Dr Gordon Cooper
School of Biosciences
Senior University Teacher
Examinations Officer

+44 114 222 4667
Full contact details
School of Biosciences
B2 222a
Alfred Denny Building
Western Bank
S10 2TN
- Profile
- 2019 - Present: Senior University Teacher and Examination Officer, School of Biosciences, University of Sheffield
- 2014 - 2019: Senior Lecturer and Examination Officer, Department of Biomedical Science, University of Sheffield
- 2002-2014: Lecturer, Department of Biomedical Science, University of Sheffield
- 2000-02: Research Associate, Department of Biomedical Science, University of Sheffield
- 1999-00: Research Associate - School of Biological Science, University of Manchester
- 1996-99: Postdoctoral Fellow - Dept. Cellular & Molecular Physiology, Yale University, New Haven, Ct, USA
- 1993-96: Research Associate - Dept. Physiology, University of Leeds
- 1990-93: Ph.D. - University of Leeds
- 1987-90: B.Sc. Physiology (Hons) - University of Leeds
- Research interests
- Transport of gases and urea by membrane proteins
- Function of renal potassium channels
Epithelial Transport and the movement of small solutes across biological membranes
The underlying theme to my research has been the transport of small solutes and ions across biological membranes, in particular within the kidney and other epithelia. The regulated transport of small solutes such as urea and carbon dioxide plays a critical role in whole body homeostasis.
In classifying my current research I would split it into two major themes. Firstly is the transport of water and gases across biological membranes via Aquaporins. This theme incorporates collaborations with Walter Boron (Case Western) and Gordon Cramb (St Andrews). The second theme focuses on the handling of urea by the kidney, a process critical in the ability of the body to concentrate urine. This process of renal urea handling also has implications in the regulation of blood pressure. This theme involves collaborations with Craig Smith (Manchester) and Gavin Stewart (Dublin).
Over the last few years I have been actively involved in the redevelopment of the delivery of Physiology practical classes within the University. As part of a Physiological Society funded project I have co-ordinated the production of an online teaching resource that has facilitated the delivery of undergraduate practical sessions.
- Publications
Show: Featured publications All publications
Featured publications
Journal articles
- Functional and developmental expression of a zebrafish Kir1.1 (ROMK) potassium channel homologue Kcnj1.. J Physiol, 589(Pt 6), 1489-1503.
- Evidence that aquaporin 1 is a major pathway for CO
2 transport across the human erythrocyte membrane. FASEB Journal, 20(12), 1974-1981. - Effect of PCMBS on CO2permeability of Xenopus oocytes expressing aquaporin 1 or its C189S mutant. American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology, 275(6), C1481-C1486.
All publications
Journal articles
- Rebuttal from Gordon J. Cooper, Rossana Occhipinti and Walter F. Boron. The Journal of Physiology, 593(23), 5033-5033.
- CrossTalk proposal: Physiological CO2exchange can depend on membrane channels. The Journal of Physiology, 593(23), 5025-5028.
- Functional and developmental expression of a zebrafish Kir1.1 (ROMK) potassium channel homologue Kcnj1.. J Physiol, 589(Pt 6), 1489-1503.
- A novel dephosphorylation-activated conductance in a mouse renal collecting duct cell line.. Exp Physiol, 94(8), 914-927.
- Vasopressin regulation of the renal UT-A3 urea transporter. AM J PHYSIOL-RENAL, 296(3), F642-F648.
- Adaptive downregulation of a quinidine-sensitive cation conductance in renal principal cells of TWIK-1 knockout mice.. Pflugers Arch, 453(1), 107-116.
- Molecular characterization of the mercurial sensitivity of a frog urea transporter (fUT). AM J PHYSIOL-RENAL, 290(6), F1437-F1442.
- Evidence that aquaporin 1 is a major pathway for CO
2 transport across the human erythrocyte membrane. FASEB Journal, 20(12), 1974-1981. - A Kir2.3-like K+ conductance in mouse cortical collecting duct principal cells.. J Membr Biol, 211(3), 173-184.
- Regulation and identity of intracellular calcium stores involved in membrane cross talk in the early distal tubule of the frog kidney. AM J PHYSIOL-RENAL, 286(6), F1219-F1225.
- The basolateral expression of mUT-A3 in the mouse kidney. American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology, 286(5), F979-F987.
- Relationship between intracellular pH and chloride in Xenopus oocytes expressing the chloride channel ClC-0.. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol, 284(2), C331-C338.
- Characterization of mouse urea transporters UT-A1 and UT-A2. AM J PHYSIOL-RENAL, 283(4), F817-F825.
- Coordinated expression of UT-A and UT-B urea transporters in rat testis. American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology, 282(6), C1492-C1501.
- Expression of a sodium bicarbonate cotransporter in human parotid salivary glands. Archives of Oral Biology, 47(1), 1-9.
- Transport of volatile solutes through AQP1. Journal of Physiology, 542(1), 17-29.
- Cloning and functional expression of an MIP (AQP0) homolog from killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) lens. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 281(6), R1994-R2003.
- Inhibition of K/HCO 3 Cotransport in Squid Axons by Quaternary Ammonium Ions. Journal of Membrane Biology, 183(1), 25-32.
- Membrane cross-talk in the early distal tubule segment of frog kidney: role of calcium stores and chloride.. Pflugers Arch, 442(2), 243-247.
- Molecular characterization of a novel UT-A urea transporter isoform (UT-A5) in testis. American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology, 279(5), C1425-C1431.
- PKA site mutations of ROMK2 channels shift the pH dependence to more alkaline values. American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology, 279(5), F919-F926.
- Effect of PCMBS on CO2permeability of Xenopus oocytes expressing aquaporin 1 or its C189S mutant. American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology, 275(6), C1481-C1486.
- Intracellular pH and calcium in frog early distal tubule: effects of transport inhibitors.. The Journal of Physiology, 498(1), 49-59.
- Role of de novo protein synthesis and calmodulin in rapid activation of Na(+)-H+ exchange of aldosterone in frog diluting segment.. The Journal of Physiology, 491(1), 219-223.
- Na(+)-H+ exchange in frog early distal tubule: effect of aldosterone on the set-point.. The Journal of Physiology, 479(3), 423-432.
- Pump-Leak Coupling in the Amphibian Diluting Segment. Kidney and Blood Pressure Research, 17(3-4), 138-142.
- Myocardial energetics during isometric twitch contractions of cat papillary muscle. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 236(2), H244-H253.
Conference proceedings papers
- Functional and developmental expression of a zebrafish Kir1.1 (ROMK) potassium channel homologue Kcnj1.. J Physiol, 589(Pt 6), 1489-1503.
- Grants
- The Physiological Society - David Jordan Teaching Grant
- Kidney Research UK.
- Teaching activities
Undergraduate and postgraduate taught modules
- BMS109-108 Physiology with Pharmacology
- BMS109 Lab Skills & Skills Sessions
- BMS109 Introduction to Organ Systems
- BMS221 Physiology at the Extreme
- BMS242/43 Career Development Skills (Coordinator)
- BMS242/243 Core Phys Pharm
- BMS242, 244 CVS Respiratory
- BMS311 The Kidney in Health & Disease
- BMS346 Epithelial Physiology in Health and Disease
- BMS316 Group Research Initiatives (Coordinator)
- Level 3 Practical and Dissertation Modules
Masters (MSc):
- BMS6063 Epithelial Physiology in Health and Disease
- Professional activities and memberships
- Fellow of the Physiological Society
- Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA)
- Invited Speaking. September 2013 - Invited speaker at Symposium on Mammalian Urea Transporters held at University College in Dublin.