Dr Michael J Ojovan
School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering
Associate Reader in Materials Science and Waste Immobilisation
Full contact details
School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering
Sir Robert Hadfield Building
Mappin Street
S1 3JD
- Profile
Michael Ojovan joined the Department in 2002, having previously spent more than 20 years at The Moscow Scientific and Industrial Association "Radon", the leading radioactive waste research institution of Russian Federation. He is a Fellow of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and a Technical Expert of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
He is noted for his works on metal matrix immobilisation, powder metal fuels, self-sustaining vitrification, glass composite materials, the study of the long-term behaviour of cementitious, bituminous and glassy wasteforms, configuron percolation theory of glass transition and the viscosity of amorphous materials. He has published 340 peer-reviewed scientific papers, 19 IAEA documents, 42 patents and 12 books, including three editions of monograph "An introduction to nuclear waste immobilisation" by Elsevier (2005, 2014 and 2019).
- Research interests
Main research activities:
Structure and properties of amorphous materials, Viscosity, Glass-liquid transition. Crystalline and Glassy materials for nuclear waste immobilisation, Corrosion and long term performance of glasses, Waste processing technologies. Vitrification, Cementitious wasteforms.
Earlier works:
Pulsed laser deposition of thin semiconducting films. Coherent echo-spectroscopy of aerosol and bubble systems. Metastable and strongly excited systems and condensed Rydberg matter. Diffusion-driven instability of surfaces, electrical and radiation field instability of solids. Percolation effects in poly-dispersed systems. Microstructure of emulsions with discovery of their fractal microstructure.Key projects
- Feasibility study of acoustic emission monitoring of waste immobilising materials;
- Radiation damage in glass for acoustic emission analysis;
- Glass composite wasteforms for spent clinoptilolite immobilisation;
- In situ sintering of glass composite materials in deep geological repositories;
- Effects of gamma irradiation on nuclear waste glasses;
- Melting and viscosity of silica soda lime glasses;
- Defect mediated model for glass: viscosity-temperature relationships;
- High-temperature viscosity of melt oxides based on Doremus approach;
- Crystallisation and aqueous durability of nuclear waste glasses;
- Ceramics for actinide immobilisation;
- Cement immobilisation of NORM waste;
- Processing of irradiated graphite.
- Publications
Journal articles
- Vitrification as a Key Solution for Immobilisation Within Nuclear Waste Management. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 50(5), 3253-3261.
- Special issue : materials for nuclear waste immobilization. Materials, 12(21). View this article in WRRO
- Modelling aqueous corrosion of nuclear waste phosphate glass. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 484, 357-366. View this article in WRRO
- Crystallisation of a simulated borosilicate high-level waste glass produced on a full-scale vitrification line. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 357(15), 2989-3001. View this article in WRRO
- The synthesis of graphite-glass composites intended for the immobilisation of waste irradiated graphite. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 413(1), 47-52.
- Glassy wasteforms for nuclear waste immobilization. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 42(4), 837-851.
- Long-term field and laboratory leaching tests of cemented radioactive wastes. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 187(1-3), 296-302. View this article in WRRO
- Nano-scale quasi-melting of alkali-borosilicate glasses under electron irradiation. J NUCL MATER, 396(2-3), 264-271.
- Connectivity and glass transition in disordered oxide systems. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 356(44-49), 2534-2540.
- Acoustic emission monitoring of cement-based structures immobilising radioactive waste. Proceedings of the ICEM2007 - 11th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management(PART A), 631-638.
- The behaviours of cementitious materials in long term storage and disposal: An overview of results of the IAEA Coordinated Research Project. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 1193, 663-672.
- On radiation-induced fluidization (quasi-melting) of silicate glasses. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 1193, 275-282.
- Characterisation of partial melting and solidification of granite E93/7 by the acoustic emission technique. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 1107, 75-82.
- Glass composite materials for nuclear and hazardous waste immobilisation. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 1107, 245-252.
- Configurons: Thermodynamic parameters and symmetry changes at glass transition. Entropy, 10(3), 334-364. View this article in WRRO
- Microstructure and leaching durability of glass composite wasteforms for spent clinoptilolite immobilisation. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 372(2-3), 358-366.
- Characterisation of Al corrosion and its impact on the mechanical performance of composite cement wasteforms by the acoustic emission technique. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 375(3), 347-358. View this article in WRRO
- Acoustic emission detection of microcrack formation and development in cementitious wasteforms with immobilised Al.. J Hazard Mater, 138(3), 423-432.
- Immobilisation of radioactive waste in glasses, glass composite materials and ceramics. ADV APPL CERAM, 105(1), 3-12.
- The ion exchange phase in corrosion of nuclear waste glasses. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 358(1), 57-68.
- Topologically disordered systems at the glass transition. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 18(50), 11507-11520. View this article in WRRO
- 39-years performance of cemented radioactive waste in a mound type repository. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 932, 721-726.
- Rydberg matter: Properties and decay. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 6181.
- Corrosion of alkali-boro silicate waste glass K-26 in non-saturated conditions. J NUCL MATER, 340(1), 12-24.
- Immobilization of carbon-14 from reactor graphite waste by use of self-sustaining reaction in the C-Al-TiO
2 system. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 345(1), 84-85. - Thermochemical processing using powder metal fuels of radioactive and hazardous waste. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 218(4), 261-269.
- Alkali ion exchange in γ-irradiated glasses. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 335(3), 425-432.
- Glass formation in amorphous SiO
2 as a percolation phase transition in a system of network defects. JETP Letters, 79(12), 632-634. - Viscosity of network liquids within Doremus approach. Journal of Applied Physics, 95(7), 3803-3810.
- Viscosity of oxide melts in the doremus model. JETP Letters, 79(2), 85-87.
- Corrosion mechanisms of low level vitrified radioactive waste in a loamy soil. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 824, 333-338.
- Product consistency test of fully radioactive high-sodium content borosilicate glass K-26. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 824, 339-344.
- Kinetics of alkali ion exchange of irradiated glasses. Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, 792, 75-80.
- Retention properties of carbide-corundum ceramics containing carbon-14, caesium-137, and strontium-90. Proceedings of the International Conference on Radioactive Waste Management and Environmental Remediation, ICEM, 2, 1293-1296.
- Thermochemical conditioning of radioactive waste: Structure and properties of final processed product. Proceedings of the International Conference on Radioactive Waste Management and Environmental Remediation, ICEM, 1, 543-546.
- Vitrified waste corrosion rates from field experiment and reactive transport modeling. Proceedings of the International Conference on Radioactive Waste Management and Environmental Remediation, ICEM, 2, 803-809.
- Self-sustaining immobilisation processes. Proceedings of the International Conference on Radioactive Waste Management and Environmental Remediation, ICEM, 3, 1801-1806.
- Aging of a bitumen waste form in wet repository conditions. Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, 713, 713-718.
- Thermodynamic functions of zirconolite and their uses in computer simulation. Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, 713, 365-371.
- Waste glass behavior in a loamy soil of a wet repository site. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 298(1-2), 174-179.
- Safety assessment of bore-hole repositories for sealed radiation sources disposal. Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, 608, 141-146.
- Long-term behavior of bitumen waste form. Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, 608, 571-576.
- Density functional theory of Rydberg matter. Journal De Physique. IV : JP, 10(5).
- Processing of large-scale radwaste-containing blocks using exothermic metallic mixtures. Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, 556, 239-245.
- Lead and lead-based alloys as waste matrix materials. Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, 556, 961-966.
- Optimization of heat-liberating batches for ash residue stabilization. Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, 556, 143-146.
- Corrosion of carbon steel containers during open site tests of vitrified radioactive waste. Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, 506, 971-972.
- Conditioning of ash residue in the reaction wave of glass-forming heterogeneous composition. Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, 506.
- Disposal of spent sealed radiation sources in bore-hole repositories. Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, 506.
- XRD examination of slags produced by incineration of solid wastes with metal fuel. Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, 506.
- Composite Forms in the REE2O3–ZrO2–TiO2 System for Minor Actinides (Am, Cm) and REE Immobilization. Journal of Composites Science, 9(2), 58-58.
- The Activation Energy Temperature Dependence for Viscous Flow of Chalcogenides. Applied Sciences, 14(10), 4319-4319.
- The Minima of Viscosities. Materials, 17(8), 1822-1822.
- Forecast of 241Am Migration from a System of Deep Horizontal Boreholes. Sustainability, 15(20), 15134-15134.
- The Flow of Glasses and Glass–Liquid Transition under Electron Irradiation. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(15), 12120-12120.
- IAEA-Assisted Treatment of Liquid Radioactive Waste at the Saakadze Site in Georgia. Processes, 9(9), 1679-1679.
Conference proceedings papers
- Vitrification as a Key Solution for Immobilisation Within Nuclear Waste Management. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 50(5), 3253-3261.
- Professional activities and memberships
- International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Nuclear Engineer, 2011-2018, Technical Expert, since 1993.
- The IAEA International Predisposal Network, 2016-2018: IPN PUBLIC.
- The IAEA International Project on Irradiated Graphite Processing, 2014-2018 GRAPA.
- The IAEA Benchmarking System for Operational Waste of WWER NPP’s 2014-2018 BMS.
- Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy: Joint ICTP-IAEA Workshops on Radiation effects in nuclear wasteforms RadDam, Fundamental of Vitrification GlassTransition and International Schools on Actinides Immobilisation ActinideImmo, and Nuclear Waste Vitrification WasteVitrification.
- Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Fellow, since 1996.
- Associate Editor of journal Innovations in Corrosion and Materials Science.
- Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Corrosion,
Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations,
European Researcher,
Journal of Nuclear Materials,
npj Materials Degradation. - International Commission on Glass, Nuclear Waste Vitrification Technical Committee TC 05, Society of Glass Technology, and Materials Research Society.