The report maps out the location of ‘low-use homes’ across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland as low-use properties are on the rise. ‘Low-use homes’ are defined as any residential property without a permanent resident. This includes long-term vacant properties as well as second homes, which may be rented out occasionally as short-term lets. The report seeks to understand the extent of the problem and the impact on rural and coastal areas, which have high proportions of low-use homes, and which interact with pressures such as tourism and seasonal economies.
The report makes a series of recommendation:
- Fairer taxation regimes for second homes
- Use planning classifications to prevent the loss of primary residential homes
- Licensing to regulate short-term lets
- Engaging corporate lender responsibility
- Improving data on home ownership and usage
- Making more homes available for affordable housing
- Addressing regional inequalities and boosting local economies