MMedSci Vision and Strabismus student research projects

Students currently plan a research project, apply for ethical approval through Interegrated Research Application System (IRAS), carry out, analyse and write up a research study.


Current research projects

  • Assessing Visual Neglect in Stroke survivors – does the size of screening tool affect sensitivity and performance
  • Anti-suppression effects of amblyopia therapy
  • The effect of prisms of visual acuity
  • Occlusion therapy – how does it affect BSV in anisometropic children
  • Evaluating the line bisection, star cancellation, and clock drawing test for detecting visuo-spatial neglect in stroke survivors
  • Can a short adaptation trial predict success of over-minus lens therapy Predicting ‘success’ for over-minus treatment for Intermittent Distance Exotropia
  • The visual analogue scale (VAS) – is it different before and after surgery in strabismus patients?  How does it relate to objective measures?
  • Self-perception and parent’s perception of the influence of occlusion therapy in under 4.5-year- olds
  • Finding threshold visual acuity in children of vision screening age
  • Comparing objective and subjective measures of accommodation before and in college students with visual discomfort
  • The peripheral field of adults with early onset central field defects
  • Evaluating the difference in the speed of the push-up method in assessing accommodative amplitude
  • Does a second visual screen reduce false positive referrals and improve cost-effectiveness?

Previous research projects

  • Amblyopia treatment and quality of life: the child's perspective on atropine versus patching.  Publication: in preparation


  • de Jongh E, Leach C, Tjon-Fo-Sang MJ, Bjerre A. Inter-examiner variability and agreement of the alternate prism cover test (APCT) measurements of strabismus performed by 4 examiners. Strabismus. 2014;22:158-66.  
  • Spofforth J, Codina C, Bjerre A. Is the ‘visualFields easy’ application a useful tool to identify visual field defects in patients who have suffered a stroke? Ophthalmology Research: An International Journal. 2017;7:1-10.
  • Dawkins A, Bjerre A. Do the near computerised and non-computerised crowded Kay picture tests produce the same measure of visual acuity? British and Irish Orthoptic Journal. 2016;13:22-28
  • Maqsud MA, Arblaster GE. The incidence and visual acuity outcomes of children identified with ametropic amblyopia by vision screening. J AAPOS. 2015; 19(2): 104-7.

Conference presentations

  • Beckett F, Bjerre A. Does the mode of birth delivery affect the development of strabismus? Poster 9-10. July 2015. British and Irish Orthoptic Society (BIOS) Annual Scientific Conference, Birmingham.
  • de Jongh E, Leach C, Tjon-Fo-Sang MJ, Bjerre A. When may variation in deviation of strabismus be considered as real change? Presentation at European Strabismological Association (ESA) conference 4.-7. September 2013.

MMedSci Vision and Strabismus:

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