Pagan chaplaincy
Paganism is defined as "a polytheistic or pantheistic nature-worshipping religion." If you are new to Sheffield, to paganism, or to both, you find yourself in a good city to make new connections and to join a warm and well-established network.
About Paganism
For general information on paganism, the sites provided by the Pagan Federation (the UK’s largest pagan membership organisation) and the BBC are recommended.
Pagan adviser: Rachel Rodham
"I am happy to offer help and support to anyone who has questions about paganism or is wishing to explore the fascinating and complex web of pagan spirituality.
"Brought up in a Quaker family I began a search for a more magical life in my twenties. I realised I was a pagan in the early 90s and explored different pagan paths over many years. I am currently settled into an eclectic nature-based pagan spirituality.
"I am a core facilitator for a local group ‘Pagan Pathways’ and also help organise local open rituals to celebrate the seasonal pagan festivals.
"Please feel free to get in touch at any time to discuss any areas of pagan belief. You can email me at"
Pagan communities in Sheffield
Sheffield has a thriving pagan community with events taking place on a regular basis. Find the group or event to suit you.
Airy Fairy is a shop and cafe on London Road which for many years has served the pagan community. Advice and information about events can be found in the shop and on their website.
Pagan Pathways
Pagan Pathways is a group that meets for talks and workshops every two weeks at Airy Fairy on London Road. Anyone interested in paganism whatever their path or experience is welcome to come along. For further information about meeting and events and advice about paganism, please see their website.
Seasonal Festivals
Open seasonal celebrations are held at the eight major festivals throughout the year. Celebrations are held outdoors, usually on the Sunday evening nearest to the relevant festival. For information about these events and an initial invitation please contact Pagan Pathways.
Pub Moots
The Albion Moot is an informal gathering for pagans of all paths. It meets on the first Thursday of every month at the Old Queens Head pub in Sheffield centre. Pagans of all paths are welcome.
For further information about pagan activity in Sheffield see also:

International scholarships
We offer a generous package of financial support for international students, including undergraduate and postgraduate taught scholarships worth £10,000 towards the annual tuition fee.
Applications are open for existing offer holders for programmes starting in autumn 2025.