Professor Paul Norman

BSc, PhD, CPsychol

School of Psychology

Professor of Health Psychology
+44 114 222 6505

Full contact details

Professor Paul Norman
School of Psychology
Floor G
Cathedral Court
1 Vicar Lane
S1 2LT

BSc, PhD (University of Lancaster)

Research interests

Predicting and changing health behaviour

My main area of research focuses on the application of social cognition models (e.g., theory of planned behaviour, health belief model, protection motivation theory) to the prediction of health behaviour. My research has been at the forefront of developments in this area over the past 30 years. I have conducted numerous applications of these models to a range of health behaviours including exercise, binge drinking, road safety behaviour and Covid-19 preventive behaviours. This work has also addressed a number of key theoretical issues including the impact of different forms of normative influence, the relationship between past behaviour and future behaviour, and the impact of moderator variables on the strength of the intention-behaviour relationship. My most recent work has focused on the development and evaluation of theory-based interventions to change health behaviour.


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Journal articles

All publications

Journal articles


  • Mazumdar S, Maikore F, Lanfranchi V, Roychowdhury S, Webber R, Baird HM, Basir M, Huddy V, Norman P, Rowe R , Scott AJ et al (2023) Understanding the Relationship Between Behaviours Using Semantic Technologies, Communications in Computer and Information Science (pp. 103-109). Springer Nature Switzerland RIS download Bibtex download
  • Conner M & Norman P (2022) Health Behavior, Comprehensive Clinical Psychology, Second Edition (pp. V8:1-V8:33). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Conner M & Norman P (2021) Health Behavior, Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology RIS download Bibtex download
  • Norman P & Conner M (2017) Health Behavior ☆, Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology Elsevier RIS download Bibtex download
  • Conner M & Norman P (1998) Health Behavior, Comprehensive Clinical Psychology (pp. 1-37). Elsevier RIS download Bibtex download

Conference proceedings papers


  • Benn Y, Martin J, Millings A, Norman P & Webb T (2015) Behaviour change techniques for telephone-delivered and supported health coaching interventions: an Evidence Check review brokered by the Sax Institute ( for Healthdirect Australia View this article in WRRO RIS download Bibtex download


Research group

Postgraduate students

  • Shahah Altammar - PhD student (Mindfluness and Psychological Distress in Parents of Children with Type 1 Diabetes). Kuwati Government Scholarship.
  • Sarah Bates - PhD student (Weight Loss Maintenance). Wellcome Trust Studentship.
  • Laura Castillo Eito - PhD student (Aggressive Behaviour in Adolescents). University Studentship.
  • Elaine Clarke - PhD student (Self-Compassion and Visible Skin Conditions). University Studentship.
  • Onur Cem Dogru - PhD student (Action Control Theory and Cycling Behaviour). Turkish Embassy Scholarship.
  • Rachel Evans - PhD student (Temporal Self-Regulation Theory and Eating Behaviours). ESRC Studentship.
  • Emily Gagnon - PhD student (Young People and Legal Highs). ESRC Studentship.
  • Kelly Mackenzie - PhD student (Sit Less at Work). NIHR Fellowship.
  • Peter McCoy - PhD student (Self-Compassion and Alcohol). ESRC Studentship.
    Matthew Rand - PhD student (Public Health Interventions to Increase Physical Activity). ESRC Studentship.
  • McDermott, C.J., Marsden, G., Coates, E., Bortolami, O., Stavroulakis, T., Young, T., Halliday, V., Baird, W., White, D., White, S., Al-Chalabi, A., Cooper, C., Cade, J., Turner, M., Shaw, P., & Norman, P. A programme to develop and evaluate a complex intervention to achieve a high calorie diet in ALS (HighCALS). NIHR Applied Research Programme Grant (2018-2024). £2,364,069.
  • Julious, S.A., Horspool, M., Boote, J., Elphick, H., van Staa, T., Davis, S, Norman, & P., Cooper, C.L.. Preventing and lessening exacerbations of asthma in school-age asthmatics associated with a new term (PLEASANT). HTA: NIHR (2012-2015). £486,500.
  • Rowse, G., Brooks, A., Lobo, A., Norman, P. & Narula, P. Adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease: Their relationship with their disease, identity and illness perceptions. Crohn's and Colitis UK (NACC) (2013-2015). £65,000
  • Norman, P., Sheeran, P., Harris, P., Webb, T., Ciravegna, F., Meier, P., Brennan, A., Julious, S., Naughton, F., & Petroczi, A. Time to change! Using the transition from school to university to promote healthy lifestyle habits in young people. MRC/NPRI Phase 4, MR/J000450/1 (2012-2014). £369,171.
Teaching activities

I teach on modules

  • 239: Psychological Research Methods on the undergraduate degree
  • 6010: Multivariate Statistics (MSc)
  • 6070: Professional Skills for Psychologists (MSc)
  • 6120: Research Methods (MSc)
  • Multivariate Statistics (DClinPsy training programme)
Professional activities and memberships
  • President, European Health Psychology Society (2010-2012)
  • Editor-in-Chief, Psychology and Health (2001-2006)
  • Consulting Associate Editor, Health Psychology Review (2015-present)
  • Co-editor of Predicting and Changing Health Behaviour
PhD Opportunities

I am not currently accepting applications for PhD study.

We advertise PhD opportunities (Funded or Self-Funded) on

For further information, please see the department PhD Opportunities page.