Supporting undergraduate nurses’ palliative care education needs
Overcoming barriers to accessing palliative care is a major global health issue that needs immediate attention. The majority of palliative care is provided by nurses who work in aged residential care, community and acute hospital settings.

A lack of palliative care training for nurses, who account for nearly 50% of the global healthcare workforce, has been identified as a barrier to patient access to palliative care internationally (WHO, 2020). In order to address this issue, our project will bring together international experts to explore global palliative care nursing education.
Our project aims to generate understanding of undergraduate palliative care nursing education in South Africa, Uganda, Ghana, New Zealand, Canada and the UK.
The World Universities Network (WUN) has recently produced a summary video of this project
Our project comprises three stages:
1. Systematic review: International literature on nurse education and palliative care in LMICs
3. Reciprocal learning and dissemination of findings
Project outputs will include peer-reviewed publications, a webinar, and the development of an international network of palliative care nursing researchers and educators.
This Worldwide Universities Network funded project will run from October 2022 to September 2023.
For more information about this study visit our project page.