Dr Le Ma
BEng, MSc, PhD
School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering
Experimental Officer, Electron Microscopy

+44 114 222 5519
Full contact details
School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering
North Campus
Broad Lane
S3 7HQ
- Profile
Le Ma received her PhD in Department of Materials Science and Engineering from University of Sheffield in 2010. Her PhD, supervised by Prof. W Mark Rainforth, focused on the lubrication and wear of ceramic artificial hip-joints. After PhD study she worked as a research fellow in the iMBE, School of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Leeds. In 2011 she joined in the Sorby Centre for Electron Microscopy as an Experimental Officer, where she provides specialist advice and support for materials, tribology and microscopy research including delivery of microscopy consultancy for industry and external researchers.
- Qualifications
2010: PhD (Lubrication and Wear of Ceramic Artificial Hip Joints), The University of Sheffield
- Publications
Journal articles
- Investigation of the wear transition in CoCrMo alloys after heat treatment to produce an HCP structure. Wear, 518-519, 204649-204649.
- Influence of heat treatments on the microstructure and mechanical properties of two fine Mg–Li–Y alloy wires for bioresorbable applications. Advanced Engineering Materials.
- Correlation between the formation of tribofilm and repassivation in biomedical titanium alloys during tribocorrosion. Tribology International, 163, 107147-107147.
- Friction and wear of Cu-15 wt%Ni-8 wt%Sn bronze lubricated by grease at room and elevated temperature. Wear, 460–461. View this article in WRRO
- Tribological aspects to optimize traction coefficient during running-in period using surface texture. Quarterly Report of RTRI, 61(3), 184-191. View this article in WRRO
- Tribological behaviour of self-lubricating Mg matrix composites reinforced with silicon carbide and tungsten disulfide. Tribology International, 146. View this article in WRRO
- Effect of ageing on the microstructural evolution in a new design of maraging steels with carbon. Acta Materialia, 196, 101-121.
- Ramification of thermal expansion mismatch and phase transformation in TiC-particulate/SiC-matrix ceramic composite. Ceramics International, 46(12), 20488-20495.
- Synthesis and microstructural evolution in ternary metalloceramic Ti3SiC2 consolidated via the Maxthal 312 powder route. Ceramics International. View this article in WRRO
- Microstructures and intrinsic lubricity of in situ Ti3SiC2–TiSi2–TiC MAX phase composite fabricated by reactive spark plasma sintering (SPS). Wear. View this article in WRRO
- Exploring the mechanism of “Rare Earth” texture evolution in a lean Mg–Zn–Ca alloy. Scientific Reports, 9. View this article in WRRO
- Tribological aspects to optimize traction coefficient during running-in period using surface texture. Wear, 424-425, 223-232. View this article in WRRO
- Friction and wear behaviours of self-lubricating peek composites for articulating pin joints. Tribology International. View this article in WRRO
- Effect of deformation twinning on crystallographic texture evolution in a Mg–6.6Zn–0.2Ca (ZX70) alloy during recrystallisation. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 774, 556-564. View this article in WRRO
- Deformation mechanisms in a metastable beta titanium twinning induced plasticity alloy with high yield strength and high strain hardening rate. Acta Materialia, 152, 301-314. View this article in WRRO
- Individual effect of recrystallisation nucleation sites on texture weakening in a magnesium alloy: Part 2- shear bands. Acta Materialia. View this article in WRRO
- Individual effect of recrystallisation nucleation sites on texture weakening in a magnesium alloy: Part 1- double twins. Acta Materialia, 135, 14-24. View this article in WRRO
- In-situ residual stress reduction, martensitic decomposition and mechanical properties enhancement through high temperature powder bed pre-heating of Selective Laser Melted Ti6Al4V. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 695, 211-220. View this article in WRRO
- Twin recrystallization mechanisms and exceptional contribution to texture evolution during annealing in a magnesium alloy. Acta Materialia, 126, 132-144. View this article in WRRO
- Mixed oxide ion and proton conduction and p-type semiconduction in BaTi0.98Ca0.02O2.98 ceramics. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 1(13), 2426-2426.
- The effect of lubrication on the friction and wear of Biolox®delta.. Acta Biomater, 8(6), 2348-2359.
- The effect of lubrication on the friction and wear of Biolox®delta. Acta Biomaterialia, 8(6), 2348-2359.
- Controlling grain size in oxide ceramics for optimization of strength and wear resistance. Materials Science Forum, 715-716, 703-710.
- Dynamic surface microstructural changes during tribological contact that determine the wear behaviour of hip prostheses: Metals and ceramics. Faraday Discussions, 156, 41-57.
- Wear of hydrogen free C/Cr PVD coating against Al2O3 at room temperature. WEAR, 271(9-10), 2150-2156.
- Simple growth of BCNO@C core shell fibres and luminescent BCNO tubes. CrystEngComm, 17(6), 1491-1495.
Conference proceedings papers
- A study of Biolox (R) delta subject to water lubricated reciprocating wear. TRIBOLOGY INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 43(10) (pp 1872-1881)
- A '3-body' abrasion wear study of bioceramics for total hip joint replacements. WEAR, Vol. 267(11) (pp 2122-2131)
- Microabrasion-corrosion of cast CoCrMo alloy in simulated body fluids. TRIBOLOGY INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 42(1) (pp 99-110)
- Investigation of the wear transition in CoCrMo alloys after heat treatment to produce an HCP structure. Wear, 518-519, 204649-204649.