Dr Richard Hodgkinson
School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering
NFFDy (National Fellowships in Fluid Dynamics) Fellow

Full contact details
School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering
Sir Robert Hadfield Building
Mappin Street
S1 3JD
- Profile
Richard is a “NFFDy” (National Fellowships in Fluid Dynamics) fellow exploring the rheological effects of complex, mixed straining flows – the fellowship title being “S.E.C.R.E.T.” (Shear Extension Combined Rheology Experimental Techniques).
The fellowship will run 2023-2027, being hosted in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering. Further information on the fellowship is available at www.rshlab.com.
Richard completed his PhD in rheology, on which his’ fellowship is based, in Chemical and Biological Engineering (CBE) at Sheffield in 2017, immediately next door to the department. Following this, he worked in a number of varied post-doc roles spanning other disciplines. Some were in CBE and Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE), though two posts were also in Materials Science. The latter included a charity-funded project to design and build an open-source tensile tester (documentation ongoing at the time of writing).
- Qualifications
2008 – 2012 Masters, Chemical Engineering with Fuel Technology, The University Of Sheffield
2012 – 2017 D. Phil: “The effect of extensional flow on shear viscosity”, The University Of Sheffield
- Research interests
Richard’s main research interest is rheology, the study of fluid flow. Often, this is specifically the measurement of rheology, coupling personal interests in electronics and mechanical engineering to create new instrumentation approaches. Richard has particular interests in the challenges of studying extensional (stretching) flows as well, a critical but not yet fully understood part of commodity plastics processing to lubrication flows and the handling of composites. The fellowship will develop and utilise a novel technique, allowing us to study for the first time how extensional flows affect apparent shear viscosity, a key part in better understanding so called “mixed” straining flows which occur in practical situations. This will unlock insights into improving materials processing design, particularly for next-generation materials.
Richard has broader interests in metrology / instrumentation challenges beyond those in fluid dynamics; typified by early spin coating visualisation work, the tensile tester project, and optical thermography development during the EEE post. Speculative contact from the wider community is welcomed.
- Publications
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- Professional activities and memberships
– Member of the British Society of Rheology (BSR) and BSR council member
– Affiliate member of the Royal Society of Chemistry