What Parents and Communities of Faith are saying about RSE
Parents and communities of faith express a wide range of views about RSE. Some are very positive and supportive, while others are undecided, and others are strongly opposed to this form of education.
The Sex Education curriculum is evil, and your ideas of a ‘healthy relationship’ are not healthy to us.”
Parent of Faith, Sheffield
I feel this is a parent’s duty to teach / discuss these sensitive topics, not schools.”
Parent of Faith, Sheffield
I think I am probably much more liberal in my ideas compared to other religious parents, so I am pleased that the schools are doing this. As religious people we have an obligation to not cause harm to others, and healthy relationships and these topics are a part of that.”
Parent of Faith, Sheffield
I am okay with it if it taught around our belief and faith.”
Parent of Faith, Sheffield
Many of the parents we spoke to were unaware of the RSE curriculum. Some lacked accurate knowledge of the age at which children begin sex education, and of the content of this teaching.
I think there are so many other parents out there like me who didn’t know of these changes.”
Parent of Faith, Sheffield
How are we supposed to believe these things are changing if nobody is telling us?”
Parent of Faith, Sheffield
Many parents would like better communication with schools. Some would like the opportunity to ask questions and express concerns.
“We need people to come to our communities and communicate this, parents are still worried and pulling their children out of schools, but maybe if they knew this they wouldn’t.”
Parent of Faith, Sheffield
For some parents of faith, whose first language is not English, language presents a barrier between the family and the school.
Some parents felt that teachers and schools lacked awareness and understanding of their culture and religion.
Religion plays a foundation role in how topics relating to RSE are approached in the home, and influences how RSE in the classroom is wished to be taught. Differing interpretations of faith influences differing interpretations of RSE.
“My faith shows very much what I believe about this topic. In The Bible I understand that we shouldn't be talking about this with our children from a young age.”
Parent of Faith, Sheffield
Some members of faith groups do express concerns and objections to aspects of RSE, and some of these cite their faith as the reason. Open discussion of same sex sexuality was among the commonly cited concerns; another was explicit discussion of any form of sex, including safe sex and sexual consent.
Man and man and women and women relationships are not good things to be teaching at school.”
Parent of Faith, Sheffield
My religion looks a lot on shame, honour, being respectable. We cannot teach kids in primary from specific cultures about sex and relationships. We should find a balance to promote family values, and happy values about being in a positive relationship.”
Parent of Faith, Sheffield