Professor Anthony R West
School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering
Professor of Electroceramics and Solid State Chemistry

+44 114 222 5501
Full contact details
School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering
Sir Robert Hadfield Building
Mappin Street
S1 3JD
- Profile
Tony West obtained his BSc degree in Chemistry at University College Swansea and his PhD at the University of Aberdeen, where he worked with Professor F. P. Glasser on silicate chemistry and was appointed as a lecturer in 1971. He developed a lifetime interest in the then-emerging field of solid-state chemistry with a special interest in the synthesis of new oxide materials, their crystal structures and electrical properties. Awarded a DSc from Aberdeen in 1984, he became Professor of Chemistry in 1989 before moving to the University of Sheffield's Department of Materials Science and Engineering as Head of Department, from 1999 until 2007.
Tony was founding editor of the Journal of Materials Chemistry and established the Materials Chemistry Forum, now the Materials Chemistry Division of the Royal Society of Chemistry. He organised the First International Conference on Materials Chemistry, MCI, in Aberdeen, 1993, and co-organised the first Materials Discussion, MDI, in Bordeaux, 1998. He also served as President of the Inorganic Chemistry Division of IUPAC, 2004–2007.
Tony is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, the Institute of Physics, the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, and the Royal Society of Edinburgh. He has received several awards over the years, including an Industrial Award in Solid State Chemistry from the RSC (1996), the Griffiths Medal and Prize from the IOM3 (2008), the Epsilon de Oro Award from the Spanish Society of Glass and Ceramics (2007) and the Chemical Record Lectureship from the Chemical Societies of Japan (2009). He was awarded the 2013 John B. Goodenough Award in Materials Chemistry by the RSC, a lifetime award which recognises exceptional and sustained contributions to the field of materials chemistry.
He has authored >450 research publications and best-selling books on solid-state chemistry.
- Research interests
I make new oxide materials, determine their crystal structures and measure their electrical properties, which may include ionic conductivity, semiconductivity and resistive switching.
I work on materials development for lithium batteries to understand the factors that lead to high capacities and long lifetimes and especially, that include the oxygen anion as a redox-active contributor to battery performance. I have long-standing interest in developing the impedance spectroscopy technique to understand the relation between structure, composition and electrical properties of electroceramics and their applications as electrodes and electrolytes in fuel cells, capacitors and sensors.
Key research areas:
- Synthesis and crystal structure determination of new oxide materials
- Use of phase diagrams to determine mechanisms of doping and solid solution formation and to study polymorphism of inorganic and organic (amino acid-based) materials
- Electrical property measurements, especially using impedance spectroscopy. to characterise ceramics and measure their conductivity and permittivity
- Electrochemical testing of materials for possible use as anodes or cathodes in lithium-ion batteries
Key projects:
- Development of new materials for lithium battery applications, including spinels such as LiCoMnO4, which exhibit a 5V redox couple Co3+/4+ on lithium (de) intercalation
- synthesis and characterisation of new rare earth ion-doped barium titanate, BaTiO3, which has a room temperature permittivity of ~20,000 when doped with La (In collaboration with Dr Derek Sinclair)
- Synthesis and characterisation of new solid electrolytes (mainly Li+ and 0= ion conductors)
- Understanding the structure-property correlations that control the performance of zinc oxide varistors and barium titanate positive temperature coefficient of resistance devices
- Synthesis of novel oxides with tetragonal tungsten bronze structure with relaxor ferroelectric character for possible capacitor and microwave dielectric applications
- Synthesis of high purity electroceramics by sol-gel methods (in collaboration with Univ. Jaume I, Spain)
- Development of novel memristive phenomena for memory and switching applications.
- Publications
Journal articles
- Flash luminescence, resistive switching and metal-insulator transitions in ceramic oxides. Acta Materialia, 276, 120003-120003.
- Redox-active oxygen in oxides: emergent applications, including field-induced resistive switching, flash luminescence, p–n junctions and high capacity battery cathodes. Journal of Materials Chemistry A.
- Resistive‐switching in yttria‐stabilised hafnia ceramics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society.
- Revealing the role of the constant phase element in relaxor ferroelectrics. Communications Physics, 5(1).
- Electrical properties of yttria-stabilised hafnia ceramics. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics.
- Electrical properties and charge compensation mechanisms of Cr-doped rutile, TiO2. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 23(38), 22133-22146.
- Perspectives for next generation lithium-ion battery cathode materials. APL Materials, 9(10), 109201.
- Electrical properties of calcia-stabilised zirconia ceramics : voltage-induced p-type conductivity and oxygen redox activity. Open Ceramics, 6.
- High oxide-ion conductivity in acceptor-doped Bi-based perovskites at modest doping levels.. Phys Chem Chem Phys.
- Electrical properties of Mg-doped and Mg, Si co-doped alumina. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. View this article in WRRO
- Electrical properties of calcia-stabilised zirconia ceramics. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 40(15), 5602-5611.
- Field-induced p-n transition in yttria-stabilized zirconia. Scientific Reports, 9(1). View this article in WRRO
- Site-selective symmetries of Eu3+-doped BaTiO3 ceramics: a structural elucidation by optical spectroscopy. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 7(44), 13976-13985. View this article in WRRO
- Synthesis, structure and dielectric properties of a new family of phases, ABC3O11 : A = La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd; B = Zr, Hf; C = Ta, Nb. Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society, 55(2), 305-314. View this article in WRRO
- Identifying the Performance Limitations of Layered Oxide Sodium-Ion Batteries Using EIS. ECS Meeting Abstracts, MA2019-01(4), 480-480.
- Induced p‐type semi‐conductivity in yttria‐stabilised zirconia. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. View this article in WRRO
- Influence of flash sintering on the ionic conductivity of 8 mol% yttria stabilized zirconia. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. View this article in WRRO
- Phase formation, crystallography and ionic conductivity of lithium manganese orthosilicates. Inorganic Chemistry. View this article in WRRO
- Synthesis and characterisation of the new oxyfluoride Li+ ion conductor, Li5SiO4F. Solid State Ionics, 327, 64-70. View this article in WRRO
- Oxygen stoichiometry, chemical expansion or contraction and electrical properties of rutile, TiO2+/-delta ceramics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 102(1), 251-259. View this article in WRRO
- Electrical properties of bismuth ferrites: Bi2Fe4O9 and Bi25FeO39. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. View this article in WRRO
- Electrical Properties of Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia, YSZ Single Crystal: Local AC and Long Range DC Conduction. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 165(11), F966-F975. View this article in WRRO
- Electrical Properties and Oxygen Stoichiometry of Ba
1-x Srx TiO3-δ Ceramics. Inorganic Chemistry, 57(1), 64-71. View this article in WRRO - In-Situ Neutron Studies of Electrodes for Li-Ion Batteries Using a Deuterated Electrolyte: LiCoO2as a Case Study. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 165(5), A793-A801. View this article in WRRO
- Defect chemistry and electrical properties of BiFeO3. Journal of Materials Chemistry C(38), 10077-10086. View this article in WRRO
- Atmosphere- and Voltage-Dependent Electronic Conductivity of Oxide-Ion-Conducting Zr1-xYxO2-x/2 Ceramics.. Inorg Chem, 56(12), 7081-7088. View this article in WRRO
- Investigation of Antisite Defect Formation and Chemical Expansion in LiNiPO4 by in Situ Neutron Diffraction. Inorganic Chemistry, 56(6), 3657-3662. View this article in WRRO
- Oxygen stoichiometry, conductivity and gas sensing properties of BaSnO3. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 4(21), 4770-4777. View this article in WRRO
- On the correct choice of equivalent circuit for fitting bulk impedance data of ionic/electronic conductors. Applied Physics Letters, 108. View this article in WRRO
- Spinel–rock salt transformation in LiCoMnO4−δ. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 472(2185). View this article in WRRO
- Electrical and Magnetic Properties of NiZn Ferrite Prepared by Conventional and Solar Sintering. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 99(7), 2327-2333. View this article in WRRO
- Synthesis and characterisation of Li 11 RE 18 M 4 O 39−δ : RE = Nd or Sm; M = Al, Co or Fe. Dalton Trans., 45(1), 315-323. View this article in WRRO
- Synthesis, structure and electrical properties of N-doped Li3VO4. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 4, 1408-1413. View this article in WRRO
- Dipolar relaxation and impedance of an yttria-stabilised zirconia ceramic electrolyte. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 4(4), 1298-1305. View this article in WRRO
- Oxygen non-stoichiometry, conductivity and gas sensor response of SnO 2 pellets. J. Mater. Chem. A, 3(46), 23213-23219. View this article in WRRO
- Preparation of phase pure, dense fine grained ceramics by conventional and spark plasma sintering of La-substituted BiFeO3 nanoparticles. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 35(8), 2283-2293.
- ChemInform Abstract: Dielectric Properties, Polymorphism, Structural Characterisation and Phase Diagram of Na2Nb4O11-Ag2Nb4O11Solid Solutions.. ChemInform, 46(23), no-no.
- Electronic Conductivity in Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia under a Small dc Bias. Chemistry of Materials, 27(5), 1552-1558.
- Dielectric properties, polymorphism, structural characterisation and phase diagram of Na2Nb4O11–Ag2Nb4O11 solid solutions. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 225, 438-449.
- Single phase, electrically insulating, multiferroic La-substituted BiFeO 3 prepared by mechanosynthesis. J. Mater. Chem. C, 2(39), 8398-8411.
- Field-enhanced bulk conductivity and resistive-switching in Ca-doped BiFeO 3 ceramics. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 16(36), 19408-19408.
- Voltage-dependent bulk resistivity of SrTiO3:Mg ceramics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society.
- Hole conductivity in oxygen-excess BaTi
1-x Cax O3-x+δ . Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 15(48), 20943-20950. View this article in WRRO - Voltage-dependent resistance of undoped rutile, TiO
2 , ceramics. Applied Physics Letters, 103(26). - Structure and cation environments in the ferroelectric (AgxNa1−x)2Nb4O11solid solution. Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations of Crystallography, 69(a1), s439-s439.
- Energetics of donor-doping, metal vacancies, and oxygen-loss in A-site rare-earth-doped BaTiO
3 . Advanced Functional Materials, 23(31), 3925-3928. - ChemInform Abstract: Synthesis, Structural Characterization, and Electrical Properties of New Oxygen-Deficient Tetragonal Tungsten Bronzes Ba2NdTi2+xNb3-xO15-x/2.. ChemInform, 44(20), no-no.
- Mixed oxide ion and proton conduction and p-type semiconduction in BaTi
0.98 Ca0.02 O2.98 ceramics. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 1(13), 2426-2432. - Crystal structure determination by combined synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction and crystal structure prediction: 1:1 l-ephedrine d-tartrate. CrystEngComm, 15(10), 1853-1859.
- Synthesis, structural characterization, and electrical properties of new oxygen-deficient tetragonal tungsten bronzes Ba2NdTi(2+x)Nb(3-x)O(15-x/2).. Inorg Chem, 52(4), 1729-1736.
- Semiconductivity in Acceptor-Doped BaTiHoO. Journal of the American Ceramic Society.
- Electrical Properties of Stoichiometric BiFeO Prepared by Mechanosynthesis with Either Conventional or Spark Plasma Sintering. Journal of the American Ceramic Society.
- Non-ohmic phenomena in Mn-doped BaTiO
3 . Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science, 209(11), 2267-2272. - Synthesis and characterization of Li11Nd18Fe4O(39-δ).. Inorg Chem, 51(15), 8073-8082.
- Semiconductor-Insulator Transition in Undoped Rutile, TiO
, Ceramics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society.
- Impedance characterisation of LiFePO
4 ceramics. Solid State Ionics, 226, 41-52. - The effect on cathode performance of oxygen non-stoichiometry and interlayer mixing in layered rock salt LiNi
0.8 Mn0.1 Co0.1 O2- . Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 159(4). - Electrical properties of Ca-doped BiFeO
3 ceramics: From p-type semiconduction to oxide-ion conduction. Chemistry of Materials, 24(11), 2127-2132. - Phase equilibria and electrical properties of pyrochlore and zirconolite phases in the Bi
2 O3 -ZnO-Ta2 O5 system. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 32(3), 671-680. - Bismuth zinc niobate pyrochlore, a relaxor-like non-ferroelectric. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 95(1), 296-302.
- Lithium-Ion Conduction Pathways in Complex Lithium Spine Is Li2MGe3O8 (M = Ni or Zn). CHEM MATER, 23(15), 3556-3563.
- Thermally-Induced Homogeneous Racemization, Polymorphism, and Crystallization of Pyroglutamic Acid. CRYST GROWTH DES, 11(8), 3366-3374.
- Extrinsic origins of the apparent relaxorlike behavior in CaCu3Ti4O12 ceramics at high temperatures: A cautionary tale. J APPL PHYS, 109(8).
- Electrical characterization and equivalent circuit analysis of (Bi1.5Zn0.5)(Nb0.5Ti1.5)O-7 Pyrochlore, a relaxor ceramic. J APPL PHYS, 109(7).
- ChemInform Abstract: Synthesis, Structural Characterization and Li+ Ion Conductivity of a New Vanado‐Molybdate Phase, LiMg3VMo2O12.. ChemInform, 42(7).
- Thermally-induced cation disorder in LiFePO
4 . Solid State Ionics, 203(1), 33-36. View this article in WRRO - Enhanced conductivity and nonlinear voltage-current characteristics of nonstoichiometric BaTiO
3 ceramics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 94(9), 2951-2962. - Voltage-dependent low-field resistivity of CaTiO3:Zn ceramics. J MATER CHEM, 21(34), 12894-12900.
- Polymorphism, structural characterisation and electrical properties of Na2Nb4O11. J MATER CHEM, 21(32), 12096-12102.
- Frequency-dependent electrical properties of ferroelectric BaTi
2 O5 single crystal. Journal of Applied Physics, 109(2). - Structural characterisation of ferroelectric Ag
2 Nb4 O11 and dielectric Ag2 Ta4 O11 . Journal of Materials Chemistry, 21(8), 2715-2722. - Piezoelectric and ferroelectric properties of new Pb9Ce2Ti12O36 and lead-free Ba2NdTi2Nb3O15 ceramics. J ELECTROCERAM, 25(2-4), 116-121.
- Field enhanced bulk conductivity of acceptor-doped BaTi1-xCaxO3-x ceramics. APPL PHYS LETT, 97(6).
- Polymorphism, Phase Transitions, and Thermal Stability of L-Pyroglutamic Acid. CRYST GROWTH DES, 10(7), 3141-3148.
- ChemInform Abstract: New High Permittivity Tetragonal Tungsten Bronze Dielectrics Ba2LaMNb4O15: M = Mn, Fe.. ChemInform, 41(24), no-no.
- New high permittivity tetragonal tungsten bronze dielectrics Ba2LaMNb4O15: M=Mn, Fe. J SOLID STATE CHEM, 183(3), 624-630.
- Voltage-Dependent Low-Field Bulk Resistivity in BaTiO3:Zn Ceramics. J AM CERAM SOC, 93(2), 500-505.
- Phase Transformations of Glutamic Acid and Its Decomposition Products. CRYST GROWTH DES, 10(2), 988-994.
- Field enhanced bulk conductivity of BaTiO3 : Mg ceramics. J MATER CHEM, 20(25), 5335-5344.
- A new family of ferroelectric materials: Me2Nb4O11 (Me = Na and Ag). J MATER CHEM, 20(11), 2082-2084.
- Formation and Stability of Ferroelectric BaTi2O5. J AM CERAM SOC, 93(1), 295-300.
- Ho-doped BaTiO3: Polymorphism, phase equilibria and dielectric properties of BaTi1-xHoxO3-x/2: 0 <= x <= 0.17. J EUR CERAM SOC, 29(15), 3249-3257.
- Origin(s) of the apparent high permittivity in CaCu3Ti4O12 ceramics: clarification on the contributions from internal barrier layer capacitor and sample-electrode contact effects. J APPL PHYS, 106(10).
- Partial cation-order and early-stage, phase separation in phase W, LixCo1-xO: 0.075 <= x <= 0.24-0.31. P R SOC A, 465(2106), 1829-1841.
- Possible incipient ferroelectricity in Mn-doped Na1/2Bi1/2Cu3Ti4O12. APPL PHYS LETT, 94(21).
- Dielectric properties of ACu
3 Ti4 O12 -type perovskites. Ceramic Transactions, 204, 145-153. - Synthesis, structure and properties of the hexagonal perovskite, h-BaTi1-xHoxO3-x/2. J MATER CHEM, 19(29), 5201-5206.
- Comment on the origin(s) of the giant permittivity effect in CaCu3Ti4O12 single crystals and ceramics. J MATER CHEM, 19(33), 5916-5919.
- Formation of disordered and partially ordered LixCo1-xO. J MATER CHEM, 19(10), 1443-1448.
- Phase transition hysteresis and anomalous Curie-Weiss behavior of ferroelectric tetragonal tungsten bronzes Ba2RETi2Nb3O15:RE=Nd,Sm. J APPL PHYS, 104(10).
- Ferroelectric aging and recoverable electrostrain in BaTi0.98Ca0.02O2.98 ceramics. J AM CERAM SOC, 91(9), 3101-3104.
- Phase equilibria, crystal chemistry and polymorphism of Zn7Sb2O12 doped with Cr and Ni. MATER RES BULL, 43(8-9), 1949-1956.
- Polymorphism of BaTiO3 acceptor doped with Mn3+, Fe3+, and Ti3+. J AM CERAM SOC, 91(7), 2364-2366.
- ChemInform Abstract: Crystal Chemistry of Co-Doped Zn7Sb2O12.. ChemInform, 39(25).
- Localized electrical characterization of the giant permittivity effect in CaCu3Ti4O12 ceramics. APPL PHYS LETT, 92(18).
- Diffraction data of Zn3CU4Sb2O12. POWDER DIFFR, 23(1), 56-59.
- Crystal chemistry of co-doped Zn7Sb2O12. J SOLID STATE CHEM, 181(2), 334-339.
- Structural and electrical characteristic of crystalline barium titanate synthesized by low temperature aqueous method. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 195(1-3), 171-177.
- Application of X-ray and neutron scattering techniques in materials research: Lithium batteries and electronic ceramics. AIP Conference Proceedings, 989, 3.
- Oxygen nonstoichiometry and phase transitions in LiMn1.5Ni0.5O4-delta. J ELECTROCHEM SOC, 155(4), A282-A291.
- Polymorphism and dielectric properties of nb-doped BaTiO3. J AM CERAM SOC, 91(1), 144-150.
- Variable oxygen stoichiometry in layered rock salt cathodes, Li-x(Mn,Ni)O-2, depending on synthesis conditions. JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES, 174(2), 1078-1081.
- Incipient ferroelectricity and microwave dielectric resonance properties of CaCu2.85Mn0.15Ti4O12 ceramics. APPL PHYS LETT, 91(13).
- Pyrochlore phase formation in the system Bi2O3-ZnO-Ta2O5. J AM CERAM SOC, 90(9), 2900-2904.
- Nanocomposite ceramics based on La-doped BaTi2O5 and BaTiO3 with high temperature-independent permittivity and low dielectric loss. J ELECTROCERAM, 18(3-4), 277-282.
- Order-disorder transition in the complex lithium spinel Li2CoTi3O8. J SOLID STATE CHEM, 180(6), 1894-1901.
- Dielectric and structural studies of Ba2MTi2Nb3O15 (BMTNO15, M=Bi3+,La3+,Nd3+,Sm3+,Gd3+) tetragonal tungsten bronze-structured ceramics. J APPL PHYS, 101(10).
- Comment on the use of calcium as a dopant in X8R BaTiO3-based ceramics. APPL PHYS LETT, 90(14).
- Characterization of Ba0.9Sr0.1TiO3 prepared by low temperature chloride aqueous synthesis. Journal of Materials Science, 42(7), 2492-2498.
- Tungsten bronze-structured temperature-stable dielectrics. J AM CERAM SOC, 90(3), 980-982.
- Oxygen stoichiometry-structure-property correlations in Li-2/3[Mn2/3Ni1/3]O2-delta with O-3 structure. J ELECTROCHEM SOC, 154(8), A760-A769.
- Pyrochlore phases in the system ZnO-Bi2O3-Sb2O5: II. Crystal structures of Zn2Bi3.08Sb2.92O14+delta and Zn2+xBi2.96-(x-y)Sb3.04-yO14.04+delta. SOLID STATE SCI, 8(12), 1422-1429.
- High intrinsic permittivity in Na1/2Bi1/2Cu3Ti4O12. APPL PHYS LETT, 89(21).
- Influence of processing conditions on the electrical properties of CaCu3Ti4O12 ceramics. J AM CERAM SOC, 89(10), 3129-3135.
- Coupling between octahedral tilting and ferroelectric order in tetragonal tungsten bronze-structured dielectrics. APPL PHYS LETT, 89(12).
- Decomposition reactions in CaCu3Ti4O12 ceramics. J AM CERAM SOC, 89(9), 2833-2838.
- Dielectric Properties of CaCu3Ti4O12 and Related Phases. ECS Meeting Abstracts, MA2006-02(29), 1342-1342.
- Influence of Mn doping on the semiconducting properties of CaCu3Ti4O12 ceramics. APPL PHYS LETT, 88(23).
- Pyrochlore phases in the system ZnO-Bi2O3-Sb2O5: I. Stoichiometries and phase equilibria. J AM CERAM SOC, 89(3), 1042-1046.
- Characterization of grain boundary impedances in fine- and coarse-grained CaCu3Ti4O12 ceramics. PHYS REV B, 73(9).
- Synthesis and electrical properties of Nb-doped BaTiO3. J MATER CHEM, 16(30), 3114-3119.
- Crystallography of Ni-doped Zn7Sb2O12 and phase equilibria in the system ZnO-Sb2O5-NiO. J EUR CERAM SOC, 26(12), 2307-2311.
- Electrical properties of Fe-doped BaTiO3. J MATER CHEM, 16(17), 1626-1633.
- Dielectric properties of the "twinned" 8H-hexagonal perovskite Ba8Nb4Ti3O24. J AM CERAM SOC, 89(1), 336-339.
- EELS characterisation of bulk CaCu3Ti4O12 ceramics.. Micron, 37(5), 412-419.
- Inorganic functional materials: optimization of properties by structural and compositional control.. Chem Rec, 6(4), 206-216.
- Structural Characterization of LnBaCo2O6-δ Phases (Ln: Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho).. ChemInform, 36(51).
- Oxygen loss, semiconductivity, and positive temperature coefficient of resistance behavior in undoped cation-stoichiometric BaTiO3 ceramics. J APPL PHYS, 98(9).
- Structural characterisation of REBaCo2O6-delta phases (RE = Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho). SOLID STATE SCI, 7(10), 1149-1156.
- Synthesis and characterisation of lanthanum germanate-based apatite phases. SOLID STATE IONICS, 176(23-24), 1941-1947.
- Electrical properties of ferroelectric BaTi2O5 and dielectric Ba6Ti17O40 ceramics. J APPL PHYS, 97(8).
- X-ray diffraction data for the new ferroelectric tetragonal tungsten bronze phases, Ba2RETi2M3O15: M=Nb and RE=La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Dy, (Bi); M=Ta and RE=La, Nd. POWDER DIFFR, 20(1), 43-46.
- Co-doped Mn3O4: a possible anode material for lithium batteries. J POWER SOURCES, 141(1), 156-158.
- Polymorphism and thermodynamic stability of Zn7Sb2O12. J AM CERAM SOC, 88(2), 396-398.
- Oxygen nonstoichiometry in Li2MnO3: An alternative explanation for its anomalous electrochemical activity. CHEM MATER, 17(2), 345-348.
- Stoichiometry and doping mechanism of the cubic pyrochlore phase in the system Bi2O3-ZnO-Nb2O5. J MATER CHEM, 15(34), 3501-3506.
- Lithium (De) intercalation capacity of Li1.93Mn0.97Ni0.10O3-delta role of oxygen deficiency. ELECTROCHEM SOLID ST, 8(8), A392-A395.
- Temperature-dependent crystal structure of ferroelectric Ba2LaTi2Nb3O15. J MATER CHEM, 15(7), 798-802.
- Electrical properties of Mg-doped LiTaO3 ceramics. MATER RES BULL, 39(14-15), 2229-2240.
- Li(+) ion conductivity in rock salt-structured nickel-doped Li(3)NbO(4).. Dalton Trans(19), 3042-3047.
- Study of the capacity fading mechanism for Fe-substituted LiCoO2 positive electrode. J ELECTROCHEM SOC, 151(5), A672-A681.
- A New Hexagonal 12‐Layer Perovskite‐Related Structure: Ba6Ln2Ti4O17 (Ln: Nd and Y).. ChemInform, 34(1).
- A new hexagonal 12-layer perovskite-related structure: Ba6R2Ti4O17 (R = Nd and Y). CHEM MATER, 14(10), 4359-4363.
- Synthesis and crystal structures of Li2CuZrO4 polymorphs. J SOLID STATE CHEM, 166(2), 311-319.
- CaCu3Ti4O12: One-step internal barrier layer capacitor. APPL PHYS LETT, 80(12), 2153-2155.
- A new relaxor ferroelectric, Ba2LaTi2Nb3O15. J MATER CHEM, 12(9), 2609-2611.
- Crystal structure of La24Li20Ti5O56: A pseudo-close-packed, columnar intergrowth stucture. J SOLID STATE CHEM, 162(2), 379-388.
- Structure and electrochemical properties of LiFexMn2-xO4 (0 <= x <= 0.5) spinel as 5 V electrode material for lithium batteries. J ELECTROCHEM SOC, 148(7), A730-A736.
- Ferroelectric behavior of Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O-3 (PMN) obtained by the sol-gel method. CHEM MATER, 13(2), 415-419.
- ChemInform Abstract: LiSb3O8: The First Tetrarutile Structure.. ChemInform, 32(1), no-no.
- Sodium mobility in the NASICON series Na(1+x)Zr(2-x)In(x)(PO
4 )3 . Chemistry of Materials, 12(8), 2134-2142. - ChemInform Abstract: Novel 5 V Spinel Cathode Li2FeMn3O8 for Lithium Ion Batteries.. ChemInform, 30(4).
- High-voltage lithium cathode materials. Journal of Power Sources, 81-82, 67-72.
- Crystal structure–Tc correlations in LaBa1.5Ca0.5Cu3Oδ. Physica C: Superconductivity, 321(1-2), 12-28.
- Synthesis and characterisation of La0·95Sr0·05GaO3−δ, La0·95Sr0·05AlO3−δ and Y0·95Sr0·05AlO3−δ. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 19(8), 1665-1673.
- Densification and conductivity enhancement of Na4Zr2Si3O12-based solid electrolytes using TiO2 as a sintering aid. Solid State Ionics, 120(1-4), 33-41.
- Ionic and electronic conduction in La0.95Sr0.05GaO3−δ, La0.95Sr0.05AlO3−δ and Y0.95Sr0.05AlO3−δ. Solid State Ionics, 118(3-4), 229-239.
- . Journal of Materials Science, 34(5), 917-924.
- The Phase Diagram CaO–Al2O3–Ta2O5and the Crystal Structures of Ca2AlTaO6and CaAlTaO5. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 143(1), 62-68.
- Stoichiometry and defect structure of ‘NdMnO3'’. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 9(6), 1337-1346.
- A New Lithium Cathode LiCoMnO[sub 4]: Toward Practical 5 V Lithium Batteries. Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, 1(5), 212-212.
- Magnetic behaviour of β-Li3CrO4. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 8(1), 139-140.
- A novel cathode Li2CoMn3O8 for lithium ion batteries operating over 5 volts. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 8(4), 837-839.
- Synthesis, structure, electrical and magnetic properties of the new non-stoichiometric perovskite phase, Ca2MnNbOγ. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 8(11), 2515-2520.
- Novel 5 V Spinel Cathode Li2FeMn3O8for Lithium Ion Batteries. Chemistry of Materials, 10(11), 3266-3268.
- Melting investigation of Bi2Sr1.9Ca2.1Cu3O10+x by high temperature X-ray diffraction and quenching. Physica C: Superconductivity, 304(3-4), 265-276.
- Crystal chemistry and physical properties of complex lithium spinels Li2MM′3O8 (M=Mg, Co, Ni, Zn; M′=Ti, Ge). Journal of Materials Chemistry, 8(5), 1273-1280.
- Understanding Na Mobility in NASICON Materials: A Rietveld,23Na and31P MAS NMR, and Impedance Study. Chemistry of Materials, 10(2), 665-673.
- ChemInform Abstract: Electronic Conductivity of LiCoO2 and Its Enhancement by Magnesium Doping.. ChemInform, 28(52).
- . Journal of Electroceramics, 1(2), 125-132.
- Characterisation of K-doped Bi4V2O11 by combined XRD and EPMA: A cautionary tale. Powder Diffraction, 12(4), 245-247.
2 Fe1.4 Nb0.6 Or . Key Engineering Materials(136 PART 2), 1397-1400.
Nonstoichiometry and electrical properties of the perovskite Ca- Defect Structure of Ni,Co-Doped LiNbO3and LiTaO3. Chemistry of Materials, 9(12), 3206-3214.
- Review of crystalline lithium-ion conductors suitable for high temperature battery applications. Solid State Ionics, 104(1-2), 1-11.
- Crystal structure of Ba2Li2/3Ti16/3O13. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 7(10), 2103-2106.
- Synthesis of Li3Cu2SbO6, a New Partially Ordered Rock Salt Structure. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 131(1), 115-120.
- Microstructural Study of the Li+Ion Substituted Perovskites Li0.5−3xNd0.5+xTiO3. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 128(1), 97-101.
- . Journal of Electroceramics, 1(1), 65-71.
- ChemInform Abstract: Phase Equilibria and Crystal Chemistry in the System Sr‐Ca‐Cu‐O Under High Oxygen Pressure.. ChemInform, 27(47).
- Stoichiometry, structures and polymorphism of spinel-like phases, Li1.33x Zn2 ? 2x Ti1 + 0.67x O4. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 6(9), 1533-1533.
0.5-3x RE0.5+x TiO3 : RE=Pr,Nd, x≈0.05, from powder neutron diffraction data. Materials Science Forum, 228-231(PART 2), 701-704.
The crystal structures of Li+ conducting phases Li- Fabrication of Ag-clad BSCCO-2223 tapes using and precursors. Superconductor Science and Technology, 9(11), 1009-1013.
- Tetrahedral Ti4+in the Solid Solution Ba2Ti1+xSi2−xO8(0 ≤x≤ 0.14). Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 126(1), 105-107.
- Phase diagram, crystal chemistry and lithium ion conductivity in the perovskite-type system Pr0.5+xLi0.5−3xTiO3. Solid State Ionics, 91(1-2), 33-43.
- Continuous Order–Disorder Transition in Li3Ni2NbO6and Cr-Doped Li3Ni2NbO6Rock Salt Structures. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 124(2), 214-219.
- Novel LISICON mixed conductors, Li4 $minus; 2xCoxGeO4. Solid State Ionics, 86-88, 719-724.
- Thermal behaviour and polymorphism of BIMEVOX oxide ion conductors including the new materials: Bi4V2O11: M; M = La, Y, Mg, B. Solid State Ionics, 86-88, 235-239.
- Polymorphism, structures and phase transformation of K3[SO4]F. Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions(12), 2497-2497.
- Barium Neodymium Titanate Electroceramics: Phase Equilibria Studies of Ba6-3xNd8+2xTi18O54 Solid Solution. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 79(6), 1605-1610.
- The superconducting solid solutions Nd1.5−xBa1.5+x−yMyCu3Oz (M Ca,Sr). Physica C: Superconductivity, 261(1-2), 105-116.
- Double plateau Tc behaviour in the tetragonal LaBa1.5Ca0.5Cu3Oz superconductor. Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, 260(1-2), 137-142.
- New oxide ion conducting solid electrolytes, Bi4V2O11: M; M = B, Al, Cr, Y, La. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 6(3), 331-331.
- Phase equilibria and crystal chemistry in the system Sr-Ca-Cu-O under high oxygen pressure. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 16(6), 637-643.
- The crystal structure of Li3SbO4. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 6(12), 1939-1939.
- ChemInform Abstract: Formation and Decomposition of LaBa2Cu3O7‐δ.. ChemInform, 26(9).
- ChemInform Abstract: Novel Li+ Ion Conductors and Mixed Conductors, Li3+xSixCr1‐xO4 and a Simple Method for Estimating Li+/e‐ Transport Numbers.. ChemInform, 26(47).
- Stoichiometry and structure of copper-doped LiNbO3 and LiTaO3. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 5(7), 1043-1043.
- Synthesis of the new high pressure Vernier phase Sr0.74CuO2. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 5(11), 1931-1931.
- On the substitution site of Cr and Fe in LiNbO3: an exafs study. Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, 134(1-4), 219-222.
- Preparation, stability and structure of Nd2Cu2O5. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 5(5), 765-765.
- Instability of BiSrCaCuO superconductors under high oxygen pressure. Physica C: Superconductivity, 250(1-2), 82-86.
- On the search for an optimum reaction path-way for synthesis of Pb free Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10 superconductor. Physica C: Superconductivity, 250(1-2), 87-92.
- Lithium insertion into Li3CrO4 and related LISICON materials. Solid State Ionics, 76(3-4), 309-314.
- New solid electrolytes and mixed conductors: Li3 + xCr1 − xMxO4: M = Ge, Ti. Solid State Ionics, 76(3-4), 215-220.
- Crystal structure of the Li+ ion-conducting phases, Li0.5 ? 3x Re0.5 +x TiO3: RE = Pr, Nd; x? 0.05. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 5(11), 1807-1807.
- Superconducting La1.5−xBa1.5+x−ySryCu3Oz solid solutions. Stoichiometry, structure and properties. Physica C: Superconductivity, 241(1-2), 191-197.
- Use of Succinic Acid to Test the Stability of PTCR Barium Titanate Ceramics under Reducing Conditions. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 78(1), 241-244.
- Optimization of superconducting critical temperatures by control of cation and anion stoichiometry in Bi2Sr2CaCu2Oδ-based solid solutions. Journal of Materials Science, 30(11), 2743-2746.
- ChemInform Abstract: Phase Formation and Electricial Properties in the System BaO‐Li2O‐TiO2.. ChemInform, 25(21).
- ChemInform Abstract: Novel Synthetic Pathway to Bi(Pb)‐2223 Phase with Variable Ca:Sr Ratio, Bi1.7Pb0.3Sr4‐xCaxCu3Oy: 1.85 ≤ x ≤ 2.4.. ChemInform, 25(35).
- ChemInform Abstract: Ge‐Doped Bismuth Vanadate Solid Electrolytes: Synthesis, Phase Diagram and Electrical Properties.. ChemInform, 25(35).
- ChemInform Abstract: Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Li2NaTa7O19.. ChemInform, 25(29).
- ChemInform Abstract: New Li+ Ion Conductors, Li4‐2xTi1‐xSxO4, Based on the Li4TiO4 Structure.. ChemInform, 25(48).
- Li3Ni2TaO6: A novel rock salt superstructure phase with partial cation order. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 4(8), 1303-1303.
- Ge-Doped bismuth vanadate solid electrolytes: synthesis, phase diagram and electrical properties. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 4(4), 525-525.
- Phase diagrams and stoichiometries of the solid electrolytes, Bi4V2O11: M, M = Co, Cu, Zn, Ca, Sr. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 4(9), 1441-1441.
- Synthesis, phase stability and superconductivity of Pb-doped and Pb-free Bi-2223. Physica C: Superconductivity, 235-240, 503-504.
- Polarization behavior of yttrium barium copper oxide electrodes on yttria-stabilized zirconia electrolytes. Materials Research Bulletin, 29(11), 1175-1182.
- Synthesis, stoichiometry and Tc of Pb-free Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10 superconductor. Physica C: Superconductivity, 232(1-2), 63-68.
- Crystal Structure Refinement of Li4TiO4 Containing Tetrahedrally Coordinated Ti4+ and Tetragonally Packed Oxide Ions. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 112(1), 70-72.
- Subsolidus Relations in the La2O3CuOCaO Phase Diagram and the La2O3CuO Binary Join. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 77(8), 2199-2202.
- Superconducting La1.5−xBa1.5 + x−yCayCu3Oz solid solutions II. Oxygen content and crystal structure. Physica C: Superconductivity, 227(3-4), 336-342.
- Structure of γ-Li3AsO4 by High Temperature Powder Neutron Diffraction. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 110(2), 243-249.
- Stoichiometry and Tc of Bi-2201 doped with La, Pr, Nd and Pb. Physica C: Superconductivity, 225(1-2), 173-180.
- Synthesis of LiTiPO5 and LiTiAsO5 with the α-Fe2PO5 Structure. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 109(1), 53-59.
- Superconducting La1.5−xBa1.5+x−yCayCu3Oz solid solutions I. Phase diagram, cation stoichiometry and Tc data. Physica C: Superconductivity, 220(1-2), 187-194.
- Perovskite-like Solid Solutions in the System LiTaO3-CaZrO3. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 108(1), 29-36.
- Polymorphism and crystal chemistry of Li2.5Ga0.5GeO4, an Li3PO4 analogue. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 4(3), 457-457.
- Synthesis and properties of a new ? polymorph of Li3CrO4. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 4(8), 1307-1307.
- Effect of atmosphere on the PTCR properties of BaTiO3 ceramics. Journal of Materials Science, 29(23), 6061-6068.
- Lithium ion conducting Li4−2xGe1−xSxO4 solid electrolytes. Solid State Ionics, 62(3-4), 217-223.
- Stoichiometry and stability of bismuth vanadate, Bi4V2O11, solid solutions. Solid State Ionics, 62(3-4), 193-198.
- Electrical properties of Ca12Al14O33: Effect of hydrogen reduction. Solid State Ionics, 59(3-4), 257-262.
- Superconductivity in La-doped Bi “2201”. Physica C: Superconductivity, 205(3-4), 323-328.
- Phase equilibria, crystal chemistry and ionic conductivity in the LISICON system Li4GeO4Li2.5Ga0.5GeO4. Solid State Ionics, 58(3-4), 351-358.
- Crystallographic and optical properties of Li1−xTa1−xEu2xO3solid solutions. Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, 124(3), 341-347.
- Crystal structure of Li3ABO5 (A = Al,Ga; B = Si,Ge): A novel wurtzite superstructure. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 98(1), 33-39.
- Characterisation of an incommensurate LiTiNb oxide. Materials Research Bulletin, 27(3), 277-285.
- Structure of LaZrTa3O11, a CaTa4O11 isotype. Materials Research Bulletin, 27(2), 141-145.
- The equivalent resistance term in magnetic impedence spectroscopy. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 104-107, 395-396.
- Indexed Powder Data for Incommensurate Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3Oz. Powder Diffraction, 7(1), 49-51.
- Barium Rare Earth Titanates: X-Ray Characterization of BaR2Ti3O10 and BaR2Ti4O12: R = Lanthanide. Powder Diffraction, 7(3), 176-178.
- Mg-Doped Lithium Niobate: Some Comments on Stoichiometry, Structure and Properties. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 31(Part 1, No. 5A), 1424-1425.
- Characterization of Pb- and Ca-doped Bi2+xSr2−xCuO6+δ. Journal of Materials Research, 7(1), 43-47.
- Stoichiometry and kinetics of formation of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O? solid solutions. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2(5), 579-579.
- ChemInform Abstract: Crystal Chemistry of Lithium Gallium Silicate, Li4‐3xGaxSiO4, Solid Electrolytes.. ChemInform, 22(38).
- Crystal structure of α-Li2.5Al0.5SiO4. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 93(2), 436-442.
- Surface roughness effects at lithium silicate glass/blocking metal interfaces. Solid State Ionics, 45(3-4), 239-244.
- Synthesis and properties of a new family of phases, Li3XYO5: X = Al, Ga; Y = Si, Ge. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 1(4), 595-595.
- Liquid-like lithium ion conductivity in Li4 ? 3x Al x GeO4 solid electrolyte. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 1(1), 149-149.
- Crystal chemistry of lithium gallium silicate, Li4 ? 3x Ga x SiO4, solid electrolytes. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 1(1), 91-91.
- ChemInform Abstract: Electroceramics: Characterization by Impedance Spectroscopy. ChemInform, 21(26).
- ChemInform Abstract: The Structure of Metastable Lithium Disilicate, Li2Si2O5.. ChemInform, 21(26).
- ChemInform Abstract: Solid Electrolytes. ChemInform, 21(8).
- Rietveld Structure Refinement of Metastable Lithium Disilicate Using Synchrotron X-Ray Powder Diffraction Data From the Daresbury SRS 8.3 Diffractometer. Powder Diffraction, 5(3), 137-143.
- The structure of metastable lithium disilicate, Li2Si2O5. Acta Crystallographica Section C Crystal Structure Communications, 46(3), 363-365.
- Characterisation of Incommensurate Bi2+xSr2-xCuOzby X-Ray Powder Diffraction and Oxygen Content Determinations. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 29(Part 2, No. 11), L2002-L2005.
- Crystal structure of the lithium ion conductor, Li3.4Ga0.2SiO4. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 88(2), 564-570.
- Ca12Al14O33 solid electrolytes doped with zinc and phosphorus. Solid State Ionics, 40-41, 896-899.
- Defect clustering in lisicon solid electrolytes. Solid State Ionics, 40-41, 293-299.
- Characterisation of magnetic materials by impedance spectroscopy. Solid State Ionics, 40-41, 220-223.
- Self activated luminescence of lithium tantalate. Solid State Communications, 75(7), 551-554.
- New lithium ion conductors based on the $gamma;-LiAlO2 structure. Solid State Ionics, 40-41, 13-17.
- Absence of critical temperature plateaux in quenched samples of YBa2Cu3Ox. Physica C: Superconductivity, 168(3-4), 346-350.
- Optical properties of Li1−xNb1−xEu2xO3solid solutions. Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, 114(1-2), 175-187.
- Order-disorder in rock salt-like phases and solid solutions, Li2(Ti1−xZrx)O3. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 86(1), 129-130.
- Electrical Properties of Polycrystalline Nickel Zinc Ferrites. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 73(3), 729-732.
- Electroceramics: Characterization by Impedance Spectroscopy. Advanced Materials, 2(3), 132-138.
- Use of blocking In/Ga electrodes for conductivity measurements. Solid State Ionics, 37(4), 295-298.
- New family of phases, Li2MXO4: X = Zr, Hf; M = Mg, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn with α-LiFeO2 and related structures. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - Crystalline Materials, 190(3-4).
- Domain wall relaxation in amorphous ribbons. Journal of Applied Physics, 67(9), 5589-5591.
- Solid Electrolytes. Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für physikalische Chemie, 93(11), 1235-1241.
- Structure determination of substituted rutiles by time-of-flight neutron diffraction. Chemistry of Materials, 1(2), 237-240.
- Solid electrolytes based on Na3PO4:M2+ (M=Mg, Zn, Ca, Sr). Solid State Ionics, 37(1), 73-78.
- Li2ZrO3: A new polymorph with the α-LiFeO2 structure. Materials Research Bulletin, 24(11), 1385-1389.
- Curie-Weiss behavior in polycrystalline barium titanate from ac measurements. Ferroelectrics, 99(1), 195-201.
- Impedance and modulus spectroscopy of semiconducting BaTiO3showing positive temperature coefficient of resistance. Journal of Applied Physics, 66(8), 3850-3856.
- Polytypism in the β-aluminas. Solid State Ionics, 36(1-2), 109-112.
- Oxygen stoichiometry-Tccorrelations in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x. Superconductor Science and Technology, 2(3), 181-184.
- Magnetic behaviour of pollucite-related phases. Journal of Materials Science, 24(9), 3160-3163.
- Compound formation and phase equilibria in the system Li4SiO4LiGaSiO4. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 81(2), 257-270.
- Incommensurate structure and X-ray powder diffraction data for Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x. Superconductor Science and Technology, 2(2), 140-144.
- Ca12Al14O33 ? A possible high-temperature moisture sensor. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 19(3), 410-412.
- Lithium ion conducting solid solutions in the system Li2O_Ga2O3_SiO2. Solid State Ionics, 34(3), 149-155.
- Variation with Processing Conditions of Bulk and Grain Boundary PTCR Phenomena in Doped BaTiO3, 535-543.
- A re-examination of the lisicon structure using high-resolution powder neutron diffraction: evidence for defect clustering. Acta Crystallographica Section B Structural Science, 45(5), 457-462.
- Pollucite- and Leucite-related Phases: A2BX5O12 and ACX2O6 (A = K, Rb, Cs; B = Be, Mg, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd; C = B, Al, Ga, Fe, Cr; X = Si, Ge). Zeitschrift f�r anorganische und allgemeine Chemie, 573(1), 223-230.
2 O-Ga2 O3 -SiO2 . British ceramic. Transactions and journal, 88(1), 17-20.
Phase relations in the system Li- Refinement of the lithium distribution in Li2Ti3O7 using high-resolution powder neutron diffraction. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 78(1), 170-177.
- Orthorhombic-tetragonal transition in YBa2Cu3Ox. Superconductor Science and Technology, 1(4), 169-172.
12 Al14 O33 for high oxide ion conductivity. British ceramic. Transactions and journal, 87(6), 191-194.
Ceramic processing of Ca- Sodium phosphate-based solid electrolytes. Solid State Ionics, 28-30, 214-219.
- Atmospheric attack on lithium silicate glass. Solid State Ionics, 28-30, 681-686.
- The stoichiometry of β"-alumina: Phase diagram studies in the system Na2O−MgO−Li2O−Al2O3. Solid State Ionics, 28-30, 338-343.
- Structure determination of LISICON solid solutions by powder neutron diffraction. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 75(2), 390-396.
- Synthesis of new phases, K2MXO4: MX=BeSi, MgGe, CdSi, CdGe and ZnSi. Journal of Materials Science Letters, 7(8), 821-822.
- Oxide ion conductivity in Ca12Al14O33. Materials Research Bulletin, 23(7), 1033-1038.
- Solid electrolytes based onNa3PO4:M4+ (M =Zr, Hf, Ti, Sn, Ce, Th). Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 74(2), 385-392.
- Ultrasonic attenuation studies of solid electrolytes. Solid State Ionics, 26(4), 265-278.
- High oxide ion conductivity in Ca12Al14O33. Nature, 332(6164), 525-526.
- BulkPTC effect on doped BaTiO3. Journal of Materials Science Letters, 7(8), 823-824.
- A.C. impedance studies of the lithium/polymer electrolyte interface in solid-state lithium cells. Journal of Power Sources, 24(2), 157-164.
- Thermodynamic, kinetic, and conductivity studies of an order-disorder transition in Li4Zn(PO4)2. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 71(2), 380-383.
- Compound and solid-solution formation in the system Li2ONb2O5TiO2. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 71(1), 103-108.
- Solid electrolytes based on Na3PO4 doped with S, Se, Mo, W. Materials Research Bulletin, 22(8), 1047-1054.
- Sodium ion-conducting solid electrolytes in the system Na3PO4Na2SO4. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 69(1), 126-134.
- Conductivity of lithium gallium silicates. Solid State Ionics, 23(3), 179-182.
- The activation entropy for transport in ionic conductors. Solid State Ionics, 23(1-2), 27-35.
- The electrical properties of ferroelectric LiTaO3 and its solid solutions. Journal of Applied Physics, 61(12), 5386-5391.
- New family of silicate phases with the pollucite structure. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - Crystalline Materials, 175(1-4), 1-8.
- Mechanical and electrical relaxation characteristics of ionic conductors. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 88(2-3), 222-228.
- New Li+ ion conductors, Li2−4xZr1+x (PO4)2. Materials Research Bulletin, 21(12), 1411-1416.
- Ionic conductivity and crystal chemistry of ramsdellite type compounds, Li2+x(LixMg1−xSn3)O8, 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5 and Li2Mg1−xFe2xSn3−xO8, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 65(2), 265-271.
- A new lithium magnesium orthovanadate phase, Li2x Mg1.5−x VO4 (0.10 < x < 0.15). Journal of Materials Science Letters, 5(6), 615-616.
- Rutile solid solutions containing M+(Li), M2+(Zn, Mg), M3+(Al) and M5+(Nb, Ta, Sb) ions. Journal of Materials Science Letters, 5(2), 147-149.
- New family of silicate phases with the pollucite structure. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - Crystalline Materials, 175(1-2), 1-7.
- Entropy effects in ionic conductivity. Solid State Ionics, 18-19, 1105-1109.
- Compound formation, crystal chemistry, and phase equilibria in the system Li3PO4Zn3(PO4)2. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 61(1), 56-66.
- Analysis of conductivity prefactors and ion hopping rates in AgIAg2 MoO4 glass. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 74(2-3), 285-301.
- Comments on the analyses of AC conductivity data for single crystal Na β-alumina at low temperatures. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry and Interfacial Electrochemistry, 193(1-2), 49-55.
- Effect of voltage on the AC conductivity of Li4SiO4. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry and Interfacial Electrochemistry, 194(1), 139-142.
- Crystal data for LiZnPO4. Journal of Materials Science Letters, 4(9), 1138-1139.
- Complex impedance plane plots and the determination of conductivities of “real” dispersive conductors. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry and Interfacial Electrochemistry, 186(1-2), 17-25.
- Behaviour of Li4SiO4 and its solid solutions during d.c. and a.c. measurements. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 15(3), 459-468.
- The incommensurate solid solution phase Na5−4x Zr1+x(PO4)3:0.04
. Materials Research Bulletin, 20(5), 557-563. - Li+ ion conducting γ solid solutions in the systems Li4XO4-Li3YO4: X=Si, Ge, Ti; Y=P, As, V; Li4XO4-LiZO2: Z=Al, Ga, Cr and Li4GeO4-Li2CaGeO4. Solid State Ionics, 15(3), 185-198.
- Continuous, martensitic nature of the transition �?? Li3PO4. Journal of Materials Science, 20(3), 812-816.
- Zr-doped Na3PO4: Crystal chemistry, phase relations, and polymorphism. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 57(2), 166-177.
- Synthesis of Rb2BeSi5O12 with a leucite structure. Journal of Materials Science Letters, 3(12), 1093-1094.
- Solid solutions with rock salt related structures on the join Li2TiO3-Li3NbO4. Journal of Materials Science Letters, 3(10), 893-896.
- The extraction of ionic conductivities and hopping rates from a.c. conductivity data. Journal of Materials Science, 19(10), 3236-3248.
2 TiO3 -LiNbO3 , Li2 TiO3 -LiTaO3 and Li2 TiO3 -LiNbO3 -LiTaO3 .. Transactions & Journal of the British Ceramic Society, 83(5), 143-145.
Phase equilibria in the systems Li- Compound and solid solution formation in the system, Li2SnO3-MgO. Journal of Materials Science Letters, 3(9), 786-788.
- Ion trapping and its effect on the conductivity of LISICON and other solid electrolytes. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 53(3), 430-434.
- Synthesis and structure of a new family of phases, A2MGe5O12: A = Rb, Cs; M = Be, Mg, Co, Zn. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 53(3), 354-359.
- Li+ ion conductivity in the system Li4SiO4Li3VO4. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 53(3), 369-375.
- Conductivity of Zr-doped Na3PO4: A new Na+ ion conductor. Materials Research Bulletin, 19(6), 705-710.
- New rutile solid solutions, Ti1−4xLixM3xO2: M = Nb, Ta, Sb. Materials Research Bulletin, 19(5), 649-654.
- Synthesis of Cs2BeSi5O12 with a pollucite structure. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 51(1), 100-103.
- Anomalous conductivity prefactors in fast ion conductors. Nature, 306(5942), 456-457.
- Compound formation and conductivity in the system Na2O-ZrO2-P2O5: Sodium zirconium orthophosphates. Solid State Ionics, 9-10, 865-868.
- Formation of beta aluminas in the system Li2ONa2OAℓ2O3. Solid State Ionics, 9-10, 259-264.
- Mobile ion concentrations in solid electrolytes from an analysis of a.c. conductivity. Solid State Ionics, 9-10, 277-282.
- Synthesis of Na5ZrP3O12 and unit cell data. Journal of Materials Science Letters, 2(11), 680-680.
- Impedance and modulus spectroscopy of “real” dispersive conductors. Solid State Ionics, 11(1), 57-64.
- Synthesis of a new ramsdellite-like phase of approximate composition, Li2MgSn3O8. Journal of Materials Science Letters, 2(8), 451-452.
- Ionic conductivity of Li4SiO4 solid solutions in the system Li2O-Al2O3-SiO2. Journal of Materials Science, 18(8), 2380-2384.
- Silicate anion constitution of Li2Ca4Si4O13 and Li2Ca2Si5O13. Journal of Materials Science Letters, 2(7), 355-356.
- The determination of hopping rates and carrier concentrations in ionic conductors by a new analysis of ac conductivity. Solid State Ionics, 8(2), 159-164.
- The A-C Conductivity of Polycrystalline LISICON, Li[sub 2+2x]Zn[sub 1−x]GeO[sub 4], and a Model for Intergranular Constriction Resistances. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 130(3), 662-662.
- Mixed alkali effects in Na/Ag β-alumina. Solid State Ionics, 8(1), 55-59.
2 O-Na2 O- ZrO2 and Li2 O-Al2 O3 -ZrO2 .. Transactions & Journal of the British Ceramic Society, 81, 118-121.
Subsolidus phase equilibria in the systems Li- A.C. impedance of surface layers and blocking electrodes on single crystal �-alumina. Journal of Materials Science Letters, 1(12), 522-524.
- Temperature dependence of the a.c. conductivity of Naβ-alumina. Solid State Communications, 44(8), 1277-1280.
- Ionic conductivity of LISICON solid solutions, Li2+2xZn1−xGeO4. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 44(3), 354-365.
- A new analysis of ac conductivity data in single crystal β-alumina. Solid State Ionics, 7(1), 57-60.
- New Li+ ion conductors in the system Li4SiO4−Li3AsO4. Solid State Ionics, 7(1), 1-8.
- Tetragonal-packed crystal structures. Acta Crystallographica Section B Structural Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry, 38(7), 1891-1896.
- Electrochemical decomposition of Li4SiO4 and Li2TiO3 in solid-state thermal cells. Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 1: Physical Chemistry in Condensed Phases, 78(9), 2599-2599.
2 O - ZrO2 - SiO2 .. Transactions & Journal of the British Ceramic Society, 80, 91-96.
Preliminary study of the system Li- Synthesis of Li2ZrSi6O15, a zektzerite-related phase. Mineralogical Magazine, 44(335), 361-362.
- The solid electrolyte system, Li3PO4Li4SiO4. Materials Research Bulletin, 16(12), 1561-1567.
- Measurement of mechanical and electrical relaxations in β-alumina. Solid State Ionics, 3-4, 73-77.
- Melting behaviour of Li2TiSiO5. Journal of Materials Science, 16(7), 2019-2021.
- Formation of Li2TiO3 solid solutions by 4Li+ ? Ti4+ substitution. Journal of Materials Science, 16(7), 2023-2025.
- An ultrasonic study of sodium ion diffusion in polycrystalline alumina. Materials Research Bulletin, 16(1), 117-124.
- Kinetics of polymorphic transitions in tetrahedral structures. Part 2.—Temperature dependence of the transition β⇌γ Li2ZnSiO4. Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 1: Physical Chemistry in Condensed Phases, 77(10), 2297-2297.
- Phase equilibria in the system Li2O-TiO2. Materials Research Bulletin, 15(11), 1655-1660.
- New Li+ ion conductors in the system, Li4GeO4-Li3VO4. Materials Research Bulletin, 15(11), 1661-1667.
- Charge storage in cells of the type gold/solid electrolyte/gold. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 10(3), 379-384.
- Phase diagram of the LISICON, solid electrolyte system, Li4GeO4-Zn2GeO4. Materials Research Bulletin, 15(3), 379-385.
- Subsolidus Equilibria in the System Li2O-Al2O3-Cr2O3. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 63(1-2), 7-10.
- Compatibility Relations in the System Li2O-MgO-Al2O3. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 63(3-4), 227-227.
- Deviations from Vegard's law in oxide solid solutions. The systems Li2TiO3–MgO and Li2TiO3–Na2TiO3. Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 1: Physical Chemistry in Condensed Phases, 76(0), 2159-2159.
- Phase Equilibria in the System Li2O-Cr2O3-SiO2. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 62(3-4), 136-137.
- Local electroneutrality in the β-alumina structures. Materials Research Bulletin, 14(3), 441-446.
- Order-disorder phenomena in oxides with rock salt structures: the system Li2TiO3-Mg0. Journal of Materials Science, 14(2), 450-454.
- Kinetics of polymorphic transitions in tetrahedral structures. Part 1.—Experimental methods and the transition γ→β Li2ZnSiO4. Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 1: Physical Chemistry in Condensed Phases, 75(0), 374-374.
- ChemInform Abstract: CHARGE STORAGE IN THE GOLD β‐ALUMINA CELL. Chemischer Informationsdienst, 9(34).
- An ultrasonic study of ion diffusion in β-alumina. Physics Letters A, 69(2), 130-132.
- Charge storage in the gold/β-alumina cell. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry and Interfacial Electrochemistry, 90(2), 295-297.
- Phase Equilibria in the System Li2O-CaO-SiO2. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 61(3-4), 152-155.
- Phase Equilibria in the System Li2O-BeO-SiO2. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 61(5-6), 196-198.
- Conductivity dispersion in single-crystal β-alumina electrolyte. Nature, 266(5597), 42-43.
- Inductive effects and A.C. measurements with solid electrolyte cells. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry and Interfacial Electrochemistry, 80(2), 239-244.
- An investigation of β-alumina electrolytes by electric modulus spectroscopy. Electrochimica Acta, 22(7), 729-734.
- Migration Losses in Single-Crystal Ionic Conductors: Sodium Beta Alumina and. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 60(5-6), 226-229.
- Impedance and modulus spectroscopy of polycrystalline solid electrolytes. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry and Interfacial Electrochemistry, 74(2), 125-143.
- Anisotropic conductivity effects in β-alumina. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry and Interfacial Electrochemistry, 72(3), 397-401.
- Ionic Conductivity of Li4SiO4, Li4GeO4, and Their Solid Solutions. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 59(7-8), 360-366.
- Phase equilibria and transformations in the system Li2GeO3-Na2GeO3. Journal of Materials Science, 11(5), 801-808.
- A novel beryllosilicate phase containing 3-coordinate beryllium (Rb2Be2Si2O7). Nature, 259(5543), 473-473.
- Phase Equilibria in the System Na2SiO3-Li2SiO3-SiO2. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 59(3-4), 124-127.
- Phase Equilibria in the System Na2SiO3-Li2SiO3. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 59(3-4), 118-121.
- A new method for analysing the a.c. behaviour of polycrystalline solid electrolytes. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry and Interfacial Electrochemistry, 58(2), 429-432.
- Crystal chemistry of some tetrahedral oxides. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, 141(5-6), 422-436.
- NaAlO2 and NaFeO2 Polymorphism. Nature, 249(5454), 245-246.
- Crystal chemistry of Li4XO4 phases: X = Si, Ge, Ti. Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry, 35(11), 3713-3717.
- Ionic conductivity of oxides based on Li4SiO4. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 3(4), 327-335.
- Preparation and crystal structure of Li2CaSiO4 and isostructural Li2CaGeO4. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 7(4), 422-427.
- Synthesis, structure and stability of phases in the system Li2OPdO2. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 6(3), 329-334.
- Crystallization of lithium magnesium zinc silicates. Journal of Materials Science, 7(8), 895-908.
- Preparation of Li4 TiO4 containing Tetrahedrally Coordinated Ti4+. Nature Physical Science, 235(60), 155-156.
- Preparation and crystal chemistry of some tetrahedral Li3PO4-type compounds. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 4(1), 20-28.
- Crystallisation of lithium magnesium zinc silicates. Journal of Materials Science, 6(8), 1100-1110.
- General discussion. Discussions of the Faraday Society, 50, 222-222.
- Crystallization of lithium trisilicate, Li2Si3O7, from Li2O|SiO2 melts. Materials Research Bulletin, 5(9), 837-842.
- Crystallisation of lithium zinc silicates. Journal of Materials Science, 5(8), 676-688.
- Crystallisation of lithium zinc silicates. Journal of Materials Science, 5(7), 557-565.
- Oxygen redox activity in battery cathodes and the role of underbonded oxygen. Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie.
- Use of Three-Terminal Impedance Spectroscopy to Characterize Sodium-Ion Batteries at Various Stages of Cycle Life. Journal of The Electrochemical Society.
- Impedance and Dielectric Spectroscopy of Functional Materials: A Critical Evaluation of the Two Techniques. Journal of The Electrochemical Society.
- Mechanosynthesis of Disordered Rock Salt Structures: Thermodynamic and Kinetic Considerations. Chemistry of Materials.
- Metal-insulator transition and resistive switching in Y-doped CeO2 ceramics. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics.
- Temperature‐Dependent Phase Transitions in Hf
Mixed Oxides: Indications of a Proper Ferroelectric Material. Advanced Electronic Materials, 2200265-2200265.
- ChemInform Abstract: Giant Barrier Layer Capacitance Effects in CaCu3Ti4O12 Ceramics.. ChemInform, 33(51), no-no.
- Novel Doping Mechanism for Very-High-Permittivity Barium Titanate Ceramics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 81(7), 1957-1960.
- Electronic Conductivity of LiCoO2 and Its Enhancement by Magnesium Doping. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 144(9), 3164-3168.
- High-pressure oxidation of the tetragonalLa1.5−xBa1.5+x−yCayCu3Ozsuperconductors. Physical Review B, 55(22), 15228-15238.
- Synthesis and crystal structures of ‘Li1.8K0.9M0.75Zr2.25O6.6’(M = Cu, Mg): a family of novel rocksalt–perovskite intergrowth phases. J. Mater. Chem., 6(8), 1379-1383.
- The AC Impedance Response of the Physical Interface Between Yttria‐Stabilized Zirconia and YBa2Cu3 O 7 − x. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 142(8), 2650-2654.
- Novel Li+ Ion Conductors and Mixed Conductors, Li3 + x Si x Cr1 − x O 4 and a Simple Method for Estimating Li + / e − Transport Numbers. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 142(7), 2138-2143.
- Phase diagrams and crystal chemistry in the Li+ion conducting perovskites, Li0.5 – 3xRE0.5 +xTiO3: ReLa, Nd. J. Mater. Chem., 5(9), 1405-1412.
- Synthesis and structures of the partially ordered rock salt phases, Li3M2XO6: MMg, Co, Ni; XNb, Ta, Sb. J. Mater. Chem., 5(8), 1177-1182.
- Phase formation and electrical properties in the system BaO–Li2O–TiO2. J. Mater. Chem., 4(1), 5-8.
- Novel synthetic pathway to Bi(Pb)-2223 phase with variable Ca : Sr ratio, Bi1.7Pb0.3Sr4–xCaxCu3Oy: 1.85⩽x⩽2.4. J. Mater. Chem., 4(4), 647-649.
- New Li+-ion conductors, Li4 – 2xTi1 –xSxO4, based on the Li4TiO4structure. J. Mater. Chem., 4(7), 1075-1076.
- Formation and decomposition of LaBa2Cu3O7 –δ. J. Mater. Chem., 4(11), 1745-1748.
- Synthesis and crystal structure of Li2NaTa7O19. J. Mater. Chem., 4(3), 445-447.
- γ-Li4 – 3xAlxGeO4solid electrolytes: phase equilibria, conductivity and glass-transition-like behaviour. J. Mater. Chem., 3(2), 191-196.
- Phase diagrams of inorganic materials: applications to complex solid-solution systems, site substitutions and stoichiometry–property correlations. J. Mater. Chem., 3(5), 433-440.
- Synthesis and properties of hollandite-like Ba3xLi(2x+ 4y)Ti(8 – 2x–y)O16. J. Mater. Chem., 2(10), 993-996.
- Solid electrolytes and mixed ionic–electronic conductors: an applications overview. J. Mater. Chem., 1(2), 157-162.
- Compound and solid-solution formation, phase equilibria and electrical properties in the ceramic system ZrO2–La2O3–Ta2O5. J. Mater. Chem., 1(2), 163-167.
- New perovskite phases in the systems Li2O–(Nb2O5, Ta2O5)–ZrO2. J. Mater. Chem., 1(5), 747-749.
- Structure and conductivity of an Li4SiO4–Li2SO4solid solution phase. J. Mater. Chem., 1(6), 1023-1025.
- Characterization of Ca-doped Bi2 +xSr2 –xCuOz. J. Mater. Chem., 1(1), 147-148.
- Kinetics and mechanism of the cation-ordering transformation in Li2TiO3–Li3NbO4solid solutions. J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans., 86(17), 2979-2983.
- Electrical properties of aLiTaO3single crystal. Physical Review B, 39(18), 13486-13492.
- New Interpretation of Mechanical and Electrical Relaxation Peaks inβ- Alumina. Physical Review Letters, 47(6), 431-435.
- Non-ohmic conduction in sodium bismuth titanate: the influence of oxide-ion conduction. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics.
- Perovskite: A Solid-State Chemistry Chameleon, Illustrating the Elements, Their Properties and Location in the Periodic Table, The Periodic Table II (pp. 121-152). Springer International Publishing
- CRYSTALLINE LITHIUM ION CONDUCTORS, High Conductivity Solid Ionic Conductors (pp. 201-222). WORLD SCIENTIFIC
- An Ultrasonic Study of Ion Diffusion in the Superionic Conductor β-Alumina, Internal Friction and Ultrasonic Attenuation in Solids (pp. 383-387). Elsevier
- AN INVESTIGATION OF β-ALUMINA ELECTROLYTES BY ELECTRIC MODULUS SPECTROSCOPY, International Symposium on Solid Ionic and Ionic-Electronic Conductors (pp. 729-734). Elsevier
Conference proceedings papers
- Characterisation of batteries by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Energy Reports, Vol. 6(Supplement 5) (pp 232-241). Southampton, UK, 9 July 2019 - 10 July 2019. View this article in WRRO
- Flash phenomena in lime-stabilised zirconia oxide ion conductor. Energy Reports, Vol. 6(Supplement 5) (pp 142-147). Southampton, UK, 9 July 2019 - 10 July 2019. View this article in WRRO
- Microwave dielectric properties of Na1/2Bi1/2Cu2.82Mn0.18Ti4O12 ceramics. 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON CERAMICS (ICC3): ADVANCES IN ELECTRO CERAMICS, Vol. 18
- Detection of heterogeneities in single-crystal CaCu3Ti4O12using conductive atomic force microscopy. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 8 (pp 012018-012018)
- Oxygen deficiency in lithium ion materials. Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations of Crystallography, Vol. 62(a1) (pp s106-s106)
- Characterisation of grain boundaries in CaCu3Ti4O12 using HREM, EDS and EELS.. EMAG-NANO 2005: Imaging, Analysis and Fabrication on the Nanoscale, Vol. 26 (pp 65-68)
- Dielectric spectra of a new relaxor ferroelectric system Ba(2)LnTi(2)Nb(3)O(15) (Ln = La, Nd). JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY, Vol. 25(12) (pp 3069-3073)
- A new family of ferroelectric tetragonal tungsten bronze phases, Ba2MTi2X3O15. JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY, Vol. 25(12) (pp 2471-2475)
- Novel high capacitance materials: BaTiO3 : La and CaCu3Ti4O12. JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY, Vol. 24(6) (pp 1439-1448)
- Conductivity Studies of Bi2W1-xMoxO6 Solid Solutions. Solid State Ionics
3 SbO4 -CuO. Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, Vol. 453 (pp 159-164)
System Li- Impedance Spectroscopy of Undoped BaTiO3 Ceramics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 79(6) (pp 1633-1641)
- The Crystal Structures of Li+ Conducting Phases Li0.5-3x RE0.5+x TiO3: RE=Pr,Nd, x≈0.05, from Powder Neutron Diffraction Data. Materials Science Forum, Vol. 228-231 (pp 701-704)
- ChemInform Abstract: Synthesis and Characterization of Li11Nd18Fe4O39-δ.. ChemInform, 43(43), no-no.
- ChemInform Abstract: Synthesis, Structure and Electrical Properties of Cu3.21Ti1.16Nb2.63O12 and the CuOx-TiO2-Nb2O5 Pseudoternary Phase Diagram.. ChemInform, 42(42), no-no.
- ChemInform Abstract: Order-Disorder Transition in the Complex Lithium Spinel Li2CoTi3O8.. ChemInform, 39(5).
- Field-Induced <i>P-N</i> Transition in Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia.