Professor Michael Barkham
School of Psychology
Professor of Clinical Psychology

+44 114 222 6610
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School of Psychology
Cathedral Court
1 Vicar Lane
S1 2LT
- Profile
I currently work and collaborate with colleagues based in the PEARLS Lab ( in the Clinical and Applied Psychology Unit within the Department. A common thread of my work comprises the complementary methodologies of practice-based evidence (large routine datasets) and pragmatic randomised controlled trials in the psychological therapies. I have longstanding collaborations with international researchers, particularly in Germany, the Netherlands, and the US. Recent texts include: Bergin and Garfield's Handbook of Psychotherapy and Behavior Change (Eds. M. Barkham, W. Lutz, & L. G. Castonguay), Wiley, 2021; Routine Outcome Monitoring and Feedback in Psychological Therapies (K. de Jong, J. Delgadillo, & M. Barkham), Open University Press, 2023.
- Research interests
My research interests focus on psychological therapies
- Publications
Show: Featured publications All publications
Featured publications
Edited books
Journal articles
- How should we evaluate research on counselling and the treatment of depression? A case study on how the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence's draft 2018 guideline for depression considered what counts as best evidence. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 17(4), 253-268. View this article in WRRO
- The comparative effectiveness and efficiency of cognitive behaviour therapy and generic counselling in the treatment of depression: evidence from the 2(nd) UK National Audit of psychological therapies. BMC Psychiatry, 17(1). View this article in WRRO
- A pragmatic randomised controlled trial assessing the non-inferiority of counselling for depression versus cognitive-behaviour therapy for patients in primary care meeting a diagnosis of moderate or severe depression (PRaCTICED): Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.. Trials, 18(1), 93-93. View this article in WRRO
- Patterns of therapist variability: therapist effects and the contribution of patient severity and risk.. J Consult Clin Psychol, 80(4), 535-546. View this article in WRRO
- Using rasch analysis to form plausible health states amenable to valuation: The development of CORE-6D from a measure of common mental health problems (CORE-OM). Quality of Life Research, 20(3), 321-333. View this article in WRRO
- Effectiveness of cognitive-behavioural, person-centred, and psychodynamic therapies in UK primary-care routine practice: replication in a larger sample.. Psychol Med, 38(5), 677-688.
- Dose-effect relations and responsive regulation of treatment duration: the good enough level.. J Consult Clin Psychol, 74(1), 160-167.
- Predicting change for individual psychotherapy clients on the basis of their nearest neighbors.. J Consult Clin Psychol, 73(5), 904-913.
All publications
- Psychodynamic-Interpersonal Therapy: A Conversational Model. SAGE Publications Ltd.
- Clinical Psychology I: Assessment and Formulation. SAGE Publications Ltd.
- Clinical Psychology II: Treatment Models and Interventions. SAGE Publications Ltd.
Edited books
- Developing and Delivering Practice-Based Evidence: A Guide for the Psychological Therapies..
Journal articles
- How Therapists Operationalise the Experiential Components of Person‐Centred Experiential Therapy in the Treatment of Depression: Generating Psychotherapeutic Exemplars for Training Practitioners. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 25(1).
- Evaluating the evidence base for university counseling services and their effectiveness using core measures: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders, S0165-0327(24)02003.
- Transforming the Effectiveness and Equity of a Psychological Therapy Service: A Case Study in the English NHS Talking Therapies Program. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 1-18.
- Variability in treatment effects in an English national dataset of psychological therapies: The relationships between severity, treatment duration, and therapy type. Journal of Affective Disorders, 362, 244-255.
- Adopting the principles and practices of learning health systems in universities and colleges: recommendations for delivering actionable data to improve student mental health. Cogent Mental Health, 3(1), 1-30.
- What factors facilitate partnerships between higher education and local mental health services for students? A case study collective. BMJ Open, 13(12), e077040-e077040.
- Implementing precision methods in personalizing psychological therapies: Barriers and possible ways forward. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 104443-104443.
- A Clinical Leadership Lens on Implementing Progress Feedback in Three Countries: Development of a Multidimensional Qualitative Coding Scheme. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 1-17.
- Overcoming the Scourge of Missing Data in Psychotherapy Trials—Reply. JAMA Psychiatry, 80(9), 970-970.
- The impact of psychological distress and university counselling on academic outcomes: analysis of a routine practice‐based dataset. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research.
- Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of supported mindfulness-based cognitive therapy self-help compared with supported cognitive behavioral therapy self-help for adults experiencing depression. JAMA Psychiatry.
- Routine Outcome Monitoring (ROM) and feedback: research review and recommendations. Psychotherapy Research.
- Telephone treatments in improving access to psychological therapies services: an analysis of use and impact on treatment uptake. BMC Psychiatry, 23.
- Early response as a prognostic indicator in person-centered experiential therapy for depression.. Journal of Counseling Psychology.
- Enhancing the evidence base for spiritually integrated psychotherapies : progressing the paradigm of practice-based evidence. Psychotherapy.
- Using routine outcome measures as clinical process tools : maximising the therapeutic yield in the IAPT programme when working remotely. Psychology and Psychotherapy.
- The 50th Anniversary Edition of Bergin and Garfield's Handbook of Psychotherapy and Behavior Change. Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, Medizinische Psychologie, 72(1), 7-8.
- Stratified care vs stepped care for depression : a cluster randomized clinical trial. JAMA Psychiatry. View this article in WRRO
- Student mental health profiles and barriers to help seeking: When and why students seek help for a mental health concern. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 21(4), 816-826.
- Using rich data to inform student mental health practice and policy. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 21(4), 751-756.
- Enhancing the Behaviour Change Wheel with synthesis, stakeholder involvement and decision-making: a case example using the 'Enhancing the Quality of Psychological Interventions Delivered by Telephone' (EQUITy) research programme.. Implementation Science, 16. View this article in WRRO
- Person‐centred experiential therapy: Perceptions of trainers and developers. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. View this article in WRRO
- Humanistic counselling plus pastoral care as usual versus pastoral care as usual for the treatment of psychological distress in adolescents in UK state schools (ETHOS): a randomised controlled trial. The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health, 5(3), 178-189.
- Telephone delivery of psychological interventions: balancing protocol with patient-centred care. Social Science & Medicine, 113818.
- Prevalence and risk factors for mental health problems in university undergraduate students: A systematic review with meta-analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders.
- Profiling student mental health and counselling effectiveness: lessons from four UK services using complete data and different outcome measures. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling. View this article in WRRO
- Towards greater bandwidth for standardised outcome measures. The Lancet Psychiatry, 8(1), 17-17.
- A systematic review and meta-analysis of the good-enough level (GEL) literature. Journal of Counseling Psychology. View this article in WRRO
- Mental health during COVID-19 lockdown in the United Kingdom. Psychosomatic Medicine, Publish Ahead of Print.
- Towards personalized allocation of patients to therapists. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. View this article in WRRO
- Low-Intensity Guided Help Through Mindfulness (LIGHTMIND): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial comparing supported mindfulness-based cognitive therapy self-help to supported cognitive behavioural therapy self-help for adults experiencing depression. Trials, 21(1). View this article in WRRO
- Therapist effects vary significantly across psychological treatment care sectors. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy. View this article in WRRO
- Are there interactional differences between telephone and face-to-face psychological therapy? A systematic review of comparative studies. Journal of Affective Disorders, 265, 120-131. View this article in WRRO
- The 2018 UK NHS Digital annual report on the improving access to psychological therapies programme : a brief commentary. BMC Psychiatry, 19(1). View this article in WRRO
- Counseling with guided use of a mobile well-being app for students experiencing anxiety or depression : clinical outcomes of a feasibility trial embedded in a student counseling service. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 7(8). View this article in WRRO
- Towards an evidence‐base for student wellbeing and mental health : definitions, developmental transitions and data sets. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. View this article in WRRO
- The relationship between expected engagement and talking therapy outcome. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy. View this article in WRRO
- Public Involvement in health outcomes research: lessons learnt from the development of the Recovering Quality of Life (ReQoL) measures.. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 17. View this article in WRRO
- Therapist and clinic effects in psychotherapy: a three-level model of outcome variability. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 87(4), 345-356. View this article in WRRO
- Exploring the item sets of the Recovering Quality of Life (ReQoL) measures using factor analysis. Quality of Life Research. View this article in WRRO
- Person-centred experiential therapy (PCET) training within a UK NHS IAPT service: experiences of selected counsellors in the PRaCTICED trial. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling. View this article in WRRO
- The effectiveness of high-intensity CBT and counselling alone and following low-intensity CBT: A reanalysis of the 2nd UK National Audit of Psychological Therapies data. BMC Psychiatry, 18. View this article in WRRO
- A systematic review of therapist effects:
A critical narrative update and refinement to Baldwin and Imel's (2013) review. Clinical Psychology Review. View this article in WRRO
- Correction to: Reliability of Therapist Effects in Practice-Based Psychotherapy Research: A Guide for the Planning of Future Studies. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research. View this article in WRRO
- Integrating Qualitative and Quantitative Data in the Development of Outcome Measures: The Case of the Recovering Quality of Life (ReQoL) Measures in Mental Health Populations. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(7), 1342-1342. View this article in WRRO
- Associations between therapists' occupational burnout and their patients' depression and anxiety treatment outcomes. Depression and Anxiety. View this article in WRRO
- Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of humanistic counselling in schools for young people with emotional distress (ETHOS): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials, 19(1). View this article in WRRO
- Recovering Quality of Life (ReQoL): a new generic self-reported outcome measure for use with people experiencing mental health difficulties. The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental science, 212(1), 42-49. View this article in WRRO
- How should we evaluate research on counselling and the treatment of depression? A case study on how the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence's draft 2018 guideline for depression considered what counts as best evidence. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 17(4), 253-268. View this article in WRRO
- The Counseling Center Assessment of Psychological Symptoms (CCAPS‐62): Acceptance, feasibility, and initial psychometric properties in a UK student population. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 24(5), 1178-1188. View this article in WRRO
- Challenges to addressing student mental health in embedded counselling services: a survey of UK higher and further education institutions. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 1-15. View this article in WRRO
- Recovery from depression: a systematic review of perceptions and associated factors. Journal of Mental Health, 1-13. View this article in WRRO
- The Role of Practitioner Resilience and Mindfulness in Effective Practice: A Practice-Based Feasibility Study. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 44(5), 691-704. View this article in WRRO
- The Role of Practice Research Networks (PRN) in the Development and Implementation of Evidence: The Northern Improving Access to Psychological Therapies PRN Case Study. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research. View this article in WRRO
- Low-intensity cognitive-behaviour therapy interventions for obsessive-compulsive disorder compared to waiting list for therapist-led cognitive-behaviour therapy: 3-arm randomised controlled trial of clinical effectiveness. PLOS Medicine, 14(6). View this article in WRRO
- The comparative effectiveness and efficiency of cognitive behaviour therapy and generic counselling in the treatment of depression: evidence from the 2(nd) UK National Audit of psychological therapies. BMC Psychiatry, 17(1). View this article in WRRO
- Clinical effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and acceptability of low-intensity interventions in the management of obsessive–compulsive disorder: the Obsessive–Compulsive Treatment Efficacy randomised controlled Trial (OCTET). Health Technology Assessment, 21(37), 1-132. View this article in WRRO
- Telephone-supported computerised cognitive–behavioural therapy: REEACT-2 large-scale pragmatic randomised controlled trial. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 210(5), 362-367. View this article in WRRO
- A pragmatic randomised controlled trial assessing the non-inferiority of counselling for depression versus cognitive-behaviour therapy for patients in primary care meeting a diagnosis of moderate or severe depression (PRaCTICED): Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.. Trials, 18(1), 93-93. View this article in WRRO
- Comparing counselling alone versus counselling supplemented with guided use of a well-being app for university students experiencing anxiety or depression (CASELOAD): protocol for a feasibility trial. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 3(1). View this article in WRRO
- Reliability of Therapist Effects in Practice-Based Psychotherapy Research: A Guide for the Planning of Future Studies. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 44(5), 598-613. View this article in WRRO
- View this article in WRRO
- The second Randomised Evaluation of the Effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and Acceptability of Computerised Therapy (REEACT-2) trial: does the provision of telephone support enhance the effectiveness of computer-delivered cognitive behaviour therapy? A randomised controlled trial.. Health Technology Assessment, 20(89), 1-64. View this article in WRRO
- Patient-Centered Assessment in Psychotherapy: Toward a Greater Bandwidth of Evidence. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 23(3), 284-287. View this article in WRRO
- A multi-service practice research network study of large group psychoeducational cognitive behavioural therapy. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 87, 155-161. View this article in WRRO
- The assessment of depression in people with multiple sclerosis: a systematic review of psychometric validation studies. BMC Psychiatry, 16. View this article in WRRO
- The Contribution of Therapist Effects to Patient Dropout and Deterioration in the Psychological Therapies. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy. View this article in WRRO
- The Relationship Between Therapist Effects and Therapy Delivery Factors: Therapy Modality, Dosage, and Non-completion.. Adm Policy Ment Health. View this article in WRRO
- A systematic review, evidence synthesis and meta-analysis of quantitative and qualitative studies evaluating the clinical effectiveness, the cost-effectiveness, safety and acceptability of interventions to prevent postnatal depression. Health Technology Assessment, 20(37), 1-414. View this article in WRRO
- Acceptability, reliability, referential distributions and sensitivity to change in the Young Person's Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation (YP-CORE) outcome measure: replication and refinement. Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 21(2), 115-123. View this article in WRRO
- Computerised cognitive behaviour therapy (cCBT) as treatment for depression in primary care (REEACT trial): large scale pragmatic randomised controlled trial. BMJ, 351. View this article in WRRO
- A mixed-method investigation of patient monitoring and enhanced feedback in routine practice: Barriers and facilitators. Psychotherapy Research, 25(6), 633-646. View this article in WRRO
- Duration of psychological therapy: Relation to recovery and improvement rates in UK routine practice. British Journal of Psychiatry, 207(2), 115-122.
- Therapist effects and moderators of effectiveness and efficiency in psychological wellbeing practitioners: A multilevel modelling analysis. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 69, 54-62. View this article in WRRO
- An investigation of client mood in the initial and final sessions of cognitive-behavioral therapy and psychodynamic-interpersonal therapy. Psychotherapy Research, 26(3), 377-385.
- “The Times They Are a-Changin'”*: 25 years ofPsychotherapy Research– A European and Latin American perspective. Psychotherapy Research, 25(3), 294-308. View this article in WRRO
- The clinical effectiveness of stepped care systems for depression in working age adults: A systematic review. Journal of Affective Disorders, 170, 119-130. View this article in WRRO
- Developing practice-based evidence: benefits, challenges, and tensions.. Psychother Res, 25(1), 20-31.
- Therapist effects and IAPT Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners (PWPs): A multilevel modelling and mixed methods analysis. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 63, 43-54. View this article in WRRO
- Obsessive Compulsive Treatment Efficacy Trial (OCTET) comparing the clinical and cost effectiveness of self-managed therapies: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.. Trials, 15, 278. View this article in WRRO
- Using generic preference-based measures in mental health: psychometric validity of the EQ-5D and SF-6D.. Br J Psychiatry, 205(3), 236-243.
- Cost-Effectiveness of Collaborative Care for Depression in UK Primary Care: Economic Evaluation of a Randomised Controlled Trial (CADET). PLoS ONE, 9(8). View this article in WRRO
- Predictors of patient non-attendance at Improving Access to Psychological Therapy services demonstration sites. Journal of Affective Disorders, 169, 157-164.
- A systematic review, psychometric analysis and qualitative assessment of Generic Preference-Based Measures of Health in Mental Health Populations and the estimation of mapping functions from widely used specific measures. Health Technology Assessment, 18(34).
- Zone of proximal development (ZPD) as an ability to play in psychotherapy: a theory-building case study of very brief therapy.. Psychol Psychother, 87(4), 447-464.
- Practice-based research networks: Origins, overview, obstacles, and opportunities. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 14(3), 167-173.
- The need for a behavioural science focus in research on mental health and mental disorders.. Int J Methods Psychiatr Res, 23 Suppl 1, 28-40.
- Advancing psychotherapy and evidence-based psychological interventions.. Int J Methods Psychiatr Res, 23 Suppl 1, 58-91.
- The CORE-10: A short measure of psychological distress for routine use in the psychological therapies. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 13(1), 3-13.
- Cost-effectiveness of an improving access to psychological therapies service.. Br J Psychiatry, 202(3), 220-227.
- The CORE-OM and CORE-OM (SV) in secure settings: A template analysis of the experiences of male patients and their staff. Journal of Forensic Practice, 15(1), 32-43.
- The effectiveness of a Web-based personalized feedback and social norms alcohol intervention on United Kingdom university students: randomized controlled trial.. J Med Internet Res, 15(7), e137.
- Clinical effectiveness of collaborative care for depression in UK primary care (CADET): cluster randomised controlled trial.. BMJ, 347, f4913.
- Influence of initial severity of depression on effectiveness of low intensity interventions: meta-analysis of individual patient data.. BMJ, 346, f540.
- Estimating a preference-based index from the Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation-Outcome Measure (CORE-OM): valuation of CORE-6D.. Med Decis Making, 33(3), 381-395.
- Correction to saxon and barkham (2012).. J Consult Clin Psychol, 80(4), 546.
- Patterns of therapist variability: therapist effects and the contribution of patient severity and risk.. J Consult Clin Psychol, 80(4), 535-546. View this article in WRRO
- Developing and testing methods for deriving preference-based measures of health from condition-specific measures (and other patient-based measures of outcome).. Health Technol Assess, 16(32), 1-114.
- Psychological treatment outcomes in routine NHS services: What do we mean by treatment effectiveness?. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 85(1), 1-16.
- Two short forms of the Agnew Relationship Measure: the ARM-5 and ARM-12.. Psychother Res, 22(3), 241-255.
- Relationship between mental states in depression: the assimilation model perspective.. Psychiatry Res, 190(1), 52-59.
- The British Journal of (Social and) Clinical Psychology- a brief citation review.. Br J Clin Psychol, 50(1), 1-6.
- Training health visitors in cognitive behavioural and person-centred approaches for depression in postnatal women as part of a cluster randomised trial and economic evaluation in primary care: the PoNDER trial.. Prim Health Care Res Dev, 12(1), 11-20.
- Using rasch analysis to form plausible health states amenable to valuation: The development of CORE-6D from a measure of common mental health problems (CORE-OM). Quality of Life Research, 20(3), 321-333. View this article in WRRO
- Practice-based supervision research: A network of researchers using a common toolkit. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 11(2), 88-96.
- Improving Practice and Enhancing Evidence, 327-353.
- Using Benchmarks and Benchmarking to Improve Quality of Practice and Services, 221-256.
- Building a Rigorous and Relevant Knowledge Base for the Psychological Therapies, 21-61.
- Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation (CORE) - The CORE Measures and System: Measuring, Monitoring and Managing Quality Evaluation in the Psychological Therapies, 175-219.
- Providing web-based feedback and social norms information to reduce student alcohol intake: a multisite investigation.. J Med Internet Res, 12(5), e59.
- Changes in undergraduate students' psychological well-being as they progress through university. STUD HIGH EDUC, 35(6), 633-645.
- Self-help books for people with depression: the role of the therapeutic relationship.. Behav Cogn Psychother, 38(1), 67-81.
- Systematic review of practice-based research on psychological therapies in routine clinic settings.. Br J Clin Psychol, 49(Pt 4), 421-453.
- Collaborative Depression Trial (CADET): multi-centre randomised controlled trial of collaborative care for depression--study protocol.. BMC Health Serv Res, 9, 188. View this article in WRRO
- The acceptability of computer-aided cognitive behavioural therapy: a pragmatic study.. Cogn Behav Ther, 38(4), 235-246.
- Co-occurrence of self-reported disordered eating and self-harm in UK university students.. Br J Clin Psychol, 48(Pt 4), 397-410.
- Evidencede rigueur:The shape of evidence in psychological therapies and the modern practitioner as teleoanalyst. Clinical Psychology Forum, 1(202), 7-11.
- Methods to identify postnatal depression in primary care: an integrated evidence synthesis and value of information analysis.. Health Technol Assess, 13(36), 1-230.
- Collaborative care for depression in UK primary care: a randomized controlled trial (vol 38, pg 279, 2008). PSYCHOL MED, 39(4), 701-701.
- The young person's CORE: Development of a brief outcome measure for young people. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 9(3), 160-168.
- Clinical effectiveness of health visitor training in psychologically informed approaches for depression in postnatal women: pragmatic cluster randomised trial in primary care.. BMJ, 338, a3045. View this article in WRRO
- Balancing rigour and relevance in guideline development for depression: the case for comprehensive cohort studies.. Psychol Psychother, 81(Pt 4), 399-417.
- Effects of psychological therapies in randomized trials and practice-based studies.. Br J Clin Psychol, 47(Pt 4), 397-415.
- Alliance ruptures and rupture resolution in cognitive-behavior therapy: a preliminary task analysis.. Psychother Res, 18(6), 699-710.
- Self-help books for people with depression: A scoping review. J MENT HEALTH, 17(5), 543-552.
- The feasibility and effectiveness of a web-based personalised feedback and social norms alcohol intervention in UK university students: a randomised control trial.. Addict Behav, 33(9), 1192-1198. View this article in WRRO
- The effectiveness of web-based interventions designed to decrease alcohol consumption--a systematic review.. Prev Med, 47(1), 17-26. View this article in WRRO
- A review and critical appraisal of measures of therapist-patient interactions in mental health settings.. Health Technol Assess, 12(24), iii-47.
- Routine psychological treatment and the Dodo verdict: a rejoinder to Clark et al. (2007).. Psychol Med, 38(6), 905-910.
- The effectiveness of psychodynamic-interpersonal therapy (PIT) in routine clinical practice: a benchmarking comparison.. Psychol Psychother, 81(Pt 2), 157-175.
- Practice-based Evidence as a Complement to Evidence-based Practice: From Dichotomy to Chiasmus, 443-476.
- Effectiveness of cognitive-behavioural, person-centred, and psychodynamic therapies in UK primary-care routine practice: replication in a larger sample.. Psychol Med, 38(5), 677-688.
- Responsive regulation of treatment duration in routine practice in United Kingdom primary care settings: replication in a larger sample.. J Consult Clin Psychol, 76(2), 298-305.
- Collaborative care for depression in UK primary care: a randomized controlled trial.. Psychol Med, 38(2), 279-287.
- The effectiveness of UK student counselling services: an analysis using the CORE System. BRIT J GUID COUNS, 36(1), 1-18.
- Developing guided self-help for depression using the Medical Research Council complex interventions framework: a description of the modelling phase and results of an exploratory randomised controlled trial.. BMC Psychiatry, 8, 91. View this article in WRRO
- Changes in undergraduate student alcohol consumption as they progress through university.. BMC Public Health, 8, 163. View this article in WRRO
- Shapes of early change in psychotherapy under routine outpatient conditions.. J Consult Clin Psychol, 75(6), 864-874.
- Stability of the CORE-OM and the BDI-I prior to therapy: evidence from routine practice.. Psychol Psychother, 80(Pt 2), 269-278.
- A preliminary study of a measure of role-play competence in psychodynamic interpersonal therapy.. Psychol Psychother, 80(Pt 2), 327-331.
- CORE-OM mental health norms of students attending university counselling services benchmarked against an age-matched primary care sample. BRIT J GUID COUNS, 35(1), 41-57.
- Submissive voices dominate in depression: assimilation analysis of a helpful session.. J Clin Psychol, 63(2), 153-164.
- Therapist and client processes affecting assimilation and outcome in brief psychotherapy. PSYCHOTHER RES, 17(5), 613-621.
- Distribution of CORE-OM scores in a general population, clinical cut-off points and comparison with the CIS-R.. Br J Psychiatry, 190, 69-74.
- Measuring, monitoring and managing the psychological well-being of first year university students. BRIT J GUID COUNS, 34(4), 505-517.
- The effectiveness of computerized cognitive behavioural therapy in routine care.. Br J Clin Psychol, 45(Pt 4), 499-514.
- Assimilation in good- and poor-outcome cases of very brief psychotherapy for mild depression: An initial comparison. PSYCHOTHER RES, 16(4), 393-407.
- What does the first exchange tell? Dialogical sequence analysis and assimilation in very brief therapy. PSYCHOTHER RES, 16(4), 408-421.
- Developing a U.K. protocol for collaborative care: a qualitative study.. Gen Hosp Psychiatry, 28(4), 296-305.
- Using Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation. European Journal of Psychotherapy & Counselling, 8(2), 137-140.
- Developing the resources and management support for routine evaluation in counselling and psychological therapy service provision: Reflections on a decade of CORE development. European Journal of Psychotherapy & Counselling, 8(2), 141-161.
- Transforming between Beck Depression Inventory and CORE-OM scores in routine clinical practice.. Br J Clin Psychol, 45(Pt 2), 153-166.
- Dimensions of variation on the CORE-OM.. Br J Clin Psychol, 45(Pt 2), 185-203.
- Convergent validity of the CORE measures with measures of depression for clients in cognitive therapy for depression. J COUNS PSYCHOL, 53(2), 253-259.
- Effectiveness of cognitive-behavioural, person-centred and psychodynamic therapies as practised in UK National Health Service settings.. Psychol Med, 36(4), 555-566.
- Reflections on benchmarking NHS primary care psychological therapies and counselling. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 6(1), 81-87.
- Recovery and improvement benchmarks for counselling and the psychological therapies in routine primary care. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 6(1), 68-80.
- A core approach to practice-based evidence: A brief history of the origins and applications of the CORE-OM and CORE System. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 6(1), 3-15.
- When clients and practitioners have differing views of risk: Benchmarks for improving assessment and practice. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 6(1), 50-59.
- Therapists' recall of early sudden gains in routine clinical practice.. Psychol Psychother, 79(Pt 1), 107-114.
- Dose-effect relations and responsive regulation of treatment duration: the good enough level.. J Consult Clin Psychol, 74(1), 160-167.
- Editorial. Biological Cybernetics, 94(1), 1-1.
- Editorial. International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 34(1), 1-2.
- Editorial. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology, 17(1), 1-2.
- Editorial. Neuroendocrinology, 83(1), 1-2.
- Editorial. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 45(1), 1-4.
- Can we improve the morale of staff working in psychiatric units? A systematic review. Journal of Mental Health, 15(1), 7-17.
- Core outcomes in psychosexual therapy: A feasibility study of the CORE-OM. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 21(1), 15-26.
- The prevalence of nursing staff stress on adult acute psychiatric in-patient wards. A systematic review.. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 41(1), 34-43.
- Scoping the inventory of interpersonal problems, its derivatives and short forms: 1988-2004. CLIN PSYCHOL PSYCHOT, 12(6), 475-496.
- Interactional positioning and narrative self-construction in the first session of psychodynamic-interpersonal psychotherapy. PSYCHOTHER RES, 15(4), 420-432.
- Predicting change for individual psychotherapy clients on the basis of their nearest neighbors.. J Consult Clin Psychol, 73(5), 904-913.
- Rationale and development of a general population well-being measure: Psychometric status of the GP-CORE in a student sample. BRIT J GUID COUNS, 33(2), 153-173.
- The CORE-OM in an older adult population: psychometric status, acceptability, and feasibility.. Aging Ment Health, 9(3), 235-245.
- Suitability and utility of the CORE-OM and CORE-A for assessing severity of presenting problems in psychological therapy services based in primary and secondary care settings.. Br J Psychiatry, 186, 239-246.
- Sudden gains in cognitive therapy for depression: a replication and extension.. J Consult Clin Psychol, 73(1), 59-67.
- Temporal patterns of improvement in client-centred therapy and cognitive-behaviour therapy. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 18(2), 95-108.
- Assessing risk and emotional disturbance using the CORE-OM and HoNOS outcome measures at the interface between primary and secondary mental healthcare. Psychiatric Bulletin, 29(11), 419-422.
- How to develop inter-organisational research networks in mental health: A systematic review. Journal of Mental Health, 14(1), 7-23.
- Student debt and its relation to student mental health. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 28(1), 53-66.
- How Social Class Differences Affect Students' Experience of University. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 28(4), 407-421.
- Patterns of alliance development and the rupture-repair hypothesis: Are productive relationships U-shaped or V-shaped?. J COUNS PSYCHOL, 51(1), 81-92.
- University quality of life and learning (UNIQoLL): An approach to student well-being, satisfaction and institutional change. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 27(4), 365-382.
- Practice-based evidence: Benchmarking NHS primary care counselling services at national and local levels. CLIN PSYCHOL PSYCHOT, 10(6), 374-388.
- Bridging evidence-based practice and practice-based evidence: Developing a rigorous and relevant knowledge for the psychological therapies. CLIN PSYCHOL PSYCHOT, 10(6), 319-327.
- Time is of the essence: A selective review of the fall and rise of brief therapy research.. Psychol Psychother, 76(Pt 3), 211-235.
- Appraisal of published reviews of research on psychotherapy and counseling with adults 1990-1998.. J Consult Clin Psychol, 71(4), 652-656.
- Outcomes of patients completing and not completing cognitive therapy for depression.. Br J Clin Psychol, 42(Pt 2), 133-143.
- Practice-based evidence for a brief time-intensive multi-modal therapy guided by group-analytic principles and method. Group Analysis, 36(3), 413-435.
- Practice-based outcomes of dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) targeting anger and violence, with male forensic patients: a pragmatic and non-contemporaneous comparison.. Crim Behav Ment Health, 13(3), 198-213.
- Early sudden gains in psychotherapy under routine clinic conditions: Practice-based evidence.. Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology, 71(1), 14-21.
- Practice improvement methods: conceptual base, evidence-based research, and practice-based recommendations.. Br J Clin Psychol, 41(Pt 3), 285-307.
- Patterns of client emotion in helpful sessions of cognitive-behavioral and psychodynamic-interpersonal therapy. J COUNS PSYCHOL, 49(3), 376-380.
- Convergent validity of the Agnew Relationship Measure and the Working Alliance Inventory.. Psychol Assess, 14(2), 209-220.
- PHASE: a 'health technology' approach to psychological treatment in primary mental health care. Primary Health Care Research and Development, 3(3), 159-168.
- Towards a standardised brief outcome measure: psychometric properties and utility of the CORE-OM.. Br J Psychiatry, 180, 51-60.
- Client interpersonal and cognitive styles as predictors of response to time-limited cognitive therapy for depression.. J Consult Clin Psychol, 69(5), 841-845.
- Value of HoNOS in assessing patient change in NHS psychotherapy and psychological treatment services.. Br J Psychiatry, 178, 561-566.
- Counselling outcomes in primary health care: a CORE system data profile. European Journal of Psychotherapy & Counselling, 4(1), 65-86.
- Service profiling and outcomes benchmarking using the CORE-OM: toward practice-based evidence in the psychological therapies. Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation-Outcome Measures.. J Consult Clin Psychol, 69(2), 184-196.
- Practice research networks for effective psychological therapies. Journal of Mental Health, 10(3), 241-251.
- Counselling and interpersonal therapies for depression: towards securing an evidence-base.. Br Med Bull, 57, 115-132.
- Service profiling and outcomes benchmarking using the CORE-OM: Toward practice-based evidence in the psychological therapies.. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 69(2), 184-196.
- Measurement and psychotherapy. Evidence-based practice and practice-based evidence.. Br J Psychiatry, 177, 123-130.
- CORE: Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation. Journal of Mental Health, 9(3), 247-255.
- Practice-based evidence and standardized evaluation: Informing the design of the CORE system. European Journal of Psychotherapy & Counselling, 2(3), 357-374.
- Psychotherapy in two-plus-one sessions: outcomes of a randomized controlled trial of cognitive-behavioral and psychodynamic-interpersonal therapy for subsyndromal depression.. J Consult Clin Psychol, 67(2), 201-211.
- Relations of the alliance with psychotherapy outcome: findings in the Second Sheffield Psychotherapy Project.. J Consult Clin Psychol, 66(5), 791-802.
- Whingeing versus working: comprehensive process analysis of a vague awareness' event inpsychodynamic-Interpersonal Therapy. Psychotherapy Research, 8(3), 334-353.
- Alliance structure assessed by the Agnew Relationship Measure (ARM).. Br J Clin Psychol, 37(2), 155-172.
- Therapist responsiveness to client interpersonal styles during time-limited treatments for depression.. J Consult Clin Psychol, 66(2), 304-312.
- The contribution of reliable and clinically significant change methods to evidence-based mental health. Evidence-Based Mental Health, 1(3), 70-72.
- The rationale for developing and implementing core outcome batteries for routine use in service settings and psychotherapy outcome research. Journal of Mental Health, 7(1), 35-47.
- When and why does cognitive-behavioural treatment appear more effective than psychodynamic-interpersonal treatment? Discussion of the findings from the Second Sheffield Psychotherapy Project. Journal of Mental Health, 7(2), 179-190.
- Confirmatory factor analysis of the personality disorder subscales from the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems.. J Pers Assess, 69(2), 284-296.
- Covariance in the measurement of depression/anxiety and three Cluster C personality disorders (avoidant, dependent, obsessive-compulsive).. J Affect Disord, 45(3), 143-153.
- The therapeutic alliance in psychodynamic-interpersonal and cognitive-behavioral therapy.. J Consult Clin Psychol, 65(4), 582-587.
- Dose-effect relations in time-limited psychotherapy for depression.. J Consult Clin Psychol, 64(5), 927-935.
- Outcomes of time-limited psychotherapy in applied settings: replicating the Second Sheffield Psychotherapy Project.. J Consult Clin Psychol, 64(5), 1079-1085.
- Acceleration of changes in session impact during contrasting time-limited psychotherapies.. J Consult Clin Psychol, 64(3), 577-586.
- The IIP-32: a short version of the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems.. Br J Clin Psychol, 35(1), 21-35.
- Impact of Cluster C personality disorders on outcomes of contrasting brief psychotherapies for depression.. J Consult Clin Psychol, 63(6), 997-1004.
- Credibility and outcome of cognitive-behavioural and psychodynamic-interpersonal psychotherapy.. Br J Clin Psychol, 34(4), 555-569.
- Effects of treatment duration and severity of depression on the maintenance of gains after cognitive-behavioral and psychodynamic-interpersonal psychotherapy.. J Consult Clin Psychol, 63(3), 378-387.
- The Second Sheffield Psychotherapy Project and Collaborative Project: some initial findings and their clinical implications. Clinical Psychology Forum, 1(72), 5-8.
- Effects of treatment duration and severity of depression on the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral and psychodynamic-interpersonal psychotherapy.. J Consult Clin Psychol, 62(3), 522-534.
- Resolving a challenge to the therapeutic relationship: a single-case study.. Br J Med Psychol, 67 ( Pt 2), 155-170.
- The structure, validity and clinical relevance of the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems.. Br J Med Psychol, 67 ( Pt 2), 171-185.
- Current integration of theory and practice in clinical psychology: four abstracts. Clinical Psychology Forum, 1(61), 23-23.
- The shape of change in psychotherapy: longitudinal assessment of personal problems.. J Consult Clin Psychol, 61(4), 667-677.
- Lack of synchronized seasonal variation in the intensity of psychological problems.. J Abnorm Psychol, 102(3), 388-394.
- The California Psychotherapy Alliance Scales: a pilot study of dimensions and elements.. Br J Med Psychol, 66 ( Pt 2), 157-165.
- Components of major depression examined via the Beck Depression Inventory.. J Affect Disord, 26(4), 251-259.
- Treatment Order and Thematic Continuity Between Contrasting Psychotherapies: Exploring an Implication of the Assimilation Model. Psychotherapy Research, 2(2), 112-124.
- The Two-plus One Model: a dialogue. Counselling Psychology Review, 5(4), 5-18.
- The Second Sheffield Psychotherapy Project: rationale, design and preliminary outcome data.. Br J Med Psychol, 63 ( Pt 2), 97-108.
- The MRC/NHS Collaborative Psychotherapy Project: Intensive Psychotherapy Research in Normal Clinical Practice. Clinical Psychology Forum, 1(26), 30-32.
- Brief psychotherapeutic interventions for job-related distress: A pilot study of prescriptive and exploratory therapy. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 3(2), 133-147.
- Towards Resolving the Problem of Waiting Lists: Psychotherapy in Two-Plus-One Sessions*. Clinical Psychology Forum, 1(23), 15-18.
- Hero Innovators At Home: Developing Co-operative Research Within a District Clinical Psychology Department. Clinical Psychology Forum, 1(23), 19-22.
- Personal questionnaire changes in prescriptive vs. exploratory psychotherapy.. Br J Clin Psychol, 28(2), 97-107.
- Towards Designing a Cost-Effective Counselling Service: Lessons from Psychotheraphy Research and Clinical Psychology Practice. Counselling Psychology Review, 4(2), 24-29.
- Exploratory Therapy in Two‐Plus‐One Sessions I ‐ Rationale for a Brief Psychotherapy Model. British Journal of Psychotherapy, 6(1), 81-88.
- Exploratory Therapy in Two‐Plus‐One Sessions II ‐ A Single Case Study. British Journal of Psychotherapy, 6(1), 89-100.
- Change in Prescriptive Versus Exploratory Therapy: Older clients’ responses to therapy. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 2(4), 395-403.
- Empathy in Counselling and Psychotherapy: Present status and future directions. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 1(4), 407-428.
- "Counselor verbal response modes and experienced empathy": Correction to Barkham and Shapiro.. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 34(3), 250-250.
- The reliability of a modified helper behaviour rating system.. Br J Med Psychol, 57 ( Pt 1), 45-48.
- Therapist Interpersonal Skills and Outcomes for Young People. Psychotherapy Research, 1-15.
- Humanistic Therapy for Young People: Client-Perceived Helpful Aspects, Hindering Aspects, and Processes of Change. Journal of Child and Family Studies.
- Developing a European Psychotherapy Consortium (EPoC): Towards adopting a single-item self-report outcome measure across European countries. Clinical Psychology in Europe, 6(3).
- Developing a minimum data standard for student mental health services in the UK: A qualitative study with staff from university support services. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research.
- Individual treatment selection for patients with post-traumatic stress disorder: External validation of a personalised advantage index. Psychotherapy Research, 1-14.
- The role of BACP in maximising the potential of counselling and psychological therapies research in the UK: Benefitting clients, communities, and societies. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research.
- Understanding Symptom Profiles of Depression with the PHQ-9 in a Community Sample Using Network Analysis. European Psychiatry, 1-36.
- Using Progress Feedback to Enhance Treatment Outcomes: A Narrative Review. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research.
- An examination of therapists’ professional characteristics as moderators of the effect of feedback on psychological treatment outcomes. Psychotherapy Research, 1-11.
- Applying precision methods to treatment selection for moderate/severe depression in person-centered experiential therapy or cognitive behavioral therapy. Psychotherapy Research, 1-16.
- Routine outcome monitoring (ROM) and feedback in university student counselling and mental health services: Considerations for practitioners and service leads. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research.
- Mental health trajectories in university students across the COVID-19 pandemic: findings from the Student Wellbeing at Northern England Universities prospective cohort study. Frontiers in Public Health, 11.
- The efficacy of individual humanistic-experiential therapies for the treatment of depression: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Psychotherapy Research, 1-16.
- Efficacy of personalized psychological interventions: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology.
- Pragmatic randomized controlled trial of the Mind Management Skills for Life Programme as an intervention for occupational burnout in mental healthcare professionals. Journal of Mental Health, 1-9.
- A Bayesian network analysis of psychosocial risk and protective factors for suicidal ideation. Frontiers in Public Health, 11.
- Smaller effects matter in the psychological therapies: 25 years on from Wampold et al. (1997). Psychotherapy Research, 1-3.
- Idiographic patient reported outcome measures (I‐PROMs) for routine outcome monitoring in psychological therapies: Position paper. Journal of Clinical Psychology.
- Socioeconomic Deprivation and Dropout from Contemporary Psychological Intervention for Common Mental Disorders: A Systematic Review. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research.
- ‘So just to go through the options…’: patient choice in the telephone delivery of the NHS
Improving Access to Psychological Therapies
services. Sociology of Health & Illness.
- Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of collaborative care for depression in UK primary care (CADET): a cluster randomised controlled trial. Health Technology Assessment, 20(14), 1-192.
- A randomised controlled trial of computerised cognitive behaviour therapy for the treatment of depression in primary care: the Randomised Evaluation of the Effectiveness and Acceptability of Computerised Therapy (REEACT) trial. Health Technology Assessment, 19(101), 1-174. View this article in WRRO
- A CORE approach to progress monitoring and feedback: Enhancing evidence and improving practice.. Psychotherapy, 52(4), 402-411.
- An Exceptional, Efficient, and Resilient Therapist: A Case Study in Practice-Based Evidence. Pragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy, 11(3).
- Involving service users as trainers for professionals working in adult statutory mental health services.
- Involving service users as researchers for the evaluation of adult statutory mental health services.
- Using electronic surveying to assess psychological distress within the UK student population: a multi-site pilot investigation. E-Journal of Applied Psychology, 4(2).
- Rewiring efficacy studies to increase their relevance to routine practice. Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 2(1), 11-18.
- The Dialogical Self in Psychotherapy.
- Research directions for psychotherapy integration: A roundtable.. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 3(2), 91-131.
- Prescriptive and exploratory psychotherapies: Toward an integration based on the assimilation model.. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 2(4), 253-272.
- Out of pocket expenses in obsessive compulsive disorder. Journal of Mental Health. View this article in WRRO
- Practitioners’ experiences of learning and implementing Counselling for Depression (CfD) in routine practice settings. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research.
- An item response theory analysis of an item pool for the recovering quality of life (ReQoL) measure. Quality of Life Research.
- Routine outcome monitoring (ROM) and feedback: Research review and recommendations., Methodological issues and strategies in clinical research (5th ed.). (pp. 603-625). American Psychological Association
- Routine Outcome Monitoring, Psychotherapy Skills and Methods That Work (pp. 429-C15P317). Oxford University PressNew York
- Data and feedback-informed clinical training and practice., Becoming better psychotherapists: Advancing training and supervision. (pp. 191-213). American Psychological Association
- The drive towards evidence-based health care, Evidence Based Counselling and Psychological Therapies (pp. 31-47). Routledge
- David A. Shapiro: Psychotherapeutic investigations., Bringing psychotherapy research to life: Understanding change through the work of leading clinical researchers. (pp. 271-282). American Psychological Association
- Preface
- Active ingredients of the therapeutic relationship that promote client change: A research perspective, The Therapeutic Relationship in the Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapies (pp. 24-42).
- Therapist effects, effective therapists, and the law of variability., How and why are some therapists better than others?: Understanding therapist effects. (pp. 13-36). American Psychological Association
- Therapist Effects (pp. 1-6). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Benchmarking Studies of Psychotherapy (pp. 1-4). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- A Core Evaluation Battery for Supervision, The Wiley International Handbook of Clinical Supervision (pp. 365-385). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
- The Sheffield–Leeds Psychotherapy Research Program., History of psychotherapy: Continuity and change (2nd ed.). (pp. 382-388). American Psychological Association
- Hearing voices, The Dialogical Self in Psychotherapy (pp. 237-254). Taylor & Francis
- Involving service users as service providers for adult statutory mental health services John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
- Involving service users as researchers for the evaluation of adult statutory mental health services John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
- Involving service users as trainers for professionals working in adult statutory mental health services John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
- The Assimilation Model: Theory, Research and Practical Guidelines, Research in Counselling and Psychotherapy: Practical Applications (pp. 1-24). SAGE Publications Ltd
- University of Sheffield Psychotherapy Research Program: Medical Research Council--Economic and Social Research Council Social and Applied Psychology Unit., Psychotherapy research: An international review of programmatic studies. (pp. 234-242). American Psychological Association
Conference proceedings papers
- The importance of content and face validity in instrument development: lessons learnt from service users when developing the Recovering Quality of Life measure (ReQoL). Quality of Life Research, Vol. 27(7) (pp 1893-1902) View this article in WRRO
- Proceedings of Patient Reported Outcome Measure’s (PROMs) Conference Oxford 2017: Advances in Patient Reported Outcomes Research. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, Vol. 15(S1) View this article in WRRO
- Constructing Classification System For A New Qaly Measure In Mental Health: Recovering Quality Of Life (Reqol). Value in Health, Vol. 19(3) (pp A190-A190) View this article in WRRO
- Prevention of postnatal depression: a meta-analysis of interventions to prevent postnatal depression. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, Vol. 33(3) (pp E3-E4), 13 September 2016 - 14 September 2016. View this article in WRRO
- Student well-being in a computing department. Proceedings of the 5th annual SIGCSE/SIGCUE ITiCSEconference on Innovation and technology in computer science education - ITiCSE '00, 11 July 2000 - 13 July 2000.
- T4I2016 - Broglia, Emma; Millings, Abigail; Barkham, Michael: Therapist experiences of supplementing counselling with guided use of a well-being mobile phone app
- View this article in WRRO
- View this article in WRRO
- Correction to: The 2018 UK NHS Digital annual report on the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies programme: a brief commentary. BMC Psychiatry, 19(1).
- The Feasibility and Acceptability of Automated Feedback and Deliberate Practice in Psychological Therapies for Anxiety and Depression, Center for Open Science.
- Low-Intensity Guided Help Through Mindfulness (LIGHTMIND): Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial comparing supported Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy self-help to supported Cognitive Behavioural Therapy self-help for adults experiencing depression, Research Square Platform LLC.
- Low-Intensity Guided Help Through Mindfulness (LIGHTMIND): Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial comparing supported Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy self-help to supported Cognitive Behavioural Therapy self-help for adults experiencing depression, Research Square Platform LLC.
- Counseling with guided use of a mobile well-being app for students with anxiety or depression: Clinical outcomes of a feasibility trial embedded in a student counseling service (Preprint), JMIR Publications Inc..
- Research group
Psychological Health Group
Current postgraduate students
- Nicholas Firth (DClin Psy): A multi-level modelling approach to investigating therapist effects and factors influencing therapy outcome with IAPT low intensity workers (joint supervisor with Dr Stephen Kellett)
- Katharine Harvey (DClin Psy): Identifying client and therapist predictors of no reliable client change in routine clinical practice
- Keeley Rolling (DClin Psy)
- Jo-Ann Pereira (PhD)
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I teach on module PSY319: Clinical Psychology.
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