Dr Alicia Forsberg
School of Psychology
- Profile
I am interested in working memory and the development of memory and attention across the human lifespan, including both child development and cognitive ageing. Recently, I have been exploring the relationship between working and long-term memory and the development of object and feature memory. My research also examines lifespan differences in meta-cognition and how people approach cognitive tasks. I am very interested in open and reproducible science, Bayesian statistics, and research methodology.
- Qualifications
- PhD Human Cognitive Neuroscience (University of Edinburgh, UK)
- MSc Psychological Research Methods (University of Oxford, UK)
- MA Psychology (University of Edinburgh, UK)
- Research interests
- Working Memory
- Long-term memory
- Attention
- Meta-cognition
- Cognitive Ageing
- Child Cognitive Development
- Publications
Journal articles
- Why does visual working memory ability improve with age : more objects, more feature detail, or both? A registered report. Developmental Science.
- Pre-registration in developmental psychology: Benefits and challenges. Developmental Psychology Forum, 1(95), 4-6.
- The development of metacognitive accuracy in working memory across childhood.. Dev Psychol, 57(8), 1297-1317.
- Age-related differences in adults’ ability to follow spoken instructions. Memory, 29(1), 117-128.
- Working memory limits severely constrain long-term retention. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 28(2), 537-547.
- Strategy mediation in working memory training in younger and older adults. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 73(8), 1206-1226.
- How Do Scientific Views Change? Notes From an Extended Adversarial Collaboration. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 15(4), 1011-1025.
- Cognitive aging and verbal labeling in continuous visual memory. Memory & Cognition, 48(7), 1196-1213.
- Tool use modulates early stages of visuo-tactile integration in far space: Evidence from event-related potentials. Biological Psychology, 145, 42-54.
- Differential information transfer and loss between working memory and long-term memory across serial positions.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition.
- Working memory limitations constrain visual episodic long-term memory at both specific and gist levels of representation. Memory & Cognition.
- A lifespan study of the confidence–accuracy relation in working memory and episodic long-term memory.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 153(5), 1336-1360.
- Working Memory Constrains Long-Term Memory in Children and Adults: Memory of Objects and Bindings. Journal of Intelligence, 11(5), 94-94.
- The proportion of working memory items recoverable from long-term memory remains fixed despite adult aging.. Psychology and Aging, 37(7), 777-786.
- The role of domain-general attention and domain-specific processing in working memory in algebraic performance: An experimental approach.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 48(3), 348-374.
- Aging and feature-binding in visual working memory: The role of verbal rehearsal.. Psychology and Aging, 34(7), 933-953.
- Exploring the influence of temporal factors on age differences in working memory dual task costs.. Psychology and Aging, 36(2), 200-213.
- Children's long‐term retention is directly constrained by their working memory capacity limitations. Developmental Science.
- The Embedded-Processes Model and Language Use, The Cambridge Handbook of Working Memory and Language (pp. 73-97). Cambridge University Press
- The development of visual memory, Visual Memory (pp. 298-314). Routledge
- The role of working memory in long-term learning: Implications for childhood development, Psychology of Learning and Motivation Elsevier
- Exploring the influence of temporal factors on age differences in working memory dual task costs, Center for Open Science.
- Why does visual working memory ability improve with age : more objects, more feature detail, or both? A registered report. Developmental Science.
- Teaching activities
I supervise MSc Research Projects in Psychology and I teach on the following modules as part of the undergraduate Psychology degree:
- PSY1004 and PSY2004 Developmental Psychology (Level 1 and 2)
- PSY331 Extended Essay in Psychology (Level 3)
I am a personal tutor to students at all levels.
- PhD Opportunities
I am not currently accepting applications for PhD study.
We advertise PhD opportunities (Funded or Self-Funded) on FindAPhD.com
For further information, please see the department PhD Opportunities page.