Dr Günter Möbus
Dipl.Phys. Dr.rer.nat. (PhD)
School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering
Head of Nanotomography and Nanomaterials Group
Reader in Electron Microscopy and Materials Science
MSc Nanomaterials course director

+44 114 222 5512
Full contact details
School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering
Sir Robert Hadfield Building
Mappin Street
S1 3JD
- Profile
I joined Sheffield University in Oct 2002. My graduation at Stuttgart University in Germany was followed by moving for PhD and postdoctoral years to the Max-Planck-Institut for Metals Research in Stuttgart. In 1998 I was awarded an EPSRC Advanced Fellowship, held first at Oxford University, and then at Sheffield University until 2003. Since then I am a member of Academic Staff, now holding a Readership.
- Research interests
Nanoscale materials such as nanoparticles or materials with nanoscale pores are expected to make an increasingly important contribution to future-proofing economy & society, spanning application areas in energy, catalytic, optical and biomedical materials sectors. To evaluate the potential of such nano-objects, they need to be precision-characterized, with electron microscopy playing a central role at a resolution level of 0.1nm and magnifications up to 1 million times. Atomic positions and elemental distributions can not only be measured, but also modified and engineered, such as e.g. to change surface activities or physical/chemical properties
Key research interests:
- Advancement of methods of 3D nanocharacterisation, such as novel electron tomography including EELS and EDX.
- Patterning and irradiation-modification of materials on the nanoscale, such as water-irradiation induced corrosion of oxide nanomaterials, nanoprecipitate formation in glasses, and nano-porous masks for ion implantation.
- Atomic resolution characterisation of nanoparticles and surfaces, such as surface atom dynamics, oxidation state distribution of bi-valent cations, and porosity developments in oxide nanoparticles and nanorods.
Key projects (since 2008):
- RCUK Basic Technology Project and Translation Award on “Nanorobotics” (Multi-dimensional imaging & manipulation on the nanoscale): www.nanomanipulation.org; www.nanoLAB.org.uk.
- EU-FP7 project IMCOSS (Collaboration with Sheffield-Dentistry)
- TSB project Nano4Med (Collaboration with Sheffield-Dentistry, Nottingham, and S&N).
- P.I, EPSRC project on nanostructure fabrication by ion implantation (collaboration with U Surrey)
- P.I.,EPSRC project on ceria nanoparticle architectures (collaboration with U Cranfield and U Bath)
- Publications
Journal articles
- Aging mechanisms of nanoceria and pathways for preserving optimum morphology. Nano Today, 51, 101916-101916.
- Void space and secondary oriented attachment mechanisms in cerium oxide nanorods. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 24(11).
- Analysis of mismatched heterointerfaces by combined HREM image processing and modelling. International Journal of Materials Research, 94(4), 358-367.
- Tomographic Study of Mesopore Formation in Ceria Nanorods. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 125(18), 10077-10089.
- In-situ observation of radiation physics and chemistry of nanostructured cerium oxide in water. Materials Research Express, 6(1). View this article in WRRO
- Preparation and Antibacterial Properties of Silver-Doped Nanoscale Hydroxyapatite Pastes for Bone Repair and Augmentation. Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, 13(9), 1168-1176. View this article in WRRO
- The relationship between particle morphology and rheological properties in injectable nano-hydroxyapatite bone graft substitutes. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 75, 1083-1090. View this article in WRRO
- New insight into nanoparticle precipitation by electron beams in borosilicate glasses. Applied Physics A, 123(6). View this article in WRRO
- Giant Radiolytic Dissolution Rates of Aqueous Ceria Observed in Situ by Liquid-Cell TEM. ChemPhysChem, 18(10), 1247-1251. View this article in WRRO
- Comparison of nanoparticular hydroxyapatite pastes of different particle content and size in a novel scapula defect model.. Scientific Reports, 7. View this article in WRRO
- Electron irradiation induced nanocrystal formation in Cu-borosilicate glass. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 18(3), 73-73. View this article in WRRO
- Zn nanodot patterning in borosilicate glasses by electron irradiation. Journal of Materials Research, 30(12), 1914-1924. View this article in WRRO
- Engineering of nanoscale defect patterns in CeO 2 nanorods via ex situ and in situ annealing. Nanoscale, 7(12), 5169-5177. View this article in WRRO
- Morphology and surface analysis of pure and doped cuboidal ceria nanoparticles. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 117(46), 24561-24569.
- Nanopatterning by ion implantation through nanoporous alumina masks.. Phys Chem Chem Phys, 15(12), 4291-4296.
- Perforation and carbon ablation experiments on nano-ceria by electron irradiation. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 1552, 125-130.
- Environment-mediated structure, surface redox activity and reactivity of ceria nanoparticles. NANOSCALE, 5(13), 6063-6073.
- Fabrication and characterisation of embedded metal nanostructures by ion implantation with nanoporous anodic alumina masks. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms.
- Electron Microscopy and Analysis Group Conference 2011 (EMAG 2011). Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 371, 011001-011001.
- In situ TEM observation of lithium nanoparticle growth and morphological cycling.. Nanoscale, 4(5), 1754-1759.
- Patterned ion beam implantation of Co ions into a SiO2 thin film via ordered nanoporous alumina masks.. Nanotechnology, 23(4), 045605.
- In-situ Nanoparticle Nucleation And Growth With Tomographic Monitoring. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 18(S2), 1140-1141.
- Co-Clustering Via Nanochannel-Membrane Modulated Ion Implantation into Si3N4 Observed By Plan-View Aberration-Corrected STEM And EELS. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 18(S2), 382-383.
- Nanometrology Of Hydroxiapatite Nanostructures Via Tomography. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 18(S2), 1610-1611.
- Electron beam induced surface morphology changes of CeO
2 nanocrystals: An in-situ aberration corrected TEM study. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology. - In-situ cobalt nanocrystal synthesis by intense electron beams in TEM. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 371.
- A route for periodic nanodot fabrication in substrates using nanochanel alumina membranes as masks for ion implantation. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology.
- A nanomanipulation system for tomographic examination of nanostructures on demand. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 371.
- In situ synthesis of cobalt nanocrystal hierarchies in a transmission electron microscope. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 14(3).
- Strain and architecture-tuned reactivity in ceria nanostructures; Enhanced catalytic oxidation of CO to CO
2 . Chemistry of Materials, 24(10), 1811-1821. - Cationic surface reconstructions on cerium oxide nanocrystals: an aberration-corrected HRTEM study.. ACS Nano, 6(1), 421-430.
- A piezoelectric goniometer inside a transmission electron microscope goniometer.. Microsc Microanal, 17(5), 827-833.
- SINGLE-ATOM MOVEMENT: Dynamics of Polar Surfaces on Ceria Nanoparticles Observed In Situ with Single-Atom Resolution (Adv. Funct. Mater. 11/2011). Advanced Functional Materials, 21(11), 1970-1970.
- Dynamics of Polar Surfaces on Ceria Nanoparticles Observed In Situ with Single-Atom Resolution. ADV FUNCT MATER, 21(11), 1971-1976.
- Mechanical properties of ceria nanorods and nanochains; the effect of dislocations, grain-boundaries and oriented attachment.. Nanoscale, 3(4), 1823-1837.
- In-situ fabrication of three dimensional nickel nanobeads by electron beam induced transformation.. J Nanosci Nanotechnol, 11(2), 1019-1024.
- XTEM characterization of modulated ion implantation through self-organized anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) membranes. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 1411, 49-54.
- Electron beam synthesis of 3D metal nanostructures from fluoride precursors. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 1411, 11-16.
- Molten salt synthesis of silicon carbide nanorods using carbon nanotubes as templates. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 21(45), 18325-18330.
- Electron beam nanofabrication of ferromagnetic nanostructures in TEM. APPL PHYS A-MATER, 102(1), 205-211.
- Electron Microscopy and Analysis Group Conference 2009. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 241, 011001-011001.
- Single Atom Motion on CeO2 Nanoparticle Surfaces Imaged by Aberration Corrected HRTEM. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 16(S2), 1452-1453.
- A Simple Autofocus Technique for Aberration Corrected TEM. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 16(S2), 164-165.
- Surface Plasmon Electron Tomography Viewed as an Inverse Hough Transform. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 16(S2), 852-853.
- A Piezoelectric Goniometer Inside a TEM Goniometer. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 16(S2), 1784-1785.
- Advanced transmission electron microscope triboprobe with automated closed-loop nanopositioning. MEAS SCI TECHNOL, 21(7).
- In situ and ex situ transmission electron microscopy investigation of Cu-Al-Cu-Ti reactive metallic multilayer coatings. J MATER RES, 25(6), 1196-1203.
- Three-dimensional characterization of multiply twinned nanoparticles by high-angle tilt series of lattice images and tomography. J NANOPART RES, 12(3), 1045-1053.
- CeO2 nano-precipitation in borosilicate glasses: A redox study using EELS. J EUR CERAM SOC, 30(4), 831-838.
- Nano-scale quasi-melting of alkali-borosilicate glasses under electron irradiation. J NUCL MATER, 396(2-3), 264-271.
- A novel tripod-driven platform for in-situ positioning of samples and electrical probes in a TEM. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 241.
- Hybrid tomography for structural and chemical 3D imaging on the nanoscale. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 241.
- Hybrid tomography of nanostructures in the electron microscope. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 1184, 139-144.
- Conductive nichrome probe tips: fabrication, characterization and application as nanotools.. Nanotechnology, 20(39), 395708.
- Nanoscale Tribology, Energy Dissipation and Failure Mechanisms of Nano- and Micro-silica Particle-filled Polymer Composites. TRIBOL LETT, 34(1), 11-19.
- Reactive Multilayers Examined by HRTEM and Plasmon EELS Chemical Mapping. MICROSC MICROANAL, 15(1), 54-61.
- On radiation-induced fluidization (quasi-melting) of silicate glasses. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 1193, 275-282.
- Model based atomic resolution tomography. Journal of Applied Physics, 106(2).
- MRT letter: full-tilt electron tomography with a piezo-actuated rotary drive.. Microsc Res Tech, 71(11), 773-777.
- Tomographic nanofabrication of ultrasharp three-dimensional nanostructures. APPL PHYS LETT, 93(15).
- Electron tomography of regularly shaped nanostructures under non-linear image acquisition.. J Microsc, 232(1), 186-195.
- Boron environments and irradiation stability of iron borophosphate glasses analysed by EELS. SOLID STATE SCI, 10(9), 1194-1199.
- Mapping nanostructure: A systematic enumeration of nanomaterials by assembling nanobuilding blocks at crystallographic positions. ACS NANO, 2(6), 1237-1251.
- Three-dimensional structure of CeO2 nanodendrites in glass. CRYST GROWTH DES, 8(4), 1102-1105.
- Nanofabrication by 3D E-beam cutting. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 14(SUPPL. 2), 460-461.
- Plasmon resonance chemical phase mapping of reactive multilayers. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 14(SUPPL. 2), 1362-1363.
- Nanopatterning and grain growth in fluorides. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 14(SUPPL. 2), 248-249.
- Plasmon energy chemical phase mapping of reactive multilayers. PHYS STATUS SOLIDI-R, 2(1), 7-9.
- Nanobead formation and nanopatterning in glasses. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 14(SUPPL. 2), 434-435.
- 3D metrology of nanoparticles by tomogram processing. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 14(SUPPL. 2), 592-593.
- Three-dimensional metrology and fractal analysis of dendritic nanostructures. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 78(20).
- Three-dimensional chemical analysis of tungsten probes by energy dispersive x-ray nanotomography. APPL PHYS LETT, 91(25).
- Nanoscale characterization of CoPt/Pt multilayer nanowires. NANOTECHNOLOGY, 18(48).
- The Information Content of Tomograms of Nanoparticles. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 13(S03).
- Chemical Analysis of Tungsten Tips by EDX Line Scan Tomography. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 13(S03).
- EELS Spectrum Imaging Studies of Boron K-edge and Ce Valence Variations in Alkali Borosilicate glasses. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 13(S02).
- The information content of lattice resolved high angle tilt series of nanoparticles. MRS Proceedings, 1026.
- Reconstruction of 3D morphology of polyhedral nanoparticles. Nanotechnology, 18(22).
- 3D reconstruction of SPM probes by electron tomography. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 61(1), 810-814.
- Spontaneous formation of the B2 phase from a decagonal quasicrystal under reduced constraint. J MATER SCI, 41(18), 6081-6086.
- Microchemical and crystallographic characterisation of fluorite-based ceramic wasteforms. MRS Proceedings, 932.
- EELS Spectrum Imaging and Tomography Studies of Simulated Nuclear Waste Glasses. MRS Proceedings, 985.
- Electron tomography of SPM probes, nanoparticles and precipitates. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 982, 13-18.
- Electron tomography of tungsten tips by coherent and incoherent imaging modes of TEM/STEM. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 12(SUPPL. 2), 648-649.
- Cerium and boron chemistry in doped borosilicate glasses examined by EELS.. Micron, 37(5), 433-441.
- IMAGE-WARP: A real-space restoration method for high-resolution STEM images using quantitative HRTEM analysis. ULTRAMICROSCOPY, 103(4), 285-301.
- Environment and oxidation state of molybdenum in simulated high level nuclear waste glass compositions. J NUCL MATER, 340(2-3), 179-186.
- Natural grain boundaries over 3 orders of magnitude: Atomic vs. bio-photonic (poly-) crystals examined by TEM. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 10(SUPPL. 2), 4-5.
- Analytical TEM studies of borosilicate glasses. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 10(SUPPL. 2), 796-797.
- Unlimited tilt for ultra-narrow lenses: Tomography at highest resolution?. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 10(SUPPL. 2), 1196-1197.
- Quantitative HAADF-STEM image analysis using IMAGE-WARP processing. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 9(S03), 52-53.
- Spectroscopic electron tomography.. Ultramicroscopy, 96(3-4), 433-451.
- Novel nanoscale tomography modes in materials science. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 9(SUPPL. 2), 176-177.
- 3D display and analysis of strain fields at heterointerfaces. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 9(SUPPL. 2), 746-747.
- Subsurface damage analysis by TEM and 3D FIB crack mapping in alumina and alumina/5vol.%SiC nanocomposites. ACTA MATER, 51(1), 149-163.
- Applications of a C
s corrected HRTEM in materials science. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 8(SUPPL. 2), 10-11. - Light Atom Sensitivity of Quantitative HREM. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 7(S2), 274-275.
- Interpretation of Atomic Resolution Eels Signals at Interfaces. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 7(S2), 1180-1181.
- Electron Spectroscopic Tomography for Materials Science. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 7(S2), 84-85.
- 3d Reconstruction of Sub-Nm Beam Profiles in STEM. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 7(S2), 344-345.
- 3D Determination of Grain Shape in FeAl by Focused Ion Beam (FIB) Tomography. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 7(S2), 936-937.
- Subsurface nanoindentation deformation of Cu-Al multilayers mapped in 3D by focused ion beam microscopy.. J Microsc, 201(2), 256-269.
- 3D FIB and AFM mapping of Nanoindentation Zones. MRS Proceedings, 649.
- Iterative Structure Retrieval Techniques for Aperiodic Defects (e.g. Dislocations) using QHREM. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 3(S2), 679-680.
- Are Common Atom Form Factors in HREM-Simulations Accurate Enough for Quantitative Image Matching?. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 3(S2), 1159-1160.
- Transmission Electron Microscopy at the Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung / Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie am Max-Planck- Institut für Metallforschung. International Journal of Materials Research, 87(11), 898-910.
- Problems in interpreting sub-Å-resolution images studied by simulated evolution based digital image matching. Proceedings, annual meeting, Electron Microscopy Society of America, 53, 638-639.
- Measurement of coherency states of metal—ceramic interfaces by HREM image processing. physica status solidi (a), 150(1), 77-87.
- Mechanical properties of mesoporous ceria nanoarchitectures. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 16(45), 24899-24912.
- In situ formation of 1D nanostructures from ceria nanoparticle dispersions by liquid cell TEM irradiation. Journal of Materials Science, 1-11. View this article in WRRO
- 3D determination of a MOSFET gate morphology by FIB tomography, Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials 2003 (pp. 611-616).
- Nanofabrication of ferromagnetic nanotips and nanobridges by 2D and 3D electron-beam cutting, EMC 2008 14th European Microscopy Congress 1–5 September 2008, Aachen, Germany (pp. 599-600). Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Conference proceedings papers
- In-situ irradiation of cerium precursors in TEM to study nanocrystal formation. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 902 (pp 012003-012003)
- Electron Beam Transformation of Glass Nanoparticles. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 902 (pp 012009-012009)
- Ceria-Water-Reactions Studied by Liquid Cell TEM. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 902 (pp 012004-012004) View this article in WRRO
- Atomic motion on various surfaces of ceria nanoparticles in comparison. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 371
- Nanostructured Reactive Metallic Multi layers. ELECTRON MICROSCOPY AND ANALYSIS GROUP CONFERENCE 2009 (EMAG 2009), Vol. 241
- Prospects of aberration correction for lattice-resolved electron tomography. ELECTRON MICROSCOPY AND ANALYSIS GROUP CONFERENCE 2009 (EMAG 2009), Vol. 241
- Nanoscale sculpting of ferromagnetic structures by electron beam ablation. ELECTRON MICROSCOPY AND ANALYSIS GROUP CONFERENCE 2009 (EMAG 2009), Vol. 241
- Nanoporous structures from anodisation of non-planar aluminium surfaces. ELECTRON MICROSCOPY AND ANALYSIS GROUP CONFERENCE 2009 (EMAG 2009), Vol. 241
- Carbon nanotube to SiC nanorod conversion in molten salt studied by EELS and aberration corrected HRTEM. ELECTRON MICROSCOPY AND ANALYSIS GROUP CONFERENCE 2009 (EMAG 2009), Vol. 241
- Fine structure EELS analysis of glasses and glass composites. EMAG-NANO 2005: Imaging, Analysis and Fabrication on the Nanoscale, Vol. 26 (pp 73-76)
- Nanobeam propagation and imaging in a FEGTEM/STEM. ULTRAMICROSCOPY, Vol. 96(3-4) (pp 285-298)
- View this article in WRRO
- Aging mechanisms of nanoceria and pathways for preserving optimum morphology. Nano Today, 51, 101916-101916.
- Research group
Details on group members, full list of publications, available PhD project topics, and useful links can be found on the group webpage.
- Professional activities and memberships
- Royal Microscopical Society (RMS) EM Committee
- Member IOP, RMS, EMS, MRS, DPG
- Organiser of IoP-EMAG2009 conference, and RMS TEM&TOM series of workshops
- Invited Speaker at over 25 international conferences & events and multiple symposium organiser e.g. EMC-2012, Microscience 2008, 2010, 2014.