Landscape Architecture MLA
Landscape architecture is the planning, design and management of spaces for nature and people. Specialise in ecology or planning alongside broad training in landscape theories and concepts as part of this five-year integrated masters course, which includes one year working in a professional landscape practice.
A Levels
UCAS code
K310 -
5 years -
Start date
- Accredited
- Course fee
- Funding available
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Course description
Why study this course?
As an MLA Landscape Architecture student, you'll remain registered with the University for all five years of the course, which means you’ll be eligible to apply for undergraduate funding, as well as enjoy any discounts and benefits associated with being a student, during these years.
You’ll be able to become a licentiate member of the Landscape Institute and begin your Pathway to Chartership once you graduate.
On graduation you’ll join our global community of alumni who, at last count, are practising in over 70 countries worldwide. Access to this network gives you an immediate connection to established professionals in a wide range of practices.

From the smallest garden, to large-scale urban development and rewilded country estates, landscape architecture embraces all aspects of the science, planning, design, creation and management of urban and rural environments.
This integrated, five-year masters degree includes a built-in year in practice.
You’ll study with experts specialising in a wide range of landscape disciplines, so wherever your interests lie – from planting design to national parks – we have academics who can support your professional ambitions.
You’ll receive broad training in landscape theories and creative techniques and choose whether to specialise in ecology or planning. And in year four, you’ll experience what it’s like to be a professional, and start thinking about the type of practice you aspire to work in.
Your final year helps to consolidate your skills and knowledge and culminates with a creative design project, tailored to your personal and professional interests. You’ll finish your degree by showing your work to prospective employers at our end of year exhibition.
Accreditation allows graduates to become a licentiate Member of the Landscape Institute, ready to start their Pathway to Chartership and become a Chartered Member of the Landscape Institute (CMLI).
A selection of modules are available each year - some examples are below. There may be changes before you start your course. From May of the year of entry, formal programme regulations will be available in our Programme Regulations Finder.
Choose a year to see modules for a level of study:
UCAS code: K310
Years: 2023, 2024, 2025
Before the end of your first year of study you'll choose to take either the BA (planning) or BSc (ecology) specialism. The option you choose is not reflected in the MLA degree title but you can highlight your chosen option in your CV and portfolio.
Core modules:
- Reading the Contemporary Landscape
This module introduces students to the full scope and diversity of landscape architecture and the role of landscape architects in tackling contemporary social and environmental issues, presenting and giving examples of the areas of practice known as design, management and planning, with particular reference to the Sheffield area. The role of the Landscape Institute is also introduced. The aim of this module is to familiarise students with the range of work undertaken by landscape architects and the challenges the profession seeks to address.
20 credits - Space Making
An understanding of the dynamic qualities of landscape and how space is formed, manipulated and communicated is central to the discipline of landscape architecture. This introductory module equips students with a range of skills and tools that enable them to evaluate existing designed landscapes and to present proposals for new landscapes. It will provide a basic introduction to materials of landscape and develop a theoretical understanding of the design process, use of precedent and different approaches to creating original and creative design solutions. The module will also introduce a limited pallet of trees and shrubs. This module is an opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge developed in ALA110 - Current Challenges in Planning Design and Management, and digital skills developed in ALA111 Presentation Communication and Research Skills.
20 credits - Presentation, Communication and Research Skills
This module is about introducing students to some of the skills and knowledge needed on this course in general, in this School, at this University and in the world of work. Communication is central to the profession of Landscape architecture in general and to this course in particular. The bulk of this module is about giving students some of the digital communication skills needed when communicating ideas in the rest of this course and, later, in the workplace. The module will explain and help students to understand learning methods used in the School of Architecture and Landscape. The module will also introduce some of the tools needed for academic and professional life, including navigating and using the library, correctly referencing your work and avoiding plagiarism.
20 credits - Histories of Landscape Architecture
This course is designed firstly to provide a broad introduction to the discipline of Landscape Architecture and develop an interest in the study of designed landscapes. In order to do this it aims to create awareness and promote a working knowledge of the theoretical context of the profession including: 1. A working knowledge of the terminology defining landscape architecture, garden design and place making. 2. A basic chronology of the history of the profession. 3. A basic understanding of how various theories which have influenced landscape design are related to social, cultural, ecological (environmental) and economical contexts.
20 credits - The Changing Landscape
This module aims to: - Introduce landscape and environmental planning as a means of intervening in landscape at the large scale. - Provide an understanding of landscape formation, change and the drivers of change. - Introduce the toolkit available to landscape planners. - Introduce the theory and technique of Landscape Character Assessment. - Develop report writing skills and visual literacy. - Introduce students to GIS. By the end of the module, students will be able to demonstrate understanding of/proficiency in: - The influences and processes that shape landscape. - The relationship between landscape planning and landscape policy. - Sourcing and interpreting landscape information. - Appreciating the (sometimes controversial) nature of landscape change. - Landscape Character and Landscape Character Assessment at an introductory level. Communicating landscape data and analysis at a planning scale in a critical imaginative and creative manner.
20 credits - The Dynamic Landscape
This unit is designed to further develop the landscape design skills and knowledge gained in the 1st semester. The module runs over 12 weeks and will be largely studio-based, but there will be field trips and visits. Based on one site students will work through all the stages of design development from site analysis through to final presentation. Precedent will be used to inform practice and students will undertake self-directed study to build knowledge of the theoretical basis of the design approach in such settings. Students will further develop their understanding of and use of landform manipulation, vegetation and other built structures to create a variety of space and experience. Studio exercises and seminars will be central to the learning process. Particular emphasis will be placed on the interaction with water and approaches to the 'water's edge' in the landscape. Graphic skills, freehand and technical, needed to convey ideas at both the design development and the presentation stage (essential to the landscape architect ) will be developed with further teaching in the area of digital design communication. Development of the knowledge of vegetation, particularly native trees, and its use and place in the landscape will take place through taught sessions, field study and individual research.
20 credits
Core modules:
- Exploration of Contemporary Landscapes
This module aims to engage students in current practice in landscape architecture through inquiry based learning. Contemporary issues are introduced and critiqued primarily through participation in a staff-led Field study trip. Students undertake reading and case studies analysis prior to the trip, conduct on site observations of existing landscapes and make drawings. Afterwards this is used to develop a digital portfolio on their chosen area of inquiry.
20 credits - Ecological Processes, Design & Management
This module introduces the principles and practice of landscape ecology and ecological design and their application in a variety of contexts. Key ecological concepts such as 'biodiversity' and 'ecosystems services' are introduced and the special nature of urban ecology and its relevance to the design of urban green spaces is explored. Through lectures and site visits the structure and functioning of key UK biotypes, their characteristics and application on the designed landscape are explained, and particular emphasis is placed on the creative application of these in order to deliver ecosystems services and biodiversity. Site based project work is used to allow students to develop their own ecologically inspired concepts and designs for multifunctional green infrastructure that benefits both people and wildlife and to demonstrate their ability to communicate their knowledge of ecological principles and design to different audiences.Knowledge and skills developed will build on modules taken at level 1.
20 credits - Materials of Landscape - Planting Design
This module introduces students to plants used by landscape architects in urban and rural landscape and how these can be used to develop effective planting design. Knowledge and skills developed will be built on in modules the following year. By the end of the module students will be familiar with a basic palette of plants for use in design, their botanical names, visual and use characteristics familiar with key aesthetic, functional and ecological principles under pinning planting design: have practised the basic principles of plant selection according to site conditions: have developed stimulating, creative, attractive and easily interpreted planting plans and sections - elevations based on colour, textural and structural characteristics: have evaluated the structural role of plants in defining landscape spaces at a range of scales.
20 credits - Materials of Landscape - Construction Design
This module introduces the basic principles of landscape construction. It will demonstrate that construction is an integral component of the designed landscape creating its own design opportunities and constraints. Students will study the functional, aesthetic and technical properties of a range of different landscape components. They will undertake on-site observations and produce a range of contractual drawings for a small scale design project. Computer aided design will form an integral part of the project and will be used to produce technical details. This module is closely integrated with ALA210 Landscape Design, Exploration and Intervention. Students are encouraged to take forward their detailed design proposals from this module and to develop a more comprehensive understanding of material selection and the relationship with design detailing.
20 credits - Landscape Design - Exploration and Intervention
Successful design of shared places demands innovative thinking to respond to shifting contexts and actions in a world of increasing complexity and diversity. This module focuses on approaches for generating original site-specific concepts and resolving these at a range of planning and design scales. An urban area is thoroughly explored, critiqued and communicated through on-site and multi-media activities. Students research and adapt precedent studies in art practice, urban realm interventions and emergent placemaking, and actively reflect on their own design process. These inform aims for regeneration and public engagement, the design of an urban public open space, and detailed design integrating hard and soft landscape materials.
20 credits
Optional modules:
- Landscape Planning for a Changing World
This module explores the relationship between landscape,planning, policy and governance at different scales and in different contexts. This ranges from international decision-making frameworks down to individual sites in different contexts. Students will learn about the impact of policy and ideas on landscape and vice versa, and explore the role of landscape planning tools, techniques and methodologies within the wider planning framework. The module will examine how decisions about landscape are made and the effects they have from the strategic to the site scale.
20 credits
- Landscape Ecology - Habitat Survey Techniques
This module will allow student to:
20 credits
* Introduce students to a range of ecological survey techniques.
* Improve their identification skills and knowledge of UK flora and fauna.
* Provide an opportunity for students to synthesise field data, review published science data and formulate a professional report.
By the end of the unit students should be able to demonstrate the ability to: *apply basic ecological survey techniques: Phase 1 and Phase 2 habitat surveys: * understand the importance of plant, bird, badger and bat surveys, and the use of key indicators: *identify advantages/constraints of different surveying approaches: *develop field craft skills: *appraise the ecological value of a particular site: *provide a concise scientifically-documented report on the ecological value of one of the sites surveyed: *understand conservation measures and related management approaches.
Core modules:
- Sustainable Communities
Sustainable communities is a module focusing on people and landscape. It introduces students to the theories and practice of the social nature of sustainable communities with a particular emphasis on diverse and under-represented users. It provides the foundation to develop an understanding about planning, designing and managing landscapes for users needs and desires.
20 credits - Site Planning For Sustainable Housing
This module will introduce the context and requirements of sustainable housing provision with a particular emphasis on how this might be achieved through a holistic landscape vision. It will provide the opportunity to explore different approaches to the sustainable development of a housing site, socially, ecologically and economically. By the end of this module students will be able to demonstrate 1. an understanding as to how different housing theories and typologies affect sustainability. 2. an awareness of the political and financial issues surrounding the provision of housing. 3. Their ability to challenge conventional ideas about living and housing. 4. How a specific layout contributes to social, economical and ecological sustainability. 5. An understanding of the design process from writing a brief to masterplanning, and skills in communicating design proposals.
20 credits - Integrated Urban Design Project
The integrated urban design focuses on developing proposals for an area of urban greenspace regeneration from the initial planning strategies through to site masterplanning and detailed design. The module is closely integrated with the Materials of Landscape module ALA327, and also draws on and applies theoretical material delivered in specialist Ecology and Planning modules. The module requires students to develop their own design manifesto in response to the client brief and also in response to contemporary social and environmental challenges. The module looks to build on skills in landscape spatial design and communication through a reflective design research process which also draws on and applies critical analysis of relevant precedent studies.
20 credits - Materials of Landscape - Detailed Design
This module further develops knowledge and skills in detailed landscape design. It is focussed on developing the ability in students to demonstrate appreciation and knowledge of landscape materiality and the integration of organic and inorganic elements. It enables students to: produce a range of drawings which appropriately communicate the detailed design of soft and hard elements; select vegetation and hard materials in response to site conditions and design framework; demonstrate understanding of plant growth and establishment and appropriate construction techniques. It is integrated with ALA344 Integrated Urban Design Project, in that it follows the same overall development brief and site, and materiality exploration will feed into the design work you produce for that module (design strategy, masterplan, detail design). This module forms part of a programme of study accredited by the Landscape Institute.
20 credits
Optional module:
- Landscape Planning Toolkits
On completing this module students will:- have gained an overview of contemporary landscape planning tools- be aware of the legislative basis to environmental impact assessment and the circumstances in which it is likely to take place- understand the scope of the process and the steps that are involved, distinguishing between the assessment process itself and the environmental statement- have gained knowledge and understanding of the range of environmental topics covered in environmental impact assessment and the techniques involved- have understood the place that considerations of landscape and visual impact play in the process- have gained practical experience of assessing the landscape and visual impacts of a development scheme- understand some of the methods of presenting information on landscape and visual impacts in an environmental statement.
20 credits - Landscape Planning - Urban Regeneration
This module addresses the patterns and processes of urban development, examining theories and typologies of urban form, the drivers of urban change and urban regeneration. It investigates the relationship between urban form and urban greenspace and the implications for green infrastructure. Students are expected to research and present understanding of a core component of relevant literature, and relate this to examples of urban form, and to devise a masterplan for a previously developed site in Sheffield, drawing on their understanding of history and theory of urban development and using precedent to inform their approach. The course uses a mixture of lectures, field work, workshops and studio based independent study to provide insight into planning and design approaches and languages relevant to successful urban regeneration. It aims to give students knowledge and understanding of the complex planning and design frameworks within which different aspects of urban regeneration take place.
20 credits - Green Infrastructure and Ecological Masterplanning
This module aims, through a site-based project, to apply the principles of ecological design and sustainable landscape management to a medium-large unit of urban greenspace. The integration of scientific ecological knowledge with creative design skills is central to the module. Emphasis is placed on enhancing biodiversity and developing appropriate vegetation types, while at the same time catering for the needs of site users. The importance of urban green networks and green links is stressed. Emphasis is placed on the use of locally appropriate species and habitats. The module will introduce students to knowledge and techniques applicable to specified topics within landscape ecology, ecological design, and ecological landscape management and enable students to undertake independent research into specified topics and apply their findings to tightly defined design or management scenarios. Specific focus is given to environmental engineering topics such as green roofs and water sensitive design, and their relationship with urban biodiversity
20 credits - Landscape Ecology - Habitat Creation and Restoration
This module will introduce students to the theory and practice of restoration ecology and vegetation management. It will provide the rationale as to why certain landscapes become degraded and require restoration. Students will develop an awareness of habitat creation and the appropriate design / management strategies that can be employed to enhance the value of a site for wildlife. It additionally aims to provide students with the practical knowledge and skills to optimise landscape management for biodiversity and provides experience in developing a fully integrated Management Plan.
20 credits
By the end of this module students will:
Understand and apply a range of appropriate restoration techniques to different habitat types.
Appreciate the historical legacy surrounding key landscape / habitat types.
Identify the factors that constitute a degraded landscape.
Identify key characteristics that define 'high-value biodiversity' habitats.
Implement designs that promote ecological function and habitat creation.
Devise restoration and management plans that complement the design objectives, and ensure the on-going improvement of the site/s for wildlife and other key agreed objectives.
Put into practice a number of important habitat management techniques.
Core modules:
- Landscape Architecture Integrated Masters Year in Practice
This module enables students to spend their fourth year of the 5-year Integrated Masters working in a 'course relevant' role in industry. Students will secure their own, 9 months plus (fte), placement in a 'course relevant' organisation. This enables them to gain wide ranging experiences and opportunities that put their academic studies into context and improve their professional skills. Students will also benefit from experiencing the culture in industry, making contacts, and the placement will support them in their preparation for subsequent employment. Students will be expected to undertake at least 9 months in a relevant industry placement though the experience could be spread over 2 organisations or types of activity either simultaneously or consecutively. Students will complete a pre placement Skills and Knowledge self assessment. During the placement, they will maintain a Skills and Knowledge record, prepare a self-reflection document and also develop a visual portfolio, to be reviewed at 'checkpoints' during the year, and submitted at the end of the module.
120 credits
Core modules:
- Landscape Research as Creative Practice
This module will introduce students to landscape research as a creative practice in order to address questions and challenges relating to current landscape practice, setting the stage and supporting preparation for further research through the Final Landscape Project in the Spring semester and, for MA students, through the Landscape Dissertation. Students will learn how to find sources of information, how to critically review and analyse this information and how to use and present the findings from this research. They will understand the relevance of research to their own project outputs and how research and evidence-based practice can underpin the planning, design and management of the landscape more generally. They will appreciate how research enables them to critically appraise a project and how they can inform, inspire and enrich their own work with the knowledge and insights gained from their research.
15 credits - Professional Skills and Technologies
This module offers intermediate or advanced level training in a variety of specific skills sought by contemporary landscape practices and responds to the requirements of the professional accreditation body (Landscape Institute). It also draws from current professional practice requirements in liaison with alumni and professional practitioners to develop a suite of training workshops to ensure that students are well equipped to respond to the needs of the profession and for finding employment.
15 credits
Recognising the diverse backgrounds and interests of students on the programme, a suite of options is offered and students will select the options which align most closely with their interests or which fill gaps in their prior training. The outputs of these workshops, as well as work undertaken in previous semesters and/or in previous employment, are arranged into a personalised portfolio of work suitable for employment applications. - Professional Practice of Landscape Architecture
This module provides students with an introduction to elements of the landscape profession that they are required to understand in order to become practising landscape architects and, in time, Chartered Members of the Landscape Institute. Three broad subject areas are covered: Professional Practice, Landscape and Environmental Law, and Landscape Contracts. These will touch upon issues related to working as a professional landscape architect, relevant landscape and environmental law and contract law as it applies to the practice of landscape architecture and the nature, forms and use of contracts in the landscape profession.
15 credits - Final Landscape Project
The Final Landscape Project aims to develop students' readiness to enter the profession by completing a largely independent project from start to finish to a professional standard. Through close collaboration with academic tutors and in parallel with a defined tutorial group, the final project aligns with a chosen design, planning, or management 'agenda' put forth by department tutors. This therefore aims to push the boundaries of the landscape disciplines through research design. As such, the final project undertaken in the Spring semester grows out of focused research into a specific topic already undertaken in the Autumn semester.
30 credits
The aim of the project is to demonstrate the ability to integrate the knowledge and skills acquired in the programme and to apply these in an appropriate way to address the issues posed by the chosen project. Aligned with their tutors' agenda or research question, with the tutor acting as a client or consultant, students will manage their time and develop their required tasks and outputs independently. - Experimental Landscape Design
This module will enable students to explore experimental and innovative design approaches. It will give them the opportunity to develop a supplementary significant design output in a largely independent manner. To achieve their aims, students may choose to enrol in one of several advanced workshops offered through the department, or may identify an independent topic of interest and formulate a work plan and output schedule after identifying learning resources which will help them achieve their goals. Interim results are shared with tutors and other students at defined intervals and are presented in a public forum at the end of the semester.
15 credits
Optional modules:
- Advanced Landscape Design - Conceptual and Strategic
This module offers options for students to develop a creative, original, and appropriate response to a hypothetical or real site-scale landscape related project which might be encountered in practice. While various scales should be considered, there will be a particular focus on conceptual and strategic exploration of key issues related to landscape architecture design, which might include themes such as 'Sustainable Landscape Design', 'Design with Water' or 'Design for Climate Change'. Students will explore concepts and strategies to develop advanced and original landscape design proposals. Students are encouraged to be innovative and experimental in both the design response and their visual representation, while at the same time demonstrating good judgement in terms of project feasibility as well as social and environmental responsibility. A specific site and brief will be presented at the start of the module.
15 credits - Advanced Landscape Planning - Global Issues
This module offers options for students to develop an informed, coherent, and rational response to a particular landscape planning challenge and context, demonstrating a high level of sensitivity to, and understanding of, the underlying environmental, social and political dynamics. While many scales should be considered, the emphasis is on establishing a set of recommendations, policies and/or guidelines for future development under various scenarios indicating the character of potential interventions in complex real or hypothetical contexts. Students will explore global issues related to landscape planning, which might include themes such as 'Nature Based Solutions', 'Integrated Water Management' or 'Urban Heat Island'. Recommendations should be based on a sound methodology and should be communicated in a clear, coherent, succinct and accessible way comprehensible both by other landscape professionals and by the broader public. A specific brief will be presented at the start of the module.
15 credits - Advanced Landscape Management - Managing for Change
This module offers options for students to understand specific management principles and guidelines based on the constraints and challenges of a specific real or hypothetical site, study area or type of environment. The emphasis will be on exploring social change, climate change and ecological change considering a variety of landscape scales, developments and spatial patterns. Responses should demonstrate an understanding of landscape management and how these might change or develop over time, showing sensitivity to the ecological, social and political dynamics currently at play. A specific study area and brief will be presented at the start of the module.
15 credits - Advanced Landscape Design - Materiality of Landscape
This module offers options for students to develop a creative, original, and appropriate response to a hypothetical or real site-scale landscape related project which might be encountered in practice. While various scales should be considered, there will be a particular focus on detailed landscape design proposals. Students will explore qualities and materiality of landscape spaces through creative and original outputs. The exploration might include considerations related to 'Materiality and Identity', 'Environmental Impact' or 'Sensory Experiences'. Students are encouraged to be innovative and experimental in both the design response and proposals as well as their visual representation, while at the same time demonstrating good judgement in terms of project feasibility as well as social and environmental responsibility. A specific site and brief will be presented at the start of the module.
15 credits - Advanced Landscape Planning - Local Engagement
This module offers options for students to develop an informed, coherent and rational response to a particular landscape planning challenge and context, demonstrating a high level of sensitivity to, and understanding of, the underlying environmental, social and political dynamics. The emphasis is on establishing a set of recommendations, policies and/or guidelines for future development under various scenarios, indicating the character of potential processes and responses in complex real contexts. The exploration focuses on local communities engagement and inclusive planning processes, which might include themes such as 'Active Participation', 'Empowerment' or 'Long Term Engagement'. Recommendations should be based on a sound methodology and should be communicated in a clear, coherent, succinct and accessible way comprehensible both by professionals and the broader public. A specific brief will be presented at the start of the module.
15 credits - Advanced Landscape Management - Stewardship
This module offers options for students to develop maintenance principles and a set of guidelines based on the constraints and challenges of a specific real project site. Students are encouraged to be innovative and experimental in their exploration of the stewardship of a specific site, in order to respond to the challenges presented by social change, climate change and environmental change with an emphasis on long term solutions and stewardship. Responses should demonstrate an understanding of practical processes and solutions taking into account the specificity of a wide range of landscapes, showing sensitivity to the ecological, social and political dynamics currently at play and anticipating how these might change in the future. A specific site and brief will be presented at the start of the module
15 credits
The content of our courses is reviewed annually to make sure it's up-to-date and relevant. Individual modules are occasionally updated or withdrawn. This is in response to discoveries through our world-leading research; funding changes; professional accreditation requirements; student or employer feedback; outcomes of reviews; and variations in staff or student numbers. In the event of any change we will inform students and take reasonable steps to minimise disruption.
Learning and assessment
The studio is the heart of learning and is where you’ll participate in workshops, small group seminars, tutorials and project reviews.
Studio learning is supported by lectures, site visits, field trips and practical sessions in our newly opened Print and Make workshop.
Our world-renowned academics are regularly sought out to work on prestigious projects like London’s Olympic Park and through their research, contribute to influencing policy and shaping landscape practice.
We enjoy strong links with some of the best-known names in our profession and regularly welcome leading practitioners, including Piet Oudolf, Martha Schwartz and Charlie Burrell, to deliver guest lectures.
You will be assessed through group and individual coursework, which may include design portfolios, written reports or presentations.
Feedback will be given throughout the semester via tutorials, interim and peer reviews.
The year in practice is assessed through a self-assessment of skills, a record of skills and knowledge gained and a portfolio.
You'll receive a graded mark (a first, 2:1, 2:2 etc) based on your grade point average of the type awarded in undergraduate degrees, including the BA/BSc that forms part of the modular route. The weighting of the different levels in the MLA is as follows:
- level 1 - not included
- level 2 - single weighting
- level 3 - double weighting
- level 4 (final year) - double weighting
Programme specification
This tells you the aims and learning outcomes of this course and how these will be achieved and assessed.
Entry requirements
With Access Sheffield, you could qualify for additional consideration or an alternative offer - find out if you're eligible.
The A Level entry requirements for this course are:
- A Levels + a fourth Level 3 qualification
- BBB + B in a relevant EPQ
- International Baccalaureate
- 33
- BTEC Extended Diploma
- DDD in a relevant subject
- BTEC Diploma
- DD + B at A Level
- Scottish Highers
- Welsh Baccalaureate + 2 A Levels
- B + AB at A Level
- Access to HE Diploma
- Award of Access to HE Diploma in a relevant subject, with 45 credits at Level 3, including 30 at Distinction and 15 at Merit
Evidence of artistic ability in the form of a portfolio
The A Level entry requirements for this course are:
- A Levels + a fourth Level 3 qualification
- BBB + B in a relevant EPQ
- International Baccalaureate
- 32
- BTEC Extended Diploma
- DDM in a relevant subject
- BTEC Diploma
- DD + B at A Level
- Scottish Highers
- Welsh Baccalaureate + 2 A Levels
- B + BB at A Level
- Access to HE Diploma
- Award of Access to HE Diploma in a relevant subject, with 45 credits at Level 3, including 24 at Distinction and 21 at Merit
Evidence of artistic ability in the form of a portfolio
You must demonstrate that your English is good enough for you to successfully complete your course. For this course we require: GCSE English Language at grade 4/C; IELTS grade of 6.5 with a minimum of 6.0 in each component; or an alternative acceptable English language qualification
Equivalent English language qualifications
Visa and immigration requirements
Other qualifications | UK and EU/international
If you have any questions about entry requirements, please contact the school/department.
Graduate careers
School of Architecture and Landscape
As a landscape architecture graduate you will find yourself in high demand. Regular employability support and networking activities during your time at Sheffield will prepare you well for these future opportunities. Leading industry figures attend our end-of-year exhibition and regularly advertise vacancies with us. Our graduates work all over the world and find employment in private practice, community development agencies, local authorities and national governments.
Alumni include a former President of the International Federation of Landscape Architects and multiple RHS medal winners.
My time in Sheffield changed my mind, and that which I learned in the department shaped my career, allowing me to develop in different ways to undertake my professional practice
Gloria Aponte
Distinguished alumna of the School of Architecture and Landscape, who was recently awarded the President’s Award from International Federation of Landscape Architects
School of Architecture and Landscape
Guardian University Guide 2025
National Student Survey 2024

Landscape architecture is about the design, planning and management of places that benefit people and nature. Landscape architects create spaces between buildings that are both inspirational and functional. If you have a flair for creativity and a passion for improving the environment and people's lives, then landscape architecture could be for you.
You'll learn from experts who are involved in some of the most exciting landscape design work in the world today.
Sheffield is a dynamic city and an ideal place in which to study landscape architecture. Its changing face has been shaped by school-led initiatives like Grey to Green and Love Square, which give students the chance to be involved with live projects and see the difference landscape architecture can make. Sheffield combines the urban with awe-inspiring views of the neighbouring Peak District, making it a rich learning and research environment.
School of Architecture and Landscape students are based in the Arts Tower; an iconic building with panoramic views across Sheffield. You'll also attend lectures at venues across campus and travel further afield for site visits.
Our studios facilitate digital and hands-on design practice and supply everything you’ll need, including drawing boards, a wireless network and kitchen space.
The newly opened Print and Make workshop, which comes equipped with an array of mechanical and hand tools - from laser cutters, CNC routers, bandsaws and a casting room - helps you to develop your understanding of how to design and craft with different materials.
School IT suites come supplied with recently upgraded, high specification computers, a range of industry standard and specialist software and are supported by an in-house team of IT and graphics experts.
University rankings
Number one in the Russell Group
National Student Survey 2024 (based on aggregate responses)
92 per cent of our research is rated as world-leading or internationally excellent
Research Excellence Framework 2021
University of the Year and best for Student Life
Whatuni Student Choice Awards 2024
Number one Students' Union in the UK
Whatuni Student Choice Awards 2024, 2023, 2022, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017
Number one for Students' Union
StudentCrowd 2024 University Awards
A top 20 university targeted by employers
The Graduate Market in 2023, High Fliers report
A top-100 university: 12th in the UK and 98th in the world
Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2025
Fees and funding
The MLA is charged at the undergraduate rate: four years of undergraduate fees, plus the fee for the year in practice which is equivalent to 13% of the undergraduate fee.
Additional costs
The annual fee for your course includes a number of items in addition to your tuition. If an item or activity is classed as a compulsory element for your course, it will normally be included in your tuition fee. There are also other costs which you may need to consider.
Funding your study
Depending on your circumstances, you may qualify for a bursary, scholarship or loan to help fund your study and enhance your learning experience.
Use our Student Funding Calculator to work out what you’re eligible for.
Additional funding
The MLA allows Home fee status students to claim undergraduate funding from Student Finance for the full five years of their programme, including the year in practice.
If you are a Home fee paying student receiving funding from Student Finance on the MLA and are interested in doing more than one year out for the year in practice, you'll need to get permission from Student Finance if you want to continue to receive funding for the duration of the programme.
Past experience suggests that this is possible, but each application has to be considered by Student Finance on its own merits. It may be difficult to get permission to take more than two years out.
University open days
We host five open days each year, usually in June, July, September, October and November. You can talk to staff and students, tour the campus and see inside the accommodation.
Subject tasters
If you’re considering your post-16 options, our interactive subject tasters are for you. There are a wide range of subjects to choose from and you can attend sessions online or on campus.
Offer holder days
If you've received an offer to study with us, we'll invite you to one of our offer holder days, which take place between February and April. These open days have a strong department focus and give you the chance to really explore student life here, even if you've visited us before.
Campus tours
Our weekly guided tours show you what Sheffield has to offer - both on campus and beyond. You can extend your visit with tours of our city, accommodation or sport facilities.
Events for mature students
Mature students can apply directly to our courses. We also offer degrees with a foundation year for mature students who are returning to education. We'd love to meet you at one of our events, open days, taster workshops or other events.
The awarding body for this course is the University of Sheffield.
Recognition of professional qualifications: from 1 January 2021, in order to have any UK professional qualifications recognised for work in an EU country across a number of regulated and other professions you need to apply to the host country for recognition. Read information from the UK government and the EU Regulated Professions Database.
Any supervisors and research areas listed are indicative and may change before the start of the course.