Plants, Photosynthesis and Soil Publications
Here you'll find the full list of Plants, Photosynthesis and Soil Publications

- Zhou, Y. and Osborne, C.P., 2024. Stomatal dynamics in Alloteropsis semialata arise from the evolving interplay between photosynthetic physiology, stomatal size and biochemistry. Plant, Cell & Environment.
- Cenozoic CO2 Proxy Integration Project (CenCO2PIP) Consortium incl. Beerling DJ. 2023. Toward a Cenozoic history of atmospheric CO2. Science, 382(6675)
- Baird, A.S., Reddi, S., Pasquet-Kok, J., Vuong, C., Zhang, Y., Watcharamongkol, T., John G.P., Scoffoni, C., Osborne, C.P., Sack, L. (2023) Grass leaf allometry: linking leaf development, function and evolution. Plant, Cell and Environment
- Cheeseman, A.W., Brown, F., Farha, N., Rosan, T.M., Folberth, G., Hates, F., Moura, B.B., Paoletti, E., Hoshika, Y., Osborne, C.P., Cernusak, L.A., Ribeiro, R.V., Sitch, S. (2023) Impacts of ground-level ozone on sugarcane production. Science of the Total Environment
- Benitez-Alfonso, Y., Soanes, B.K., Zimba, S., Sinanaj, S., German L., Sharma, V., Bohra, A., Kolesnikova, A., Dunn, J.A., Martin, A.C., Rahman, M.K., Saati-Santamarı ́a, Z., Garcı ́a-Frail,. Ferreira,E.A., Fraza ̃ L.A,. Cowling, W.A,. Siddique, K.H.M., Pandey,F.M., Farooq, M., Varshney, R.K., Chapman, M.A., Boesch, C., Daszkowska-Golec, A. and Foyer, C.H. (2023) Enhancing climate change resilience in agricultural crops. Current Biology
- Waszczak, C., Vahisalu, T., Yarmolinsky, D., Sierla, M., Zamora, O., Gavarron, M.L., Palorinne, J., Carter, R., Pandey, A.K., Nuhkat, M., Carmody, M., Puuko, T., Sipari, N., Lamminmaki, A., Durner,J., Ernst, D., Winlker, J.B., Paulin, L., Auvinen, P., Fleming, A.J., Salojarvi, J., Kollist, H. & Kangasjarvi, J. (2023) Synthesis and import of GDP-L-fucose into the Golgi affect plant–water relations. New Phytologist
- Zhang, Q., Tian, S., Chen, G., Tang, Q., Zhang, Y., Fleming, A.J., Zhu, X.G. and Wang, P., 2023. Regulatory NADH dehydrogenase‐like complex optimizes C4 photosynthetic carbon flow and cellular redox in maize. New Phytologist.
- Gray, J. and Dunn J. 2023. Optimizing crop plant stomatal density to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology
- Cibils‐Stewart, X., Putra, R., Islam, T., Fanna, D.J., Wuhrer, R., Mace, W.J., Hartley, S.E., Popay, A.J. and Johnson, S.N., 2023. Silicon and Epichloë‐endophyte defences in a model temperate grass diminish feeding efficiency and immunity of an insect folivore. Functional Ecology.
- Baird, A.S., Taylor, S.H., Reddi, S., Pasquet‐Kok, J., Vuong, C., Zhang, Y., Watcharamongkol, T., John, G.P., Scoffoni, C., Osborne, C.P. and Sack, L., 2023. Allometries of cell and tissue anatomy and photosynthetic rate across leaves of C3 and C4 grasses. Plant, Cell & Environment.
- Degen, G.E., Pastorelli, F. and Johnson, M.P., 2023. PGR5 is required to avoid photosynthetic oscillations during light transitions. Journal of Experimental Botany,
- Bhattarai, H., Tai, A.P., Martin, M.V. and Yung, D.H., 2023. Impacts of changes in climate, land use, and emissions on global ozone air quality by mid-21st century following selected Shared Socioeconomic Pathways. Science of The Total Environment, p.167759.
- Val Martin, M., Blanc-Betes, E., Fung, K.M., Kantzas, E.P., Kantola, I.B., Chiaravalloti, I., Taylor, L.T., Emmons, L.K., Wieder, W.R., Planavsky, N.J., Masters, M.D., DeLucia, E.H, Amos P.K.T., Beerling, D.J. 2023. Improving nitrogen cycling in a land surface model (CLM5) to quantify soil N 2 O, NO and NH 3 emissions from enhanced rock weathering with croplands. Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, pp.1-32.
- Yao, N., Zhang, Z., Yu, L., Hazarika, R., Yu, C., Jang, H., Smith, L.M., Ton, J., Liu, L., Stachowicz, J. and Reusch, T.B., 2023. An evolutionary epigenetic clock in plants. Science, 381(6665): 1440-1445 .
- Beerling, D., 2023. Facing the future. Biology Letters, 19(9), p.20230361.
- Kantola, I.B., Blanc‐Betes, E., Masters, M.D., Chang, E., Marklein, A., Moore, C.E., von Haden, A., Bernacchi, C.J., Wolf, A., Epihov, D.Z., Beerling, D.J., DeLucia E.H. 2023. Improved net carbon budgets in the US Midwest through direct measured impacts of enhanced weathering. Global Change Biology.
- Baillie, A.L., Sloan, J., Qu, L.J., Smith, L.M., 2023. Signalling between the sexes during pollen tube reception. Trends in Plant Science.
- Furci, L., Pascual‐Pardo, D., Tirot, L., Zhang, P., Hannan Parker, A., Ton, J., 2023. Heritable induced resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana: Tips and tools to improve effect size and reproducibility. Plant Direct, 7(8), p.e523.
- Horton, P., 2023. A sustainable food future. Royal Society Open Science, 10(8), p.230702.
- Clark, J.W., Hetherington, A.J., Morris, J.L., Pressel, S., Duckett, J.G., Puttick, M.N., Schneider, H., Kenrick, P., Wellman, C.H., Donoghue, P.C., 2023. Evolution of phenotypic disparity in the plant kingdom. Nature Plants, pp.1-9.
- Dubois, M., Achon, I., Brench, R.A., Polyn, S., Tenorio Berrío, R., Vercauteren, I., Gray, J.E., Inzé, D. and De Veylder, L., 2023. SIAMESE-RELATED1 imposes differentiation of stomatal lineage ground cells into pavement cells. Nature Plants, pp.1-11.
- Phoenix, G.K. and Khafsha, A.H., 2023. Untangling the influences of air quality and climate change on biodiversity in space and time. Global Change Biology.
- Mahaut, L., Violle, C., Shihan, A., Pélissier, R., Morel, J.B., de Tombeur, F., Rahajaharilaza, K., Fabre, D., Luquet, D., Hartley, S., Thorne, S.J., Bellini, E., and Florian Fort 2023. Beyond trait distances: Functional distinctiveness captures the outcome of plant competition. Functional Ecology.
- Ben Keane, J., Hartley, I.P., Taylor, C.R., Leake, J.R., Hoosbeek, M.R., Miglietta, F. and Phoenix, G.K., 2023. Grassland responses to elevated CO2 determined by plant–microbe competition for phosphorus. Nature Geoscience, pp.1-6.
- Durant, E., Hoysted, G.A., Howard, N., Sait, S.M., Childs, D.Z., Johnson, D. and Field, K.J., 2023. Herbivore-driven disruption of arbuscular mycorrhizal carbon-for-nutrient exchange is ameliorated by neighbouring plants. Current Biology.
- Durney C.H., Wilson M.J., McGregor S., Armand J., Smith R.S., Gray J.E., Morris R.J. and Fleming A.J. 2023. Grasses exploit geometry to achieve improved guard cell dynamics. Current Biology
- Swainsbury, D.J., Qian, P., Hitchcock, A. and Hunter, C.N., 2023. The structure and assembly of reaction centre-light-harvesting 1 complexes in photosynthetic bacteria. Bioscience Reports, 43(5), p.BSR20220089.
- Li, J., Daniell, T.J., Jin, M.K., Chang, R.Y., Wang, T., Zhang, J., Yang, X.R. and Zhu, Y.G., 2023. Phyllosphere antibiotic resistome in a natural primary vegetation across a successional sequence after glacier retreat. Environment International, 174, p.107903.
- Jaworski, C.C., Krzywoszynska, A., Leake, J.R. and Dicks, L.V., 2023. Sustainable soil management in the UK: a survey of current practices and how they relate to the principles of regenerative agriculture. Soil Use and Management.
- Hawkins H-J, Cargill RIM, Van Nuland ME, Hagen SC, Field KJ, Sheldrake M, Soudzilovskaia NA and Kiers ET. 2023. Mycorrhizal mycelium as a global carbon pool. Current Biology 33(11), R560-R573
- Ellis EE, Edmondson JL, Maher KH, Hipperson H, Campbell SA. 2023. Negative effects of urbanisation on diurnal and nocturnal pollen-transport networks. Ecology Letters
- Alenazi, A.S., Bianconi, M.E., Middlemiss, E., Milenkovic, V., Curran, E.V., Sotelo, G., Lundgren, M.R., Nyirenda, F., Pereira, L., Christin, P.A., Dunning, L.T., Osborne, C.P. 2023. Leaf anatomy explains the strength of C4 activity within the grass species Alloteropsis semialata. Plant, Cell & Environment.
- Hodson, M.E., Brailey-Jones, P., Burn, W.L., Harper, A.L., Hartley, S.E., Helgason, T. and Walker, H.F., 2023. Enhanced plant growth in the presence of earthworms correlates with changes in soil microbiota but not nutrient availability. Geoderma, 433, p.116426.
- Sloan, J.M., Mujab, A.A.M., Mashitah, J., Zulkarami, B., Wilson, M.J., Toh, L.S., Nur Zahirah, A.J., Afiq, K., Asyraf, A.T., Zhu, X.G., Yaapar, N., Fleming, A.J. 2023. Elevated CO2 Priming as a Sustainable Approach to Increasing Rice Tiller Number and Yield Potential. Rice, 16(1), pp.1-11.
- Flannery, S.E., Pastorelli, F., Emrich‐Mills, T.Z., Casson, S.A., Hunter, C.N., Dickman, M.J., Jackson, P.J. and Johnson, M.P., 2023. STN7 is not essential for developmental acclimation of Arabidopsis to light intensity. The Plant Journal.
- West, L.J., Banwart, S.A., Martin, M.V., Kantzas, E. and Beerling, D.J., 2023. Making mistakes in estimating the CO2 sequestration potential of UK croplands with enhanced weathering. Applied Geochemistry, 151, p.105591.
- Hurtado-Castano, N., Atkins, E., Barnes, J., Boxall, S.F., Dever, L.V., Kneřová, J., Hartwell, J., Cushman, J.C. and Borland, A.M., 2023. The starch-deficient plastidic PHOSPHOGLUCOMUTASE mutant of the constitutive crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) species Kalanchoë fedtschenkoi impacts diel regulation and timing of stomatal CO2 responsiveness. Annals of Botany.
- Swainsbury, D.J., Hawkings, F.R., Martin, E.C., Musiał, S., Salisbury, J.H., Jackson, P.J., Farmer, D.A., Johnson, M.P., Siebert, C.A., Hitchcock, A. and Hunter, C.N., 2023. Cryo-EM structure of the four-subunit Rhodobacter sphaeroides cytochrome bc 1 complex in styrene maleic acid nanodiscs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(12), p.e2217922120.
- Auffret, A.G., Vangansbeke, P., De Frenne, P., Auestad, I., Basto, S., Grandin, U., Jacquemyn, H., Jakobsson, A., Kalamees, R., Koch, M.A., Marrs, R., Bruun H.H., Decocq G., Hermy M., Jankowska-Błazczuk M., Milberg, P., Måren I.E., Pakeman, R.J., Phoenix, G.K., Thompson K., Van Calster H., Vandvik, V., and Plue, J. (2023) More warm‐adapted species in soil seed banks than in herb layer plant communities across Europe. Journal of Ecology.
- Wiethase, J.H., Critchlow, R., Foley, C., Foley, L., Kinsey, E.J., Bergman, B.G., Osujaki, B., Mbwambo, Z., Kirway, P.B., Redeker, K.R., Hartley, S.E., and Beale, C.M. 2023. Pathways of degradation in rangelands in Northern Tanzania show their loss of resistance, but potential for recovery. Scientific Reports, 13(1), p.2417.
- Salazar-González, J.A., Castro-Medina, M., Bernardino-Rivera, L.E., Martínez-Terrazas, E., Casson, S.A. and Urrea-López, R., 2023. In-planta transient transformation of avocado (Persea americana) by vacuum agroinfiltration of aerial plant parts. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC), pp.1-12.
- C. Wellman, P. Steemans, G. Lopes, 2023. Dispersed spore assemblages from the Lower Devonian Rañeces - La Vid groups of Northern Spain: Palaeogeographical implications. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 310, 104825.
- Degen, G., Jackson, P.J., Proctor, M.S., Zoulias, N., Casson, S.A., Johnson, M.P., High cyclic electron transfer via the PGR5 pathway in the absence of photosynthetic control, Plant Physiology, 2023
- Phetluan, W., Wanchana, S., Aesomnuk, W., Adams, J., Pitaloka, M.K., Ruanjaichon, V., Vanavichit, A., Toojinda, T., Gray, J.E. and Arikit, S., 2023. Candidate genes affecting stomatal density in rice (Oryza sativa L.) identified by genome‐wide association. Plant Science, p.111624.
- Hoysted, G.A., Field, K.J., Sinanaj, B., Bell, C.A., Bidartondo, M.I. and Pressel, S., 2022. Direct nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon exchanges between Mucoromycotina ‘fine root endophyte’ fungi and a flowering plant in novel monoxenic cultures. New Phytologist.
- Caine, R.S., Harrison, E.L., Sloan, J., Flis, P.M., Fischer, S., Khan, M.S., Nguyen, P.T., Nguyen, L.T., Gray, J.E. and Croft, H., 2023. The influences of stomatal size and density on rice abiotic stress resilience. New Phytologist.
- Rantanen, M., Kämäräinen, M., Niittynen, P., Phoenix, G.K., Lenoir, J., Maclean, I., Luoto, M. and Aalto, J., 2023. Bioclimatic atlas of the terrestrial Arctic. Scientific Data, 10(1), p.40.