Dr Le Ma

BEng, MSc, PhD

School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering

Experimental Officer, Electron Microscopy

Dr Le Ma
Profile picture of Dr Le Ma
+44 114 222 5519

Full contact details

Dr Le Ma
School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering (Materials)
North Campus
Broad Lane
S3 7HQ

Le Ma received her PhD in Department of Materials Science and Engineering from University of Sheffield in 2010. Her PhD, supervised by Prof. W Mark Rainforth, focused on the lubrication and wear of ceramic artificial hip-joints. After PhD study she worked as a research fellow in the iMBE, School of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Leeds. In 2011 she joined in the Sorby Centre for Electron Microscopy as an Experimental Officer, where she provides specialist advice and support for materials, tribology and microscopy research including delivery of microscopy consultancy for industry and external researchers.


2010: PhD (Lubrication and Wear of Ceramic Artificial Hip Joints), The University of Sheffield


Journal articles

Conference proceedings papers