Research and training deliverables
Deliverables are listed here alongside their respective work packages (see our Work packages page for more information). Where available, click on the deliverable to download the pdf.
Deliverable | Work package no. |
Project and time management – academic and; industry perspective (PDF, 496KB) | WP1-7 |
Application of physicochemical and molecular microbial analysis for contaminated land and groundwater (PDF, 372KB) | WP1-7 |
Application of innovative methods for site characterisation, water and contaminant flux measurement in the subsurface Assessment of contaminant source identification, natural processes and remediation performance using stable isotopes (PDF, 108KB) |
WP1-7 |
Developing in-situ treatment strategies for mixed contaminants: methods guidance | WP5 |
Developing in-situ treatment strategies for mixed contaminants: data set guidance | WP5 |
Interpretation and statistical analysis of environmental data (PDF, 296KB) | WP1-7 |
In-situ remediation of metal-contaminated sites | WP4 |
Soil and groundwater remediation: sustainable management strategies, effective clean-up methods and emerging contaminants (PDF, 264KB) | WP1-7 |
Modelling contaminant transport and attenuation in the hyporheic zone of streams | WP3 |
Value of using stable isotopes to evaluate the sources and fate of nitrogen pollution in freshwater systems | WP5 |
Principles and application of flow and transport modelling in the subsurface (PDF, 364KB) | WP1-8 |
Career workshop, employment opportunities, developing an effective job search strategy, CVs and job applications (PDF, 408KB) | WP1-8 |
In-situ remediation of contaminated groundwater: diverse solutions for diverse problems | WP4-5 |
Bioelectrochemical systems (BES) for enhanced bioremediation of groundwater | WP6 |
The vadose zone experimental setup for vadose zone characterisation at industrial contaminated sites | WP7 |
Building interdisciplinary tools for long-term contaminated site management (PDF, 180KB) | WP1-8 |
Advances in the application of isotopic methods to contaminated groundwater sites | WP1 and 5 |
'Taking research beyond academia' - IPR/legal issues for research and technology development, commercialisation (PDF, 932KB) | WP1-8 |
In-situ Remediation 2014 (PDF, 9.88MB) | WP1-8 |
Event reports
Training events and scientific meetings have been presented by the ADVOCATE network. Read details about the events alongside the event reports on the events page.
- Alice Badin
2014 - Multiple Dual C–Cl Isotope Patterns Associated with Reductive Dechlorination of Tetrachloroethene
- Alistair Beames
2015 - Accounting for land-use efficiency and temporal variations between brownfield remediation alternatives in life-cycle assessment
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S09596526150030422014 - Sustainability appraisal tools for soil and groundwater remediation: how is the choice of remediation alternative influenced by different sets of sustainability indicators and tool structures?
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048969713011881 - Behnam Doulatyari
2015 - Predicting streamflow distributions and flow duration curves from landscape and climate:
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S03091708150013962014 - River flow regimes and vegetation dynamics along a river transect:
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0309170814001328 - Franklin Obiri-Nyarko
2015 - Geochemical modelling for predicting the long-term performance of zeolite-PRB to treat lead contaminated groundwater:
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/258632182015 - Screening reactive materials as permeable barriers to treat lead and benzene contaminated groundwater:
http://www.iwaponline.com/ws/up/ws2015018.htm2014 - An Overview of Permeable Reactive Barriers for In Situ Sustainable Groundwater Remediation
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0045653514004731 - Johana Grajales
2014 - An overview of permeable reactive barriers for in situ sustainable groundwater remediation:
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0045653514004731 - Lukasz Cieslak
2014 - Enhancement of in situ biodegradation of organic compounds in groundwater by targeted pump and treat intervention:
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0883292714001504 - Naomi S. Wells
2014 - Ammonia volatilisation is not the dominant factor in determining the isotopic composition of soil nitrate in pasture systems:
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S01678809140045382014 - Land management between crops affects soil inorganic nitrogen balance in a tropical rice system Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems:
http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10705-014-9644-7 - Oksana Coban
2015 - Nitrogen transforming community in a horizontal subsurface-flow constructed wetland:
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/257441842014 - Microbial nitrogen transformations in constructed wetlands treating contaminated groundwater:
http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11356-014-3575-3 - Uwe Schneidewind
2015 - From streambed temperature measurements to spatial-temporal flux quantification: Using the LPML method to study groundwater-surface water interaction:
http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/hyp.10588/full2015 - Determining groundwater-surface water exchange from temperature time series: Combining a local polynomial method with a maximum likelihood estimator:
http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/wol1/doi/10.1002/2014WR015994/full2014 - Kinetics of dechlorination by Dehalococcoides mccartyi using different carbon sources:
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S016977221300154X - Vidhya C. Viswanathan
2015 - Does river restoration affect diurnal and seasonal changes to surface water quality? A study along the Thur River, Switzerland:
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S00489697153017902015 - Water quality deterioration as a driver for river restoration: a review of case studies from Asia, Europe and North America:
Technical bulletins
Technical bulletins produced by CL:AIRE are archived here. These publications describe practical aspects of research which have direct application to the characterisation, monitoring or remediation of contaminated soil or groundwater.
Click below to download the reports in pdf form.
- AB 1: Remediation of TCE contaminated groundwater using permeable reactive barriers (2014) - written by Johana Grajales (PDF, 3.43MB)
- AB 2: Selecting reactive materials for permeable barriers to remediate groundwater contaminated with heavy metals and BTEX: batch and column experiments (2014) - written by Franklin Obiri-Nyarko (PDF, 2.49MB)
- AB 3: Enhancing bioremediation of groundwater by microbial interaction with a solid state electrode: proof-of-concept (2014) - written by Petra Hedbavna (PDF, 2.57MB)
- AB 4: River flows and riparian vegetation dynamics (2014) - written by Behnam Doulatyari (PDF, 1.55MB)
- AB 5: Balancing the Pillars of Technology Sustainability in Soil and Groundwater Remediation (2014) - written by Alistair Beames (PDF, 2.48MB)
- AB 6: Nitrogen biotransformation in horizontal subsurfaceflow constructed wetlands treating contaminated groundwater (2015) - written by Oksana Coban (PDF, 1.16MB)
- AB 7: Vadose zone characterisation at industrial contaminated sites (2015) - written by Natalia Fernandez de Vera (PDF, 540kB)
- AB 8: The plume fringe: a zone of increased potential for biodegradation in contaminant plumes (2015) - written by Lukasz Cieslak (PDF, 368KB)
- AB 9: Delineating groundwater-surface water interaction (2015) - written by Uwe Schneidewind (PDF, 560Kb)
- AB 10: Dual C-Cl isotope analysis to distinguish processes affecting chlorinated ethenes at field scale (2015) - written by Alice Badin (PDF, 200KB)
Conference presentations
Listed with their respective work packages (WP) - see our Work packages page for more information.
- University of Sheffield (USFD, United Kingdom, WP6 and WP7)
Poster presentations and other:
- Hedbavna, P. et al. Electrochemically-enhanced bioremediation of groundwater in a microbial fuel cell, BioTech 2014 and 6th Czech-Swiss Symposium with Exhibition, Prague, Czech Republic, 2014
- Hedbavna, P. et al. Enhanced groundwater bioremediation using microbial fuel cell concepts, Proceedings of the 2nd European Symposium on Water Technology, Leuven, Belgium, 2013
- Hedbavna, P. et al. Microbial fuel cells as a tool to enhance bioremediation, MMEG meeting, Norwich, UK, 2012
Platform presentations:
- Hedbavna, P. et al. Enhancing bioremediation of groundwater by microbial interaction with a solid state electrode: proof-of-concept, In situ Remediation’14 Conference, 2-4/09/2014
- Hedbavna, P. et al. Biodegradation of phenolic compounds in contaminated groundwater using microbial fuel cells, EU-ISMET 2nd European meeting of the International Society for Microbial Electrochemistry and Technology, Alcalá de Henarez, Spain, 2014
- Universite de Liege (ULG, Belgium, WP2 and WP7)
Poster presentations:
- Fernández de Vera, N., Beaujean, J., Jamin, P., Nguyen, F., Dahan, O., Vanclooster, M., Brouyère, S. Vadose zone studies at an industrial contaminated site: the vadose zone monitoring system and cross-hole geophysics. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU, 27 April- 2 May 2014
- Fernández de Vera, N., Pena, J.A., Brouyère, S. Integrated field assessment of contaminant fate and transport in the unsaturated and saturated zone. Groundwater Quality Conference in Florida (USA), 21-26 April 2013
- V. Hakoun, N. Fernandez de Vera, N. S. Wells, K. Knoeller, D. Hunkeler and S. Brouyere, Assessment of natural attenuation in a double aquifer system with a complex industrial history: a regional case study with a combined hydrochemical-multi isotope approach, In Situ Remediation Conference 2014, London (UK), Sept. 9, 2014.
Platform presentations:
- Fernández de Vera, N., Beaujean, J., Jamin, P., Nguyen, F., Dahan, O., Vanclooster, M., Brouyère, S. Six feet under and below! Innovative methods to characterize the underground at industrial sites. Meet the scientist event. SRUK/CERU. 12/03/2015
- Fernández de Vera, N., Beaujean, J., Jamin, P., Nguyen, F., Dahan, O., Vanclooster, M., Brouyère, S. Innovative in situ methods for vadose zone characterization at industrial contaminated sites: The Vadose Zone Experimental Setup. In situ Remediation’14 Conference, 2-4/09/2014 – award as best platform presentation
- Fernández de Vera, N., Beaujean, J., Jamin, P., Nguyen, F., Dahan, O., Vanclooster, M., Brouyère, S. Vadose zone studies at an industrial contaminated site: the Vadose Zone Monitoring System and Cross-hole Geophysics. ENVITAM PhD day, 03/03/2014
- Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ, Germany, WP1 and WP5)
Poster presentations:
- Wells NS, Knöller K, Brouyère S, Hakoun V (Sep. 2014) Nitrogen and oxygen isotopes reveal the sources and sinks of inorganic nitrogen in an industrially contaminated groundwater system. In-Situ Remediation '14 (London, UK)
- Knöller K, Voloshchenko O, Well NS (June 2014) Isotopic constraints on the fate and transport of reactive nitrogen in complex contaminated aquifers. Goldschmidt-Conference (Sacramento, USA)
- Voloshchenko, O. and Knöller K. Stable isotope fractionation related to microbial nitrogen turnover in constructed wetlands treating contaminated groundwater, AGU, San Francisco, USA, 9-13/12/2013
- Schneidewind, U.; Anibas, C.; Vandersteen, G.; Batelaan, O.; Joris, I.; Seuntjens, P.; Voloshchenko, O. Determining Vertical Groundwater-Surface Water Exchange Using a New Approach to Solve the 1D Heat Transport Equation, AGU, San Francisco, USA, 9-13/12/2013
- Voloshchenko, O. et al. Nitrogen transformations in constructed wetlands – research concept and first results, VAAM Conference, Bremen, Germany, 10-13/03/2013
- Voloshchenko, O. et al. Nitrogen isotope investigations in different types of constructed wetlands for the treatment of contaminated groundwater, JESIUM 2012/UFZ Conference, Leipzig, Germany, 3-7/9/2012
Platform presentations:
- Wells NS, Knöller K, Fenton O, Clagnan E, Brauns M (May 2015) Beyond nitrate: Developing multi-isotopic approaches to quantify the fate and transport of nitrogen within catchments. IAEA International Symposium on Isotope Hydrology (Vienna, Austria).
- Wells NS, Knöller K, Hakoun V, Brouyère S. (Apr. 2015) Nitrite: the key to understanding nitrogen cycling in ammonium-rich systems? European Geophysical Union General Assembly (Vienna, Austria)
- Wells NS, Knöller K, Kappelmeyer U (Dec. 2014). Heterogeneity of groundwater nitrogen attenuation elucidated by combining isotope fluxes and functional gene markers. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (San Francisco, USA)
- Wells NS, Knöller K (Apr. 2014). Constraining nitrogen cycling hotspots in contaminated aquifers European Geophysical Union General Assembly (Vienna, Austria)
- Voloshchenko O, Kuschk P and Knöller K, Microbial nitrogen transformation in constructed wetlands treating contaminated groundwater, In Situ Remediation Conference 2014, London (UK), Sept. 9, 2014.
- Voloshchenko, O. et al. Role of anaerobic ammonium oxidation and its interactions with other microbial nitrogen transformations in horizontal subsurface-flow constructed wetlands, ISME Conference, Seoul, South Korea, 24-29/8/2014
- Voloshchenko, O. et al. Chef’s special in Restaurant Constructed Wetlands: delicious ammonium! HIGRADE/UFZ, Leipzig, Germany, 18/3/2014
- Voloshchenko O, Kuschk P and Knöller K, Microbial nitrogen transformation in constructed wetlands treating contaminated groundwater, WETPOL Conference, Nantes, France, 13-17/10/2013
- Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (EAWAG, Switzerland, WP3 and WP5)
Poster presentations:
- Chittoor Viswanathan, V.; Schirmer, Identification of hotspots of surface water quality on a large pre-alpine catchment, In situ Remediation’14 Conference, 2-4/09/2014
- Chittoor Viswanathan, V.; Schirmer, M. The impact of river restoration on the diurnal and seasonal surface water quality changes in the Thur catchment in Switzerland, AGU, San Francisco, USA, 3-7/12/2012
- Chittoor Viswanathan, V.; Schirmer, M. The effect of river restoration on the water quality of surface water and groundwater in an Alpine catchment, EAWAG Symposium, Dubendorf, Switzerland, 12/9/2012
- Chittoor Viswanathan, V.; Schirmer, M. The impact of river restoration on the water quality of surface water and groundwater in an Alpine catchment, EGU, Vienna, Austria, 27/4/2012
- Doulatyari, B. et al. Water distribution on a catchment scale: a stochastic approach, Z-Hydro, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland, 15/11/2012
- Doulatyari, B. et al. Water distribution on a catchment scale: a stochastic approach, IAH, Niagara, Canada, 17-21/9/2012
- Doulatyari, B. et al. Water distribution on a catchment scale: a stochastic approach, EAWAG Symposium, Dubendorf, Switzerland, 12/9/2012
Platform presentations:
- Chittoor Viswanathan, V. Impact of river restoration and a summer storm event on water quality in a pre-alpine catchment- a diurnal and seasonal study, IWA watershed and river basin management specialist conference, San Francisco, USA, 9-12/9/2014
- Chittoor Viswanathan, V. Source identification of nitrate in the pre-alpine Thur catchment using isotopes, Everything about water Expo 2014, India, New Delhi, India
- Chittoor Viswanathan, V. River restoration’s impact on the diurnal and seasonal changes in river water quality in the Thur catchment, International Society for River Science, Biennial Symposium 2013, Beijing, China
- Chittoor Viswanathan, V. Environmental isotope applied to groundwater pollution studies, Maima Workshop, Barcelona, Spain, 1-5/7/2013
- Chittoor Viswanathan, V. River restoration – its impact on surface and groundwater quality, 8th IAHS International Groundwater Quality Conference (GQ13) Florida, USA , April 21-26, 2013
- Doulatyari, B. River flow regimes and vegetation dynamics along a river transect, AGU, San Francisco, USA, 9-13/12/2013
- Doulatyari, B. River flow regimes and vegetation dynamics along a river transect, Z-Hydro, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland, 13/11/2013
- Doulatyari, B. Stochastic modeling of water distribution within the Thur catchment, W+T Seminar, Departmental talk, EAWAG, Dubendorf, Switzerland, 26/04/2012
- AGH University of Science and Technology (AGH, Poland, WP4)
Poster presentations and other:
- Grajales, J. Removal of TCE by compost and brown coal in a Permeable Reactive barrier, Surf Italy, 16-19/9/2014
- Grajales, J. Use of alternative materials in a permeable reactive barrier to treat TCE contaminated groundwater, In situ Remediation’14 Conference, 2-4/09/20140
- Kret, E., Grajales Mesa, S. J. Malina, G. Methodology for managing groundwater resources contaminated with chlorinated ethens, IAH World Congress: Solving the groundwater challenges of the 21st century, Perth, Australia, 15-20 September 2013, Book of Abstracts, pp. 109.
- Grajales, J. and Malina, G. Feasibility Study on Remediation of PCE/TCE Contaminated Groundwater using a Permeable Reactive Barrier, 1st European Symposium on Remediation Technologies and their Integration in Water Management, Barcelona, Spain, 2012
- Contaminated Land: Applications in Real Environments Ltd (CL:AIRE, UK, WP8)
Poster presentations:
- Contaminated land, ecological assessment and remediation, CLEAR 2014, 2nd International Conference on Contaminated Land, Ecological Assessment and Remediation, Chuncheon, Korea, 5 - 8 October 2014
- Good practice in the clean-up of contaminated land and groundwater, Water Technology & Management, Leuven, Belgium, 20-21 November 2013
- Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO, Belgium, WP1 and WP3)
Poster presentations and other:
- Touchant K., Broekx S., Beames A. et al. A holistic approach to support sustainable urban renewal through the redevelopment of brownfields (BALANCE 4P), In situ Remediation’14 Conference, 2-4/09/2014
- Beames, A. et al. Assessing Secondary Environmental Impacts and Sustainability of In situ Thermal Remediation Technologies, Proceedings of the 2nd European Symposium on Water Technology, Leuven, Belgium, 2013
- Beames, A. Glossary terms contribution, HOMBRE, CEN, 9/3/2013
- Alistair Beames, Steven Broekx, Richard Lookman, Matthias Gross, Social Indicator Set for Sustainable Brownfield Revitalization, 9/17/2012
- Schneidewind, U. et al. Determining Groundwater-Surface Water Exchange Fluxes and Their Spatial Variability Using the Local Polynomial Method LPML, EGU, Vienna, Austria, 27.04.-02.05.2014
- Schneidewind, U. et al. Determining Vertical Groundwater-Surface Water Exchange Using a New Approach to Solve the 1D Heat Transport Equation, AGU Fall Meeting 2013, San Francisco, 9-13 December, 2013
- Atashgahi, S., Schneidewind, U. et al. Development of rehabilitation technologies to decrease pollutant influx between groundwater and surface water near river banks – AQUAREHAB WP3, 3rd European Symposium on Water Technology, Leuven, 20.-21.11.2013
- Schneidewind, U. et al. Delineating Groundwater-Surface Water Interaction Using Temperature-Time Series Analysis Methods, 2nd European Symposium on Water Technology, Leuven, 20.-21.11.2013
- Anibas, C.; Schneidewind, U. et al. The Local Polynomial Method: A novel processing tool to quantify surface-subsurface exchange flows using temperature times series and their frequency response, Knowledge for the Future. IAHS Joint Assembly, Gothenburg, 22.-26.07.2013
- Schneidewind, U. et al. Modeling reductive dechlorination of a CAH containing plume entering the Zenne river Remediation Technologies and their Integration in Water Management, Barcelona, 25.-26.09.2012
- Schneidewind, U. et al. Assessing Heterogeneity in Flow and Transport Processes at the Groundwater-Surface Interface and Their Role in the Degradation of Organic Contaminants, EGU General Assembly 2012, Vienna, 22.-27.04.2012
Platform presentations:
- Beames, A. et al. Sustainability assessment and temporal variations between remediation technologies, In situ Remediation’14 Conference, 2-4/09/2014
- Beames, A. et al. Accounting for social aspects in Sustainable Brownfield Revitalization: A review of current DSSs, umweltbundesamt (Environment Agency Austria) and Eurodemo+, Vienna, Austria, 14-16/11/2012
- Schneidewind, U. et al. Investigating the Impact of Heterogeneity in Streambed Sediments on Flow, Transport and Biodegradation Processes in the Hyporheic Zone, In situ Remediation’14 Conference, 2-4/09/2014
- Schneidewind, U. et al. Bestimmung von vertikalen Grundwasser-Oberflächenwasseraustauschraten mittels Temperaturzeitreihenanalyse am Beispiel des Slootbeek, Bayreuther Forum Ökologie, 5/31/2014
- Anibas, C.; Schneidewind, U. et al. The Local Polynomial Method for characterization of spatial and temporal variability of groundwater-surface water interaction 40th IAH congress, Perth, 15.-20.09.2013
- Schneidewind, U. et al. Investigating natural attenuation of chlorinated ethenes at a contaminated site in Belgium, 39th IAH congress, Niagara Falls, 16.-21.09.2012
- Anibas, C.; Schneidewind, U. et al. The local polynomial method for determining groundwater-surface water exchange rates: Theory and practice, Meeting of the German Hydrogeological Society (FH-DGG), Dresden, 16.-20.05.2012
- Hydrogeotechnika Ltd (HGT, Poland, WP5)
Poster presentations and other:
- Obiri-Nyarko, F. et al. Mechanisms of benzene and lead removal in permeable reactive barrier, The 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Remediation, Ferrara, Italy, 17-19/09/2014
- Obiri-Nyarko, F. et al. The use of permeable reactive barrier for treatment of groundwater contaminated with BTEX, 1st European Symposium on Remediation Technologies and their Integration in Water Management, Barcelona, Spain, 2012
- Obiri-Nyarko, F. et al. Application of Permeable Reactive Barriers for sustainable remediation of groundwater contaminated by heavy metals and BTEX, In situ Remediation’14 Conference, 2-4/09/2014
- Obiri-Nyarko, F. et al. Removal of lead and benzene by zeolite and brown coal in a permeable reactive barrier: Isotherm and kinetic studies International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Remediation, Prague, Czech Republic, 11-13/08/2014
- Obiri-Nyarko, F. et al. Natural attenuation of BTEX contaminated groundwater: The Tomaszów Mazowiecki case study, PZiTS, Poland, 12/9/2012
- Obiri-Nyarko, F. et al. Screening the potential for sustainable remediation of BTEX contaminated groundwater using permeable reactive barrier systems: The Tomaszów Mazowiecki case study, PZiTS, Poland, 21/04/2012
- Obiri-Nyarko, F. et al. Feasibility study on sustainable remediation of BTEX and heavy metals contaminated groundwater using permeable reactive Multi-barrier systems: The Tuczepy case study, PZiTS, Poland, 18/04/2012
- University of Neuchâtel (UNINE, Switzerland, WP6)
Poster presentations and other:
- Badin, A. et al. Anaerobic reductive dechlorination of tetrachloroethene: how can dual Carbon-Chlorine isotopic measurements help elucidating the underlying reaction mechanism, EGU 2014
- Badin, A. et al. Utilisation des fractionnements isotopiques du chlore et du carbone dans la caractérisation de l’atténuation naturelle des solvants chlorés, Swiss Office for the Environment, Bern, 2014
- Badin, A. et al. Effect of source variation and anaerobic dechlorination on carbon and chlorine isotope ratios of tetrachloroethene (PCE), Isotopes 2013
- Management of polluted groundwater, Intersol, Paris, 2012
- Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Lille Seminar, platform presentation, Badin, A. Chimie environnementale – introduction et quelques exemples de la recherchem Lille, France, 25.11.2014
- Badin, A. et al. To what extent can isotopes help substantiate natural attenuation of chlorinated ethenes?, In situ Remediation’14 Conference, 2-4/09/2014
- Badin, A. et al. 5th ChloroNet technical day, FOEN/EAWAG Solothurn, Switzerland, 2012
You can download the newsletters produced by the ADVOCATE network below.
These periodic publications illustrated the progress, achievements and outputs from the project. They include profiles of the research undertaken by the Fellows, with example results and information on training events hosted by the network.
- September 2012 (PDF, 1.83MB)
- May 2013 (PDF, 3.53MB)
- March 2014 (PDF, 8.1MB)
- June 2014 (PDF, 1.08MB)
- February 2015 (PDF, 1.63MB)

ADVOCATE developed innovative in situ remediation concepts for the sustainable management of contaminated land and groundwater.