Professor Jon Willmott
PhD, MPhys
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Professor of Metrology
Semiconductor Materials and Devices Research Group
+44 114 222 5436
Full contact details
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- Profile
My Sensor Systems Research Group is part of the University’s Advanced Detector Centre. Within the ADC we are able to grow novel semiconductor detectors and use them as the sensing element for novel thermal imaging and other optoelectronic devices.
I received my masters and PhD degrees in physics from the University of Southampton in 1999 and 2003 respectively.
After two years as a Post-Doctoral Research Associate in Liquid Crystal research at the University of Cambridge I moved to the company Land Instruments International (now part of AMETEK Inc.)
In industry, I designed thermal imaging cameras, radiation thermometers and other ‘non-contact’ scientific instruments. In addition to optical, mechanical and electronic design skills, I also developed a fundamental understanding of temperature measurement science (metrology).
Following more than a decade in industry, I moved to the University of Sheffield in 2015 with an EPSRC Established Career Fellowship. My group’s aim is to push forward temperature measurement science and imaging, particularly within manufacturing.
However, we are interested in all areas of scientific instrumentation and optical imaging. Our research philosophy is that if we can design and build novel instruments then we can enable new scientific measurements to be made that have not been possible before.
In this way, we have undertaken new research in fields as diverse as medical imaging, volcanology and additive manufacturing.
- Qualifications
- PhD, University of Southampton 2003
- MPhys, University of Southampton 1999
- Research interests
Optoelectronic and Optomechanical Instrumentation Including:
- Thermal Imaging Metrology
- Temperature Science
- Emissivity and Optical Properties of Materials
- Applications of Thermometry to Manufacturing
- Aerosol Printed Electronics
- Liquid Crystals
- Publications
Journal articles
- A Novel method for spectral and spatial Characterisation of flames using a Custom-Developed hyperspectral imaging system. Fuel, 393, 135057-135057.
- Capturing microalgae within aerosols provides carbon capture bio-functionality. Journal of CO2 Utilization, 92, 103024-103024.
- Advanced visualisation of biomass charcoal combustion dynamics using MWIR hyperspectral and LWIR thermal imaging under varied airflow conditions. Fuel, 378, 132901-132901.
- Characterisation of wood combustion and emission under varying moisture contents using multiple imaging techniques. Fuel, 373, 132397-132397.
- Smartphone-based hyperspectral imaging for ice sheet and proglacial applications in South-West Greenland. Science of The Total Environment, 951. View this article in WRRO
- Experimental studies of confined detonations of plasticized high explosives in inert and reactive atmospheres. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 480(2294). View this article in WRRO
- Experimental investigation on the effects of a mesh in the downstream region of a combustion-driven Rijke tube on self-excited thermoacoustic oscillations. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 111061-111061.
- Investigating the fire-retardant efficiency of intumescent coatings on inclined timber: A study on application strategies and heat transfer mechanisms. Construction and Building Materials, 407, 133586-133586.
- Combustion inhibition of biomass charcoal using slaked lime and dolime slurries. Fire Safety Journal, 140, 103841-103841.
- Deriving the absorption coefficients of lattice mismatched InGaAs using genetic algorithm. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 153, 107135-107135.
- Experimental and simulated study of the relationship between color camera imaging and color-modeled equivalence ratio measurement. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 1-1.
- Aerosol jet printing polymer dispersed liquid crystals on highly curved optical surfaces and edges. Scientific Reports, 12(1). View this article in WRRO
- High-speed infrared radiation thermometer for the investigation of early stage explosive development and fireball expansion. Sensors, 22(16).
- Investigation of forced flow orientations on the burning behaviours of wooden rods using a synchronised multi-imaging system. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute.
- A comparative review of thermocouple and infrared radiation temperature measurement methods during the machining of metals. Sensors, 22(13). View this article in WRRO
- High-resolution hyperspectral imaging using low-cost components: application within environmental monitoring scenarios. Sensors, 22(12). View this article in WRRO
- Image correction and in situ spectral calibration for low-cost, smartphone hyperspectral imaging. Remote Sensing, 14(5).
- Investigation into wind effects on fire spread on inclined wooden rods by multi-spectrum and schlieren imaging. Fire Safety Journal, 127.
- Achieving homogeneity in a high-Fe β-Ti alloy laser-printed from blended elemental powders. Materials & Design, 210.
- High-resolution thermal imaging and analysis of TIG weld pool phase transitions. Sensors, 20(23). View this article in WRRO
- Variation of texture anisotropy and hardness with build parameters and wall height in directed-energy-deposited 316L steel. Additive Manufacturing, 101806-101806.
- The effect of preheating on fire propagation on inclined wood by multi-spectrum and schlieren visualisation. Fire Safety Journal, 103223-103223.
- Thermal sensation in older people with and without dementia living in residential care: new assessment approaches to thermal comfort using infrared thermography. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(18).
- Zero drift infrared radiation thermometer using chopper stabilised pre-amplifier. Applied Sciences, 10(14). View this article in WRRO
- Low-cost hyperspectral imaging system: Design and testing for laboratory-based environmental applications. Sensors, 20(11). View this article in WRRO
- Multiparametric measurements of the lava lake at Masaya volcano.
- An accurate instrument for emissivity measurements by direct and indirect methods. Measurement Science and Technology. View this article in WRRO
- An accurate device for apparent emissivity characterisation in controlled atmospheric conditions up to 1423 K. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. View this article in WRRO
- InGaAs APD thermometry. Measurement Science and Technology. View this article in WRRO
- The PiSpec: A Low-Cost, 3D-Printed Spectrometer for Measuring Volcanic SO2 Emission Rates. Frontiers in Earth Science, 7. View this article in WRRO
- A Rapidly Convecting Lava Lake at Masaya Volcano, Nicaragua. Frontiers in Earth Science, 6. View this article in WRRO
- The surgical wound in infrared: thermographic profiles and early stage test-accuracy to predict surgical site infection in obese women during the first 30 days after caesarean section. Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control, 8. View this article in WRRO
- Design and realization of a wide field of view infrared scanning system with an integrated micro-electromechanical system mirror. Applied Optics, 57(36), 10449-10457. View this article in WRRO
- Miniature Uncooled and Unchopped Fiber Optic
Infrared Thermometer for Application to Cutting Tool
Temperature Measurement. Sensors, 18(10). View this article in WRRO
- Quantitative traceable temperature measurement using novel thermal imaging camera. Optics Express, 26(19), 24904-24916. View this article in WRRO
- Thermal near infrared monitoring system for electron beam melting with emissivity tracking. Additive Manufacturing, 22, 601-605. View this article in WRRO
- Thermal Imaging Metrology with a Smartphone Sensor. Sensors, 18(7), 2169-2169. View this article in WRRO
- The development of a low-cost, near infrared, high-temperature thermal imaging system and its application to the retrieval of accurate lava lake temperatures at Masaya volcano, Nicaragua. Remote Sensing, 10(3). View this article in WRRO
- Quantitative thermal imaging using single-pixel Si APD and MEMS mirror. Optics Express, 26(3), 3188-3198. View this article in WRRO
- Smartphone Spectrometers. Sensors (Switzerland), 18(1), 223-223. View this article in WRRO
- Low-cost 3D printed 1 nm resolution smartphone sensor-based spectrometer: instrument design and application in ultraviolet spectroscopy. Optics Letters, 42(21), 4323-4326. View this article in WRRO
- Ultraviolet Imaging of Volcanic Plumes: A New Paradigm in Volcanology. Geosciences, 7(3). View this article in WRRO
- Laser diode area melting for high speed additive manufacturing of metallic components. Materials and Design, 117, 305-315. View this article in WRRO
- A Low-Cost Smartphone Sensor-Based UV Camera for Volcanic SO2 Emission Measurements. Remote Sensing, 9(1). View this article in WRRO
- Ultraviolet Imaging with Low Cost Smartphone Sensors: Development and Application of a Raspberry Pi-Based UV Camera. Sensors, 16(10). View this article in WRRO
- Thermal territories of the abdomen after caesarean section birth: Infrared thermography and analysis. Journal of Wound Care, 25(9), 499-512. View this article in WRRO
- Potential for improved radiation thermometry measurement uncertainty through implementing a primary scale in an industrial laboratory. Measurement Science and Technology, 27(9), 094002-094002. View this article in WRRO
- Comparison of extrapolated and interpolated temperature scales from 1000°C to 2500°C between a national measurement institute and an ISO17025 accredited calibration laboratory. Measurement, 76, 129-135.
- InAs Photodiodes for 3.43 μm Radiation Thermometry. IEEE Sensors Journal, 15(10), 5555-5560. View this article in WRRO
- InAs/GaSb Type-II Superlattice for Radiation Thermometry. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 64(2), 502-508.
- An InGaAlAs–InGaAs Two-Color Photodetector for Ratio Thermometry. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 61(3), 838-843. View this article in WRRO
- Physical Properties of Siloxane Containing Oxycyanobiphenyl Derivatives for Smectic-A Device Applications. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 434(1), 209/[537]-217/[545].
- Birefringence of monomesogen and bimesogen liquid crystals. Liquid Crystal Materials, Devices, and Applications X and Projection Displays X.
- . Journal of Materials Chemistry, 11(11), 2709-2716.
- Machine Learning-Based Spectral Reconstruction for Equivalence Ratio Measurement in Premixed Air-Methane Flames Using RGB Imaging. Combustion Science and Technology, 1-19.
- Si APD-Based High Speed Infrared Radiation Thermometry for Analysing the Temperature Instability of a Combustion Chamber. Sensors, 24(23), 7780-7780.
- Development of Equivalence Ratio Measurement Model of Premixed Methane Flames Using Hyperspectral Imaging of C
* and CH* Chemiluminescence and Random Forest Algorithm. Combustion Science and Technology, 1-23.
- Revealing the morphology of Ink and aerosol jet printed palladium-silver alloys fabricated from metal organic decomposition inks. Advanced Science. View this article in WRRO
- InAsSb Photodiode Fibre Optic Thermometry for High-Speed, near-Ambient Temperature Measurements. Sensors, 23(23), 9514-9514.
- Continuous measurement of ferrous sinter size distributions using an optical sensor system. Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 1-8.
- Cutaneous Perfusion Dynamics of the Lower Abdomen in Healthy Normal Weight, Overweight and Obese Women: Methods Development Using Infrared Thermography with Applications for Future Wound Management after Caesarean Section. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(6), 5100-5100.
- Peatland Plant Spectral Response as a Proxy for Peat Health, Analysis Using Low-Cost Hyperspectral Imaging Techniques. Remote Sensing, 14(16), 3846-3846.
- Linking microscale morphologies to localised performance in singlet fission quantum dot photon multiplier thin films. Journal of Materials Chemistry C.
- Controlling the structures of organic semiconductor–quantum dot nanocomposites through ligand shell chemistry. Soft Matter.
- Hyperspectral Imaging in Environmental Monitoring: A Review of Recent Developments and Technological Advances in Compact Field Deployable Systems. Sensors, 19(14), 3071-3071. View this article in WRRO
- Evaluation of phase sensitive detection method and Si avalanche photodiode for radiation thermometry. Journal of Instrumentation, 8(03), P03016-P03016.
- Reconstruction of Microscopic Thermal Fields from Oversampled Infrared Images in Laser-Based Powder Bed Fusion. Sensors, 21(14), 4859-4859.
- Low-Cost Hyperspectral Imaging with A Smartphone. Journal of Imaging, 7(8), 136-136.
- Thermal Imaging Metrology Using High Dynamic Range Near-Infrared Photovoltaic-Mode Camera. Sensors, 21(18), 6151-6151.
Conference proceedings papers
- Designing a Vehicle Mounted High Resolution Multi-Spectral 3D Scanner. Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Data Acquisition To Analysis - DATA'19, 10 November 2019 - 10 November 2019.
- Improved radiation thermometry measurement uncertainty through implementing a primary scale in an industrial laboratory. 17th International Congress of Metrology
- 3.3 - Type-II Superlattice Radiation Thermometer. Proceedings IRS² 2015, 19 May 2015 - 21 May 2015.
- Accurate thermal imaging of low-emissivity surfaces using approximate blackbody cavities. Thermosense: Thermal Infrared Applications XXXIV
- Exploring the impact of thermal and surface characteristics of burning wood on water droplet evaporation, Springer Science and Business Media LLC.
- Aerosol jet printing polymer dispersed liquid crystals on highly curved optical surfaces and edges, Research Square Platform LLC.
- Thermal Sensation in Older People, with and without Dementia, Living in Residential Care: New Assessment Approaches Using Infrared Thermography, MDPI AG.
- A Novel method for spectral and spatial Characterisation of flames using a Custom-Developed hyperspectral imaging system. Fuel, 393, 135057-135057.
- Professional activities and memberships
- EEE PGR Admissions Tutor
- Royal Society Industry Fellow