Dr Maria Val Martin
School of Biosciences
Senior Research Fellow

+44 114 222 20052
Full contact details
School of Biosciences
Alfred Denny Building
Western Bank
S10 2TN
- Profile
- UKRI Future Leaders Fellow, University of Sheffield, UK (2020-)
- Research Fellow at LC3M, University of Sheffield, UK (2017-2020)
- Research and Teaching Fellow at Chemical Engineering Department, University of Sheffield, UK (2014-2017)
- Research Scientist at Colorado State University, USA (2011-2014)
- Visiting Scientist at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (2011)
- Research Associate Fellow at Harvard University (2007-2010)
- PhD in Environmental Engineering (with focus in Atmospheric Sciences), Michigan Tech University, USA (2007)
- MSc in Environmental Engineering, Michigan Tech University (2002)
- MEng in Agricultural Engineering, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain (1999)
- Research interests
I am an atmospheric scientist with a research focus on understanding the composition of the atmosphere and its interactions with the biosphere and climate. My work explores how human activities, land use changes, and natural processes—such as wildfires—affect these systems and contribute to global environmental challenges.
My work integrates advanced numerical models, including atmospheric chemical transport, land, and Earth system models, with field data and satellite observations. With these tools, I address pressing questions about atmosphere-biosphere-climate feedbacks, air pollution, and the use of land-based carbon dioxide removal strategies—such as afforestation/reforestation, wetland restoration and enhanced weathering—to mitigate climate change.
Passionate about public engagement, I actively work with schools and communities to raise awareness of environmental issues. I lead the UK’s first Air Quality Garden at the Sheffield Botanical Gardens, a project designed to educate the public on urban air quality and its impacts on human and vegetation health. I also organize outreach events to inspire action on climate change and air pollution.
- Publications
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All publications
Journal articles
- Future Anthropogenic Land Use Change Impacts on Carbonaceous Aerosol and Implications for Climate and Air Quality. Geophysical Research Letters, 52(6).
- Responses of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) air quality to future climate, land use, and emission changes: Insights from modeling across shared socioeconomic pathways. Science of The Total Environment, 948, 174611-174611.
- Global agricultural N2O emission reduction strategies deliver climate benefits with minimal impact on stratospheric O3 recovery. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 7. View this article in WRRO
- Chemistry-albedo feedbacks offset up to a third of forestation’s CO
removal benefits. Science, 383(6685), 860-864.
- Enhanced weathering in the US Corn Belt delivers carbon removal with agronomic benefits. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121(9).
- Impacts of changes in climate, land use, and emissions on global ozone air quality by mid-21st century following selected Shared Socioeconomic Pathways. Science of The Total Environment, 906, 167759-167759.
- Making mistakes in estimating the CO2 sequestration potential of UK croplands with enhanced weathering. Applied Geochemistry, 151, 105591-105591.
- Impacts of sugarcane fires on air quality and public health in South Florida. Environmental Health Perspectives, 130(8).
- Substantial carbon drawdown potential from enhanced rock weathering in the United Kingdom. Nature Geoscience.
- Green infrastructure for air quality plus (GI4AQ+): defining critical dimensions for implementation in schools and the meaning of ‘plus’ in a UK context. Nature-Based Solutions, 2.
- Modeling the interinfluence of fertilizer-induced NH3 emission, nitrogen deposition, and aerosol radiative effects using modified CESM2. Biogeosciences, 19(6), 1635-1655.
- Spatio-temporal variations and uncertainty in land surface modelling for high latitudes : univariate response analysis. Biogeosciences, 17(7), 1821-1844. View this article in WRRO
- Historical (1700–2012) global multi-model estimates of the fire emissions from the Fire Modeling Intercomparison Project (FireMIP). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19(19), 12545-12567. View this article in WRRO
- Biomass-burning smoke heights over the Amazon observed from space. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19(3), 1685-1702. View this article in WRRO
- Simulated global climate response to tropospheric ozone‐induced changes in plant transpiration. Geophysical Research Letters, 45(23), 13070-13079. View this article in WRRO
- Development and implementation of a new biomass burning emissions injection height scheme (BBEIH v1.0) for the GEOS-Chem model (v9-01-01). Geoscientific Model Development, 11(10), 4103-4116. View this article in WRRO
- A Global Analysis of Wildfire Smoke Injection Heights Derived from Space-Based Multi-Angle Imaging. Remote Sensing, 10(10). View this article in WRRO
- Future Wildfires and Air Pollution-Related Health Damages. ISEE Conference Abstracts, 2018(1).
- Future Fire Impacts on Smoke Concentrations, Visibility, and Health in the Contiguous United States. GeoHealth, 2(8), 229-247. View this article in WRRO
- A decade of changes in nitrogen oxides over regions of oil and natural gas activity in the United States. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 5. View this article in WRRO
- Impacts of ozone air pollution and temperature extremes on crop yields: Spatial variability, adaptation and implications for future food security. Atmospheric Environment, 169, 11-21. View this article in WRRO
- Ten-year chemical signatures associated with long-range transport observed in the free troposphere over the central North Atlantic. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 5, 8-8. View this article in WRRO
- Effects of ozone-vegetation coupling on surface ozone air quality via biogeochemical and meteorological feedbacks. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17(4), 3055-3066. View this article in WRRO
- Current and future ozone risks to global terrestrial biodiversity and ecosystem processes. Ecology and Evolution, 6(24), 8785-8799. View this article in WRRO
- Representation of the Community Earth System Model (CESM1) CAM4-chem within the Chemistry-Climate Model Initiative (CCMI). Geoscientific Model Development, 9(5), 1853-1890. View this article in WRRO
- A review of approaches to estimate wildfire plume injection height within large-scale atmospheric chemical transport models. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16(2), 907-925. View this article in WRRO
- Impact of 2050 climate change on North American wildfire: consequences for ozone air quality. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15(17), 10033-10055. View this article in WRRO
- Threat to future global food security from climate change and ozone air pollution. Nature Climate Change, 4(9), 817-821.
- Coupling dry deposition to vegetation phenology in the Community Earth System Model: Implications for the simulation of surface O3. Geophysical Research Letters, 41(8), 2988-2996.
- Space-based observational constraints for 1-D fire smoke plume-rise models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 117(D22), n/a-n/a.
- A meta‐analysis of water vapor deuterium‐excess in the midlatitude atmospheric surface layer. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 26(3).
- Occurrence of upslope flows at the Pico mountaintop observatory: A case study of orographic flows on a small, volcanic island. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 112(D10).
- Significant enhancements of nitrogen oxides, black carbon, and ozone in the North Atlantic lower free troposphere resulting from North American boreal wildfires. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 111(D23).
- Evidence of significant large-scale impacts of boreal fires on ozone levels in the midlatitude Northern Hemisphere free troposphere. Geophysical Research Letters, 33(10), n/a-n/a.
- Regional and hemispheric impacts of anthropogenic and biomass burning emissions on summertime CO and O3in the North Atlantic lower free troposphere. Journal of Geophysical Research, 109(D24).
- Transforming US agriculture for carbon removal with enhanced weathering. Nature.
- Global and regional hydrological impacts of global forest expansion. Biogeosciences, 21(17), 3883-3902.
- Improved estimates of smoke exposure during Australia fire seasons: importance of quantifying plume injection heights. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 24(5), 2985-3007.
- Improving nitrogen cycling in a land surface model (CLM5) to quantify soil N2O, NO, and NH3 emissions from enhanced rock weathering with croplands. Geoscientific Model Development, 16(20), 5783-5801.
- Updated isoprene and terpene emission factors for the Interactive BVOC (iBVOC) emission scheme in the United Kingdom Earth System Model (UKESM1.0). Geoscientific Model Development, 16(10), 3083-3101.
- A Practical Green Infrastructure Intervention to Mitigate Air Pollution in a UK School Playground. Sustainability, 15(2), 1075-1075.
- Representation of the Community Earth System Model (CESM1) CAM4-chem within the Chemistry-ClimateModel Initiative (CCMI).
- Climatology and atmospheric chemistry of the non-methane hydrocarbons ethane and propane over the North Atlantic. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 3, 000054-000054. View this article in WRRO
- Description and evaluation of tropospheric chemistry and aerosols in the Community Earth System Model (CESM1.2). Geoscientific Model Development, 8(5), 1395-1426. View this article in WRRO
- How emissions, climate, and land use change will impact mid-century air quality over the United States: a focus on effects at national parks. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15(5), 2805-2823. View this article in WRRO
- A semi-Lagrangian view of ozone production tendency in North American outflow in the summers of 2009 and 2010. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14(5), 2267-2287.
- Free-troposphere ozone and carbon monoxide over the North Atlantic for 2001–2011. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13(24), 12537-12547.
- A decadal satellite analysis of the origins and impacts of smoke in Colorado. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13(15), 7429-7439.
- Smoke injection heights from fires in North America: analysis of 5 years of satellite observations. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10(4), 1491-1510.
- An aerosol boomerang: Rapid around-the-world transport of smoke from the December 2006 Australian forest fires observed from space. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114(D21).
- Large-scale impacts of anthropogenic pollution and boreal wildfires on the nitrogen oxides over the central North Atlantic region. Journal of Geophysical Research, 113(D17).
- Seasonal variation of nitrogen oxides in the central North Atlantic lower free troposphere. Journal of Geophysical Research, 113(D17).
- Late summer changes in burning conditions in the boreal regions and their implications for NOxand CO emissions from boreal fires. Journal of Geophysical Research, 113(D11).
- Ozone production from the 2004 North American boreal fires. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111(D24).
- The Community Land Model version 5 : description of new features, benchmarking, and impact of forcing uncertainty. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems. View this article in WRRO
Conference proceedings papers
2.5 and O3 over the U.S.. Air and Waste Management Association - Aerosol and Atmospheric Optics: Visibility and Air Pollution Specialty Conference 2012 (pp 398-402)
Impacts of future changes in climate, emissions and land cover and land use on PM- Quantitative studies of wildfire smoke injection heights with the Terra Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer. Remote Sensing of Fire: Science and Application
- Supplementary material to "Global and Regional Hydrological Impacts of Global Forest Expansion".
- Global and Regional Hydrological Impacts of Global-Scale Forest Expansion.
- Supplementary material to "Improving nitrogen cycling in a land surface model (CLM5) to quantify soil N2O, NO and NH3 emissions from enhanced rock weathering with croplands".
- Chemistry-albedo feedbacks from reforestation partially offset CO2 removal benefits.
- Supplementary material to "Updated Isoprene and Terpene Emission Factors for the Interactive BVOC Emission Scheme (iBVOC) in the United Kingdom Earth System Model (UKESM1.0)".
- Bannerdale Road School Streets Pilot – Evaluation Summary.
- Global and Regional Hydrological Impacts of Global Forest Expansion, Copernicus GmbH.
- Improved estimates of smoke exposure during Australia fire seasons: Importance of quantifying plume injection heights, Copernicus GmbH.
- Improving nitrogen cycling in a land surface model (CLM5) to quantify soil N2O, NO and NH3 emissions from enhanced rock weathering with croplands, Copernicus GmbH.
- Updated Isoprene and Terpene Emission Factors for the Interactive BVOC Emission Scheme (iBVOC) in the United Kingdom Earth System Model (UKESM1.0), Copernicus GmbH.
- Spatio-Temporal Variations and Uncertainty in Land Surface Modelling for High Latitudes: Univariate Response Analysis.
- Historical (1700–2012) Global Multi-model Estimates of the Fire Emissions from the Fire Modeling Intercomparison Project (FireMIP).
- Development and implementation of a new biomass
burning emissions injection height scheme for the GEOSChem
model, Copernicus GmbH.
- Effects of ozone-vegetation coupling on surface ozone air quality via biogeochemical and meteorological feedbacks, Copernicus GmbH.
- Impact of 2050 climate change on North American wildfire: consequences for ozone air quality, Copernicus GmbH.
- A review of approaches to estimate wildfire plume injection height within large scale atmospheric chemical transport models – Part 1, Copernicus GmbH.
- How emissions, climate, and land use change will impact mid-century air quality over the United States: a focus on effects at National Parks, Copernicus GmbH.
- Future Anthropogenic Land Use Change Impacts on Carbonaceous Aerosol and Implications for Climate and Air Quality. Geophysical Research Letters, 52(6).
- Teaching activities
- BIS109 - Climate Change and Sustainability
- BIS222 - Ecosystems and Sustainability in Changing World
- BIS424 - Global Sustainability
- APS6618- Individual Research Project
- Professional activities and memberships
- Director of Sheffield:Air
- Member of DEFRA Air Quality Expert Group (2021-)
- Associate Editor for Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene (Atmospheric Sciences Section)