Dr Will Hentley
School of Biosciences
University Teacher
- Profile
- 2010-2014 PhD (Ecology) "The impact of global change on multi-trophic interactions", School of Biosciences, Cardiff University, UK
- 2008-2009 Masters - MSc (Biodiversity and Conservation), School of Biology, University of Leeds, UK
- 2004-2007 Bachelors, Honours - BSc (Hons) Zoology, Department of Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield, UK
- Research interests
As an ecologist, the complex interactions that take place between organisms and the environment fascinate me. To date my research has focused on the way aquatic and terrestrial organisms interact with both the biotic and abiotic environment.
PhD Research
My PhD research focused on understanding how species interactions are affected by abiotic change. I investigated the impact of elevated atmospheric CO2 on a plant-herbivore-predator system. The work highlighted that changes to atmospheric CO2 concentrations can reduce plant resistance to herbivory, but predators maintain the balance within the system, removing any advantage herbivores may have due to reduced host plant resistance. Furthermore, I demonstrated that the escape responses of aphids to their predators became impaired under elevated atmospheric CO2, which may have a significant impact on ecosystem function in the future.
Current Reseach:
After completing the PhD, my research interests have expanded considerably, but encompass three interconnected themes, ecological immunity, behavioural and applied ecology.
- Ecological immunity - With a strong background in ecology and a fascination for understanding the mechanics of everything, my research has become more focused on ecological immunology. Using the bedbug study system I am applying new molecular techniques to quantify bedbug immune function in response to the biotic and abiotic environment.
- Behavioural ecology - I continue to develop research goals around the behavioural ecology of aphids and bedbugs with collaborators within the department and further afield in Australia.
- Applied ecology - The pest status of bedbugs in the UK is increasing rapidly, and therefore provides an ideal opportunity to develop scientific research into new guidelines for the government to harmonise the control and prevention of this resurging pest species.
- Publications
Journal articles
- Female bed bugs (Cimex lectularius L) anticipate the immunological consequences of traumatic insemination via feeding cues. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(29), 14682-14687. View this article in WRRO
- Bed bug aggregation on dirty laundry: a mechanism for passive dispersal. Scientific Reports, 7(1). View this article in WRRO
- Evolution of a predator-induced, nonlinear reaction norm. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London: Biological Sciences, 284(1861). View this article in WRRO
- Antagonistic interactions between an invasive alien and a native coccinellid species may promote coexistence. Journal of Animal Ecology, 85(4), 1087-1097. View this article in WRRO
- Top-down control byHarmonia axyridismitigates the impact of elevated atmospheric CO2on a plant-aphid interaction. Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 16(4), 350-358.
- Elevated Atmospheric CO2 Impairs Aphid Escape Responses to Predators and Conspecific Alarm Signals. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 40(10), 1110-1114.
- Global climate change and above- belowground insect herbivore interactions. Frontiers in Plant Science, 4. View this article in WRRO
- Artificial enhancement of an extended phenotype signal increases investment in courtship by three-spined sticklebacks. Animal Behaviour, 84(1), 93-101.
- Phenotypic convergence along a gradient of predation risk. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 278(1712), 1687-1696.
- Global Change, Herbivores and Their Natural Enemies In Johnson SN & Jones TH (Ed.), Global Climate Change and Terrestrial Invertebrates (pp. 177-200). Wiley.
- Bed Bug Biology, Advances in the Biology and Management of Modern Bed Bugs (pp. 149-161). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
- Female bed bugs (Cimex lectularius L) anticipate the immunological consequences of traumatic insemination via feeding cues. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(29), 14682-14687. View this article in WRRO