Dr Daniel Poole
School of Psychology

Full contact details
School of Psychology
Interdisciplinary Centre of the Social Sciences (ICOSS)
219 Portobello
S1 4DP
- Profile
I joined the department in 2021 to take up an Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) New Investigator Award. Before this I worked at the University of Manchester: I completed a Medical Research Council funded PhD investigating multisensory processing in autistic adults in 2015 (PI Dr Ellen Poliakoff), then worked in a teaching focused role before taking up a Research Associate position on an ESRC-funded project investigating timing processes in autism (PI Dr Luke Jones).
I began working as a Lecturer in 2023.
- Qualifications
Psychology (PhD), University of Manchester
Psychology with Sociology (BSc), University of Leicester
- Research interests
I research autism and neurodiversity with a general focus on autism in adulthood. I have interests across several areas including:
- Autism and selective attention
My major research focus selective attention in autism. In recent work I have been investigating attention capture and the environmental factors which shape how distracting stimuli are suppressed.
- Autism and time
Research on temporal cognition in autism (i.e., understanding concepts related to time and thinking about the past and future) and whether any differences are relevant in an educational context.
- Adult autism diagnosis
Researching the support/information which is available after receiving an autism diagnosis in adulthood.
- Meta autism research
I am interested in how autism research is conducted and what can be improved to benefit autistic people. In particular, the experience of participating in research and the use of open research practices in the field.
- Publications
Show: Featured publications All publications
Featured publications
Journal articles
- Shifting attention between modalities: Revisiting the modality-shift effect in autism. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 83(6), 2498-2509.
- ‘No idea of time’: Parents report differences in autistic children’s behaviour relating to time in a mixed-methods study. Autism, 25(6), 1797-1808.
- Investigating Visual–Tactile Interactions over Time and Space in Adults with Autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 45(10), 3316-3326.
- Visual-tactile selective attention in autism spectrum condition: An increased influence of visual distractors.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 147(9), 1309-1324.
All publications
Journal articles
- ‘You should definitely have known that’: University experiences of Biosciences and Psychology undergraduate students from a widening participation background. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 26(3), 39-63.
- Putting the spotlight back onto the flanker task in autism: autistic adults show increased interference from foils compared with non-autistic adults. Journal of Cognition, 7(1). View this article in WRRO
- ‘A storm of post-it notes’: Experiences of perceptual capacity in autism and ADHD. Neurodiversity, 2.
- Understanding the post-diagnostic support priorities of autistic adults in the United Kingdom: a co-produced modified Delphi study. Autism. View this article in WRRO
- Opening up autism research: Bringing open research methods to our field. Autism, 26(5), 1011-1013.
- Shifting attention between modalities: Revisiting the modality-shift effect in autism. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 83(6), 2498-2509.
- ‘No idea of time’: Parents report differences in autistic children’s behaviour relating to time in a mixed-methods study. Autism, 25(6), 1797-1808.
- Click Trains do not Alter Auditory Temporal Order Judgements. Timing & Time Perception, 8(3-4), 239-253.
- Brief Report: Which Came First? Exploring Crossmodal Temporal Order Judgements and Their Relationship with Sensory Reactivity in Autism and Neurotypicals. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 47(1), 215-223.
- Similarities in Autistic and Neurotypical Visual–Haptic Perception When Making Judgements About Conflicting Sensory Stimuli. Multisensory Research, 30(6), 509-536.
- Investigating Visual–Tactile Interactions over Time and Space in Adults with Autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 45(10), 3316-3326.
- Adapting the Crossmodal Congruency Task for Measuring the Limits of Visual–Tactile Interactions Within and Between Groups. Multisensory Research, 28(3-4), 227-244.
- A systematic review of pre-registration in autism research journals. Autism.
- EXPRESS: When 2 become 1: autistic simultaneity judgements about asynchronous audiovisual speech. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology.
- Time perception in autistic adults: Interval and event timing judgments do not differ from nonautistics.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.
- Time perception in autistic adults: Duration and relative timing judgements do not differ from non-autistics.
- Spatio-Temporal Structure, Path Characteristics, and Perceptual Grouping in Immediate Serial Spatial Recall. Frontiers in Psychology, 7.
- Visual-tactile selective attention in autism spectrum condition: An increased influence of visual distractors.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 147(9), 1309-1324.
- A review of pre-registration in autism research journals, Center for Open Science.
- Putting the spotlight back onto the flanker task in autism: autistic adults show increased interference from foils compared with non-autistic adults., Center for Open Science.
- Understanding the Post-Diagnostic Support Priorities of Autistic Adults in the UK: A Modified Delphi Study, Center for Open Science.
- Shifting attention between modalities: Revisiting the modality-shift effect in autism. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 83(6), 2498-2509.
- Research group
Neuroscience and Cognition
Sheffield Autism Research Lab (SHARL)
- Grants
2021 ‘What You Can’t Ignore: Examining Distraction in Autism’ – Economic and Social Research Council New Investigator Award (£213,637)
2024 Evaluating a Standardised Post-diagnostic Strengths and Needs Assessment for Autistic Adults: an Acceptability and Feasibility Study - NIHR RfPB (£249,883)
2022 Co-development of Personalised Support Profiles for Autistic Adults using ICF CoreSets for Autism - SBRI Healthcare (£99,972)
- Teaching activities
PSY1002 Cognitive Psychology 1
PSY343 Neurodiversity
PSY331 Extended Essay in Psychology
PSY346 Research Project in Psychology
- Professional activities and memberships
Co-Department Parental Champion (with Dr Emma Blakey)
- PhD Opportunities
I am happy to receive applications for PhD study in my area of research.
We advertise PhD opportunities (Funded or Self-Funded) on FindAPhD.com
For further information, please see the department PhD Opportunities page.