Information on the impact the project has had via publications and presentations.

Storying Relationships project publications that include published works, forthcoming papers and articles currently under-review.
- Journals
Phillips R., Ali N. R. and Chambers C.G. (2019) Critical Collaborative Storying: Making an Animated Film about Halal Dating. Cultural Geographies. (In press).
Ali N. R., Phillips R., Chambers C.G., Hopkins P. and Pande R. (2019) Halal dating: Changing relationship attitudes and experiences among young British Muslims. Sexualities.
Chambers C.G., Phillips R., Ali N. R., Hopkins P. and Pande R. (2018) ‘Sexual Misery’ or ‘Happy British Muslims’?: Contemporary Depictions of Muslim Sexuality. Ethnicities. ETN-17-0012.R2. ISSN 1741-2706.
Chambers C.G., Ali N. and Phillips R. (2020) A Match Made in Heaven: British Muslim Women Write about Love and Desire. Hope Road (Forthcoming, 2020).
Phillips R., Chambers C.G., and Ali N. (2019) Storying Relationships: Young British Muslims Speak and Write about Sex and Love. Zed. (Forthcoming, 2020).
Phillips R. and Kara H. (Eds.) Creative Writing for Social Research. Policy Press (Forthcoming).
- Conferences
Ali, N. and Phillips, R. (2019) 'Research For, By and With Muslims'. Invited to host two panel sessions at the National Geographers Meeting (NGM) Trondheim, 16-18 June.
Ali, N. (2019) 'Storying Relationships: What We Can and Can't Talk About?' Invited to present as part of the British Islam Conference 2019, in association with New Horizons. New Inn Yard, London, Saturday 23-24 February.
Ali, N. (2019) Staff training workshop for Apna Haq. Rotherham, 3 July.