland, A Matthews, G Berg, C Friedrich and E Broszeit, “Evaluation of PVD Nitride Coatings, Using Scratch Impact, and Rockwell C Adhesion Tests”. Published in Thin Solid Films, 270 (1995), 431-438.
  • K S Fancey, C A Porter and A Matthews, “Relative Importance of Bombardment Energy and Intensity in Ion Plating”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol., A 13(2) (1995), 428-432.
  • C Nørgård and A Matthews, “Two Step Diamond Growth for Reduced Surface Roughness”. Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Diamond, Diamond-like and Related Materials, Barcelona, Spain, 10-15 Sept. 1995. Diamond and Related Materials, 5 (1996), 332-337.
  • J M Schneider, C Rebholz, A A Voevodin, A Leyland and A Matthews, “Deposition and Characterization of Nitrogen Containing Stainless Steel Coatings Prepared by Reactive Magnetron Sputtering”. Vacuum, 47 (1996), 1077-1080.
  • J M Schneider, M E Graham, A Lefkow, W D Sproul and A Matthews, “Scaleable Process for Pulsed dc Magnetron Sputtering of Non-conducting Oxides”. Proceedings of the SVC Conference, 5-10 May 1996, Philadelphia, SVC Albuquerque, 1996.
  • J M Schneider, A A Voevodin, M S Wong, W D Sproul and A Matthews, “Deposition and Characterisation of Alumina Hard Coatings by dc Pulsed Magnetron Sputtering”. Presented at ICMC’96, San Diego, USA. Surf. Coat. Technol., 96 (1997), 262-266.
  • A A Voevodin, J M Schneider, C Caperaa, P Stevenson and A Matthews, “Characteristics of a Saddle Field Source for Deposition of Diamond-like Carbon Films”, Ceramics International, 22 (1996), 1-5.
  • H L Du, P K Datta, J S Burnell-Gray, A S James and A Matthews, “Use of PVD Deposited TiN Coating in Retarding High Temperature Sulphidation”, Surf. Coat. Technol., 81 (1996), 151-158.
  • M Bin-Sudin, A Leyland, A S James, A Matthews, J Housden and B Garside, “Substrate Surface Finish Effects in Duplex Coatings of PAPVD TiN and CrN with Electroless Nickel-Phosphorus Interlayers”, Surf. Coat. Technol., 81 (1996), 215-224.
  • A Matthews, “Plasma Based Vacuum Deposition Processes to Enhance Wear and Corrosion Performance”. Paper presented at the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Protective Coatings and Thin Films, Alvor, Portugal, 30 May-5 June 1996. Published in “Protective Coatings and Thin Films”, Y Pauleau and P B Barna (Eds), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordecht, 1997.
  • K-T Rie, E Menthe, A Matthews, K O Legg, and J Chin, “Plasma Surface Engineering of Metals”. MRS Bulletin, 21 (1996), 46-51.
  • P S Stevenson and A Matthews, “Economic and Design Aspects for Continuous PVD Coating Systems which Provide High Throughput”. Surf. Coat. Technol., 93 (1997), 142-149.
  • J M Schneider, W D Sproul and A Matthews “Reactive Ionised Magnetron Sputtering of Crystalline Alumina Coatings”. Surf. Coat. Technol., 98 (1998), 1473-1476.
  • A Matthews and P Holiday, “The UK Surface Engineering Scene”. Proceedings of the Workshop on International Perspectives in Surface Engineering”, Garmisch Partenkirchen, Germany, 10 September 1996. VDI, Dusseldorf, 1997.
  • J M Schneider, W D Sproul, A A Voevodin and A Matthews, “Crystalline Alumina Deposited at Low Temperatures by Ionised Magnetron Sputtering”. Presented at the 43rd American Vacuum Society National Symposium, Philadelphia, USA, October 1996. J. Vac. Sci. Technol., A15(3) (1997), 1084-1088.
  • H Ziegele, C Rebholz, A A Voevodin, A Leyland, S L Rohde and A Matthews, “Studies of the Tribological and Mechanical Properties of Laminated CrC-SiC Coatings Produced by rf and dc Sputtering”. Tribology International, 30 (1997), 845-856.
  • C Rebholz, H Ziegele, A A Voevodin, J M Schneider and A Matthews, “Composite DLC-Metal/Metal-Carbide Coatings Produced by Electron Enhanced Unbalanced Magnetron Sputtering”, Surface Engineering, 13 (1997), 375-383.
  • A Matthews, S J Young, M Joseph, C Rebholz, J M Schneider and S J Dowey, “Partially Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Coatings Produced Under Plasma-Assisted EBPVD With Bipolar Pulsed Bias and Under Electron Bombardment-Assisted Positive Bias Conditions”, Proceedings of the Int. Conf. on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, San Diego, USA, April 1997. Published in Surf. Coat. Technol., 94-95 (1997), 123-130.
  • I Grimberg, V N Zhitomirsky, N Parkansky, A Matthews, A Wilson, R L Boxman, B Z Weiss and S Goldsmith, “Structure and Tribological Properties of Thin Vacuum Arc Coatings on Polysulfone”, Surf. Coat. Technol., 94-95 (1997), 179-183.
  • J M Schneider, W D Sproul, J Sellers and A Matthews, “Alumina-Chromia Coatings Deposited by Reactive Magnetron Sputtering”. Proceedings of the Society of Vacuum Coaters Conference, New Orleans, USA, April, 1997. Pages 301-303, SVC, Albuquerque, 1997.
  • A Matthews and A Leyland, “Variability in Coatings and Test Results”, in Quality Control and Assurance in Advanced Surface Engineering, Inst. of Materials, Publication B678, London 1997.
  • S Neuville and A Matthews, “Hard Carbon Coatings: The Way Forward”, Materials Research Society Bulletin, 22 (1997), 22-26.
  • A Matthews, “Surface Engineering”, in Kempe’s Engineers Year-Book. Ed. J Hal Stephens, Miller Freeman Technical (1998), ISBN 086382 3610.
  • J M Schneider, W D Sproul and A Matthews, “Phase Formation and Mechanical Properties of Alumina Coatings Prepared at Substrate Temperatures Less Than 500°C by Ionised and Conventional Sputtering”, Surf. Coat. Technol., 94-95 (1997), 179-183.
  • K Holmberg, A Matthews and H Ronkainen, “Coatings Tribology - Contact Mechanisms and Surface Design”. Proceedings of the World Tribology Conference, London, 8-12 September 1997, MEP, 1997. Published in Tribology International, 31, 11-3 (1998), 107-120.
  • A Matthews and P Holiday, “The Surface Engineering Market”, Executive Engineer, 5 (1997), 14-16.
  • A Matthews, S J Young, S J Dowey, M Joseph, A Leyland, G Fisher, P K Datta and J Burnell-Gray, “Properties of Electron Bombardment Assisted EBPVD PYSZ TBC’s”. Proceedings of the High Temperature Surface Engineering Conference, Edinburgh, 23-25 September 1997, The Institute of Materials, 1997, 261-264.
  • A S James and A Matthews, “A Mass Spectroscopy Study of the Electron Beam Evaporation of Yttria Partially Stabilised Zirconia (PYSZ)”. Proceedings of the High Temperature Surface Engineering Conference, Edinburgh, 23-25 September 1997, The Institute of Materials, 1997, 283-292.
  • I Grimberg, V N Zhitomirsky, N Parkansky, A Matthews, A Wilson, R L Boxman, B Z Weiss and S Goldsmith, “Vacuum Arc Deposition of Thin Metallic and Nitride Coatings on Polysulfone”. Proceedings of the Eight Israel Materials Conference IMEC VIII, Beer Sheva, Israel, 16-17 April 1997.
  • K Holmberg, A Matthews and H Ronkainen, “The Tribological Mechanisms of Coated Surfaces”. International Conference on Industrial Tribology, ICIT 1997, Plenary Paper, Calcutta, India, 2-5 December 1997, Balmer Lawrie, India, 1997.
  • C Rebholz, H Ziegele, A Leyland and A Matthews, “Structure, mechanical and tribological properties of Ti-B-N and Ti-Al-B-N thin films produced by electron beam evaporation”. Proc. 44th AVS National Symposium, San Jose, California, USA, October 1997. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 6/5 (1998) 2851.
  • O Fuchs, C Friedrich, G Berg, E Broszeit, A Leyland and A Matthews, “Hard coatings on light-metal components under mechanical surface loading”. Mat.-wiss .u. Werkstofftech., 29 (1998) 141.
  • S J Dowey, B Rähle and A Matthews, “Performance analysis of coated tools in real-life industrial experiments using statistical techniques”. Surface and Coatings Technology, 99 (1998) 213.
  • A Matthews, A Leyland, K Holmberg and H Ronkainen, “Design aspects for advanced tribological surface coatings”. Proc. E-MRS International Conf. on Advanced Materials, Strasbourg, France, June 1997. Surface and Coatings Technology, 100-101 (1998), 1.
  • C Rebholz, J M Schneider, H Ziegele, B Rähle, A Leyland and A Matthews, “Deposition and characterisation of carbon-containing tungsten coatings prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering”. Vacuum, 49/4 (1998), 265.
  • A Leyland and A Matthews, “Developments in hybrid and duplex plasma processing techniques for surface engineering”. Proc. 5th International Conf. on Advances in Surface Engineering, São Paulo, Brazil, November 1998. (To be published in Royal Soc. Chem. 2001.)
  • C Rebholz, J M Schneider, A Leyland and A Matthews, “Wear behaviour of carbon-containing tungsten coatings prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering”. Proc. 1st Asian-European International Conf. on Plasma Surface Engineering, Seoul, Korea, October 1997. Surface and Coatings Technology, 112 (1999), 85-90.
  • K S Fancey, A Leyland, F M Badow and A Matthews, “The influence of neon in the deposition of titanium nitride by plasma-assisted physical vapour deposition”. Materials Science and Technology A, 262/1-2 (1999), 227-231.
  • M H El-Shazly, M El-Sherbiney, A Matthews and A Leyland, “The effect of substrate pretreatment on PVD TiN hard coating performance”. Journal of Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 14, No. 2 (1999), 257-269.
  • M H El-Shazly, M El-Sherbiney, A Matthews, A Leyland and M Raines, “Analysis of a segmented die design approach to improving the performance of coated metal forming tools”. Journal of Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 14, No. 2, 1999, 271-284.
  • M H El-Shazly, M El-Sherbiney, A Matthews, A Leyland and M Raines, “The effect of hard coating properties on substrate stresses under tribological loads”. Journal of Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 14, No. 2, 1999, 243-255.
  • C Nørgård, K Glejbol, S S Eskildsen and A Matthews, “Enhanced diamond nucleation density utilising seeding”, Diamond and Related Materials, 7 (1998), 1278-1281.
  • H Ziegele, C Rebholz, H-J Scheibe, B Schultrich and A Matthews, “Mechanical and tribological properties of aluminium-carbon multilayer films prepared by the laser-arc technique”, Surface and Coatings Technology, 107 (1998), 159-167.
  • S J Dowey and A Matthews, “Taguchi and TQM: Quality issues for surface engineered applications”, Surface and Coatings Technology, 110 (1998), 86-93.
  • V N Zhitomirsky, I Grimberg, M C Joseph, R L Boxman, B Z Weiss, A Matthews and S Goldsmith, “Vacuum arc deposition of metal/ceramic coatings on polymer substrates”, Surface and Coatings Technology, 108-109 (1998), 160-165.
  • K Holmberg, H Ronkainen and A Matthews, “Tribology of Thin Coatings”. Proceedings of CIMTEC ‘98, The 9th International Conference on Modern Materials and Technologies, Florence, Italy, 14-19 June 1998. Ceramics International 26(7) (2000), 787-795.
  • A Matthews, R J Artley and P Holiday, “The Future’s Bright for Surface Engineering”, Materials World, 6 (1998), 346-347.
  • C. Rebholz, H. Ziegele, A. Leyland and A. Matthews, “Structure, mechanical and tribological properties of nitrogen-containing chromium coatings prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering”. Surface and Coatings Technology, 115 (1999), 222-229.
  • 146. C Rebholz, J M Schneider, A A Voevodin, J Steinebrunner, C Charitidis, S Logothetidis, A Leyland and A Matthews, “Structure, mechanical and tribological properties of sputtered TiAlBN thin films”. Surface and Coatings Technology, 113 (1999), 126-133.
  • C Rebholz, A Leyland and A Matthews, “Deposition and characterisation of TiAlBN coating s produced by direct electron-beam evaporation of Ti and Ti-Al-B-N material from a twin crucible source”. Proc. 14th International Vacuum Congress, "IVC-14", Birmingham, UK, September 1998. Thin Solid Films, 343-344 (1999), 242-245.
  • A D Wilson, A Leyland and A Matthews, “A comparative study of the influence of plasma treatments, PVD coatings and ion implantation on the tribological performance of Ti-6Al-4V”, Proc. 1st Asian-European International Conf. on Plasma Surface Engineering, Seoul, Korea, October 1997. Surface and Coatings Technology, 114 (1999), 70
  • S J Dowey, J Zhang, E D Doyle and A Matthews, “Life analysis of coated tools using statistical methods”. Proc. 6th International Conf. on Plasma Surface Engineering, "PSE '98", Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, Sept. 1998. Surface and Coatings Technology, 116-119 (1999), 654-661.
  • X Nie, A Leyland, H W Song, A L Yerokhin, S J Dowey and A Matthews, “Thickness effects on the mechanical properties of micro-arc discharge oxide coatings on aluminium alloys”. Proc. 6th International Conf. on Plasma Surface Engineering, “PSE '98", Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, Sept. 1998. Surface and Coatings Technology, 116-119 (1999), 1055-1060.
  • 151. D E Ashenford, F Long, W E Hagston, B Lunn and A Matthews, “Experimental and theoretical studies of the low temperature growth of chromia and alumina”. Proc. 6th International Conf. on Plasma Surface Engineering,"PSE '98", Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, Sept. 1998. Surfatce and Coatings Technology, 116-119 (1999), 699-704.
  • C Rebholz, A Leyland, P Larour, C Charitidis, S Logothetidis and A Matthews, “The effect of boron additions on the tribological behaviour of TiN coatings produced by electron-beam evaporative PVD”. Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Plasma Surface Engineering, “PSE 98”, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, Sept. 1998. Surface and Coatings Technology, 116-119 (1999), 648-653.
  • A L Yerokhin, X Nie, A Leyland, A Matthews and S J Dowey, “Plasma electrolysis for surface engineering”, Surface and Coatings Technology, 122 (1999), 73-93.
  • C Rebholz, A Leyland, J M Schneider, A A Voevodin and A Matthews, “Structure, hardness and mechanical properties of magnetron-sputtered titanium-aluminium boride films”. Proceedings of the International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, ICMCTF 99, San Diego, USA, 1999. Surface and Coatings Technology, 120-121 (1999), 412-417.
  • V N Zhitomirsky, I Grimberg, M C Joseph, R L Boxman, A Matthews and B Z Weiss, “Vacuum arc deposition of conductive wear resistant coatings on polymer substrates”. Proceedings of the International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, ICMCTF 99, San Diego, USA, 1999. Surface and Coatings Technology, 120-121 (1999), 373-377.
  • X Nie, A Leyland and A Matthews, “Deposition of layered bioceramic hydroxyapatite/TiO2 coatings on titanium alloys using a hybrid technique of micro-arc oxidation and electrophoresis”, Proc. E-MRS International Conf. on Advanced Materials, Strasbourg, France, June, 1999. Surface and Coatings Technology, 125 (1999), 407-414.
  • A L Yerokhin, X Nie, A Leyland and A Matthews, “Characterisation of Oxide Films Produced by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation on a Ti-6Al-4V Alloy”, Surface and Coatings Technology, 130 (2000), 195-206.
  • A Leyland and A Matthews, “On the Significance of the H/E Ratio in Wear Control: A Nanocomposite Approach to Optimised Tribological Behaviour”, Wear, 246 (2000), 1-11.
  • A Matthews and A Leyland, “Developments in PVD Tribological Coatings”, Proc. 43rd SVC Annual Technology Conference (2000), 295. ISSN 0737-5921 (Denver, Colorado, USA, April 2000).
  • A Matthews and A Leyland, “Developments in PVD Tribological Coatings”, Proc. 5th ASM Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering Conference in Europe (2000) 235. ISBN 087170-695-4 (Gothenburg, Sweden, June 2000). (Also included in modified form in the journal Heat Treatment of Metals, 2001.)
  • X Nie, A Wilson, A Leyland and A Matthews, “Deposition of Duplex Al2O3/DLC Coatings on Al-Alloys for Tribological Applications Using a Combined Micro-Arc Oxidation and Plasma-Immersion Ion Implantation Technique”. Proc. 2nd Asian-European Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, AEPSE’99, Beijing, China, September 1999. Surface and Coatings Technology, 131 (2000), 506-513.
  • X Nie, A Leyland and A Matthews, “Low Temperature Deposition of Cr(N)/TiO2 Coatings Using a Duplex Process of Unbalanced Magnetron Sputtering and Micro-Arc Oxidation”. Proc. 27th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, ICMCTF 2000, San Diego, USA, April, 2000. Surface and Coatings Technology, 133-134 (2000), 331-337.
  • J L He, K C Chen, C C Chen, A Leyland and A Matthews, “Cyclic Oxidation Resistance of Ni-Al Alloy Coatings Deposited on Steel by a Cathodic Arc Plasma Process”. Surface and Coatings Technology, 135 (2001), 158-165.
  • A Matthews and A Leyland, "Entwicklungen bei PVD-Verschleiβschutzschichten", Härterei-Technische Mitteilungen, 56 (2001), 5-13.
  • A Matthews, R Jones and S J Dowey, "Modelling the Deformation Behaviour of Multilayer Coatings", Tribology Letters, August 2001.
  • X Nie, A Leyland, C Tsotsos, A D Wilson and A Matthews, “Characteristics of a Plasma Electrolytic Treatment for Stainless Steels”, Proc. 27th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, ICMCTF 2000, San Diego, USA, April, 2000. Surface and Coatings Technology, 139 (2001), 135-142.
  • C Liu, A Leyland, Q Bi and A Matthews, "Corrosion Resistance of Multi-Layered PAPVD TiN and CrN Coatings", Surface and Coatings Technology, 141 (2001), 164-175.
  • A L Yerokhin, A Leyland, A D Wilson, X Nie, C Tsotsos and A Matthews, "Duplex Surface Treatments Combining Plasma Electrolytic Nitrocarburising Plasma-Immersion Ion-Assisted Deposition", Surface and Coatings Technology, 142/144 (2001), 1123-1130.
  • A Matthews and A Leyland, "Developments in PVD tribological coatings" Heat Treatment of Metals, 28/3 (2001) 63.
  • A Matthews and A Leyland, "Developments in vapour deposited ceramic coatings for tribological applications." Proc. EuroCeramics VII Brugge, Belgium, September 2001. Key Eng.Mater. 206-213 (2002) 459. ISSN 1013-9826.
  • X Nie, E I Meletis, J C Jiang, A Leyland, A L Yerokhin and A Matthews "Abrasive wear/corrosion properties and TEM analysis of Al2O3 coatings fabricated using plasma electrolysis", Surf.Coat.Technol, 149 (2002) 245.
  • M A Baker, S Klose, C Rebholz, A Leyland and A Matthews "Evaluating the microstructure and performance of nanocomposite PVD TiAlBN coatings", Surf.Coat.Technol.151-152 (2002) 338.
  • J L He, C H Yu, A Leyland, A D Wilson & A Matthews "A comparative study of the cyclic thermal oxidation of PVD nickel aluminide coatings", Surf.Coat.Technol. 155 (2002) 67.
  • A D Wilson, A Davison, J C A Batista, A Leyland, A Matthews and K S Fancey "Ion plating discharges: evidence of cluster formation during metal evaporation", Thin Solid Films 414 (2002) 7.
  • C Liu, Q Bi, H Ziegele, A Leyland and A Matthews "Structure and corrosion properties of PVD Cr-N coatings" J.Vac.Sci.Technol. A20/3 (2002) 772.
  • A D Wilson, A Davison, A Leyland, A Matthews and K S Fancey "Evidence of ionized metal clusters in ion plating discharges" Appl.Phys.Lett. 81/8 (2002) 1405.
  • A L Yerokhin, A Leyland and A Matthews "Kinetic aspects of aluminium titanate layer formation on titanium alloys by plasma electrolytic oxidation" Appl.Surf.Sci. 200/1-4 (2002) 172.
  • M A Baker, C Rebholz, A Leyland & A Matthews "Electron spectroscopic studies of nanocomposite PVD TiAlBN coatings" Vacuum 67/3-4 (2002) 471.
  • J C A Batista, M C Joseph, C Godoy and A Matthews "Micro-abrasion wear testing of PVD TiN coatings on untreated and plasma nitrided AISI H13 steel" Wear 249 (2002) 971-979.
  • C.Tsotsos, A.L.Yerokhin, A.D.Wilson, A.Leyland & A.Matthews "Tribological evaluation of AISI 304 stainless steel duplex treated by plasma electrolytic nitrocarburising and diamond-like carbon coating" Wear 253 (2002) 986.
  • A Davison, J C A Batista, A D Wilson, A Leyland, A Matthews and K S Fancey "Diagnostic studies of discharges used for plasma assisted physical vapour deposition" Surface Engineering 18/5 (2002) 385p.
  • K Holmberg, H Ronkainen & A Matthews "Tribology of thin surface coatings" Proc. 3rd International Conference on Surface Engineering Chengdu, China, October, 2002. pub. Southwest Jiaotong University Press (2002), pp 17-23.
  • J C A Batista, C Godoy and A Matthews "Micro-scale abrasive wear testing of duplex and non-duplex (single-layered) PVD (Ti,Al)N, TiN and Cr-N coatings" Tribol.Intl. 35 (2002) 363.
  • J C A Batista, C Godoy, V T L Buono and A Matthews "Characterisation of duplex and non-duplex (Ti,Al)N and Cr-N PVD coatings" Mater.Sci.Eng. A336 (2002) 39.
  • A.Matthews, A.Leyland & A.Wilson "Plasma immersion ion implantation as a technique in duplex and hybrid processing" Vacuum 68/1 (2003) 57.
  • M A Baker, P J Kench, M C Joseph, C Tsotsos, A Leyland & A Matthews "The nanostructure and mechanical properties of PVD CrCu(N) coatings" Surf.Coat.Technol. 162 (2003) 222.
  • C Liu, Q Bi, A Leyland and A Matthews "An electrochemical impedance spectroscopy study of the corrosion behaviour of PVD coated steels in 0.5N NaCl aqueous solution: Part I. Establishment of equivalent circuits for EIS data modelling" Corr.Sci. 45/6 (2003) 1243.
  • C Liu, Q Bi, A Leyland and A Matthews "An electrochemical impedance spectroscopy study of the corrosion behaviour of PVD coated steels in 0.5N NaCl aqueous solution: Part II. EIS interpretation of corrosion behaviour" Corr.Sci. 45/6 (2003) 1257.
  • J C A Batista, C Godoy and A Matthews "Impact testing of duplex and non-duplex (Ti,Al)N and Cr-N PVD coatings" Surf.Coat.Technol. 163-164 (2003) 353.
  • C Liu, Q Bi and A Matthews "Tribological and electrochemical performance of PVD TiN coatings on the femoral head of Ti-6Al-4V artificial hip joints" Surf.Coat.Technol. 163-164 (2003) 597.
  • J C A Batista, C Godoy, A Matthews and A Leyland "Process developments towards producing well adherent duplex PAPVD coatings" Surface Engineering 19/1 (2003) 37.
  • A L Yerokhin, A Leyland and A Matthews "Discharge characterisation in plasma electrolytic oxidation of aluminium" J.Phys.D : Appl.Phys. 36 (2003) 2010.
  • A.Matthews “Plasma-based physical vapor deposition surface engineering processes”. J.Vac.Sci.Technol.A 21/5 (2003) S224-S231 (Special Supplemental Issue).
  • A.Leyland & A.Matthews “Design criteria for wear-resistant nanostructured and glassy-metal coatings”. Surf.Coat.Technol. 177-178 (2004) 317.
  • A.L.Yerokhin, L.O.Snizhko, N.L.Gurevina, A.Leyland, A.Pilkington & A.Matthews “Spatial characteristics of discharge phenomena in plasma electrolytic oxidation of aluminium alloy”. Surf.Coat.Technol. 177-178 (2004) 779.
  • L.O.Snizhko, A.L.Yerokhin, A.Pilkington, N.L.Gurevina, D.O.Misnyankin, A.Leyland & A.Matthews “Anodic processes in plasma electrolytic oxidation of aluminium in alkaline solutions”. Electrochimica Acta 49 (2004) 2085.
  • A.L.Yerokhin, A.Shatrov, V.Samsonov, P.Shashkov, A.Leyland & A.Matthews “Fatigue properties of Keronite® coatings on a magnesium alloy”. Surf.Coat.Technol. 182 (2004) 78.
  • M.C.Joseph, C.Tsotsos, M.A.Baker, P.J.Kench, C.Rebholz A.Matthews & A.Leyland “Characterisation and tribological evaluation of nitrogen-doped molybdenum-copper PVD metallic nanocomposite films”. Surf.Coat.Technol. 190 (2005) 345.
  • M.A.Baker, P.J.Kench, C.Tsotsos, P.N.Gibson, A.Leyland & A.Matthews “Evaluating the nanostructure of PVD CrCu(N) coatings”. J.Vac.Sci.Technol.A 23/3 (2005) 423.
  • L.O.Snizhko, A.L.Yerokhin, N.L.Gurevina, D.O.Misnyankin, A.Pilkington, A.Leyland & A.Matthews, “A model for galvanostatic anodising of aluminium in alkaline solutions”. Electrochimica Acta 50/27 (2005) 5458.
  • C.Tsotsos, M.A.Baker, P.J.Kench, A.Leyland & A.Matthews, “Mechanical, tribological and structural properties of CrTiCu(B,N) PVD glassy-metal coatings”. Proc. PSE2004 - Surf.Coat.Technol. 200/14-15 (2005) 4601.
  • M.Monclus, M.A.Baker, C.Tsotsos, A.Leyland & A.Matthews, “Investigation of the nanostructure and post-coat thermal treatment of wear resistant PVD CrTiCu(B,N) coatings”. Proc. PSE2004 - Surf.Coat.Technol. 200/1-4(2005) 310.
  • D.V.Shtansky, A.N.Sheveiko, M.I.Petrzhik, F.V.Kiryukhantsev-Korneev, E.A.Levashov, A.Leyland, A.L.Yerokhin & A.Matthews, "Hard tribological Ti-B-N, Ti-Cr-B-N, Ti-Si-B-N and Ti-Al-Si-B-N coatings". Surf.Coat.Technol. 200/1-4 (2005) 208.
  • M.Audronis, P.J.Kelly, R.D.Arnell, A.Leyland & A.Matthews, “Deposition of multicomponent chromium boride based coatings by pulsed magnetron sputtering of powder targets”. Proc ICMCTF (April 2005). Surf Coat Technol. 200/5-6 (2005) 1616.<</li>
  • A.L.Yerokhin, A.Shatrov, V.Samsonov, P.Shashkov, A.Pilkington, A.Leyland & A.Matthews, “Oxide ceramic coatings on aluminium alloys produced by a pulsed bipolar plasma electrolytic oxidation process”. Surf Coat Technol 19/2-3 (2005) 150-157.
  • E.A.Levashov, A.S.Rogachev, D.V.Shtansky, B.R.Senatulin, H.E.Grigoryan, A.Leyland & R.Suchentrunk, "Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of cathodes composed of TiCXNY-Ti5Si3-TiB2". Galvanotechnik 96/5 (2005) 1202.
  • M.Audronis, P.J.Kelly, R.D.Arnell, A.Leyland & A.Matthews, "The structure and properties of chromium diboride coatings deposited by pulsed magnetron sputtering of powder targets". Surf. Coat. Technol. 200/5-6 (2005) 1366.
  • J.T.Chang, C.H.Yeh, J.L.He, K.C.Chen, A.Matthews & A.Leyland, "Deposition of yttria-stabilized zirconia films using arc ion plating". Surf.Coat.Technol. 200/5-6 (2005) 1401.
  • R.H.U.Khan, A.L.Yerokhin, T.Pilkington, A.Leyland & A.Matthews, "Residual stresses in plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings during on Al alloy produced by pulsed unipolar current". Surf.Coat.Technol. 200/5-6 (2005) 1580.
  • M.Audronis, P.J.Kelly, R.D.Arnell, A.Leyland & A.Matthews, "Deposition of multicomponent chromium boride based coatings by pulsed magnetron sputtering of powder targets". Surf. Coat. Technol. 200/5-6 (2005) 1616.
  • A.Matthews & A.Leyland, "The future of plasma-based surface engineering techniques in tribology". Proc. World Tribology Congress III : Vol.2 (2005) 297. pub. ASME Intl; Three Park Avenue, NY 10016-5990, USA. ISBN 0791842029
  • J.Sun, T.Stirner, W.E.Hagston, A.Leyland & A.Matthews, "A simple transferable interatomic potential model for binary oxides applied to bulk α–Al2O3 and the (0001) α–Al2O3 surface". J.Crystal Growth 290 (2006) 235.
  • C.Tsotsos, M.A.Baker, P.J.Kench, A.Leyland & A.Matthews, "Mechanical, tribological and structural properties of CrTiCu(B,N) PVD glassy-metal coatings". Surf.Coat.Technol. 200/14-15 (2006) 4601.
  • M.Audronis, P.J.Kelly, R.D.Arnell, A.Leyland & A.Matthews, "A TEM study of the structure of magnetron sputtered chromium diboride coatings". J.Phys. : Conf. Series 26 (2006) 355.
  • M.A.Monclus, M.A.Baker, C.Rebholz, V.Stolojan, P.N.Gibson, A.Leyland & A.Matthews, "Nanostructural studies of PVD TiAlB coatings" Surf.Interface Anal. 38/4 (2006) 731.
  • C.G.Rebholz, A.Leyland, A.Matthews C.Charitidis, S.Logothetidis & D.Schneider, "Correlation of elastic modulus, hardness and density for sputtered TiAlB thin films". Thin Solid Films. 514/1-2 (2006) 81.
  • D.T. Asquith A.L. Yerokhin, J.R. Yates and A. Matthews, "Effect of combined shot-peening and PEO treatment on fatigue life of 2024 Al alloy". Thin Solid Films 515 (2006) 1187-1191.
  • F. Casadei, R. Pileggi, R. Valle and A. Matthews, "Studies on a reactive plasma sprayed/arc deposited duplex coating for titanium alloys". Surf.Coat.Technol. 201 (2006) 1200-1206.
  • K.J.Huang, J.T.Chang, A.Davison, K.C.Chen, J.L.He, C.K.Lin, A.Matthews & A.Leyland, "Thermal cyclic performance of NiAl/alumina-stabilized zirconia thermal barrier coatings deposited using a hybrid arc and magnetron sputtering system". Surf.Coat.Technol. 201/7 (2006) 3901.
  • M.Audronis, P.J.Kelly, A.Leyland & A.Matthews, "Microstructure of pulsed- and continuous-direct current magnetron sputtered Cr-B coatings". Thin Solid Films. 515/4 (2006) 1511.
  • M. Audronis, A. Leyland, P.J. Kelly, A. Matthews, "The Effect of Pulsed Magnetron Sputtering on the Structure and Mechanical Properties of CrB2 Coatings". Surf .Coat. Technol. 201 (2006), 201, 3970-3976.
  • C.Rebholz, M.Monclus, M.A.Baker, P.H.Mayrhofer, P.N.Gibson, A.Leyland & A.Matthews, "Hard and superhard TiAlBN coatings deposited by twin electron-beam evaporation". Surf .Coat. Technol. 201/13 (2007) 6078-6083.
  • M.Audronis, P.J.Kelly, A.Leyland & A.Matthews, "A new approach to the deposition of elemental boron and boron-based coatings by pulsed magnetron sputtering of loosely-packed boron powder targets". Plasma Process.Polym. 4 (2007) S160-S165.
  • M.Audronis, A.Leyland, A.Matthews, F.V.Kiryukhantsev-Korneev, D.V.Shtansky & E.A.Levashov, "The structure and mechanical properties of Ti-Si-B coatings deposited by DC and Pulsed-DC unbalanced magnetron sputtering". Plasma Process.Polym. 4 (2007) S687-S692.
  • J.Z.Sun, T.Stirner & A.Matthews, "Calculation of native defect energies in alpha-Al2O3 and alpha-Cr2O3 using a modified Matsui potential". Surf. Coat. Technol. 201/7 (2006) 4201-4204.
  • J.Z.Sun, T.Stirner & A.Matthews, "Structure and surface energy of low-index surfaces of stoichiometric alpha-Al2O3 and alpha-Cr2O3". Surf.Coat.Technol. 201/7 (2006) 4205-4208.
  • J.Z.Sun, T.Stirner & A.Matthews, "Molecular dynamics simulation of the (0001)alpha-Al2O3 and alpha-Cr2O3 surfaces". Surf.Sci. 601/5 (2007) 1358-1364.
  • S. Neuville and A. Matthews, "A perspective on the optimisation of hard carbon and related coatings for engineering applications". Thin Solid Films, 515 ( 2007) 6619-6653
  • A Matthews, S Franklin & K Holmberg, "Tribological Coatings: Contact Mechanisms and Selection". J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 40 (2007) 5463-5475.
  • E V Parfenov, A L Yerokhin & A Matthews, "Frequency response studies for the plasma electrolytic oxidation process". Surf. Coat. Technol., 201 (2007) 8661-8670.
  • M.Audronis, P.J.Kelly, A.Leyland & A.Matthews, "Boron and boron-based coatings deposited by asymmetric bipolar pulsed magnetron sputtering of loosely-packed powder targets". Proc. 50th SVC Ann.Tech.Conf., Louiseville, Kentucky,USA, 28 April-3 May, 2007. SVC, Albuquerque (2007) p39-44. ISSN 0737-5921.
  • X. Ma and A. Matthews, "Investigation of abradable seal coating performance using scratch testing". Surf. Coat. Technol., 202(2007) 1214-1220.
  • M. Audronis, A Matthews and A Leyland, "Pulsed-bias magnetron sputtering of non-conductive crystalline chromia films at low substrate temperature". J.Phys.D.: Appl. Phys. 41 (2008) 1-10.
  • R.H.U. Khan, A. Yerokhin and A. Matthews, "Structural characteristics and residual stresses in oxide films produced on Ti by pulsed unipolar plasma electrolytic oxidation". Philosophical Magazine, 88 (2008) 795-907.

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