Professor Stephen A Rolfe
School of Biosciences
Professor of Plant and Microbial Science
+44 114 222 0039
Full contact details
School of Biosciences
Alfred Denny Building
Western Bank
S10 2TN
- Profile
- BSc (1984) Imperial College of Science and Technology, London
- PhD (1988) University of Cambridge
- European Molecular Biology Fellow, University of California Los Angeles (1988-1991)
- Lecturer, Dept. Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield (1991-2003)
- Senior Lecturer, School of Biosciences, University of Sheffield (2004-2022)
- Director of Teaching, Dept. Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield (2008-2015)
- Professor, Chair in Plant Science, School of Biosciences, University of Sheffield (2022-present)
- Research interests
My research focuses on plant responses to biotic and abiotic stresses using biological imaging techniques. I lead the P3 Wolfson Centre for Plant Disease Phenomics where we use high-throughput imaging to explore quantitative resistance to plant diseases. We use chlorophyll fluorescence and multi-spectral imaging to quantify disease development and the impact on host plants.
Current projects are focussed on diseases of Brassicas including clubroot and light leaf spot. My group also looks at microbial communities in natural environments using metagenomic approaches. This includes plant pathogen populations but also the root microbiome and degradation of xenobiotics in contaminated environments. Work in my group is funded by the BBSRC, the Wolfson Foundation, Bayer Crop Sciences, Shell Aviation and Airbus.
- Publications
Show: Featured publications All publications
Featured publications
Journal articles
- Influence of contaminant exposure on the development of aerobic ETBE biodegradation potential in microbial communities from a gasoline-impacted aquifer. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 388. View this article in WRRO
- Mesophyll porosity is modulated by the presence of functional stomata. Nature Communications, 10(1). View this article in WRRO
- Metabolic regulation of the maize rhizobiome by benzoxazinoids. The ISME Journal, 13, 1647-1658. View this article in WRRO
- Transcriptional profiling identifies critical steps of cell cycle reprogramming necessary for Plasmodiophora brassicae‐driven gall formation in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal, 97(4), 715-729.
- Clubroot Disease Stimulates Early Steps of Phloem Differentiation and Recruits SWEET Sucrose Transporters within Developing Galls. The Plant Cell, 30(12), 3058-3073.
- The compact genome of the plant pathogen Plasmodiophora brassicae is adapted to intracellular interactions with host Brassica spp. BMC Genomics, 17(1). View this article in WRRO
- The role of cytokinins in clubroot disease. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 145(3), 543-557. View this article in WRRO
- Biodegradation of phenolic compounds and their metabolites in contaminated groundwater using microbial fuel cells. Bioresource Technology, 200, 426-434. View this article in WRRO
- Optimizing nitrate removal and evaluating pollution swapping trade-offs from laboratory denitrification bioreactors. Ecological Engineering, 74, 290-301.
- Enhancement of in situ biodegradation of organic compounds in groundwater by targeted pump and treat intervention. Applied Geochemistry, 48, 28-40.
- Diversity of Planktonic and Attached Bacterial Communities in a Phenol-Contaminated Sandstone Aquifer. Microbial Ecology, 66(1), 84-95.
- Seeing space: Visualization and quantification of plant leaf structure using X-ray micro-computed tomography. Journal of Experimental Botany, 64(2), 385-390.
- Gall formation in clubroot-infected Arabidopsis results from an increase in existing meristematic activities of the host but is not essential for the completion of the pathogen life cycle.. Plant J, 71(2), 226-238.
- Gall formation in clubroot-infected Arabidopsis results from an increase in existing meristematic activities of the host but is not essential for the completion of the pathogen life cycle. Plant Journal, 71(2), 226-238.
- Chlorophyll fluorescence imaging of plant-pathogen interactions.. Protoplasma, 247(3-4), 163-175.
- Biofilm formation in environmental bacteria is influenced by different macromolecules depending on genus and species.. Environ Microbiol, 12(9), 2496-2507.
- Dynamic changes in microbial community structure and function in phenol-degrading microcosms inoculated with cells from a contaminated aquifer.. FEMS Microbiol Ecol, 71(2), 247-259.
- Boron-regulated hypocotyl elongation is affected in Arabidopsis mutants with defects in light signalling pathways. ENVIRON EXP BOT, 67(1), 101-111.
- Metabolism and Plant Hormone Action During Clubroot Disease. J PLANT GROWTH REGUL, 28(3), 229-244.
- Photosynthesis in cells around veins of the C-3 plant Arabidopsis thaliana is important for both the shikimate pathway and leaf senescence as well as contributing to plant fitness. PLANT J, 59(2), 329-343.
- Chlorophyll fluorescence imaging as tool for understanding the impact of fungal diseases on plant performance: a phenomics perspective. FUNCT PLANT BIOL, 36(10-11), 880-892.
- Imaging photosynthesis in wounded leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana.. J Exp Bot, 57(1), 55-69.
- European and African maize cultivars differ in their physiological and molecular responses to mycorrhizal infection.. New Phytol, 167(3), 881-896.
- Elevated sucrose-phosphate synthase activity in transgenic tobacco sustains photosynthesis in older leaves and alters development.. J Exp Bot, 54(389), 1813-1820.
- Identification of mutants of Arabidopsis defective in acclimation of photosynthesis to the light environment.. Plant Physiol, 131(2), 472-481.
- Extended depth-of-focus imaging of chlorophyll fluorescence from intact leaves.. Photosynth Res, 72(1), 107-115.
- Infection of Arabidopsis thaliana leaves with Albugo candida (white blister rust) causes a reprogramming of host metabolism.. Mol Plant Pathol, 1(2), 99-113.
- Purification and characterisation of soluble invertases from leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana.. Planta, 198(1), 17-23.
All publications
- Preface. Cambridge University Press.
- The Physiology of Flowering Plants. Cambridge University Press.
Journal articles
- Spectroscopic and microscopic characterisation of microbial biofouling on aircraft fuel tanks. Langmuir. View this article in WRRO
- Potential of stable isotope analysis to deduce anaerobic biodegradation of ethyl tert-butyl ether (ETBE) and tert-butyl alcohol (TBA) in groundwater: a review. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. View this article in WRRO
- Distribution of ETBE-degrading microorganisms and functional capability in groundwater, and implications for characterising aquifer ETBE biodegradation potential. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29, 1223-1238. View this article in WRRO
- Healthy soil, healthy food, healthy people: An outline of the H3 project. Nutrition Bulletin, 46(4), 497-505.
- The role of extracellular DNA in microbial attachment to oxidized silicon surfaces in the presence of Ca2+ and Na+. Langmuir, 37(32), 9838-9850. View this article in WRRO
- Long-term dynamic changes in attached and planktonic microbial communities in a contaminated aquifer. Environmental Pollution, 277.
- The rise, fall and resurrection of chemical‐induced resistance agents. Pest Management Science, 77(9), 3900-3909. View this article in WRRO
- Phosphate availability and ectomycorrhizal symbiosis with Pinus sylvestris have independent effects on the Paxillus involutus transcriptome. Mycorrhiza, 31(1), 69-83. View this article in WRRO
- The relationship between properties of plant-based biochars and sorption of Cd(II), Pb(II) and Zn(II) in soil model systems. Heliyon, 6(11).
- Influence of contaminant exposure on the development of aerobic ETBE biodegradation potential in microbial communities from a gasoline-impacted aquifer. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 388. View this article in WRRO
- Nitrogen transformation processes and gaseous emissions from a humic gley soil at two water filled pore spaces. Soil and Tillage Research, 198, 104543-104543.
- Biodegradation and fate of ethyl tert-butyl ether (ETBE) in soil and groundwater: A review. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 391, 122046-122046.
- Mesophyll porosity is modulated by the presence of functional stomata. Nature Communications, 10(1). View this article in WRRO
- Crying out for help with root exudates : adaptive mechanisms by which stressed plants assemble health-promoting soil microbiomes. Current Opinion in Microbiology, 49, 73-82. View this article in WRRO
- An integrated assessment of nitrogen source, transformation and fate within an intensive dairy system to inform management change. PLoS ONE, 14(7). View this article in WRRO
- Metabolic regulation of the maize rhizobiome by benzoxazinoids. The ISME Journal, 13, 1647-1658. View this article in WRRO
- Electrical impedance tomography as a tool for phenotyping plant roots. Plant Methods, 15(1). View this article in WRRO
- Transcriptional profiling identifies critical steps of cell cycle reprogramming necessary for Plasmodiophora brassicae‐driven gall formation in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal, 97(4), 715-729.
- Multispectral imaging for presymptomatic analysis of light leaf spot in oilseed rape. Plant Methods, 15(1). View this article in WRRO
- Clubroot Disease Stimulates Early Steps of Phloem Differentiation and Recruits SWEET Sucrose Transporters within Developing Galls. The Plant Cell, 30(12), 3058-3073.
- Investigating “net” provenance, N source, transformation and fate within hydrologically isolated grassland plots. Agricultural Water Management, 203, 1-8. View this article in WRRO
- Influence of artificial drainage system design on the nitrogen attenuation potential of gley soils: Evidence from hydrochemical and isotope studies under field-scale conditions. Journal of Environmental Management, 206, 1028-1038. View this article in WRRO
- Cell density and airspace patterning in the leaf can be manipulated to increase leaf photosynthetic capacity. The Plant Journal, 92(6), 981-994. View this article in WRRO
- Metabolite profiling of non-sterile rhizosphere soil. The Plant Journal, 92(1), 147-162. View this article in WRRO
- Changes of Metabolites Status in Plant Pathogen Interaction. Advanced Science Letters, 23(5), 4623-4626.
- The compact genome of the plant pathogen Plasmodiophora brassicae is adapted to intracellular interactions with host Brassica spp. BMC Genomics, 17(1). View this article in WRRO
- The role of cytokinins in clubroot disease. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 145(3), 543-557. View this article in WRRO
- Combined Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Transcriptomic Analysis Identifies the P3/P4 Transition as a Key Stage in Rice Leaf Photosynthetic Development. Plant Physiology, 170(3), 1655-1674. View this article in WRRO
- Biodegradation of phenolic compounds and their metabolites in contaminated groundwater using microbial fuel cells. Bioresource Technology, 200, 426-434. View this article in WRRO
- Optimizing nitrate removal and evaluating pollution swapping trade-offs from laboratory denitrification bioreactors. Ecological Engineering, 74, 290-301.
- Enhancement of in situ biodegradation of organic compounds in groundwater by targeted pump and treat intervention. Applied Geochemistry, 48, 28-40.
- Increased leaf mesophyll porosity following transient retinoblastoma-related protein silencing is revealed by microcomputed tomography imaging and leads to a system-level physiological response to the altered cell division pattern. The Plant Journal, 76(6), 914-929. View this article in WRRO
- Diversity of Planktonic and Attached Bacterial Communities in a Phenol-Contaminated Sandstone Aquifer. Microbial Ecology, 66(1), 84-95.
- Seeing space: Visualization and quantification of plant leaf structure using X-ray micro-computed tomography. Journal of Experimental Botany, 64(2), 385-390.
- Gall formation in clubroot-infected Arabidopsis results from an increase in existing meristematic activities of the host but is not essential for the completion of the pathogen life cycle.. Plant J, 71(2), 226-238.
- Gall formation in clubroot-infected Arabidopsis results from an increase in existing meristematic activities of the host but is not essential for the completion of the pathogen life cycle. Plant Journal, 71(2), 226-238.
- Chlorophyll fluorescence imaging of plant-pathogen interactions.. Protoplasma, 247(3-4), 163-175.
- Biofilm formation in environmental bacteria is influenced by different macromolecules depending on genus and species.. Environ Microbiol, 12(9), 2496-2507.
- Dynamic changes in microbial community structure and function in phenol-degrading microcosms inoculated with cells from a contaminated aquifer.. FEMS Microbiol Ecol, 71(2), 247-259.
- Boron-regulated hypocotyl elongation is affected in Arabidopsis mutants with defects in light signalling pathways. ENVIRON EXP BOT, 67(1), 101-111.
- Metabolism and Plant Hormone Action During Clubroot Disease. J PLANT GROWTH REGUL, 28(3), 229-244.
- Photosynthesis in cells around veins of the C-3 plant Arabidopsis thaliana is important for both the shikimate pathway and leaf senescence as well as contributing to plant fitness. PLANT J, 59(2), 329-343.
- Chlorophyll fluorescence imaging as tool for understanding the impact of fungal diseases on plant performance: a phenomics perspective. FUNCT PLANT BIOL, 36(10-11), 880-892.
- The polymer physics and chemistry of microbial cell attachment and adhesion. Faraday Discussions, 139, 85-103.
- Imaging photosynthesis in wounded leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana.. J Exp Bot, 57(1), 55-69.
- Preface to The Visible Plant Cell: Biosensors and Bioreporters. Journal of Experimental Botany, 57(1), 24-24.
- European and African maize cultivars differ in their physiological and molecular responses to mycorrhizal infection.. New Phytol, 167(3), 881-896.
- Elevated sucrose-phosphate synthase activity in transgenic tobacco sustains photosynthesis in older leaves and alters development.. J Exp Bot, 54(389), 1813-1820.
- Identification of mutants of Arabidopsis defective in acclimation of photosynthesis to the light environment.. Plant Physiol, 131(2), 472-481.
- A role for nuclear localised proteasomes in mediating auxin action. The Plant Journal, 30(6), 691-698.
- Extended depth-of-focus imaging of chlorophyll fluorescence from intact leaves.. Photosynth Res, 72(1), 107-115.
- Infection of Arabidopsis thaliana leaves with Albugo candida (white blister rust) causes a reprogramming of host metabolism.. Mol Plant Pathol, 1(2), 99-113.
- The impact of reduced vacuolar invertase activity on the photosynthetic and carbohydrate metabolism of tomato. Planta, 200(2).
- Purification and characterisation of soluble invertases from leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana.. Planta, 198(1), 17-23.
- Deletion analysis of a phytochrome-regulated monocot rbcS promoter in a transient assay system.. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 88(7), 2683-2686.
- Differential expression of individual genes encoding the small subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase in Lemna gibba. Plant Molecular Biology, 15(1), 49-58.
- The role of an extrinsic 9 kDa polypeptide in oxygen evolution by Photosystem II particles from Phormidium laminosum. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics, 973(2), 220-226.
- [27] Characterization of chloroplast cytochromes, 259-273.
- Cytochrome b-560, a new component of thylakoid membranes. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics, 894(3), 434-442.
- Identification of Aerobic
ETBE ‐Degrading Microorganisms in Groundwater Using Stable Isotope Probing. Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation. - A Culture-Independent Approach to Unravel Uncultured Bacteria and Functional Genes in a Complex Microbial Community. PLoS ONE, 7(10), e47530-e47530. View this article in WRRO
- Bioremediation of Hydrocarbons and Chlorinated Solvents in Groundwater: Characterisation, Design and Performance Assessment, Springer Protocols Handbooks (pp. 11-64). Springer Berlin Heidelberg
- Photomorphogenesis, The Physiology of Flowering Plants (pp. 246-269). Cambridge University Press
- Growth as a quantitative process, The Physiology of Flowering Plants (pp. 161-176). Cambridge University Press
- Cell growth and differentiation, The Physiology of Flowering Plants (pp. 205-220). Cambridge University Press
- Translocation of organic compounds, The Physiology of Flowering Plants (pp. 133-158). Cambridge University Press
- Resistance to stress, The Physiology of Flowering Plants (pp. 344-372). Cambridge University Press
- Introduction, The Physiology of Flowering Plants (pp. 1-6). Cambridge University Press
- Plant growth hormones, The Physiology of Flowering Plants (pp. 177-204). Cambridge University Press
- Flow of energy and carbon through the plant: photosynthesis and respiration, The Physiology of Flowering Plants (pp. 9-59). Cambridge University Press
- Growth movements, The Physiology of Flowering Plants (pp. 318-343). Cambridge University Press
- Water relations, The Physiology of Flowering Plants (pp. 60-99). Cambridge University Press
- Mineral nutrition, The Physiology of Flowering Plants (pp. 100-132). Cambridge University Press
- Reproductive development, The Physiology of Flowering Plants (pp. 270-317). Cambridge University Press
- Vegetative development, The Physiology of Flowering Plants (pp. 221-245). Cambridge University Press
- Appendix (pp. 373-375). Cambridge University Press
- Approaches to Understanding Phytochrome Regulation of Transcription in Lemna Gibba and Arabidopsis Thaliana, Plant Molecular Biology 2 (pp. 509-517). Springer US
- Phytochrome Regulation of Transcription: Biochemical and Genetic Approaches, Phytochrome Properties and Biological Action (pp. 167-179). Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Conference proceedings papers
- Phenomics for plant quantitative disease resistance. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, Vol. 32(10S) (pp 26-26). Glasgow, Scotland, 14 July 2019 - 18 July 2019.
- Assessing the costs and benefits of chemical defence priming agents using emerging hyperspectral imaging technologies. Molecular plant-microbe interactions, Vol. 32(10) (pp S1.32-S1.32). Glasgow, Scotland, 14 July 2019 - 18 July 2019.
- NPR1 protects young leaves from systemic salicylic acid-induced damage during bacterial infection, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
- Influence of contaminant exposure on the development of aerobic ETBE biodegradation potential in microbial communities from a gasoline-impacted aquifer. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 388. View this article in WRRO
- Research group
- Luke Cartwright
- Elisa Clagnan
- Juan Mujica
- Raisa Raisa
- Christina Paparokidou
- Sarah Sommer
- Fokion Chatziavgerinos
- Teaching activities
Dr Stephen Rolfe won the Departmental Teacher of Year award in 2007.
At level 1, I am module coordinator for APS135 Skills for Biologists 1 with responsibility for the IT aspects of the course.
At level 2 I teach APS206 Plant, Cell & Environment and APS216 Biotechnology and Food. These modules reflect my long–standing interest in plant molecular biology, physiology and biochemistry and cover everything from the perception of light by plants through to the adoption of GM crops in modern agriculture. This theme continues in level 3 where I teach APS308 Environmental Regulation in Plants.
In recent years my research has expanded to consider environmental microbiology, particularly contaminated environments. I teach the module APS325 Life in Extreme Environments where I cover everything from life in hot springs, deep sea vents, other planets (maybe…) to contaminated aquifers in Wolverhampton! I am also very interested in the ethics of biology and how this affects wider society. The module APS326 Biology and Ethics covers a wide range of ethical areas from the impact of advances in genomic sequencing on individuals rights through to patents and Intellectual Property Rights and how they affect developments in agriculture. The aim of this course is to introduce students to key ethical issues but then let them explore topics that are of particular interest or relevance to them.
I have supervised a number of level 4 MBiolSci students – for example last year Joanna Scales examined how clubroot, a disease of Brassicas, alters developmental pathways in its host.
- Professional activities and memberships
- External examiner Reading University (2014-2016)
- External examiner SRUC (Scotland's Rural College), Edinburgh, UK (2016-present)